
Content Sharing Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"Always credit the original creator and make sure you're getting the right person and tagging them correctly if you are given permission or they allow reposting."
"My whole life is built around sharing things with you guys."
"I'm just glad to have a platform to be able to share with you guys."
"Please share that content the fact that you share it on your personal social media pages helps tremendously."
"Thank you very much for watching this video. If you found this helpful, consider sharing the video."
"If you made it with me this far, again I'll put links in the description."
"Do the right thing. Share it. Let people take from what they will or leave it, but share it."
"Make sure you're sharing these videos with your cousin your best in your mama and your aunt co-sharing is caring and I will catch you guys in my next one."
"You can put your work not just on YouTube, but on Amazon, Vimeo, all these places now."
"Everyone should absolutely check it out. I will have a link to that in my description here."
"But yeah I'll post the full call on my YouTube channel because I think that a lot gets lost on Twitter threads."
"Sharing the show and the video with your friends just to help spread the word and maybe have an impact on culture."
"There needs to be a reason behind what you're sharing."
"Sharing these videos are extremely important in my opinion more important than the other videos I make."
"You can't do that with music, you can't do that with film, but you can do it with games."
"I'm not gonna want to put it behind a paywall, I'm gonna want to put it out so everybody can access it."
"Thank you if you can please share this because I have noticed that the views have been basically the same for all of these which is awesome."
"I hope everyone has a fantastic day and we're going to put just so if you're not we'll put links to all the files that we've been using in the description below or the comments afterwards..."
"Smash that like button and share the video with a friend."
"Stop waiting till it's perfect to share your stuff, just share it imperfect things as often as you can."
"I've been thinking about this game non-stop since I got it and I'm just so freakin stoked to share it with you guys."
"Honestly guys, you can copy what I have, I don't really care."
"Another short way to help your videos gain an influx of views is getting publications, blogs, and influencers to share your content."
"All content is still going to be viewable by all viewers no matter what."
"Share this video so people can learn and educate themselves."
"Thank you all so much again for watching this video. If it did help you out, be sure to share this with a friend, let me know down below in the comments what your favorite part of this video was and I'll see you guys soon. Peace."
"I'm going to leave a link in the description or in the comments here, you guys can all go watch that whole video if you'd like."
"Like this video, share it. Let the message go out there, let everyone see how powerful the community is."
"Please destroy those like buttons and share this content with more people."
"The marketplace is going to receive a variety of updates not just from Epic Games but as things continue to expand you'll start to be able to see content from other users even your own content if you'd like to put it up here."
"We're going to put on this channel and going to talk about here."
"Share the video with your friends, your family, share it on social media, spread the love."
"A majority of game publishers actively promote sharing their content."
"I'm on a mission to get to a million subscribers by sharing everything that I've learned and had great success with for free on this channel."
"This channel is all about sharing what there is so you can make a decision on what you might like to collect."
"We want to show us this is what we do when we get up in the moral real day in our lives not just like the best bits try and try and love that stuff try and be honest and just be like look this is this is what was is what we get up to."
"It's like, if it sounds good, it sounds good. That's about it."
"The number one thing you can do: share this video and share any other video that you support."
"Convey something from me, even if it's just an 'a'."
"You're already in an elevated status when you share that content."
"Remember to share this video with your friends if it resonated with you."
"Whenever I spot my stuff on Reddit, I'm like, 'Oh, someone liked it enough to put it there,' and it makes me happy."
"It was really fun to stream it through so if you do want to check out my all of my vods."
"We love you and we appreciate your support, and we can't wait to share more videos."
"Feel free to drop a like if you enjoyed the video, share it with anyone that might need help leveling."
"Remember, hit the like button, share the video, comment down below your thoughts. It really helps to share this video with every single person across the United States and the world."
"Netflix began cracking down on password sharing."
"We publish on our website but then we also are almost all of our stories are under Creative Commons license."
"It's amazing, guys, check out his work, links in the description below."
"No, he plays the clip for way too long so I can't show you guys the whole thing without being copyright strike."
"The Afghan National Resistance Front is still around and they are still fighting back against the Taliban."
"Just in case for some reason we're not able to be on Facebook or on YouTube let's take a look at this footage."
"The best way you can help us here on the homestead is just to share our videos on your social media."
"We don't want people getting scammed, so make sure you share this video."
"You can continue transferring content even when you step out of airdrop range."
"The only way I can get eyes on a video like this is if you guys help me share it."
"Remember to like, share this video with your friends, and we'll see you on the flip side."
"I'm so sorry that you guys don't get to see those two reactions."
"Let's begin, playlist is pinned in the comments."
"Fight the algorithm by subscribing to the channel and sharing it with your friends organically."
"Leave comments, give it a thumbs up, share it across social media."
"Send this to your friend, send this to your mother, send this to your cousin, your best friend, everybody. Make sure you guys stay subscribing."
"Pay the fee, it means share the show. Don't be a hoe, share the show."
"I'm gonna get started on some things that I could share with you guys with this game because clearly the interest is still there."
