
Funeral Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"The coffin was lined with lead to prevent radioactive contamination of the pallbearers."
"Stalin's funeral was his last grand show but it was nothing more than a facade."
"His funeral was well watched and attended, a bona fide rock and roll event where friends and fans alike paid tribute to a fallen icon."
"This is likely the largest funeral arrangement undertaken in our lifetime, a grand tribute to the longest-reigning monarch in British history."
"The ceremony was very sumptuous... the chief mourner was Eleanor Brandon." - Description of the funeral
"The funeral is not a time of despair but of hope."
"Two days later, Lara attends Unuratu’s funeral, and places her mother’s bracelet in the dead woman’s hands, thanking her for everything."
"Zaneb's funeral was held the next day, and a huge crowd of mourners carried her body into the mosque."
"Tony Roper was well-liked and he was well remembered at the funeral."
"Green Path's music at my funeral—I might just straight up get out of the coffin."
"I was attending a funeral, and spent the day playing with my cousin. It was his funeral I was attending. Eventually, I bumped into him, and it was as if I bumped into a living person."
"My mom's funeral was packed, I was very surprised."
"Death is death, yeah? You remember your dad here, not here. You don't need to go to the funeral to remember your dad and the good times and the happiness. You don't always have to go to the funeral, gentlemen."
"At Tony's funeral everyone rocks back and forth except for Mantis who sways in a rocking motion."
"The funeral of Charles De Gaulle on November 12th, 1970 was the largest in French history."
"At Catherine's funeral, she would have so many people there that there was barely standing room."
"Vicki's family laid her to rest on May 30th, 1985. Five hundred mourners attended her funeral."
"I want everyone to have to eat some of my ashes."
"His funeral is to be held on Monday the 16th of January at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens."
"His funeral was attended by his new girlfriend, so it's a good thing I didn't kill her before then."
"I'm going to be crying at your funeral in an Armani suit."
"Twenty thousand people attend the funeral of the man who tamed lightning."
"I'd be actually pretty happy with this being served at my funeral."
"Achilles was cremated on a huge funeral pyre worthy of the greatest of Kings."
"The funeral was held on the 12th of May and was attended by nearly 3,000 mourners."
"I want my funeral to be a celebration."
"Thousands turned out to see her funeral cortage."
"Only nine people attended her funeral, and no one followed her to witness her burial at St. Raymond's Cemetery in the Bronx."
"I want people to come to my funeral 'cause I did something for them. Not because they've heard of Dilbert or something."
"Her funeral featured a wreath made of chrysanthemums from her own garden."
"Every hero who loved Moon Knight showed up for his not funeral."
"It was the trooping of the color, the day before his funeral."
"The funeral was booked the cathedral Authority ities have since said that they weren't given the details that has been questioned somewhat although I thought not very convincingly by Cecilia's family but anyway the funeral happened and it's available to see on screen."
"This is a great party Ender for sure that's uh it's definitely not a party starter record I think it's something that I love about funeral Doom in general is it's uh it doesn't make the Party happen at all if anything it pretty much ends the party."
"...I found embalming to be very clinical, the quietness of the funeral home to be calming and peaceful."
"I don't know why she tried to have a dress rehearsal funeral using my mum as the stand-in, but it was obvious that that's what she was trying to do."
"Everybody loved him. I've never ever seen a funeral like in my days. It's one I'll never ever forget till the day I die. It was absolutely beautiful."
"It was a funeral and like in the Jewish Community we had to do something called sitting shiva."
"He attends the funeral and upon returning finds that the grief has brought him a new clarity, a shifted revised vision."
"I really hope that's what my funeral is I hope that people are laughing."
"I just want to tell everyone now that if George Michael has not played at my funeral, I'm going to come and haunt every single one of you."
My granddad had "If you don't know me by now" play as the curtains closed at his funeral. Shouldn't have laughed, couldn't help it. Legend.
"I'd like to put it to you that these funerals are themselves stories. There must be a narrative to all those actions, to all those sequences of events. They're acting it out because they're doing it. This isn't a theme for a funeral. It is the funeral."
"Always look on the bright side of life is a common favorite during funeral services."
"And again this is one of those experiences that has suggested to me that a funeral really is something to help the deceased person to transition just as much as it is for the family who are bereaved to grieve their loved one who's passed on."
"It’s estimated around 2.5 billion people tuned into the live broadcast worldwide, making Diana’s funeral one of the most watched events in history."
"Even if I die, which I won't, but even if I was going to and my funeral was going to be run by people who I felt total apathy towards, I didn't care about them at all, if my corporeal form is still able to go, I'm gonna be there."
"Bam asks for one more favor to organize a funeral for who which Serena Quant and lero attend."
"I'd love to be able to eavesdrop on what people are saying at my own funeral."
