
Homemaking Quotes

There are 412 quotes

"In the art of homemaking, it's the little details that infuse a space with personality and make it truly one's own."
"I'm a full-time ER nurse with a family of four, and I'm the sole financial provider. I did nursing school as a single mom. I want to be a homemaker. Feminism made me believe homemaking was less."
"Homemaking is a true and beautiful art and something that everybody who lives in a home should practice."
"What moved me in the first instance to attempt a work like this was the discomfort and suffering which I had seen brought upon men and women by household mismanagement."
"I am a wife and a mom who loves thrifting homemaking and intentional living."
"If you ever decide to stop running and make a home, make it with me."
"When we talk about these unique beings equally and significantly made to image God, to represent him, we're talking about male and female."
"Mothering and homemaking are huge and glorious jobs."
"The essence of the feminine task is turning houses into homes."
"When you make someone feel safe, it's like when you give a girl a house, she'll give you a home."
"I like to be very intentional when I give people gifts."
"Organization, homemaking, homeschooling, and simple living – subscribe for more videos on these topics!"
"I always made sure the house was spotless and homely and cooked his favorite meals."
"We're going to make a beautiful little home inside here."
"All the cleaning and the cooking and all the work that you do around your home matters so much."
"Our world needs you in it and it needs homemakers' love each and every day."
"Really taking pride in taking care of your home and homemaking it just does make such a difference."
"I just love homemaking and sharing my home with you virtually now more than ever."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this little homemaking vlog."
"I make new videos every week on food from scratch natural living and a handmade home."
"Thank you so much for joining me for one of my very first weeks of homemaking with our eighth baby as a newborn. It's always an adjustment, so thank you for coming along with me."
"The work that homemakers do is so important now more than ever."
"I love to create moments where I can make Beauty in our home."
"They looked at homemaking as an enjoyable task."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video... I hope that it gave you some relaxing cleaning motivation and also some homemaking inspiration."
"If a woman is a homemaker alone she is largely viewed as a failure."
"The hardest job I've ever done was run a home, but the most important job I've ever had was running the home."
"The more that you view homemaking as a job, the more fulfillment you get from it, just like any other job."
"My mom stayed home with us, she's like Clavin Deluxe."
"This van is turning into a home and it is really starting to be quite a luxurious one if I do say so myself."
"I love hosting my friends and making them banana bread and cooking dinner."
"I know that these are just things, after all, there's something to be said about unpacking all of these boxes and finally making this place feel like home."
"I'm going to be turning these into marinara sauce and freezing it."
"I'm very affected by my environment, as you know, and I love making a house a home."
"Cleaning and organizing a space, it's like you're making art in your home. You are creating beauty every day."
"You will be building a house, so you are going to be creating a new home with your spouse."
"Homemaking was really, really infinitely important part of life."
"Being a homemaker can be one of the most special and precious gifts that she can give her family and it's a Ministry but it is a sacrifice in many areas."
"Women are to be keepers at home, but the Bible has a whole lot more to say about what a woman should and shouldn't be."
"To be a woman of God, a godly homemaker, is simply to love God and seek Him in our lives and homes."
"I really do love making a home tidy, making it comfortable, making delicious food, expressing my creativity through the work of a homemaker."
"In celebration of beautiful spring, let's open up the windows, make some delicious food, maybe sew something, and make our homes the most comforting place on earth."
"The woman makes turns a house into a home."
"No matter what type of situations we're going through, we can always feel better as homemakers and home cooks to be as prepared as possible to take care of ourselves, our family, and our friends."
"Women have always been involved in the conversation around staying at home and being Housewives or Homemakers."
"We're going to talk about homemaking and why she felt the need for a creative break."
"If you love all things homemaking, you are going to love this interview."
"I want to ooze femininity. I want to be a good wife to my husband, be a good help meet. I want to take care of my home and I want to cook meals to serve my husband to bring honor and glory to the Lord."
"As homemakers, we actually instead of having not enough time... it's actually that in this modern culture we have too much time."
"Procrastination will be your biggest enemy in homemaking."
"Being a homemaker takes a little bit of self-awareness and a little time to get comfortable in your skills."
"There's great purpose and momentum and excitement towards helping my husband in his career, helping my husband and his mission, and building our home economy."
"The bottom line of being a homemaker and helping your husband is doing those things that every husband desires: having the house tended to, food on the table, the children cared for, and the wife cheerful."
"You also want to position your vegetable garden near the house, the kitchen preferably."
"I think I want to be a homemaker who makes fun videos."
"Making a clean, cozy home with a hot meal in the oven is a very attractive feminine trait."
"I don't think you realize how important being a homemaker is."
"If you're a stay-at-home mom and you don't know how to cook, volume one is where to start, volume two is the companion. They are totally separate."
"I always push that a stay home mom, you need to treat your home and your homemaking like a business."
"Parenting and homemaking is hard, and then you throw in something like homeschooling and maybe even working."
"Learning to cook and managing a home is so important."
"It takes intelligent buying to run a happy home just as it does to run a business."