"Thank you all so much for watching, if you like the show, remember to share it with your friends."
"Excited for it, excited to be sharing with you, making sure that I stay in the flow."
"Netflix, what are you doing? They lost it. They are taking away shared passwords. Ain't no more everybody gonna have their own."
"It's all hate in their heart and it's just so vital that we approach all of this with compassion."
"I will share with the end of the video what my outlook is."
"The link to Good Morning Magic will be in the show notes."
"I am so hugely excited to share this video with you today honestly I am so pumped."
"These videos only go so far, so be sure to share with family and friends."
"For your convenience there's gonna be a world download in the description of the video."
"Please share this content please support Mike whether it's through you know Lindell plan or Lindell offense fund."
"Share your ideas with the trading community or record a video explanation - it's all here."
"Feel free to share it, favorite the videos if you see fit."
"If there's any stuff in there, any of the stories that you thought were interesting and you want to share it with someone and you don't want to share an hour-long video, I really encourage you to head over to now you know clips and subscribe."
"Sharing really does help me out. I really do appreciate you for doing that."
"Share this out guys... all I did was just use my smartphone using these brand new application."
"I guess it's just my anxiety, you know? I'm worried if I post that stuff you guys won't like it, and that's why I don't end up posting it."
"I hope you guys enjoyed my favorites this month."
"Even if I were to include it in a poor man road to glory recording I would want to make it very visible that it was other people's rewards."
"If you got some buttery biscuits you want me to see then go ahead and give me that."
"I hope you guys like this video and found it helpful. I really just wanted to share the analytics and what the heck has been going on within my YouTube channel."
"Nugget reads all the comments so please talk to nugget through the comments section and support this share with your friends let people know about nugget's journey."
"A big thank you to everyone. Please do share these videos."
"Definitely put it on YouTube for free, definitely that's like the most important thing."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today, I love sharing this with you so much."
"Share my videos if you can. I don't really care about the actual number that's displayed, but I care about information getting out there to help people."
"This is a very important video share share share have a pizza party and share it or something because maybe you can entice people to watch it if you offer them some free food it's worth it."
"Remember to share this video with anyone who you think may be interested."
"Hope you guys enjoyed my setup tour of 2021!"
"Don't forget to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, share this with all your friends and colleagues."
"Instagram encouraging its users to share real authentic content."
"What you post on YouTube will also show up on Google."
"When people reshare the content that you create and they take something you already made and they share it with their friend that's like a referral."
"If you did enjoy this video, make sure you share it and don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to our channel."
"Encourage people to follow you and save your content on Pinterest."
"Oh this camera's gone, he doesn't want the Americans off the hill. Is American himself. Well you guys want to go check out everybody's YouTube channel, they'll be linked in the description below, that'd be fantastic."
"Celebrate the content, spread the content so that the channel can grow."
"If you made it all the way to the end, hit like—it helps other people see this content."
"If you did enjoy this video make sure you share it with your mates and hit the like button as well."
"Sharing content is extremely important for growth and for other people's learning."
"Let's get straight into this folks as we dive in. Click the like button because this needs to be shared out with everybody."
"Share the video around, and I hope I'll see you really soon back on the channel again for another video. Cheers, folks."
"I just want to share content that makes me feel good."
"If you enjoyed the content, give it a thumbs up, think about subscribing, but definitely share it with your social networks."
"There's a lot of people who either haven't seen that video or they just are not going to remember it anyways. So don't be afraid to just re-share something that you've done in the past."
"if you like this kind of content, share it with your friends."
"Hey, if you like this video, be sure and subscribe and share this video with your friends, share it on social media."
"If people can't share it and save it, it holds no place on your feed."
"I'm not going to spam you, I'm totally only going to put this out for content and sharing things with you guys."
"You're not just going to get traffic from Google, but other bloggers, forums, social media, everybody picks up on your story."
"Apologize to howardstern.com for providing the content first."
"If you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up think about sharing it with your social networks."
"If you got some good information to share, it will eventually do well."
"I love sharing with you guys but you know it just feels it's less exciting because someone else has done it for me."
"I've made you know ninety-eight percent of the content free for anyone because I just feel like that's the you know I want people to go check it out."
"Sharing our content with friends and fellow mystery enthusiasts not only helps spread the word but also strengthens our community of curious minds."
"We'll be able to generate a public link that you can share on LinkedIn or share on your portfolio site."
"Please remember in the Reddit to show any type of decompression content that you would like me to share."
"Thank you for your liking, subscribing, and sharing."
"You all are awesome and make sharing these videos fun."
"I love with a passion making videos for you guys."
"The best part about weld is the premium content hosts like myself share about our trade."
"Social media is your best friend... make something and just put it out there into the world."
"It's Creative Commons, you can use it."
"The best way to make sure that your business pushes forward with people just flat out sharing everything that you do."
"Oxygen OS 13 empowers you to control, connect, and share your content in smarter ways."
