
Misfortune Quotes

There are 342 quotes

"Commonly it is considered a great misfortune for America that Negro slaves were ever imported."
"People who are truly the targets of misfortune or suffering... aren't the people who tend to be narcissists or psychopaths."
"We have a system in which truly bad luck, that is to say misfortune that does not arise from bad decision-making, can ruin you. That's very bad from the point of meritocracy."
"When bad things happen to good people... when bad books are written by good people."
"Last week on my birthday, my boat behind me tragically sunk."
"Bankruptcy is not solely caused by bad decisions, it's often caused by bad luck."
"It's a real shame the way things have turned out. You make it all the way to the champion match then something like this has to happen."
"Why do bad things always happen to good people?"
"Aaron was doomed after the first half mile of the trip. There were so many mistakes and poor decisions made by everyone involved."
"Cream undeterred continued his Killing Spree but his luck would soon run out."
"Every decision he makes is a mistake, and everything that can go wrong, does go wrong."
"Minds such as Dr. Jack Bright, who began his career as human with only two outstanding qualities: his keen intellect and his absurdly poor luck."
"Oh, the rats got up. Oh, nice thank you. The rat infected me."
"Danny got robbed, yeah, he got robbed of a montage. Danny would have reset but he would have died anyways."
"It's just bad luck, the way she goes sometimes."
"Scotland literally can't afford the cost of living with Westminster. Does the prime minister not get that people in Scotland don't just want rid of him, they want rid of the whole rotted Westminster system?"
"I just have this talent for falling in love with the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"It would be a shame if thunder struck at the same spot twice."
"My condolences and wishes are completely with the people that have had [__] happen to them in any situation."
"Okay, let’s rewind back to life for a second. The four guys that they sent in first must have just gotten caught with the general’s daughter, cause they were basically being sacrificed to the troll."
"Imagine being fired, arrested, and divorced the same day."
"Some people are just very, very unlucky. Death stuck to Jolly Joseph like a wet t-shirt."
"Schadenfreude, of course, means that pleasure that you experience in the misfortune of others."
"I had it first try and I dropped it on the floor... yeah, so that was a bit silly."
"The number 13, believed to bring misfortune or bad luck, is even categorized as a legitimate phobia."
"It's always sad when a lottery winner has their cash stolen."
"My story is actually more a series of unfortunate events."
"Either Melanie McGuire is guilty or she is the most unlucky woman in the world."
"I almost accidentally peed on a homeless person."
"Hello everyone and welcome to One Civil Law where we learn through the misfortunes of others. As always, I hope you'll enjoy this live legal education."
"When you step back and look at everything that went wrong with this whole project plan universe...well, it really starts to feel like it was jinxed or hexed or maybe even cursed."
"We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bestow upon us that great and precious grace that when we see some misfortune we say Allah."
"A bad fall does happen as part one of the previous ones which happened to what was it in the Air Force Academy stage."
"Searchers found him here this morning; he just died of exposure apparently," - Dr. Gordon Are Not
"Miles was just an innocent bystander who simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"All roads at Talladega eventually lead to destruction, misfortune, and controversy."
"Sometimes you gotta chalk it up to something a little bit unfortunate."
"I borrowed your car since mine actually broke down. Totally explainable."
"I had to top it all off, I just got a flat tire."
"To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, to lose one arm may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two looks like carelessness."
"Sorry about your damn luck, ladies and gentlemen."
"My cat's ashes got stolen at the airport, how's your day going?"
"It's crazy how everything fell apart right from the start."
"You need somebody else's misfortune to then get the opportunity again."
"That's the only thing that has to happen, we get a disease the [ __ ] mosquitoes bite us or cause complications of [ __ ] sun like God."
"Disoriented deer with paint bucket stuck to its face rescued in extreme cold."
"If something is out of your control and misfortune befalls you, there's good fortune in handling misfortune with virtue."
"Even when you're doing everything right, sometimes it's unavoidable and trouble will just find you."
