
Media Relations Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The press really loved working with Amber. She was on the cover of many magazines... One magazine called her woman of the year another one called her role model of the year."
"Every single time I've tried to do it privately, there have been briefings and leakings and planting of stories against me and my wife."
"The fact that he was constantly going after the media, the fact that he would not accept their premises, was very good."
"When the going gets tough, I'm not doing an interview."
"Brilliant about Trump is he not only had good instincts for what the public overwhelmingly wanted, but it was always something that the media would so hate."
"Violence and violent imagery to bully the press must be rejected."
"Just when both media and the fans were ready to retire Mourinho, he retired them all."
"Playing the long game is key in getting big guests."
"The top-level artists know how to control the media without pandering to them, without ever paying for it, and just leading the media to the water."
"We're in a collision course for Trump versus the media part three."
"President Trump understands Americans think that and therefore he is more than happy to go to battle with the media every day."
"Shkreli declined an interview with CNBC and sent them a handwritten letter instead."
"Showing it to the world and showing it to the media is something that we are very excited about."
"Never complain, never explain has now been jettisoned by Prince William. He's far more hands-on, he's far more prepared to come out fighting for his family and for his wife's privacy."
"Despite the fact that you, yes and cared together on this page, the relationship between the president and the press to cover them is never easy."
"Interviewing athletes? Tough nut to crack with all that media training."
"Media interactions are deeper than ever with tunnel and training ground interviews."
"The fact that I'm standing here taking questions, the fact that the president took questions from your colleagues just two hours ago demonstrates this White House's commitment to accessibility."
"Should we do something because or against the Press? No, there is no point."
"The fear of losing is that unless I take care of my business no one's gonna want to interview me anyway."
"Automakers give the Press cars out... once you have an audience."
"Our manager is the guy who does the press conferences but it's a management team."
"Serious concerns that someone in the FBI or DOJ colluded with news organizations."
"Despite his old-fashioned style, Pope Francis understands the need for more openness with the media."
"During the course of Mr. Walden's representation, he in depth met with Daily Mail published a series of negative statements accurately confirmed they accurately quoted him."
"From the minute you say hello to a reporter to the time you wave goodbye, you are on the record."
"Don't let the reporter get you angry or agitated."
"Stay calm even in the face of a combative reporter."
"Remember, if we talk to the media, this is one way of letting our light shine."
"We see celebrities don't do interviews with certain bloggers because they're rude and mean, but Tasha K isn't like that."
"I feel like media was never really a career path because, you know, we have kind of a real thin line between love and hate relationship with the media."
"Kyrie Irving has been trolling everybody in the media."
"You do your job duty but keep them out of your private personal lives every day."
"Talking with the press is treated like a martial art."
"There's a disconnect between you and the news."
"No one in my inner circle is talking to the media, no one."
"We don't want any of our primaries talking to people in the media while an investigation is hot."
"There's this weird dismissal/antagonism between old media towards new media personalities."
"The single best way to get journalists to pay attention to you is to follow them, go to their posts, leave comments, retweet their blog, reach out to them, and don't ask for anything. Do things to help them out."
"Our political opponents, though, are not our enemies. The press is not the enemy of the people."
"I wasn't very keen on sharing too much with the press because sometimes I felt that they were out to make me look bad." - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
"Trudeau is so brazenly lying while accusing the Globe and Mail of lying."
"Dana White man he is that CEO if ever there was a CEO who gave zero craps about what the media was saying like the media just cannot make Dana White no matter what it is."
"A company should be more scared of its audience than of journalists."
"I apologize not for the incident itself, I apologize for leaving the impolite message, the subsequent hyperbole lunacy, and the inflated media interest."
"There's a trade-off between those papers and the press office."
"Oh my gosh if you want to look at a real story the hundred and twenty six leaks of national security importance in the first hundred and twenty five days..."
"I don't think it matters how i deal with the media if i'm getting the right results on the pitch then what's the problem i need an opportunity to work at a club like this if i'm to learn what it really takes."
"We are aware that members of the media are anxious to speak with FDA about those proceedings, however, FDA will refrain from discussing the details of this meeting with media until its conclusion."
"I always want to talk to the press when there's a problem."
"Triumph's top executives welcome the journalists to this private preview."
"His ability to articulate the band's vision and connect with fans and the media played a crucial role in their long-term legacy."
"That's why I love him, I feel like that's why some people are kind of drawn to him because of how hilarious he is with the media."
"He's being playful with the media."
"I'd rather get a million more happy users than talk to somebody at Fortune Magazine."
"He's a great relationship with the media."
"Thank you to all the media, thank you to my community team, everybody played a huge part in this."
"The media can't help you when you're losing, and you don't need them when you're winning."
"Apple has an interesting relationship with the press and that includes me and I think there's a profound business point here; there's only one subject generally that Apple views worthy of it discussing publicly and that's its products."