"Is homemaking something anyone can do or is it an art form?"
"Homemaking and caring for children is a skill like any other."
"Some people start their homemaking journey and they don't get to ease in like I did."
"The successful homemakers are some of the hardest workers out there."
"This challenge is created for those longing to create a Christ-centered heart, joy-filled atmosphere, and a well-organized home."
"I created 10 days of tasks to help you have a Christ-centered, joy-filled atmosphere, a well-organized home, and it is a free principle."
"Home has become very much a place of transition for us in our culture...but I think it's just so important that we recognize homemaking as being different from this concept of just housekeeping and we really place value on it as a society."
"Good homemaking requires diligent effort."
"Expecting homemaking to be effortless... I've quit that."
"This Homemaker Day in the Life Starts the day before as I prepare some sourdough for the next day."
"I am a mom of four and I have a full-time job but I really love coming here and just sharing little fun parts of making our house a home."
"To my mom who taught me how to make a house a home."
"We as Christian Homemakers are not called to be busy bodies."
"Basic homemaking skills being taught to young girls in the home has skipped a generation."
"I am passionate about restoring home, family, and spirit through tried and true homemaking skills."
"I'm passionate about restoring homemaking skills that maybe have been forgotten."
"I am so passionate about restoring home, family, and spirit through homemaking skills."
"Making fresh bread is the most fulfilling thing as a homemaker."
"The kitchen is such an important room in the house. You Can't Blame A woman for wanting to make it cheerful and convenient."
"Our work as homemakers is never done, but life is happening."
"The contribution which a homemaker makes to the economy is not really accounted for at all."
"Homemaking can be exhausting, disappointing, frustrating, and emotionally draining."
"Welcome to my channel, my name is Kelsey. I am a stay-at-home mom of four kids and a proud homemaker."
"What are some of your top tips for beginning homemakers or what helped you as a young homemaker? Share it with us in the comments."
"Homemakers are in charge of shopping, meal planning, cooking, cleaning, and much more."
"Homemaking is so much more than just cooking and cleaning."
"Homemakers are dedicated to serving their families through care and nurture."
"Take pride in homemaking because you do a lot and I know it's not always appreciated but what you do really makes a difference and it is so important."
"Finding ways to really make the ordinary special and you're going to enjoy your homemaking Journey so much more."
"Having like your main spaces clean so you aren't waking up the next day to stuff that's undone the day before, I think like, I think that's something that happens a lot in homemaking."
"Women shouldn't feel that the end all is homemaking. They should be able to express themselves."
"Ultimately, the biggest thing to remember when you're thinking about your homemaking is that you are serving those you love, you are serving those that enter your home, and ultimately that means that you are serving God."
"What an honor it is to use the work of our hands to glorify God to help our husbands and to make home a beautiful place to be."
"People seem to think that when you quit your job to become a homemaker that you are like 'oh shame she's just gonna go home and maybe cook maybe clean and sit around her house watching TV and that she is no longer adding value to society."
"Sundays are such a heavy homemaking day and I've become just so in love with it."
"Yet no intelligent woman ought to feel that her household furnishings are complete unless her kitchen library contains the standard books..."
"Scientific housekeeping is neither beneath the attention of the refined nor beyond the reach of the uncultured."
"There is as great an opportunity for investing money that means profits in the management of a home as in the management of any business."
"I believe it's part of my job as a mom, a homemaker, to save my family money in whatever way I can, and canning is a way that I do that."
"The man, I tell you, can give Martha Stewart a run for her money. And, ladies, don't you think so?"
"I feel like a lot of the time like cleaning organizing decluttering content homemaking content in general feels a little bit chaotic and a little high pressure."
"When you move into a new place, you try to make it as homey as possible."
"It's been so fun to take you along the Journey of just making this house a home."
"And just so you know, I've raised three children and I've managed a home for more than 45 years."
"If you love seeing anything homemaking, all these home makeovers and DIY house projects, you can find here on the channel."
"The beauty of a good wife is in the ordering of her house."
"You're really good at making a house a home."
"Shout out to the housewives out there, dude, shout out to all the girls out there, they hold it down at home."
"I'm a wife and a mom who loves thrifting, homemaking, and intentional living."
"He will build the house and she will make it a home."
"I've made the bed all pretty and fancy, and I just feel in really good spirits today."
"No need. Molly is a good cook, and we both have jobs. We'll take care of our house together."
"Oh yes," said Tom in delight, "let's make this our house. That would be fun."
"I am a homemaker very passionate about slow living, intentional living."
"Toya is a housewife, okay, Toya's job as a housewife is to take care of the kids and the home."
"You give a woman a house, she makes it a home."
"I just love that I definitely find a lot of joy in just taking care of our home and doing just very mundane tasks."
"I do keep the house in perfect condition, if I do say so myself."
"Women are capable of both homemaking as well as being able to provide for a family if they so wanted to."
"You start to mold it into a place that's livable, that's nice, that feels like home."
"Accepting help is the first step to being productive in homemaking during challenging seasons of life."
"The work of homemaking is a blessing, not a curse."
