
Hands-on Experience Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The best way to fully understand it is to get your hands on it and start tinkering."
"Your first and most important mission is to get to hands-on as quickly as possible."
"Seat time... there's no way you're going to get better unless you're behind the wheel."
"You have to get in the vehicle and you have to drive it."
"Boot camps are really a great way to get hands-on experience."
"It's kind of cool, you can see the clutch actuating as I squeeze this thing."
"It's all feel, it's tactile, you have to play the instrument."
"I kind of expected to have a little bit more hands-on."
"Build more things that get into people's hands. Learn by doing."
"There's something delightfully old-school about the thought that one of their owners is gonna want to replace a belt on the side of the road."
"I can't learn by watching someone else - I have to get hands-on and figure things out for myself."
"I actually am a member of Society of Cosmetic Chemists. I really am hands-on. I really go in and formulate."
"I still have a vague plan... just looking forward to getting my hands on it."
"Get out there and get your gear dirty, get your stuff scuffed up."
"It's awesome Hands-On is always the best way to learn."
"There's more than one way to get your hands dirty."
"Start making a couple of these flying lead harnesses first because you'll learn so much."
"There's nothing that will teach you more about code than doing just that."
"The best business school that you can get is actually trying to launch a company and make it profitable."
"The tangible aspect of viewing and holding these components can really help connect you to the reality."
"You got to get your palms dirty if you want to make it out here."
"I'm not a wood expert by any means but I could tell you this when you sand enough things you kind of know like this doesn't feel like it's supposed to feel."
"It's all about that experience it's all about those hours you've got to get out into the shop you've got to put your hours in."
"It was incredible to get down there actually put your hands on some of this impossibly ancient stonework."
"I like to touch exactly like what I'm doing, and if you mess up it's part of the process. Yeah, you fail, you learn, you fail, you learn."
"She's really having a great time and she's loving learning how to wrench."
"You don't learn to weld in a classroom. You can only learn to weld by actually doing it repetitively."
"If you execute commands on your own, believe me, you're going to learn a lot."
"The best way to learn is to tear something apart or try to put it back together."
"The best way to learn anything is by Project based learning."
"For 99% of the people out there, Bosch isn't really a consideration. It's hard to get good deals, you can't really go in and get hands-on with most of this stuff."
"Some things you can only learn by doing."
"Learning something on the fly, it's fun because you get to start building stuff immediately."
"It's good to get your hands dirty a little bit sometimes."
"It feels good to get my hands dirty."
"Our step-by-step Azure cloud training program will not only help you understand basics, but it will also give you real-life hands-on experience."
"If you’re looking for a fun and hands-on educational gift for your family or friends."
"...it was my build I wanted to build the car and get hands on with the car as much as I could."
"One of the problems that they have is just the identifying of them out in the field, and one of the best ways to identify something is to get your hands on it in person."
"As always, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. You can learn something old."
"But like I told you, if I'm going to be out there tuning it and adjusting it, I want to know exactly how all of this works."
"Remember that sometimes making a project will teach you a lot more than books."
"It's one thing to watch and follow along with somebody; it's a whole other game to go out and do this yourself."
"Thank you guys for watching and as always don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and learn something old. Bye-bye guys."
"I feel like I needed to do this right now because the only way for me to like, physically tinker and understand things in scale is kind of to physically do it."
"It's actually fun to learn this stuff, it's really... and I tell you what, nothing beats working with these things right here."
"This hands-on experience is invaluable for those looking to explore AI, machine learning, and Cloud engineering."
"I always say you're going to learn the most by actually building something."
"You don't really know what you're doing until you're hands-on."
"Learning as much as you can getting hands-on experience trial and error is how a lot of people learn best."
"That's the point of today, is for them to get their hands involved, get dirty, and experience what this is like to do for a living."
"It was my first chance to actually go work the property."
"Just start working on a Kaggle competition because without joking K is like the most efficient way to build up knowledge just because you're working on the hands-on project there."
"I think it's quite sticky, what goes on with the gem, it teaches you something and it kind of gets into your bones pretty quickly."
"Our students not only get their theory in the classroom but they also can get the hands-on training part here on location."
"You're not going to learn how to use that frying pan until you actually do it on the stove."
"It is much more effective to learn by doing rather than learn by sitting around thinking."
