
Human-centric Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"We tend to look at everything from a human point of view, which I learned 30 years ago doesn't get us very far unless you're dealing with a human."
"Humans come first. Let's say it again now, humans come first."
"Our understanding of design and 'Oh wow, the world is so perfect for humans' has a lot to do with the fact that we designed it to best accommodate us."
"Humanitarianism means a type of philosophy or idea that puts humanity first."
"This is not about replacing the human in the loop. In fact, it's about empowering the human."
"He proposes moving beyond the 'Copernican Principle,' repositioning humanity at the forefront of a story about a unique planet with a unique history."
"The Bible's about us, the Bible's about humans. Who cares about what the heck's going on in Alpha Centauri?"
"I'm not in the music business, I'm in the human business."
"For your company, you're not a products company or services company or a technology company, you're a human company."
"We have to reverse the tide and put humanity first."
"At the end of the day, it's all about the people."
"The solution is within reach and it's a human one."
"If morality is supposed to be being applied to humans then we should get it as close to us as possible."
"Politics matter because policies matter because people matter."
"Human progress is literally the only thing that matters."
"Our factories and the world around us is designed for humans."
"I think this will be a tool that amplifies humans not replaces them."
"The spirit of the Microsoft Copilot is really about advancing the human agency, putting the human at the center."
"True innovation stems from a deep understanding of human needs and desires." - Steve Jobs
"Forget about the non-human and just assume all your moral and intellectual responsibilities were to other human beings."
"So we can use technology to replicate the system by taking the current way we handle notifications and making it human-centric."
"It's sustainable, high tech, but warm and human-centric."
"Architecture not only serves to organize the various rooms but also to place man at the center of his home."
"True creativity and intelligence only originates from humans."
"Code is written to be read by humans."
"It's not about the institutions or the technology, it's about the people."
"Design is a way of thinking and it's people-centered. We put people first."
"The resume template that I use is written for a human to read it and it is statistically proven to be pleasing to them."
"At the core of the future normal is this idea that we have to think in human ways, more human, not just about the technology."
"The cornerstone of Dr. Lin's work is keeping medicine focused on humans—patients, providers, families, and trainees—and not lost in technology and algorithms."
"Our society is based on a human-centric approach."
"Optimize for people, don't optimize for valuation."
"AI is ultimately a tool for humans to do things in the world."
"We must ask not what is good for science, good for technology, still less what is good for General Motors or Union Carbide or IBM or even the Pentagon, but what is good for man."
"When we say safe AI, we really just mean beneficial AGI where we sort of maximize human preference and happiness."
"I worry about the way that it still seems to establish humans as superior to every other species."
"Digital transformation is the human revolution."
"Every little thing in this airport is designed with humans in mind."
"Places that are made not for cars but for men are places where we can be moving to in order to find that natural life again."
"If human intelligence were devoted to asking how technology can be designed to fit the needs of the human producer, the really unwanted work is far smaller than you suggest."
"We should use technology to serve people, and not the other way around."
"Humans are the ones that drive the entire business. It's not always just about what products companies sell or what services they offer - people at the end of the day are making all the decisions."
"Software languages are human-to-human communication, not human to computer."
"We want an AI that is on team human at the end of the day."
"We develop technology to service; we are not at the service of technology."
"It's easy to forget in a world so obsessed with technology that it's still about people."
"We really see as an opportunity is to invert the existing paradigm of placing product above people."
"It's all about people, dammit, it's all about people."
"The best approach is to come in from the human side, like what do people value, what's meaningful for people."
"What if technology actually treated you like a human being?"
"It's technology in service of people, and not the other way around."
"The world is designed for humans, so if you're going to design a robot, you need to be able to design a robot that can be plug and play with our already established environments."
"Technology needs to serve us, not the opposite."
"We as leaders have to digitize, but we have to digitize while making our companies or institutions more human."
"Any work that we do towards human understanding is going to benefit a range of applications."
"With technology and with people, the technology must always serve the people."
"The way we advanced is not by floating up an abstraction; it's by getting amazing abilities and bringing it down to our human level."
"The interfaces to our digital systems of the future are no longer going to be machine-driven; they're completely human-centric."
"What an arrogance to think that the whole universe and the Earth and everything was created for us."
"It starts with people, it ends with people."
"Most projects are about people, whether it's software or anything else."
"The goal is never environmental; the goal always relates to people."
"The reason this method works so well is because it's so human; it focuses on building relationships."
"Design is a system that takes technology and fulfills human needs; it's the bridge between technology and people."
"I think that a lot of the idea of us being in a world designed for us has to do with the fact that we designed it to best accommodate us."
"Software and technology should get out of the way and allow people to do what they do best, that's live, learn, and love."
"We live in a world designed for humans."
"Incorporating the right inductive biases into the models and understanding what kind of understanding moving from the data-centered approaches to people-centered approaches."
"We function best in an environment fine-tuned for human growth and productivity."
"There are many things that have handles on it, probably because we have hands."
"Make sure that your processes fit the people, not the people fit the process."
"We design systems in such a way that their only objective is whatever it is that humans want the future to be like."
"AI is being built as tools for people."
"Machine is no more than the tools to be used by people."
"What's powerful about machine teaching is it kind of puts the human first and at the center of the equation."
"We believe in humans and human scale of things."
"Workflow is a people driven process or people-centric process."
"We don't solve technology problems. We solve people problems."
"When you're solving people problems, you have to care about people."
"The three elements of human-centered AI."
"It's intended to be friendly, of course, and navigate through a world built for humans."
"Being human-centric means it has to be able to work in the human world."
"Human conversation is not a technology type thing; you really need to get the thought process out first and ready to go."
"You do not want to write things that communicate to the machine; you want to write so you communicate from human to human."
"Code is not intended for the computer, it's intended for people to read."
"Writing code is a human to human activity rather than as a human to the computer activity."
"People are the most important part of any GIS system."
"The robot works around you, not vice versa."