"The work of homemaking never ends, and that is a blessing."
"It's okay to accept help whenever it is offered."
"Help me to turn my house into a home."
"Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit."
"If you follow these 10 rituals every single day in your homemaking, your day and your life is going to be so much better."
"The woman takes a house and turns it into a home. She takes living quarters and turns it into a life."
"I like to see us like growing our own stuff in the garden, bottling fruit, making jam."
"I go through phases where I really get into collecting for this house and making it more cozy."
"I wanted to talk about making a house a home."
"Home-making... it's a slow way of life, it's not this high-fashion, jet-setting lifestyle."
"Homemaking is about hospitality and bringing people into your life with you."
"We're working on making the house a home."
"Stay-at-home moms have not failed; they are making home, they are working hard."
"It's time to get my house together, it's time to furnish this place."
"As a lady of the house, I hope you enjoy my holiday diary and feel inspired to make the everyday beautiful."
"A wise woman builds up her home; a foolish woman tears it down."
"Taking pride in taking care of your home and homemaking it just does make such a difference."
"I love being a homemaker, wife, mama."
"I love to do all things cooking, decorating, cleaning."
"We chat about all things homemaking, marriage, child-rearing, baking, making... anything really."
"I learned so much from them, probably one of the greatest things I learned is how to be a homemaker from them and how to cook."
"I love that you do all that; you're making this house feel like a home."
"It's possible to make a house personal and welcoming."
"It's always worth it to me; it makes a house a home, it makes it cozy and fun."
"Sometimes there is great satisfaction in homemaking if you just do the best you can with what you have."
"As the sun when it ariseth in the high heaven, so is the beauty of a good wife in the ordering of her house."
"Cultivate the art of home from our heart with our hands."
"Great for gift giving; maybe a home a person you know maybe just moved, maybe their first home, and how nice they could have a handmade gift from you."
"What we're getting ready to can here today is cream of celery soup, and I got a really good deal on really beautiful celery."
"It's a process to have your place feel like a home."
"The work homemakers do is so important, you matter so much."
"Homemaker is the most important job in the world."
"There's great purpose in making the house nice and cozy to come home to."
"I'm a whole ass housewife, what's up?"
"Making this house a home, you know there's a difference."
"We're gonna press some apple juice for the freezer and then get some garlic planted in the garden."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to raise a family and stay home."
"I love being a homemaker; I absolutely thrive off of that."
"The house is now lovely and clean, and I hope you enjoyed cleaning with me."
"I have enjoyed so much making this house into a home; it has been so much fun."
"John is the full-time Homemaker now."
"I'm going to be cooking up a storm, feeding my babies, taking care of my husband."
"I may not be the prettiest homemaker, but right now I'm the happiest."
"This little lady is the best little homemaker I've ever seen."
"We know what it takes to make a house a home."
"Holding down a home is a very underappreciated thing."
"An apron can be a homemaker's best accessory."
"We've made so many memories already, had lots of laughs, and put in some serious work to turn our house into a home."
"Homemaking, it's repetitive, sometimes it can feel like a thankless job, but it is important work."
"Really the whole point of this reset is to just make sure that you are on point with your cleaning and homemaking, your meals, and your prayers and plans for the future."
"A house is not a home until you make it a home."
"I want to invite you into our home for a day of homemaking."
"Building a house is a creative process; making a home is also a creative process."
"Caring for our home is one of the biggest honors ever, in my opinion."
"I love being a homemaker, I love cleaning my house."
"Making the bed with warm fresh sheets straight out of the laundry is one of the most rewarding feelings."
"Like you made my house a home; it's so beautiful."
"I'm obsessed with turning my first apartment into a home."
"I think I want to do a little bit of baking and just a bit of homemaking, you know, just making my home feel like a home and just feel a little cozy and nice."
"I feel like a domestic goddess today."
"Just taking care of my home right now is a big thing for me."
"We've been trying to make our boat home."
"Homemaking and building your family and all of that being a priority over career."
"I just feel like I'm a domestic goddess lately, guys."
"Homemaking is surely in reality the most important work in the world."
"It's nice to continue making this house a home."
"I'm proud of it, and it's like something that I've kind of said is my goal is to be a better home maker, Home Keeper, whatever, and so I've been taking baby steps and I'm just feeling proud."
"Now this is how you turn a house into a home."
"It has not stopped me from homemaking; it has not stopped me from creating wonderful recipes for my family."
"I've done a pile of washing, I've done all the ironing, I made a stew, there's a stew in the oven."
"We cultivate the art of home from our heart with our hands."
"I love to do all things homemaking: cooking, cleaning, decorating, and DIY."
"Mastery of homemaking skills... by mastering these skills, an Amish woman not only ensures the smooth functioning of her household but also fulfills her spiritual obligations."
"I just want to buy some new homeware bits... now we have all of the main furniture and stuff, I just want to make it really homely and decorate the place nicely."
"A wise woman helps build her house."
"For my young homekeepers out there, if someone brings you some fresh collard greens, now you'll know what you can do to freeze them."