"Poor dinosaurs, they can't catch a friggin' break!"
"Just a very unlucky woman whose healthcare system failed her."
"Bad luck? Well, that's when you get jaw-dropping stuff like this."
"The stars just didn't align for him in that end game."
"He's got the title belt around his waist and what Luke just said I mean and Luke just to be fair here the the Bad Karma couldn't be any worse."
"Yup so she hit my Acron that was just bad luck honestly and then blade ends up finishing that off boom GG's."
"It seemed an unlucky Place apart from the strange happenings we were having business problems and we'd lost four healthy dogs."
"This is a story of how the winds of good fortune blew my way but unfortunately blew away good sense on their way out. Stick around and find out how too much money, bad company, and bad decisions almost cost me my parents."
"Amazing girl tries to pour acid on X's face when blows it onto hers instead."
"It's so silly, it's a Minecraft Hunger Games, but god damned if we hadn't been screwed on the build battle we actually would have won!"
"Las desgracias: misfortunes never come alone."
"If a spirit is causing misfortune, illness, or discomfort, you need to do something about it."
"Murphy's Law is very much in effect here. If something can go wrong, it will go wrong."
"These are evil spirits, and as a result of that, it's now introducing the curse of divorce, the curse of anti-marriage, the curse of cancer, the curse of poverty, the case of suicide, the curse of early deaths."
"The L188 Electra was a machine that didn't deserve the undignified fate it was ultimately dealt."
"She hadn't slipped and fallen, but instead was knocked unconscious at the bottom of the waterfall."
"Very often when misfortune befalls us, we look for someone else to blame."
"Again, it's about money. They also tried to create misfortune so that you couldn't get out of it."
"It was like they had hit the stretch of unfathomably bad luck."
"Your fortune or misfortune in life has come from your state of consciousness; there is no other cause."
"Misfortune really, dude? You just used your magic on her; you are the misfortune."
"In spring 1738, Elizabeth's luck finally ran out."
"I lost my hat, it fell off on that roll."
"Parliament is the bottle, the country is the bottle. I fear the long containment of grievance without safe release will bring us all to greater misfortune."
"These people were just in the wrong area at the wrong time."
"My misfortune turned into a stroke of luck for the local police department."
"He lost the photo, Jesus, but he lost the photo."
"Both fortune and Misfortune are in fact two buckets drawing from the same well."
"During an ordinary dive at Brother's Island in Egypt, YouTuber IM hakeim and his crew encountered a stroke of extreme misfortune."
"2007 was just not the man's year."
"This tragedy just happened to me."
"Looks like the bad luck is already activating on jeff hardy."
"...serving as the chief aurologist of the third Fleet Costco was responsible for weather forecasting but he was blissfully unaware that the bulk of the United States Naval Strike Force on the Pacific with sailing Straight Into the Heart of a deadly typhoon."
"You know you're having a bad day when dinner eats your lunch."
"The last 24 hours have been very eventful for Kil, whose misfortune started on the previous night."
"Some people are the ones who got fucked by life."
"The fine bucket has been stolen, the money has been stolen."
"Johnny is having the worst time of his life again."
"...neither of them could catch a break."
"You ever break your knee and break your neck and almost die from grass? We just did today."
"although Dennis earned about $30 million in his career, he seemed to somehow manage to lose it to one thing or the other"
"Wouldn't it be extremely funny if they lost all of our luggage and we were lost in Egypt with no luggage?"
"Clint lost about ten thousand dollars in and valuables it was eight thousand dollars in camera equipment alone."
"We have had some bad luck on this trip."
"Behind the glittering facade of lottery winnings lies a dark misfortune, poor decisions, and unexpected tragedies."
"He became homeless and went bankrupt."
"That's a shame, that's a real shame. You lost your film and your camera."
"See, there's some loud music playing. Oh, look, I'm in trouble again."
"Such a bad break, such a good kid, and such a promising talent as well."
"I mean I got thrown out of my own room."
