
Yoga Benefits Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Yoga flow is good because they make it very spiritual."
"Yoga has been a complete life transformation for me."
"Yoga practice has this beautiful ability to wake us up on all levels."
"Yoga is accessible to everyone in every body."
"It's wonderful to see a very simple yogic process can make a difference."
"Yoga is like opening chambers throughout the body."
"Yoga: a great way to work on spiritual practice."
"Trust that this practice, this series, found you at the right time."
"The yoga practice is all about feeling good from the inside out."
"Just because a pose is simple doesn't mean that it's not incredibly effective."
"One of the greatest gifts it gives you: a very focused, strong, present mind."
"All yoga is yoga for weight loss in a way because it's all about awareness and love and yo'self."
"It's really not about believing in the benefits of yoga, although I do."
"Our whole life becomes a work of art, a masterpiece, all from the stuff that you do on your mat."
"Know that there is just so much more to yoga than just doing movements and posts on the mat."
"Feeling that sense of manipura, that igniting our inner fire, that personal power, that self-belief, and that confidence."
"Regular yoga practice has been proven to relieve stress, general body aches, pains, anxiety, and depression."
"Yoga's internal and cosmic presence can always be counted upon to embrace you, to rejuvenate you, and to help you find the sometimes difficult next step in life."
"Recent findings indicate that yoga boosts the cardiovascular system and relieves anxiety."
"The heat helps with healing and the movement of your body in yoga."
"Every time I practice in a disciplined way and do yoga every single day like for over an hour for a month straight I feel lighter than I can I can possibly put into words."
"When we step off this mat, we'll feel almost unrecognizable to who we are right now."
"Your yoga is here for you through all the highs, through all the lows."
"The Preety Raj Yoga has the potential to bring you into challenging situations, but gives you the power to overcome them."
"Yoga is so good for your body and for your mind and your spirit and it really helped tone me up and strengthen my abs."
"Let yoga show you the inner body and let that experience of the inner body open your life to new levels of peace and happiness."
"Be strong, be brave, practice yoga, and change your world to a more peaceful place."
"Cobra: lift your chest just using your core strength."
"I recently got completely addicted to hot yoga and it helps jump start my day."
"Yoga helps you ease off the pressure and stress."
"Yoga activates mechanoreceptors and stretch receptors."
"Yoga moves the body through all planes of motion, activating joints, toning muscles, supporting the spine."
"We practice on the mat so we can apply off the mat."
"The nature is going to be throwing up pandemics and we may throw up some ourselves."
"The power of yoga is in its simplicity and accessibility."
"Yoga practice... always makes me feel so safe and like everything's gonna be okay."
"Yoga poses that I'll do when I want to go to bed."
"Yoga can lead to significant reductions in BMI and waist-hip ratio for women."
"By learning our emotions, by finding ways to regulate and control those emotions through yogic practices, we can acquire command power over ourselves."
"Whether you're fallen off the wagon and maybe you want to get back on the yoga horse or you're just a human in modern day world who could benefit from some core connection, some love for your lower back, your legs and the psoas."
"Yoga is so awesome. The reason I fell into yoga is because I started getting really fascinated with the way my mind and body were connecting and the way it was creating response."
"Making that connection with yoga has really helped me spiritually but just also with my mental health and with my relationship with myself and my body."
"More people practicing yoga makes a better world."
"It feels so good to do yoga in the mornings when I'm pregnant, especially at this point in my pregnancy."
"Yoga, it's the basics. Through practicing yoga, I'm able to perform at a higher, optimized level physically."
"This pose greatly relieves tension in the back and helps get over headaches."
"Meditate or practice yoga for increased mindfulness."
"This sophistication muscle activation and relaxation provides great benefit off the mat."
"Whenever somebody asks why I practice yoga, I reply for peace of mind."
"We're allowing the blood to change direction and fill the crown of our heads."
"Ask yourself what you need, how this practice can best serve you."
"Keep inhaling and exhaling, stay as open as you can."
