
Spiritual Battle Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Mary promised it; she said when it looks like evil has triumphed, this however will mark the arrival of my hour."
"Our battle is not against human beings. We should focus on resisting the devil and his demons, for they are the ones we should combat and defeat."
"Spiritual warfare is the cosmic war of good versus evil."
"We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against Powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age."
"You know it is dark, you know it is demonic at its core, but we've got the light of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. We know who wins in the end. We've just got to be reminded, keep looking up but yes, be effective while we're here."
"Why is that, viewers? Because this is the message that's given the devil pain. That's right."
"The toughest opponent you'll ever have to overcome in the spiritual battle is the one you see in the mirror every morning."
"Sometimes the only thing you'll be able to fight with is that confirmation."
"We have to understand that there is a spiritual battle."
"I have to wage war on myself, yes sir. I have to kill my sin or it will kill me."
"You do what I did, attack it every way you can." - Rod Parsley
"The evil side of things does two things: it lets us understand good and evil, it also can illustrate these negative tendencies within us, so that we can see, 'Ooh, I do have that,' and then we can fight it."
"I think a lot of what we're seeing right now is on on one level sort of a spiritual or energetic battle in a sense"
"Let's put our differences aside right now, we have a common enemy that's been around since the fall of man, his name is Satan."
"Peace is won by accompanying God into the battle."
"It's an amazing time to be alive, battling between truth and falsehood."
"God is coming for the world or till I go to the grave."
"It's already happened. The same way as the battle in the Bhagavad-gita has already happened. It's already taken place. We have to invite the divine and the sacred in."
"The Christian life is not a playground but it is a real battleground."
"It's a battle of Good and Evil, Heaven and Hell, demons and angels."
"This is how you defeat giants, this is how you rise up and strike the enemy like you were always meant to."
"The battle between good and evil is over every single soul on this planet."
"We've got to be engaging in the battle by choosing to get engaged with our Lord in this relationship."
"The battle doesn't belong to us, it belongs to the Lord."
"You're gonna speak from the fire, and the devil's going to wish he never touched you."
"Stop being so timid and letting these spirits bully the [ __ ] out of you guys."
"Stand firm because you have an enemy. An enemy that wants you to think that just because he is invisible, he is also fictional."
"Father Vincent Lambert said the battle can take many forms."
"I ain't against any atheist and against anybody. I'm preaching the Word of God and I'm fighting for your soul, be straight up."
"We are not fighting to victory. We are fighting from victory."
"The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but you came to give life abundantly."
"It's really battling for the soul of the church."
"The fight of faith is not fighting the devil, you're fighting to believe."
"It seemed like victory was out of sight or impossible, victory with the masculine, victory within this connection because of some situation."
"As a warrior of light you use no weapon but what may be called the armor of light, the sword of truth, and a wide-open heart chakra."
"This is a battle for your soul, a battle of light versus dark, of good versus evil... the truth will set you free."
"Let's fight like people of God. Let's not surrender and just justify this."
"Success is knowing who God called you to be and fighting to your death to live that out."
"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers with no bodies."
"The devil's plan is to steal, kill, and destroy."
"Lust is not satisfied by sex; it's an insatiable desire that needs to be crucified."
"Control your eyes or Satan will conquer them."
"The great wealth transfer is a global event. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him."
"We will battle with your promise, we will win."
"Fight from a place where you know that you can call on the Son of God, the one who has the highest rank above all."
"You've got to fight by faith, you can't let up on the fight of faith."
"It's a spiritual war, and if you're feeling really tired and really drained, it's because they're all out on the Astral right now."
"I'm gonna now take it to the level where I'm gonna fight this on a spiritual level."
"Jesus is not a bystander in an exorcism, he's the main actor."
"It is a spiritual warfare. It is not flesh and blood. Okay, so you can't use your own flesh and blood to get involved and then, you know, do this and do that. No, no, no, no more."
"The Cross breaks the power of sin, not the presence of sin."