"It's way past your bedtime, Misfortune. Oh, another beautiful evening."
"Perhaps this is something more than simple misfortune, maybe this is a sign that you are more than what you seem, an angel cast out of heaven."
"Andrew Jack Whitaker's fortune soon became Misfortune Andrew's story isn't just about losing money it's about how a huge win can turn life upside down."
"Life was always playing him dirty tricks."
"May the fox build his nest on your Hearthstone. May the light fade from your eyes so you never see what you love. May the sweetest drink you take be the bitterest Cup of Sorrow."
"That's what happened the last hipster that came in this room, somebody went to Marvel Tesco."
"Sometimes I'm just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"To bear trials with a calm mind robs misfortune of its strength and burden."
"Her misfortunes really began at a summer camp she went to, and she got scarlet fever. Well, in those days, this was quite a serious condition."
"Wherever Daisy went, only misfortunes seemed to happen around her."
"They were extremely unlucky, and most everything that happened to them was rife with misfortune, misery, and despair."
"Bad luck cannot have a cause. It strikes random people and spawns a chain of misfortunes."
"You're the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Story of my life."
"What makes us lucky? Why do some people live lucky lives and others experience constant misfortune?"
"To lose one aircraft may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two seems like carelessness."
"The gang became fugitives in Europe and the penguins nearly crushed the studio by wasting millions of their dollars on Cheetos."
"I just wanted Pizza but somehow I ended up in jail."
"Well, they stayed here for five days and on the sixth day they all moved across the river, they encamped on the other side. Everyone that is, except Mr. Burke."
"It's opening up a little bit for Roland... he has the chips and Wow, unfortunate here."
"I was the first black to win New York State Lottery, five million dollars, and now I'm broke, so yeah."
"The poor guy just can't get a break."
"From holy places to cursed places, some locations just seem to be a magnet for misfortune."
"What a lucky streak he'd been on the past two years. First Danica's betrayal, then his father's death, now this. The icing on the biggest cake of his life."
"You're the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"It was dumb, but it's a good thing them paramedics got there, dragged me out the way, just in time. Just in time for what? Before that piano came crashing down out of nowhere!"
"Misfortune is not reserved for any type of person. You can't assume not based on demeanor, Quirk, or whatever else."
"Transforming Kimberly's grandmother's spinning wheel into the wheel of misfortune."
"Someone broke in, stole some of my fake jewelry, an old bottle of antibiotics, and a broken iPhone."
"The only thing you need to have your life destroyed by this stuff is just bad luck. Talk to the wrong person, take the wrong train, open the wrong door, and that's it."
"Being a leader is like cooking a small fish get right with Dao and it's quick and easy when you're in touch with Dao you don't need to worry about misfortune you can't make it go away but you can keep it from harming other people."
"A true curse strings together a multitude of mishaps over the course of several decades to doom an entire fan base."
"Falling off a cliff and breaking your legs, where you're just [__]."
"Their karma is living in poverty, getting scammed."
"The misfortune of Mila's family continued, and her father's company eventually went bankrupt. It seems they couldn't keep up the business after my brother's company, which was the backbone of their operations, stopped dealing with them."
"Great treasures are also known for having curses, bringing misfortune or doom to those who possess or seek them."
"Unfortunately, shortly after filming, there was a huge wildfire and he lost his home."
"Beware, the dolls are said to be cursed and touching them or even taking them off the island can invite misfortune into your life."
"That's a bummer over a deer 50 miles an hour hit a deer that's what happens."
"This is really just that trip where everything's going wrong, huh?"
"A man could not be unluckier if I tried to be unluckier. If I tried to mess up my hands, I could not do worse than I do."
"Harry and Ron have the worst timing."
"She cannot catch a break to save her life."
"Disaster strikes for Mike Watson."
"He slipped on something wet, fell down, tumbled over the edge, and then cracked his brain open on the rocks below."
"I've always wanted that to happen, just not to my jeep."