"What are you here to do today? What is it that you're most in needing, and is your practice rising to meet you in that place?"
"No worries, no judgments, just practice self-love and acceptance as you're practicing your yoga practice."
"Yoga has been this amazing tool for me personally to stay grounded and connected to myself during this time."
"I learned it from my son's girlfriend, who does yoga; she teaches a yoga course."
"This deep twist is great to detoxify your organs and cleanse your blood, and it's just really good for your digestion."
"Yoga is one really great way to treat feelings of depression, to really help yourself feel better, release some endorphins, get your heart and blood pumping."
"And when we practice having and experiencing an open mind on the yoga mat, then we know what it feels like to maintain that or have that or create that experience off the yoga mat."
"If you're not as flexible as a yoga instructor, you'll still be able to get the benefits of each pose."
"A whole world of joy and happiness opens up to you, and that's the real benefit of the yoga practice."
"Take a moment of gratitude here for all the benefits that your yoga practice is bringing you."
"If we practice the science of yoga, which is useful to the entire human community and which yields happiness both here and hereafter, if we practice it without fail, we will then attain physical, mental, and spiritual happiness, and our minds will flood toward the self."
"Focus on feeling a release, a decompression in the spine."
"Yoga is the best way to really articulate the spine, keeping your back healthy."
"The tools of yoga are super powerful, and the awareness that we have in our body language and in our breath, can really make a difference in the way that we carry ourselves."
"Take a moment to be grateful for the time to practice and notice the shifts and energy in your body at the end of the practice."
"Building such strong mental foundation for life outside of yoga, right?"
"If you can learn to become peaceful in moments of failure and moments of adversity, well then yoga is really working for you."
"Who benefits from a power yoga workout? Everybody."
"Yoga by its very nature is stress relieving."
"Little millimeter miracles on our mat can have such a big impact on our body."
"As you get stronger and more flexible, a whole new freedom and happiness opens up in your body and also in your life."
"This sitting in Virasana helps to bring that circulation to the toes, to the ankles, to the hips."
"You're here, you're showing up for you, you're finding the element of the practice that works for you."
"Twistings are nice; they are invigorating but they're also relaxing too."
"It sort of helps me regulate my emotions."
"I ride on my passion for the practice and the passion of what this practice brings about for people."
"Yoga overall is good for your body, whether you're a swimmer or an athlete of any type."
"Doing yoga in the morning honestly just helps my body stretch out... it has honestly changed my life in my mornings."
"What is really amazing about yoga is you can use it to both energize you and also to put you in a more of a sleepy state."
"If you're feeling something, your practice is working."
"What got me out of not killing myself was literally yoga and yoga teacher training."
"Ayurveda recognizes and views yoga asana as the main yogic tool for balancing the physical body."
"When you forward bend, the journey is meant to increase health in the body, open up centers of awareness inside of the brain, and make you happier."
"Moving our energy in the poses, challenging ourselves, it's such a great way to shift our mindset so that we can really pause and enjoy."
"You need to work at the edge, not far beyond your abilities, to receive a real benefit from the practice."
"Some of the benefits of partner poses are eye contact, trust, communication, teamwork, creativity, and of course, fun."
"It's with relaxation and an awareness of your breath that you'll get the most out of these postures."
"One hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to four hours of sleep."
"We start to build up our tolerance and resilience so that we have amazing tools when anxiety starts to creep up, and we need to be able to take a deep breath and unwind."
"Powering up our yoga practice means we're learning how to let the yoga practice work for us."
"Breathe into your back, this is a great pose for your back, for your thyroid, for your metabolism."
"Do yoga; it doesn't directly tie into muscle building, but it helps you stay injury-free and feel stronger in the gym."
"Doing yoga every morning has been such a game changer, it completely changed my day."
"Yoga really has helped me mentally, physically, emotionally, I just feel so at peace."
"I feel like so much better, this is probably the best I've felt after doing yoga in the morning."