"Open caskets are so natural, I don't know why we do that."
"I want my funeral to be like a game night. I want to be propped up in my casket, sitting up with Uno cards in my hand."
"If they don't play this at my funeral, I refuse dying."
"He offers to pay for the funeral, knowing red is having a hard time financially."
"Next up, some last requests that give new meaning to the idea of resting in peace and comfort."
"That's insane. Even if you hated this woman, you didn't like her relationship with your husband. I don't really care, ultimately, she was your husband's best friend other than you, and you're saying no, you can't go to the funeral. That is crazy. You're definitely the butthole."
"I wanted people to come to the funeral and feel like they were edified, uplifted, motivated to live a better life, and inspired."
"It's more beneficial to go to a funeral than to a party, for death is the destiny of every man."
"The funeral procession of Henry VII was four miles long, and the coffin was pulled by horses draped in black cloth."
"His funeral was packed with all walks of life to pay their respects."
"I didn't go to the funeral because she was my grandma, I went because I missed her."
"When they hated you when you were alive they secretly talked about you behind your back but it's at your funeral they want to cry and they want to fake all these stories about how much they loved you and people are a trip"
"The four Hornets flying over Iceman's funeral with one peeling off is known as the missing man formation, symbolizing the person's absence."
"It seems a little odd, doesn't it, that they don't even want to go to their father's funeral to pay their respects?"
"I remember thinking that this is like the funeral of our country."
"She'll do anything for attention when they're going to your funeral."
"I don't want a long funeral... I want to love, serve, and help."
"I have never heard a funeral song that is encouraging."
"True to his distinctive style, Bowie had expressed a desire for no public funeral."
"That shit's going to be a million dollar funeral every one of his hoes is getting a new outfit getting flown in on a private jet."
"I promise I'm going to do your funeral right but do my funeral right too."
"Every funeral professional can go through the motions of death to where we know that we need to properly take care of them."
"I think the last thing I just wanted to say was that you know remember that when you're at a funeral home and you are hurting and you're meeting with the funeral director that a lot of times they've had somebody that they've lost in their life to and they've hurt."
"The value of a funeral shouldn't be judged on its cost."
"Nobody's funeral, for there is no one to bury."
"Everyone who attends my funeral must commit a crime that day. It can be minor, it can be major, you know, but you have got to do it."
"A couple of days after Tiffany's funeral I was out to dinner with Tara and Janet."
"Buford's funeral was attended by President Lincoln and an impressive list of Union leaders."
"No room for any argument. You want to have a funeral for that war criminal?" Isabella remarks.
"I think we started something when uh when we just invited everybody after the mass just if they want to come uh to the burial they can all come and I mean I don't know there's quite a few probably hundreds of people there uh and I think that was a good thing."
"Real world Tenenbaum stuff, best funeral ever."
"The funeral was like any other, ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
"Four months after Dale Winton's funeral his ashes were buried in the southern Garden next to his mother Sheree in a private service."
"There's no funeral without a [__] body in a coffin."
"They're preaching darling Cora's funeral in some Lonesome graveyard grounds."
"If I'm ever killed by a monkey, don't even come to my funeral, because I want people crying at my funeral not trying not to laugh."
"Gee, I didn't know he felt that way about me. Why, Chuck, I have a little respect for you. This is a funeral service, no kidding."
"I mean it's your final send-off, you deserve the best. I mean for Grand is just you know that's the last man you ever spent so you might as well go all out."
"I have to go now, but please do let me know if you need help with anything regarding the funeral."
"It's mind-blowing to me bro it's mindblowing how you have to pay die bro like you know what I mean like I'm I'm going to be honest bro if if if when I die bro I don't want people to like spend mad Bread on me bro I'm not I'm being dead ass like on a funeral."
"A simple funeral at Saint Mary's Church, Chelsea marked her passing."
"Meanwhile Stan's funeral yesterday attracted hundreds of curious onlookers who turned up to view the headless corpse."
"Everyone seemed fine with it and afterwards we got to eat and dance and celebrate. So am I the [__] for hosting a wedding in my grandma's funeral?"
"Few days after you know there were millions of people marching in the streets at his funeral procession like over the the U.S reports five or five million which means it was probably much higher marching all throughout Iran and parts of Iraq."
"Misery into memes and funerals into photo shoots."
"The film would end with a funeral for Captain America and everyone attending it paying their respects."
"Baker was given a state funeral and thousands of Parisians filled the streets to watch the procession."
"We now commit her body to the ground. Earth to Earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
"You taking the alpaca to a funeral?"
"We thought at first it was just somebody who had missed the service calling to wish condolences."
"We had what seemed like a recently deceased parent calling us during his own funeral service."
"I once heard someone say funerals weren't for the Dead, but for those they left behind, so that we may celebrate and move on. And I will always celebrate Susanna Blom; she will be dearly missed."