"We're making an homage watch that looks the same, but the point of it is it allows you to actually have a go at making a watch yourself."
"Sometimes when people try and explain a particular rod, I'm like, 'What? Give me the rod, let me see it, let me feel it, let me bend it, let me put it under load and see for myself how the rod reacts.'"
"If you want to learn, I think the best way is to actually do it."
"We're going to try everything on real projects, hands-on, and in all details."
"Putting your hood on and spending time underneath this hood, this is how you get good at welding."
"Just having the experience of actually building something with your hands is always a bonus."
"The best review is to actually see it in action and actually use it."
"It's very messy work, but it's very enjoyable."
"It's been really interesting to get feedback from people who have come, watched all of our videos, read our books, and there's been a few people giving feedback that just to like have your hands in that and to smell it, to see it, gives such a different sense."
"There's nothing like kicking the tires of anything you're going to buy, whether it's a car or a speaker; having the experience where you can experience it."
"There's only one way in which you can really learn a job, and that's to do it."
"You don't learn unless you do it yourself."
"When you get into parts and racing and the engineering and you get hands-on, you really get a feel and understand and live that history."
"When you're learning programming, you have to stop watching videos, you have to stop reading books, you have to actually start programming."
"Building is obviously the best way to really learn how to program."
"The best way to learn is to start doing something."
"If you guys want to learn anything, buy a broken bike and work on it, you'll learn a ton."
"It's been an absolute pleasure to have. I love the fact that I can get inside the enclosure with them and work with them hands-on."
"The only way you really get proper experience of using something like this is by using it."
"Don't be scared to tackle things, guys. It's easy. Just jumping in and just learning, that's all that's literally what it takes. Get your hands dirty and figure it out."
"I really enjoyed getting to put it on though myself because I'm able to see what things go where."
"I like to get hands-on before I'm to learn anything well."
"By immersing myself in sustainability at UConn, I'm able to get a unique hands-on experience in topics I otherwise wouldn't have discovered."
"Georgia Tech's BME department provides students with many opportunities to gain hands-on practical experiences."
"People want hands-on capabilities, these new certifications are giving you that."
"One of the best ways to learn how any new tool works is to actually start using it."
"The best way to learn a lot of these concepts is to just try it hands-on."
"I always find that learning is easy by doing."
"The most effective way to learn is to actually try and create something yourself."
"That's where that feeling of clarity comes, that satisfying feeling of your hands in the clay of the creation of your own experience."
"I did every position in most of my businesses."
"It just makes me want to play music because it's just so hands-on."
"The best way to learn it, in my opinion, is to get in and start doing things."
"So if you do stuff interactively, that's taking examples throughout this course and actually trying to build them out alongside or doing your own personal project."
"Like I always say, you can't really get to know a case until you're building in it."
"I'm totally a hands-on learner. I gotta do something to be able to learn it."
"It's just proper raw hands-on VFR flying."
"Their courses are project-based, which means that no matter which course you take, you will dive right into your own projects."
"They let you play around and get your hands dirty until you really understand and master a concept."
"It's a better experience to get your hands dirty, dive in, figure it out for yourself."
"KiwiCo is redefining learning with hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills."
"Being a scrappy startup, we had to get our hands dirty, but it was well worth it."
"It was definitely like more hands-on, say I just felt so in good hands."
"The most important thing is for you to actually sit down and code yourself."
"Get your hands dirty which is kind of important if you want to learn things."
"This is a wonderful opportunity for the vet students to get hands-on with horses."
"It's a great opportunity to put your hands on equipment, see equipment."
"I can grab my tensile structure and shape it with my hand, which is totally cool and real-time simulation."
"I could read it till the cows come home, it doesn't mean anything to me. I need to see you actually physically do it, and then it clicks."
"If you really want to understand valuation, you've got to get your hands dirty."
"There's no substitute for being hands-on and in the middle of this stuff."
"Remember, get up there, work on it, get filthy hands dirty, drive it, enjoy."
"There is no better way to find the camera that works for you than just picking one up and starting."
"It really does allow you to get hands-on with these devices and have a look at the devices and how they behave and what their characteristics are."
"We all wanted to get our hands dirty, we all wanted to show our expressions, we wanted to show what our abilities were."
"Experience and playing with the products yourself is the absolute most important."