
Failure Management Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Focus not on never failing, but on never letting failure become a habit of its own."
"How successful you are is really a function of how you deal with failure."
"The single most important thing you need to understand is how to deal with failure."
"Small failures are Stepping Stones to success."
"If you struggle, if you stumble, if you quote unquote fall, fail, whatever, don't feel sorry for yourself."
"Failure and obstacles at entrepreneur does is they fail fast but fail affordable."
"The whole point of this industry is to have no single point of failure."
"It's okay to fail, and you just need to take action."
"Failure should not be the death of anybody's business or person because they simply tried sincerely."
"Success is an ongoing process of failure that you've made adjustments on."
"Failure is a career ender in Russia, but in a learning organization, you fail better."
"The failure point, you know, where more people need to be much more proactive, otherwise this will be everywhere."
"Good, bad, ugly, or indifferent, we are in this to learn lessons, we are in this to level up even through failure."
"The leader never gives in to despair or self-pity in the face of supposed failure."
"You are going to fail in life... you must learn from the mistake."
"I've made billions of dollars of failures at Amazon.com literally... but what really matters is companies that continue to experiment."
"The worst mistake you can make as an entrepreneur is not to admit your failures and continue to try and resuscitate them with yours and other people's capital."
"I tested on a platform that most of you wanted me to test with."
"I just wanted them to be accountable and sometimes that meant letting them fail."
"Sometimes it's okay to do a startup bankruptcy like sometimes it's okay to take that L get to sustainable."
"If you fail harder, you will learn in the hard way how to overcome the failure and how to excel beyond the failure."
"It's much harder to be honest about our failures in a way that allows us to get better."
"Any step in the right direction is great, even if that just means you talking about it."
"You can't polish a turd. So what I do is that I launch a lot of ideas."
"Nobody even knows that you launched, so none of my failures nobody knows."
"Carry this confidence into every single situation, especially when you're failing in life."
"In order to succeed, a player must accept and adjust to his failures."
"Failure is an opportunity to move yourself in a different direction. It gets better because you've learned the lessons from the first time."
"SpaceX is really good at rapidly failing... and they're good at just pushing things to the edge making them fail fixing them and flying again."
"Learn how to process failure in a healthy and productive way."
"It's like an autosave for your own failures, a nice feature indeed."
"What if you just frame the learning process in such a way that you did not concern yourself with failure, how much more successful could you be, how much more could you learn?"
"You never know. You're fail proof now. Even if those all of those things don't work out, you can pull your socks up and still do something."
"To be able to sustain and how you sort of manage failures through mental toughness is really important I think to being successful."
"We'd like our tests to always pass when everything is working as it should and, maybe even more importantly, we want our tests to fail when something's wrong."
"The systems are designed to cope with them."
"The goal is to help the teams fail less."
"Failures need to be contained, fully contained, isolated to avoid cascading failures."
"Events can really help us manage failure instead of trying to avoid it."
"Don't let your failures define you; instead, let them guide you."
"Expect you're gonna fail sometimes and make a playbook for it when times are good."
"Good traits are not making excuses, taking your failures as it is, looking into yourself of why you failed."
"Look at it as a learning experience... that is growth and that is going to help you with managing failure."
"Circuit breakers... work basically by protecting code that can fail so that even when it fails it at least fails quickly."
"Focus more on failure recovery than failure avoidance."
"People who succeed in life... it's two things: how they respond to failure and can they manage disappointment."
"It enables you to write simpler pipeline code that just gets directly to the heart of what you're trying to accomplish while still being able to deal with failure states."
"Failure recovery is more important than failure avoidance."
"I had declaratively configured my system to act upon failure, so if that happens, I've already configured my system to deal with that by restoring the component to a stable state."
"May all your failures be fatal, because then you can't weasel out of it."
"It's important to prepare for a possible failure and tournaments, maximizing error margin."
"So we will study the topic of recovery from failure as it occurs in a database system."
"Designing for failure is designing for success."