
Cityscape Quotes

There are 603 quotes

"Night City is one of the most photogenic, lush cityscapes yet created in gaming."
"The game has you explore a small cityscape, floating in a void."
"In the very centre of the city, overlooking the main square, is a grand, extensively decorated palace with a garish neon sign advertising the Empress motel."
"It looks like he has an awesome view which is probably nice to work at and just look out there and see all the city lights."
"Budapest: culture, history, and stunning skyline divided by the Danube River."
"It has the city around it, the different layers, this tells a story in itself, your imagination immediately begins to wonder and I enjoy it quite a bit."
"The world is beautiful, Metropolis is an absolute joy to look at."
"The city here I actually thought was one of the most impressive areas in the game."
"Spider-Man as made by Insomniac is one of these games that everyone loves and has wanted to play... the idea of just perching up on a Manhattan skyline then looking out was already fantastic."
"This build will make an impression and a half in your city."
"These are more like stylized, especially the one in the middle here. This feels like a city scene like neon cyberpunk that kind of feeling."
"It's a stunningly vibrant and photogenic creation of those rain-soaked cities of the future."
"Look at our city... it just keeps getting taller and taller."
"Soaring above the cloud line, the undisputed icon of the city."
"What puts Lake Shore Drive over the top is just the land use - a fantastic Green Belt of beaches and Parks up and down the shore on the east side of the roadway and tons of density and great views on the west side."
"I saw creatures flying in the air, they looked like pterodactyls soaring between the massive black buildings."
"Novigrad, which is just a very dense detailed city with lots to do, lots of people to see, lots of deep dark secrets."
"It's about Pirates, it's about a pirate city, nobody writes cities like maval if you want good City writing you have to read some maval it's incredible."
"Welcome to San Francisco, a city that boasts iconic scenery and oceanfront views from the air. The city looks calm and beautiful. Unfortunately, the streets tell a very different story."
"Enjoy your food, take pictures with the characters, get a load of those rooftop views."
"A great view of the skyline with the reflection on the water."
"It's an iconic and recognizable city." - Hayden Blackmon
"We're not presidents. We don't get monuments built to us, but when you look across the skyline, ironworkers have changed the way that looks."
"The Dark Knight Rises envisions an entirely new Gotham, one that drapes a thin veil of fiction over famous Manhattan landmarks."
"This unique city has a special atmosphere created by terrace restaurants and promenades right at water level along the canals."
"This is literally the most amazing view, look at the cabs, they look like little toy cars."
"The greatness of New York is perhaps most spectacularly seen in its buildings."
"It's like being in Times Square in New York City; it's so bright and so effervescent."
"I think my favorite part of this view is just seeing all the orange roofs all across the city."
"It's amazing, I wasn't expecting it to be like such a colorful city."
"It's like a fairy city," Martha Graham said.
"There's no city that feels as futuristic as Tokyo."
"It's a nice time to shoot, especially around Ginza, with all the artificial light mixing with the last bits of natural ambient light."
"New York is a mega city that is absolutely packed full of iconic places, areas, and buildings."
"The architecture throughout the city is just insane."
"The dazzling lights of Tokyo formed a starry canvas against the backdrop of a desperately dark night."
"I've lived in London my whole life and one thing that still blows me away is when I get up high above the city."
"London at Christmas is a really pretty city, especially at night."
"Uncovering this crazy mystery across Los Angeles, showcasing the beautiful aspects of the city."
"This might be the most beautiful city I have ever been in. It is stunningly breathtaking down every little cobblestone street and every little back way."
"Gotham is different now, it's unrecognizable."
"The view is crazy, look at this view of the city."
"...the whole city has just now come alive and this is a brilliant example actually of how you have so many different light sources and the game is able to sort of intelligently work out exactly what color each picture should be."
"...an incredible view of the city awaits."
"To start off, one of my favorite details was the train tunnel in the back of the city."