"The true mark of you being a Christian is not that you don't sin, but it's that you are constantly fighting against sin."
"Fight with your demons, oh Satan, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
"The only reason you're winning right now is because God's been fighting with you."
"I believe the only way to fully battle that dark side and to truly turn to the light is through Jesus Christ."
"Above all, lift up the protective shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
"You are truly Divine, you're truly chosen, you are fighting a really good fight for something."
"The wind versus the word. The one that is going to win is the one that you focus on."
"It's not going to be a butterfly effect which a lot of people think. If that was so, Christ would have just disappeared and did his thing, but he didn't. He led the battle again."
"Be holy, it really puts heat under the devil."
"The same God who fought a battle at the cross is the same exact God who fought a battle for our freedoms."
"Thank God for my redeemer that he can take those things and turn them around that he can take back what the devil tried to steal from me."
"No matter what the dark Forces are trying to do to shut down our purpose and service to light... they will never succeed, now the light has won."
"The devil really wants to keep you where he's at."
"The fight is not between the world and you but between your ego and your true self."
"Not every distraction is from the enemy, but the enemy uses distraction to keep us from the true battle."
"Grace is your battle axe in the time of a battle."
"The war is going to be on the mind and the spirit."
"The last battle between the reign of Satan and God will be about family and marriage."
"There is an anointing upon it; it's a shout of warfare."
"We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers, principalality, and wickedness in high places."
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but we wrestle against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, wicked spirits in heavenly places."
"God will send clarity, and the devil will send clowns."
"God will give you spiritual capacity to overcome the spiritual battles you may be facing."
"Jesus is God, Satan is his creature. There is no way the darkness can battle the light."
"It is a battle between you and Shaytan and between you and your nafs."
"Understanding that we're in a battle against good and bad."
"Some of you literally are battling Satan, one person, you're battling Satan and the princes of Hell, the agents of the devil."
"Prayer serves as a powerful shield in spiritual battle."
"The people you watch on YouTube, whatever spirits they got, whatever strongholds they got, it's going to jump on to you, man. This is real, this is a real spiritual battle, man."
"If I walk by my Spirit then the answer is already settled in my spirit so even though my fleshly hands is going up my hands has got to go up to tell the devil that in spite of what you did I still believe God in spite of what you're talking about I still believe God."
"Your battle is not with people out there my battle is not you and your battle is not me this is a spiritual battle."
"We've got to fight back and cut the sucker off. We've got to cut off everything not like God."
"If it's not the Finger of God, you will lose. God is stronger than Satan."
"When you tell the devil no, you let all of hell and its demons know that the territory you're standing on he cannot have."
"It's a war, it's a spiritual war."
"We have to become more than conquerors. We have to learn how to do spiritual battle, and John is teaching us just that."
"So, we think the devil is winning because we don't see the day of light, we don't see what's going on."
"The battle is for your soul, not for your spirit."
"Your battle is not with me, but with Jesus."
"It's more than a physical battle; it's a spiritual battle."
"Stay in the spiritual battle...keep on praying"
"Renewing your mind will keep the devil out of your mind because the battlefield is the mind."
"It's time to awaken from sleep and put on the armor of light, put on the Lord Jesus Christ and get into the battle for souls."
"This battle that we're facing here, this isn't what we see with our natural eyes."
"I pray God as we're moving into the times now when indeed the sun has risen and it is exposed a Battlefield and the battle the reset battle must now be fought the Battle for the soul of this nation must be fought."
"We are in a spiritual battle, and we've got to bring our sword with us."
"In exorcism, words that torment the devil should be used with greater stress and frequency. Exorcism is taking a demon and making him a prisoner of war, torturing him."
"Spirit of lust, spirit of perversion attacking me, tormenting me, you are a liar. Break out in Jesus' name!"
"Satan will send people in your life to try to destroy you and change you from the inside out."
"That's one of the big things we do in exorcism, we encourage the person, we help them trust in the Lord Jesus. Lord Satan says no, you're mine, I'm going to drag you to hell."
