
Mismanagement Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"This is one of the biggest cases of corporate mismanagement I've ever seen in my life."
"This is interesting, that this has actually gone so, so wrong."
"Woke Hollywood is dying and ultimately it is not the fault of the consumer or even the pandemic it is the collective tone-deaf approach of the executives, producers, and writers."
"He completely just bungled the entire thing."
"Governments will do everything they can to f things up."
"That should be a wide open layup, yet Republicans may be fumbling the ball there. They have to go in and prop up JD Vance rather than seeing him coast to a victory."
"The glazers notoriously make last-minute huge, overpriced panic buys, it's a complete reflection on the incompetence of the club."
"These players are shambles, they are charlatans, and this has all been created by the football club."
"This is what you have a mess, an absolute mess in which defy have completely screwed over their creators and their employees alike."
"Travis knew how much money Joe was sending Jeff Lowe out in Vegas. It wasn't a hundred here, a hundred there."
"I really think that what's going on is our ruling classes mismanage the country and they don't want to have to face up to it and deal with the people who are very understandably frustrated with them."
"Perhaps Trump's vast lead could not be overcome, but that's no excuse for misspending over $130 million."
"He probably brought on a bunch of people he shouldn't have, he's getting bad advice from people."
"It's like putting the accomplice in charge after the after a bank robbery. What a joke."
"It's a bloody mess, there is no plan, there is no structure, and it's going to take ages to unpick this."
"Well, the short answer is, wildly unrealistic ambition and a profound misunderstanding of the importance of communication."
"The death toll does make someone look bad because it could have been easily avoided... it was because there was much more attention paid to those states as opposed to Puerto Rico."
"You know, the $1,000 toilet, the hammers that cost $100 or things like that—if we used the criteria of misspending, the Defense Department is illustration number one."
"Their sole purpose in this entire event has seems to have been directly running cover for Norfolk Southern which is ironic because that's literally the opposite of what they were formed to do."
"The firm's closure was blamed on mismanagement and financial discrepancies."
"No one at Twitter thought it was going to be this bad at first."
"Rather than do something sensible with it, they're just gonna run it into the ground."
"I'm perfect because I was locked in the hospital, I had to call somebody's mother to get assistance to get myself out."
"President Trump exercising political malpractice earlier this week."
"Nigeria has been badly, badly mismanaged over the years."
"I think we just have it backwards for for mental health for for physical health we Embrace these these hacks these things that kind of Band-Aid over the prom and and stigmatize the root cause and and financial incentives are at play there."
"Look at the people who win the lottery and then they're in the daily you know they're in the Sunday papers 10 years later because they've blown it all money in the wrong hands isn't success."
"The gas shortage was completely self-inflicted by morons."
"Ultimately it was a toxic combination of disorganized and ignorant management, a rambunctious party and drug culture, and irresponsible and downright freaking awful guests..."
"He blew it. He could have been an actual billionaire and now it's worth nothing because he can't help himself, con man to the end."
"Decades of mismanagement, horribly mismanaged by this current Administration."
"EA have proven time and time again that they haven't got a clue how to handle the franchises they take."
"It almost like they had a prankster running their thing they were putting up things that just weren't happening."
"He was built to be a very lawful good character played by the wrong player."
"Oh no, Phoenix, Phoenix, I knew I should have kept an eye on him."
"Always remember, the devil takes advantage of what you mismanage."
"Although Mrs. Officer and Mr. Truffles ended up as a disaster, we can only wonder if it would have lived up to the expectations everyone had for it if it was properly managed and handled by the right people."
"In 1449, a parliament was summoned to investigate the powerless State of Affairs. The English people demanded to know why the war with France, which had cost them so dearly in taxes, had been so disastrously mismanaged."
"The Fiend was something special, they dropped the ball because they don't know their own team, they don't know their own Superstars, they don't know their own audience."
"Nobody knows where those funds are actually going to, but everyone's pretty sure that they're not going towards building a new library."
"Whether it's due to a declining tax base or whether it's due to ex-Mayors stealing The Village's funds or whether it's due to the Village taxing their residents for 30 years for a library that's never going to get built."
"Most of these dudes have no clue on what to do with their money."
"But what happened to this awesome African themed Park that could have been a major tourist destination full of family rides and shows to complement those coasters and the Park's excellent animal exhibits?"
"There's so much potential for what could have been one of the better theme parks in the world and it has just unfortunately been mismanaged Into Obscurity."
"Short-term thinking led to Valiant's collapse."
"...overbooked, too many shenanigans."
"It was mismanagement at a level that if I wrote the truth about the management of this fishery nobody's going to believe it. You'd have to write fiction or else they'd never believe it, just mismanagement beyond your wildest dreams."
"This stems from Unity seeming to just keep being mismanaged to an insane degree."
"Usually the more the company is mismanage -- the more the company -- or the country is mismanaged, the more potential it has, particular if it has natural resources."
"She never turned investors away, so the R&D lab ended up being filled with random workers with no purpose."
"Most opportunity that comes our way is coming to us because somebody else has mismanaged an asset or not taking care of it."
"The immediate proof of economic mismanagement are two things: the exchange rate and inflation."
"From this day forward, make sure that you mark this day and ask God tonight when we pray, 'Oh God, deliver me from mismanagement.'"
"Baseball has mishandled this very much so."
"This strategy simply will not solve the depth of the crisis in women's healthcare after 12 years of conservative mismanagement."
"Prince Jeffrey almost single-handedly bankrupt one of the richest countries in the world."
"We eventually discovered that the condo president had been spending association money on cosmetic improvements that were not really needed."
"Malls killed malls: poor management, mall competition, lack of renovation, bad money management—all of these things killed malls."
"The whole thing paints a picture of an organization which just hasn't got a clue what it's doing."
"Bringing politicians in to run Wall Street is like saying Dad burned dinner, let's get the dog to cook."
"I can say that's absolutely false. There was no sophistication whatsoever. There was an absence of any management."
"Running the business into the ground was a dumb way to make money and a dumb way to lose it."
"The bad guy is not cotton, the bad guy is a failure of governments."
"Florida's waters and estuaries are being mismanaged; we need to keep this mismanagement at the forefront of our headlines and focus on a resolution for the good of our state."
"Top five most misused players in NBA history, AI is one of those guys."
"The world economy collapsed in 1931 because the authorities applied the wrong medicine to what was already a very sick patient."
"The story of Iran's Water Crisis is about demand and mismanagement."
"Beneath the surface lies a darker reality, financial mismanagement and scandal lurk, capable of dismantling even the most illustrious careers."
"If you mismanage money, you lose money."
"The repo crisis of Lehman Brothers... they were not repoing treasuries, they were repoing all sorts of crap."
"Widespread abuses and mismanagement by student loan servicers is just this abundance of scams."
"No matter what way you look at it, there's been such a mishandling here."