"The city set design was so well done had such a nice medieval vibe to it too like jobless reincarnation."
"I really got swept away and lost in these snowy, wonderful star-lit city of Valares."
"Pittsburgh is such an incredibly beautiful city."
"It's so cool to be this high and see a 360 view of Taipei you start to realize how massive the city really is."
"An all-inspiring perspective of the city's glittering skyline... promising unforgettable vistas."
"...that city up there has to be such a reality that you can touch it."
"The city was never more beautiful than at the break of day."
"Paris: a stunning cityscape and architecture, renowned food scene, a Global Hub of fashion, travel, and history."
"five million people and the skyline makes it look even bigger than that you of course have the CN tower there the nice Waterfront area and there are more skyscrapers under construction in Toronto than just about anywhere else on the planet."
"These streets, they're so compact, you really feel like you're in the city."
"This was still downtown Toronto but it was some other version of it."
"I love a cityscape as much as I love a Countryside sort of beachy."
"Las Vegas is now the city of screens."
"Experience a spectacular view of the charming city."
"Tel Aviv was small but modern and centralized, a pool of high-rises, expensive shops, and perfect streetscapes surrounded by Parkland, gentrified neighborhoods, and beautiful beaches."
"Look at this on the side of a bus wow uh this is Junction the great Queen Street coming back out on the Kingsway again back in the good old days when the old witch used to be around about basically."
"One in the background is Beetham Tower, the symbol of a city once again on the rise."
"It's a beautiful city with a stylish mix of the old and the new."
"The views of Santiago are gorgeous, offering complete panoramic views of the city and the surrounding Andes Mountains."
"The whole city look like me, just beautiful."
"There’s an energy that builds in the track as you explore the ever-growing cityscape, finding new passageways and bugs living here in the once great husk."
"Seriously, just the world building in this, like how the city looks, I want to see more of it."
"But we're going to get a little bit of a different view of Houston to kick off this day."
"The city is built on a pretty steep hill and climbing up it provides stop after stop of visual treats."
"I love this one so much as you can see, a very dramatic City sunset with some black Silhouettes."
"I love Liverpool. I think the center of Liverpool is staggeringly beautiful."
"The incredible architecture in the city is often in shades of white and brown, adorning the main streets from end to end."
"the city gleamed under the Warm Glow of a million lights unsettling Shadows lurked beneath the surface"
"It's a beautiful city. I'm actually excited for you to see it."
"Look at the Boston skyline. Let me know. I love scallops, yeah. Scallops cooked is just delicious."
"Houston's skylight is so big you could probably see it from space."
"I love the way the city looks from here. So different at night."
New York: "Its incredible cityscape is unparalleled."
"Truly one of the world's ugliest cities."
"Strolling between Buda and Pest via the saeni Chain Bridge is an impressive experience that offers stunning views of the city, especially at night."
"How epic would it be to see these massive glowing bridges leading up to a city full of light?"
"Everywhere you look screams New York."
"Galway is a small city with a big personality, it's beautiful Harbor, colorful buildings, and Arty Vibe reminded us of Brighton."
"It's a city, a whole blasted city lit up like a Christmas tree."
"A visit to Tromso isn't complete without a beautiful view over the city."
"It just looks so cool it's so unique there's nothing else quite like this in North America."
"Let's do a thought experiment. I want you to close your eyes and imagine the city of San Francisco."
"Something special about knowing that there's this river that flows right through some of the busiest parts of the city."
"...this city has seen better days but there sure seems to be potential for improvement."
"But due to the city's high amount of abandoned buildings, it attracts a lot of urban explorers."
"The scholar and his shadow the city appeared magnificent by moonlight."
"This is just a very modern city here."
"I definitely think it's a beautiful city."
"This part of the city is my favorite region of the entire city."
"The city really lights up with those golden colors in the distance."
"Honestly, it's the most beautiful city I've ever seen with amazing views from pretty much every angle."