"The Queen's funeral and her more extended obsequious did create... a close to universal national mood."
"Nothing needs to be done right away. Take care of the personal affairs including funeral and burial and then contact me in a couple of weeks and then we'll get into what needs to be done."
"You get to lay them their body to rest you get some closure."
"I want this played at my funeral."
"Tell funny shit at my funeral, man."
"I don't want anyone talking at my funeral. Like, I don't want any speeches, anyone [chatting], coughing or sneezing. Shut the [heck] up."
"I don't want anyone depressed and sad at my funeral."
"Funeral has some of the best speed in the Black Clover universe."
"The funeral sometimes tells you something about someone's death."
"I think it's best if I tell them about you before they meet you at the funeral."
"'He's called several times since, checking up on me,' she offered. 'He offered to attend the funeral with me too, did I tell you that?'"
"Frida's funeral was held on the street outside her home to facilitate the large crowds of mourners that wished to attend."
"Following a service at Saint Isaac's Cathedral, her remains were laid to rest next to Alexander III."
"Elizabeth's funeral was resided over by a rabbi, and it started 15 minutes late because Elizabeth had told her publicist that she wanted to be fashionably late to her own funeral."
"Viking funeral. The Norseman always put their leaders on a floating funeral pyre."
"When I die, I want a green funeral. Basically, they put you in a cardboard bag and plant a tree over you."
"Silence the pianos and with muffled drum, bring out the coffin, let the mourners come."
"I wore white to my brother's funeral."
"Is this for a funeral? Because we do offer bereavement discounts."
"Few televised funerals have amassed over a billion worldwide viewers."
"There's no reason a funeral can't be uplifting, a celebration of liberation."
"So not a wedding after all. A funeral. And it seems like, at local funerals, you dance and you smile and you celebrate the person's life, rather than sit in a church and cry, which is nice. I like it."
"You can't beat a funeral processing through a churchyard, all that black against the granite."
"Our funerals take place within a week of death."
"For her to be honored in that way with presidents at her funeral to honor her like that, it was just an amazing thing."
"March sadly after; grace my mournings here; in weeping after this untimely bier."
"The funeral of Edward VII is, in a way, the biggest production number of his career; it's the climax of it all."
"When you're decorating the bone box for the deceased, I don't think it tends to be haphazard."
"We're ending at a funeral but it's almost kind of hopeful."
"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life."
"The entire funeral scene and all of King DDD's reactions to the situation were genuinely moving."
"If I die, I want all of you at my funeral, just to confuse the heck out of my family."
"Funerals may call to mind a church service, but it's possible for a lay person to MC the funeral."
"Funeral processions on the road do actually have the right of way in several states."
"I spent ten thousand dollars on a New Orleans Jazz funeral."
"Every time I come to a funeral service and I say I actually have in my hand the testimony that our sister or brother wrote, you actually can hear and see people lean forward."
"It's honestly one of the most uplifting funeral films I've ever seen in my life."
"I think the important thing is for each of you just to in the back your brain come up with like a little story that might come up that you could share at the funeral."
"The different funeral rites express the Paschal character of Christian death."
"I want you to wear this at my funeral."
"Much to the public surprise, William and Harry walked behind the casket."
"So this is a casket piece, and it really is a very pretty color palette together."
"At US President Andrew Jackson's funeral in 1845, his pet parrot had to be removed because it was swearing."
"After ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life."
"At your funeral, the only person who won't be there is you."
"I've been working at a funeral home for about a year as an assistant and will be starting up my apprenticeship next month."
"You go to Tiffany's funeral tomorrow, take whatever anybody throws at you, and deal with it."
"I am sorry for your loss. I will be attending the funeral, so I will see you there."
"I remember her funeral well, good turnout, big blue sky like today, she was well-loved."
"They had the funeral the next day, April 12th, which was also the day Roosevelt died."
"The funeral is for the living but we have lots of ways to set things up so that your funeral aligns with your preferences."
"There's a moment where it hits her, and you can see it; it's at the funeral."
"That's one other thing that is available to surviving dependents, is going to be burial benefits."
"The family held Carla's funeral and dozens and dozens of people showed up."
"I want my funeral to be a celebration of life, not a remembrance of death."
"We have entrusted our brother to God's mercy, and now we commit his body to the ground."
"Samuel Jackson was an usher at Martin Luther King's funeral. That's insane, that's historical."
"If you could find a way, any way, to get here for the funeral, she would appreciate it," Robin said.
"There could be so much forgiveness at a funeral."
"I underrated picking the music for your funeral."
"Laughing at a funeral is very important in celebrating the life."
"The funeral blanket was a peel of joy after the thunderous beauty of the funeral."
"The purpose of a funeral is to give people a chance to express their love and respect for the deceased."