"If anyone could have worse luck, I would, but you can't have worse luck than I have."
"My bad luck's follow me everywhere."
"Ben drew the short straw since the cosmic radiation calcified his body in stone."
"I'm sorry, this just ain't your day."
"Sometimes you're just in the wrong spot at the wrong time."
"I lost my luggage, then my phone, then my mind."
"Philip Sheldon, the guy cannot catch a break. Every interesting person he runs into either dies immediately or explodes in front of his face."
"What a player, and we all know that season when he didn't win it and of all the people to slip, to slip up at that time."
"It's a fortune and a misfortune to be in one of the hardest regions stacked with such good guys and competition."
"Misfortune can only be caught from the front. It cannot be caught from behind. One can avert misfortune but cannot control it if it has already happened."
"It's a bad luck day for Michael Andretti, but you can't win them all."
"Poor Courage, we got him right there."
"That's unfortunately the story of Jawbreaker."
"Goals change games and you know, it's a bit unlucky to have a goal disallowed."
"She was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Unfortunately, it's bad news for you, yeah."
"An omen of poor fortune and impending death."
"It's like running a marathon and then shooting yourself in the foot, your trousers fall down and you fall over them. I mean, you keep [__] yourself when you try and crawl and then a dog bites your balls and you're struck by lightning a bear attacks you."
"We got a lot of things going on in the world, a lot of people are not that fortunate and unfortunately have been displaced during this season."
"It's amazing isn't it how quickly this game has turned since he went in off in the middle pocket and suddenly everything has gone wrong."
"The Netherlands, possibly the most unlucky Nation not to already have a star on their kit."
"...seems like one of those cases of the worst things happening to the best people sometimes it does man."
"Sounds like a guy who was down on his luck."
"This wasn't because of lifestyle. It wasn't like you're eating improperly, you're not exercising, you're smoking too much or drinking. None of that. It was a medical mistake."
"Cause and effect pattern: It was raining and I missed my ride. Therefore, I got soaked and missed my test."
"I'm hearing the stars are not aligning for us."
"If you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all."
"If anything could go wrong, it has gone wrong on this flight."
"I hate to look, I hate to stare, but your face got mauled by a bear."
"Nicola explained that she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time; it could have happened to anyone."
"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all."
"You gotta feel bad for Ray, right?"
"Sometimes, misfortunes do haunt good people too."
"The claimant is the author of his own misfortune."
"Scott rises from the ashes like a phoenix, only to fly into a ceiling fan and get obliterated."
"We've had plenty of bad luck over the last few weeks. Wow. What a night."
"Destiny gods, they were not kind to that girl."
"It was one of those nights where just nothing went right."
"He had once been wealthy but a series of misfortunes had reduced him to want."
"Now that's what you call Murphy's Law."
"Where there is a misfortune, there is a fortune."
"Misfortune does not mean God has forsaken his own... it does mean he has plans that the sufferer may know nothing of."
"You think you've had a bad day? This morning the Milkman dropped dead on the porch."
"I had just sailed the seven seas and was returning home with a bounty, but the ocean had other plans."
"How the hell are you gonna get fired on your day off?"
"The beginning of Octavian's invasion of Sicily had been defined by misfortune."
"The likely answer is she was very close to her destination and some unfortunate facts probably threw her off right towards the end."
"I hope you had a chance to laugh and learn a few things through Pete's misfortune."
"It's just wrong place, wrong time, wrong acquaintance."
"Murphy's Law: what could go wrong, did go wrong, and we didn't even know that was a possibility for what happened."
"It's like winning the lottery and losing the ticket."
"I hate to see bad things happen to good people."
"One man's misfortunes another man's opportunities."
"You find diamonds. A creeper appears behind you. It blows up and you fall into lava, losing the diamonds you found."
"You were lucky to escape. Your friends here were not so fortunate."
"Poor Rain, they didn't deserve this."
"My brother always says that when he feels a presence or several in this case, he gets extremely unlucky."