
Ray Tracing Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The game looks amazing when you crank this game up to maximum settings with ray tracing."
"The holy grail of computer graphics, Ray tracing, is now possible in real time."
"Once you're discussing GPUs with the ray tracing performance of a 4080 super, it does become relevant because it enables an experience you might choose to use."
"Historically, the situation improved, and you know, we are seeing stuff like Ratchet and Clank which is doing phenomenal stuff with ray tracing early doors."
"I don't see ray tracing necessarily getting left behind at all. I think developers are moving directly towards it, it is kind of like the future."
"AI for ray tracing is also going to revolutionize the possibilities."
"Hardware ray tracing is still alive and well for reflections in UE5 with Lumen, and will continue to be."
"Probably the best ray trace reflections we've seen on console."
"Ray tracing is used in nearly 300 games now, like Cyberpunk 2077, Fortnite and Minecraft."
"Metro Exodus is fully driven by their ray tracing and I don't know there's like a lot of scenes where I was playing the game and I was playing it primarily with ray tracing on I was thinking well this looks really great natural."
"Ray tracing: Overcomes visual challenges in making scenes look realistic."
"I'd rather play control with rt than without RT and the best way to enjoy the experience is with dlss and higher frame rates right that's my take on it so yeah."
"Pretty dang smooth experience with ray tracing."
"Ray tracing is not a scam... it's been a thing for decades... real-time ray tracing is the new frontier."
"Ray tracing in this game is a strong visual upgrade on the regular rasterization settings."
"The arrival of Ray tracing is a welcome surprise, a purely additive feature."
"Support for new technologies like Ray tracing is only a positive."
"The ray tracing here is an incredible implementation and that's mainly due to RTGI which absolutely transforms the PC version into something special that cannot be seen elsewhere like on the consoles."
"RTGI in Dying Light 2 makes it a must-have ray tracing experience like Metro Exodus or Control for those who are interested in the latest graphics technology."
"DLSS can work with ray tracing and bring back a bit of that extra resolution."
"The most impressive utilization of ray tracing seen at the PlayStation 5 event."
"Ray tracing enables incredible detail not possible without it."
"Ray tracing has gone from a big gamble to a sure thing."
"Ray tracing will eventually become as important as the polygon triangle."
"Exciting possibilities for classic PC titles to benefit from ray tracing enhancements."
"The introduction of ray tracing means transformative art in the games we play."
"Ray tracing in games like Quake 2 RTX and Minecraft RTX is a graphical spectacle."
"Ray tracing: It's the way of the future for computer graphics."
"The performance is uplifted with Ray tracing being set to off almost by 25%."
"With full hardware support for DX12 Ultimate, the Radeon RX 6000 series is ready to enable ray tracing."
"Ray-tracing could be really good for pushing technological standards upwards across the industry."
"Series X has hardware accelerated ray tracing."
"It's truly a generational difference and it's hard to imagine going back to the game and playing without ray-tracing honestly."
"Chris Three ray tracing is already implemented and working. We're implementing right now ray tracing to Chris Two version."
"Ti84 calculators can now do raytracing faster, and with more photorealistic results."
"The changes to the ray Trace Global illumination do actually have an impact."
"Ray tracing is becoming much more relevant these days as more and more games start to support it, and with DLSS, you can upscale the resolution of your games, make it look extra crispy without sacrificing much quality."
"Ray tracing is basically the next step to complete photo realism."
"Nvidia dlss 3.5 enhancing Ray tracing with AI: a new AI model that creates higher quality Ray traced images."
"Even with those dedicated Ray tracing cores those cards were still too slow for gaming..."
"PS5 confirmed to have ray-tracing acceleration in GPU hardware."
"I think it's so cool, more ray tracing in everything."
"I think this year is going to be a bit of a turning point in terms of most AAA titles coming out with some form of Ray tracing."
"The Turing era looks laughable in terms of what Ray tracing we were getting."
"As high-end cards have gotten better it's been easier to justify using those high quality Ray tracing effects in games."
"RTX suite includes more than just ray tracing; it also features machine learning super sampling."
"Ray tracing, the game will look even better right now with, you know, all those options." - Enhancing visuals with ray tracing!
"The GPU for the PS5 will have ray-tracing technology built in, it is not something that will be handled on a software level."
"We're finally at the point where games are shipping with ray tracing only, and that made me really happy to see actually."
"Ray tracing is the most important thing that has come to graphics cards in over 10 years."
"These games are reborn, and we're still relatively early on in the implementation of ray tracing hardware."
"It's a mechanism that enables us to reduce the cost of our secondary ray shading."
"If you want to do ray tracing, Nvidia clearly comes out on top."
"Experience today's biggest games like never before with the visual fidelity of real-time ray tracing."
"The difference between the Scanline and the Ray Trace... if you're going to create a reflection or some actually physically accurate shadows, you need to use the Ray Render node."
"Ray tracing gives you a preview of what the material selection looks like and what the scene will look like once it's rendered."
"For cases where a ray hits geometry, so-called hit groups can be defined."
"So much for rayquery, which can be quite useful in situations where not a fully-fledged ray tracing pipeline with a whole shader binding table is necessary."
"Planes, infinite planes, and spheres are two of the very few implicit surfaces that are commonly used with ray tracing because they're very useful and also fairly easy to handle."
"Let's start with a very high-level introduction on DirectX ray tracing."
"The new RT cores on the Ada Lovelace cards are even more powerful and efficient."
"Ray tracing is an algorithm that makes the light beam look realistic."
"With ray tracing, there's very little deferred loading and ejecting from memory."
"The ray origin stays constant for the whole image because our camera is not moving in the middle of us rendering our image."
"Ray tracing is a rendering technology that produces very realistic lighting and reflections."
"If you want to make it look even better than that, hit ray tracing."
"Ray tracing does an advanced calculation of light and material properties to produce an image of the design as if it were in the real world."
"Ray reconstruction is going to give us better quality Ray tracing at no additional cost of performance."
"What I define Ray tracing to be is I've cast a ray somewhere, I'm going to hit a surface, I'm going to collect some information from that hit, and I'm going to keep going."