"We're passing through their city right now and we just saw Marina Bay Sands. Their city looks so futuristic and so modern, it's insane."
"Overhead bird's-eye view at the capital city with some nice CGI clouds makes for an incredibly detailed view of the large city below."
"I love this city. I think it's absolutely stunning."
"You have a beautiful city I just came back from Denver and I think it's a wonderful city."
"Look how beautiful this city is look at Boston."
"Sydney: a city hemmed in by mountains and surrounded by water."
"Cape Town, one of the most beautiful cities in the world."
"It occurred to him that he had never even for one moment looked at the city through which they had been passing."
"The rising hills seemed to disappear into the clouds, giving the city a haunted and mystical quality."
"It's a much better experience because you actually get really good views of the city."
"This is nuts over here. You can see the entire city. Well, the entire city that's over here. Wow, that's the national park over there to the left."
"Yo, that view right there of the city is crazy."
"That view of the city is crazy. All white. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are what UK trains, as far as I can remember, look like."
"I guess you can see the whole city."
"I really love fireworks, I really love driving into a city during the night. I think it's beautiful."
"There's something beautiful about having a developed city next to mountains."
"This place is just absolutely incredible, literally a city on the water."
"One of the great characteristics of a city is the extraordinary diversity."
"There's nothing like being at the top of the parking garage with the beautiful city views all around you as you take a just a moment to breathe and just reflect on life."
"...this is a rendering of what he believes the city of Jerusalem looked like."
"I loved that we felt like this logo was really great, you can see the skyline in the background, Statue of Liberty, a pigeon carrying the hockey stick, big thumbs up for that."
"It's really a gem of a city, architecturally."
"Visitors to Pittsburgh absolutely are just stunned by Pittsburgh and how incredibly photogenic it is."
"Absolutely beautiful scene of Tokyo at night."
"It defines the fabric of the city at the lower level of the city and allows skyscrapers to emerge from that urban fabric."
"You can take an elevator to the top for some of the best panoramic views of the city."
"Brisbane is one of the most stunning cities in the world with its grand parks, waterfronts, and skyline."
"Sydney, it's a beautiful city supported by an extensive network of public transport."
"This city is probably one of the most beautiful cities that I've ever seen."
"This park is in the river on an island, and you get a great view of Montreal... it is absolutely beautiful."
"This is a spectacular way to end our trip, looking at downtown from a vantage point that very few people have ever seen it from."
"Lovely tour around Adelaide, a beautiful city, definitely want to return."
"I love this little textural pattern here; I love how it leads into this little warm area across the bridge and then into the beautiful cityscape."
"Everywhere you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city and the mountains."
"This city is absolutely amazing; this is easily one of my favorite cities I have ever been to."
"Although it was April, a freezing wind blew through the streets of the city, and overhead the snow clouds moved across the sky."
"From up here, Dublin stretches out before you like an endless tapestry."
"This entire city set up on a hill, so you're either going all the way up or all the way down, and it's quite a workout but it's good exercise."
"Look at these sweeping views of St. Louis."
"She gazes at the city of Berlin in awe."
"The perfect combination of the architecture of the 19th century and the modern extensions of the square reflects the nature of the city."
"There's a city behind us. We're free."
"It's warm beautiful sunset light that goes all the streets."
"The views of the city are amazing in the daytime, but at nighttime, oh, the fantastic, the whole city is lit up."
"The weather has just cleared up beautifully today, so we're really lucky that you can see all around the city along the river."
"It's the best view of the city that we found so far."
"You have the entire view of Central Park, you could see the Statue of Liberty, you could see basically the entire world from up here."
"The view of the beautiful skyscrapers of the financial district from here is amazing."
"The view here is so cool, you can see the whole city there behind me, it's amazing."
"It is so stunning, just so much greenery, an amazing view of the city."
"London looks so pretty at night time."