"The book is designed to encourage you with passion to join with the lion of the tribe of Judah against the dragon of Darkness."
"Jesus is here to break every chain that Satan may have put around anybody."
"It's a battle of altars, this life is a battle of altars. The stronger altar will always prevail."
"Grant them wisdom, O God, to say no to the devil and yes to the Holy Spirit."
"They need to understand the big battle between good and evil."
"Jesus has already defeated the enemy. Our battle is not with the enemy, our battle is with our own brain, our own little peanut mind, our thinking, our flesh."
"We are in a spiritual battle, yes the devil is fighting us like he has never fought us before but it's not time for ministers to be mice, to be wimps."
"Don't let nothing stop you. Satan will try to stop you."
"Jesus waged war against our enemy."
"Next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future, he has no future, amen, but you do."
"The battle over the souls of our children is not won in this building."
"We are demolishing arguments. We demolish every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God."
"Never fight with flesh and blood if you want to overcome Satan."
"Every Christian Community has to face the battle of a religious spirit."
"The more dead you are to yourself, the more dangerous you are against hell."
"It may take a hot battle to conceive a prophecy; it will take a hotter battle to give birth to that prophecy."
"Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise and bury every enemy of my next level."
"In this world, there are only two groups: the seed of the Serpent and the seed of the woman."
"Forgive the person behind the person that hurt you was a demon force, hate him not the person."
"When the stars are fallen, that means the Heavenly powers are being shaken, being disarmed, dethroned through the kingdom of Christ advancing and swallowing up the kingdom of darkness."
"What we're looking for this Lent, and the point of Lent, is entering into intimacy with God and doing spiritual battle, particularly growing in freedom."
"We don't wrestle against flesh and blood... it's people versus the devil."
"For this singular reason, he came that he might destroy the works of darkness."
"Your victory is in Him, not in your battle with Satan."
"Michael finding himself obliged to defend against Ahriman what he had ruled through the eons of time for the benefit of humankind."
"The entire ordeal is her initiation into a lifetime battle with evil, claiming her place within God's kingdom."
"...there ensued a terrific combat between these two which lasted more than half a day until Christian was spent and began to despair for his life."
"Just tell the Lord the battles; hand over to the Lord."
"The greatest battle that believers fight is the battle between unbelief and faith."
"Over our bodies they have to jump, over our prayers on our knees, brethren, cry out."
"We're fighting for the soul of this nation right now, and you're a warrior in that."
"Jesus is the aggressor, and he's not the hunted; he's hunting."
"You're coming in with the power of God, and it is demolishing all forces of evil and spiritual darkness."
"Love and sin compete for lasting supremacy; Christ is the hero, the devil is the villain, and the universe is the audience."
"The greatest battle over our life is the battle for who God says we really are."
"This is a race; this is a spiritual warfare battle."
"When something is trying to keep you from your destiny, the battle is not yours, it's the Lord's."
"It's uncomfortable for a second, but you go to battle and you have victory."
"Take on that battle, flesh against the spirit, let the spirit win."
"The ultimate clash between light and darkness. The ultimate battle of good and evil and how we're prepared for it."
"Our spirit battles against our flesh, and our flesh battles against the spirit."
"Nobody's a match for the devil but Jesus Christ."
"I declare the judgement of God against every evil spirit from the gates of Hell attacking my life."
"The Holy Spirit will destroy my flesh, crucify my flesh, save me from my lustful desires, my sinful passions, and control my tongue to never betray Jesus Christ."
"You are a threat to the kingdom of darkness."
"...what happened when the devil revealed his hand too early? It woke people up that this is really a battle between light and darkness..."
"It's a spiritual battle, it's a warfare between good and evil, right and wrong."
"We're in a battle. The Bible tells us that there's a battle between good and evil, and we need all the help we can possibly get."
"Claim your right to life and win the spiritual battle by honoring the necessity of your soul expression."
"Step into your full power; the spiritual warfare is real."