
Sugar Intake Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Your brain will gladly sop up half of the sugar that you take in in a meal."
"Although there is natural fruit sugar in a piece of fruit, when you eat a piece of fruit, an apple, pear, peach, something sweet, a grape, you are getting a lot more than the fructose in your body."
"When we eat fiber first... it helps your body not absorb too much of the glucose and fructose molecules."
"The best time to eat something sweet is as dessert at the end of a meal, not first thing in the morning when you're fasted."
"Instead of using the word sugar, what I like to tell people is no fruit contains whole sugar or whole carbohydrates."
"30 grams of fiber, 5% or less of added sugars."
"Sugar drives fat accumulation in the liver, that's why."
"Added sugar is the number one single source of calories in the American diet."
"There's literally no better gift that you can give yourself than the gift of health."
"Cereal is amazing but I don't need all that sugar. Zero grams of sugar is a good thing."
"It's like eating sugar for breakfast. I will up the ante here. It's much worse than eating dessert for breakfast."
"Everybody is going to get in trouble when they eat sugar and starch whether you gain weight or not because it creates metabolic changes that might not make you fat but make you sick."
"Humans don't need to eat the amount of sugar we need to eat is zero grams a day."
"Tea is just really good for you especially if you don't drink the super sugary like southern sweet tea."
"Sugar is pretty much the devil...be careful with eating too much sugar."
"The whole point of eating a salad is to eat healthy. If you're eating that much sugar, it defeats the purpose."
"In general, if you are eating within your caloric requirements and you're otherwise healthy, then consuming some sugar doesn't really seem to have a negative effect."
"Over two teaspoons of white sugar in a 5.3 ounce serving."
"There is no biological requirement for added sugar."
"You cannot outrun a high sugar, you cannot outrun a bad diet either."
"Honestly, you don't need sugar, so highly recommend this drink without sugar. Wow, so good."
"Therefore instead of a big spike and a big crash, you're going to have a steadier glucose response to that same dessert."
"I'm glad sugar, low skill, a lot of thought, yeah, I like just saying sorry."
"We're high sugar creatures. We need to have that simple sugars coming straight into our bloodstream and hitting our brain and satisfying us."
"...I have actually developed this little strategy where I will take a sachet of RX sugar...it absolutely takes the edge off my appetite."
"I'm out of the fizzy drinks game. I'm out of the sugar. No sugars on weekdays. Trying to cut the sugars on weekends as well. I've done well so far."
"I think avoiding a lot of added sugar, I don't eat any added sugar, but avoiding added sugar is probably a reasonable thing."
"110 grams of sugar? That's ridiculous!"
"Why would you ever want to eat something that had more than the teaspoon of sugar in it at a time? Because you're basically doubling the amount of sugar in your bloodstream in any given moment."
"Cutting down on sugar can be a game changer for your liver health."
"You can live with less sugar, but you can't live if you're dead."
"Artificial sweeteners can reduce glucose spikes more than regular sugar."
"I don't recommend anybody goes over 100 grams a day of sugar anyhow."
"Food has been very important for me in this because when I eat sugar I feel like crap immediately and I don't want to feel like crap."
"I did not want to just buy him a cake and like let him smash it and eat it because I'm like it had sugar he hasn't had so much salt in his short little life."
"Learn to use sugar to your advantage."
"Just try it out to see how much sugar is in your drink at home."
"Reducing your sugar intake will reduce weight gain and increase your energy level."
"It's not necessarily cutting sugar down to zero, it's just keeping it moderate."
"I think everyone would benefit from just like not eating as much sugar and processed carbs."
"If you're consuming too many refined carbs or sugar... that alone can keep you from sleeping at night."
"When it comes to yogurt, avoid sugar."
"Fruits contain sugar, but they also contain fiber which slows the absorption of the sugar."
"It's sugar, starch, and carbs that are driving most of the bad cholesterol in this country."
"Brain development is in proportion to the amount of sugar that can be provided to the developing nerve tissue."
"We can all agree that cutting down on refined carbohydrates and sugar is a common feature of whole healthy diets."
"It's crazy too since I had no sugar yesterday; it's interesting how your body and taste buds change."
"Sugar's a big thing though, Rick. I try to take as much sugar out of my diet as possible."
"Try to keep your sugar consumption below 50 grams a day."
"There is a direct relationship between sugar and cancer."
"It lets the bees take down the sugar rapidly, which is what we want."
"What's the single biggest thing that you can do?... Learn your sugars."
"Learning to have a taste for less sugar."
"The World Health Organization recommends a maximum limit per day of no more than six teaspoons of added sugar."