
Population Control Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"The only way possible of decreasing Negro population is by means of controlling fertility."
"I think a lot of the scarcity is artificial and I think when you have scarcity, you're able to have control over populations."
"By using subtle manipulation over heavy-handedness, they’ll weave reality for over a billion people."
"I'm not on board with any extreme solution like China's one-child policy."
"The idea that we have to limit how many people we have being born... that's ridiculous and it's anti-human."
"You said there are more adult diapers being sold in Japan than baby diapers. Yes, already yes."
"Space exploration is a big part of handling Earth's population growth."
"You are reducing the world's population down to 500 million."
"Their goal is to annihilate 90% of the population of the Earth."
"Human life is priceless; killing off half a population is never a solution."
"Optimize your commandery by balancing population and public order."
"If the world was only home to a billion people then things like housing crises wouldn't be a problem."
"There has been a huge depopulation effort that has been successfully deployed."
"Maintain humanity under a million in perpetual balance with nature."
"Is there a war against Islam, against Christianity, against the people? Do they want to reduce the population of the planet by 90 percent?"
"Killing cats is not effective; trap, neuter, release programs manage populations."
"Thanos wants to prevent overpopulation by killing half of all life in the universe... Does that solve the perceived problem? Yes."
"Climate engineering is killing the planet. The population bomb threatens the peace of the world."
"One of the things or major thing that drives populations down is something that I'm very much in favor of, and that's women's education."
"We need to reduce the human population by about 7.5 billion people."
"I believe in strong borders to keep people safe, steady population control."
"We have too many people, there the population of the planet can decrease by the billions."
"Sometimes you gotta let Thanos win and say, you know what, let's wipe out half of humanity. I mean, we're sort of overpopulated, I almost sort of agree with his ideology."
"The easiest way to manipulate the size of the population is through migration, immigration."
"You don't want to invest in your people who make the economy go; you want a desperate and easily manipulated and controlled population."
"Stabilize low fertility levels. Count on you, count on me, count on everyone."
"Thanos doesn't want to kill half the population of the universe; rather, he feels that there's no other option."
"A smaller global population has its perks... the planet certainly isn't complaining."
"The elite are riding on top of this natural cycle to match crop losses with population reduction."
"Getting rid of some people on Earth is the root of all these plans."
"The alien agenda is one and the same: world takeover and the decimation of the population."
"They're going to great measures to get people to breed, because the birth rates have been taking a nosedive."
"Any tips on getting panda Cory's to limit their colony growth?"
"The local Aedes aegypti population was reduced by 80 to 95 percent after a year of consistent releases."
"Welcome folks, I am Jaby Kawai joined by Achara Kirk. What's up? We're looking at New Rock Stars Eternals trailer breakdown Easter eggs and details you missed."
"Emergence could describe the resurrection of the deviants which might be seen by the celestials as a population control protocol."
"The sustainability experts conclude that there's no outcome that doesn't include a massive near-term decline in the human population."
"It's as if the wealthy families have got together and said, 'How can we thin out the population?'"
"If anything I have ever said has convinced one person to have one last child, I am validated."
"Controlling the wild boar population in the United States faces significant challenges."
"If they'd rather die, perhaps they'd better do so and decrease the surplus population." - Ebenezer Scrooge
"Population control elements of AI are serious and lead to emerging new forms of totalitarianism."
"I believe that they've had that plan for a very very long time because you know they've all been talking about how the population needs to be reduced."
"There's something incredibly powerful to be said about population management."
"It's just absolutely crazy that these guys are out there and they talk. I mean, Bill Gates has literally talked about it as well before that the population needs to go down."
"The Combine moved the human and Vortigaunt population into Combine-controlled settlements and formed the Civil Protection Program."
"You don't want to increase the numbers, you want to limit the numbers."
"By eliminating 50% of all humans, Thanos did the Earth a huge favor."
"Take the vaccines, wear the goddamn masks, stop breeding like rats..."
"By the way, you're not gonna get the 82 percent reduction in population unless you have things like climate disasters."
"Depopulation is not a theory... this is real."
"You don't need a nuke if you have something that can go above a population and control their brain."
"If they're healthy and unable to breed they could be the solution rather than another problem."
"population has to be reduced to save planet Earth"
"Spaying and neutering cats cuts the population down, they're not a nuisance, it just controls the population and helps."
"Trap-neuter-release programs like this are widely recognized as an effective and humane way to manage feral animal populations."
"Reining in human reproduction more is probably not a bad thing for the planet as a whole."
"But is that true? That the answer to the climate crisis and a lack of resources is that impoverished families, again across Latin America, Asia and Africa just need to have fewer kids?"
"Cats are nature's population control."
"The plan involves various steps, and one of them is to neuter around 40 hippos each year."
"Lieutenant General John El DeWit sought to inter the entire enemy population, effectively destroying the economic lives of all Italians on the west coast."
"Contrary to Darwin's external checks on population size, animal populations have these internal regulatory mechanisms that keep their Community their numbers in check or in Balance equilibrium with the resources in their environment."
"Don't kill too many people. There are better ways to control the world's population."
"Every 15 years God sends creatures to reduce overpopulation."
"Listen, we're gonna be using these funds to sterilize people."
"I started with somewhere around 60 fry and over the next couple of days dropped to about 30."
"It's nothing to do with race or anything, it's just purely... this country is so overpopulated."
"They are servants of satanic effort to bring down humanity's population to under 500 million people, and they're not even ashamed of it."
"If you educate women all around the planet, the population will fall like a stone."
"For every mare darted, it's one less foal next year."
"Population control has been a success."
"Important to always get your pets spayed and neutered, otherwise it may lead to unstable behavior and unauthorized breeding."
"Bob Barker reminding you to help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered."
"Control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered."
"Education for kids is the only way out of their situation, and that means that they have to have fewer children."
"If we are going to remain in any kind of stable state on Earth, we need to control population, we need to reduce consumption, we need to do both."
"Development is the best contraceptive."
"Japan is offering to pay families to move out of its overcrowded capital."
"Mother Nature kinda has to intervene when the population's getting a little bit out of control."
"We'd like to speak out tonight for population control."
"We keep our population at 900 million, and that is the perfectly exact number of people who can live comfortably on our planet."
"Thanos was right because by snapping out half the population, he stopped something end of the world destructive from happening to us."
"To act consistently with our best science would require a planned economic and population contraction."
"Animal care is important in controlling the population. Doing all this stuff is important to the community."
"Reminding you, help control the pet population; have your pet spayed or neutered."
"Reminding you to have control of the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered."
"Remember to help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered."
"Control the pet population; have your pet spayed or neutered."
"If we don't solve the population problem, we're not going to solve the climate crisis either."
"I'm here to help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered."
"The project was a huge success, and the pigeon population decreased significantly in a short amount of time."
"This world where they've cured death but to maintain that there's no overpopulation, they elect these scythes to kill people."
"As a country becomes more industrialized, and especially when education gets better, birth rates will fall, death rates will fall, and then population size will start to be reduced."
"We're not gonna live amongst millions of rabbits because of their population."
"Help control the pet population, spay or neuter."
"...as Family Planning and people become more educated they have less children so the population will become more stable on planet Earth."
"Help control the pet population. Don't forget to get your pets spayed or neutered."
"Nature within ecosystems all across the world does have its own way of controlling populations."
"Once you give women the opportunity to control their own reproduction, especially in developing countries, you'll see the population numbers... decrease."
"To keep population under control, they need to hire people to kill people and these people are called Scythes."
"To keep down the population, there are these things called scythes."
"We're just trying to bring the population down to a level where they can be ethically treated and not exploited."