"Wow, this is the view right here, you can see into the city over there."
"The city itself is beautiful, old mixed with new, and the iconic Edinburgh Castle sits above it all."
"It's a little pit stop, it looks like all the lights are turning on, you can see all of Seoul."
"I'm really becoming a fan of the city; it's just so beautiful."
"I love that you can see the downtown Charlotte skyline from the top of Fury."
"Every year in the springtime, the city has a period of white nights when at night the sun does not completely set beyond the horizon."
"Hit the gym while overlooking KLCC or enjoy an Aperol Spritz at the 37th floor bar."
"I want a big city skyline background with flying vehicles and epic towers."
"It's hard to see this floating Manhattan as an island, yet Hong Kong remains one of the sights of the world."
"From where I stand, I can see all the lights of the city."
"It is a beautiful city, one of Asia's most stunning, most modern, most built-up, cleanest, freshest, newest cities."
"This is probably one of the most beautiful city skylines in the world."
"Look at how beautiful Nairobi looks from up here; you get a chance to see all these beautiful skyscrapers."
"Look to your left, the downtown Manhattan skyline that you see in movies, with New York Harbor out before you, it's beautiful."
"This is the most insane view ever; we are literally sitting over the entire city."
"Chicago, city of a million parking lots and 17 million cars."
"The views, my goodness, and the knowledge that the city is just, you know, it's like the city is on your foot here."
"He envisioned the city through a shimmering veil of memory and imagination."
"These views are amazing though, some of the best you can get over of Manhattan."
"The city is a wonderful blend of the old and the new."
"What an absolutely beautiful picturesque little city."
"The city on the Seven Hills glittered under the bright sun like a fabulous hoard of jewels."
"We had a view over the whole city, and we got to see a lot of fireworks."
"The city looks absolutely unreal from this vantage point."
"From up there, you can see the entire city."
"I think the Dubai skyline is probably my favorite skyline in the world, and it might be replacing Manhattan."
"You can see literally the entire LA basin, it's crazy."
"A skyline is a very important aspect of a city; it's often the first impression people get."
"The skyline can make a city look bigger or smaller than it really is, might make the city look nicer or worse than it really is."
"San Diego's skyline doesn't make it look quite as large as it really is, but that view looks absolutely stunning."
"It's so, so beautiful, and the view you get of the city is just amazing."
"This is the city, one of the biggest in the United States."
"I just love how well the entire city of Singapore is laid out."
"I think that's a great shot, there's nothing a better shot than a shot from above the city at night. Love it."
"Singapore is easily one of the most beautiful cities in the world and oh, one of the most delicious."
"You're walking around the city like it was built in the middle of a giant's garden."
"It's the best view, if you want to get a bird's eye view of the city, come here."
"It's a panoramic view, we have the best view of the city of Gjirokaster."
"I am completely blown away by this city; it has quickly become one of my favorite cities."
"Quantium, a uniquely captivating city, dazzles visitors with its myriad wonders conjured from far and wide."
"Quantium is a city designed to outshine all others."
"Nothing matches Hong Kong for its contrasts of traditional commerce and exciting cosmopolitan place."
"This whole esplanade out here really does add to the whole why it's such a livable city."
"Des Moines has a beautiful city skyline, complete with its very own high-rise buildings, many of which were designed by award-winning architects."
"Clouds drifted overhead, pulling a blanket of shadows over the streets."
"A very tall office building is called a skyscraper."
"This is a beautiful city; it's very well-developed, everything works."
"This city looks absolutely insane."
"Just the sensations, the connection to the road, the elements, it's um when you're pulling into this you see that City in the in the in the Horizon as you get closer and you're like."
"The beauty of this city will take your breath away."
"The city is glowing, glowing, glowing."
"It was a super nice city, so clean, really green for a city like they put a lot of wildlife in there, the people were super friendly, couldn't be more helpful."
"The Dubai skyline is one of the most unrivaled out there."