"You can share that clip out after the fact with more people on Facebook or download it and share in other social medias."
"I'm really excited to show you guys my updated and latest process."
"I can't wait to work on another video on this project, as well as all of our other projects, to share with all of you."
"I love them; I'll go ahead and link everything down below."
"Our computer screens contain a treasure trove of amazing stuff that we want to capture, share, and save."
"Let's go ahead and publish it so other people can access the website."
"Feel free to share this and subscribe, and hit that little bell icon next to the subscription button."
"Here on my channel, I like to share all things cleaning, decluttering, organizing, and some home makeovers."
"Every single day there are around 95 million photos and videos being shared all across Instagram."
"My YouTube channel isn't about just one thing; it's about sharing what I've learned over the years."
"If you like this video, please let me know by liking it below, subscribe and share with your fellow ladies."
"Appreciate y'all rocking with me, like I said, this channel is to show you all the good, the bad, the ugly, anything that I come across, I will share it with y'all."
"Have a great day everybody, thanks for watching, please pass our videos on."
"I look forward to sharing it with you guys, and I appreciate you hanging out with me today, bless you, until next time."
"Sometimes I post things there that you don't see here on YouTube."
"Thank you so much, if you did like this project, share, please give your girl a thumbs up."
"Whatever I share with you, I do it through my videos through a window that I control."
"For each of you guys who've been pushing my content out and making sure that other people hear it, I thank you, thank you, thank you, and I appreciate you."
"Thank you all for taking the time to watch, to like the video, to share it, to comment, to tell your buddies."
"We're just very happy that you watch the videos and share them with people who might enjoy them."
"Thank you all for your positive feedback and comments, thank you for viewing and watching this and sharing it."
"I love presenting webinars and sharing this content with you."
"You want people sharing your content."
"YouTube is a platform and it's a nice platform, it's a free platform for everyone to upload and everyone else to watch."
"You can share virtually any type of content from stored files and multimedia to original documents that you create directly within Notion."
"Lots of people are watching them, sharing them, commenting on them, learning from them."
"Don't save it, just enjoy it, and please be sure to share it."
"Thank you guys for watching, we hope it's giving you a little opening of what this place is all about."
"If you want to support my channel, please share my content."
"It's been really enjoyable, and I'm super happy to share this with you guys."
"It seems like everybody's really been liking being able to follow along with me."
"The live stream link for StreamYard is there in the video description."
"That's the benefit of YouTube and recording these moments and uploading them."
"Make sure you hit the subscribe button, right? And don't forget to share, because sharing is caring."
"If you're going to use somebody else's content, you should at least credit your source."
"We love it when viewers send us unique stories, images, and videos."
"I have so much to share with you today."
"Give me a little thumbs up, subscribe and share me with your friends and I will see you next time."
"This is the Crowdfunding Demystified YouTube channel, where I share content about crowdfunding."
"I'm really excited about posting my Vlogs."
"Like the video if you liked it, share it if you think someone else might find it useful."
"Post your content because you see what I have noticed about social media is that people love when they can relate to things."
"So before we dive into using Cordo, you may be wondering why should I build a blog in the first place."
"If it is useful, put a like below; if you think it will be useful for anyone else, don't worry about sharing our video."
"I missed sharing this content because it is like 80% of my life is homemaking life."
"You can now export or you can upload this to the Vroid hub."
"Please continue to like and share my channel and my videos."
"We'll go ahead and post the recording out on YouTube this afternoon."
"Don't forget to like and share this video with your friends who also want to animate."
"You guys seem to really love it when I share these kinds of videos."
"I'm going to shift my content to just sharing in a daily Vlog my struggles."
"Find the people that are going to like it and post it there."
"This is kind of a cool little way to share what you did and anchor it to your own website."
"Thank you so much for following our journey and our relationship and our videos."
"The more that there's interoperability between different services, and the more content can flow, the better all the services can be."
"We will be providing a recording of this talk on YouTube."
"You can open the Start Menu, check out your Recent Apps, 'Share' some content with someone."
"Thank you for all the comments, the likes, the support, sharing my videos. I so appreciate that."
"The future of article sharing? I say we are."
"Yes, this will be available to view later on YouTube and all of that good stuff."
"It was a place where users could post anything from images to videos to GIFs to long or short text posts all in one place."
"Whenever you post in a public Facebook group, that content is eligible to be picked up by the artificial intelligence and recommended to other people on Facebook."
"If you guys think this content is cool, you like it, please share it with your friends."
"We have surpassed one million views... just dump that special on YouTube and let's see what happens."
"My work is actually being seen by people that I want to see it on here."
"Hope you enjoyed the tour and looking forward to sharing more videos with you."
"We gotta get the content in front of more people because discussions like this are the ones that we need to have."
"Thank you so much, so so much, for letting me do that."
"Thank you for watching this video, if you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe and share it with your friends."
"If you put anything on social media for a half a second, someone's grabbed the tape."
"People don't want to share things that look like ads, they will share really engaging content even if that content happens to relate to a brand."