
Technology Advice Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Don't design your own neural networks... use the biggest thing that fits in your GPU and that's mostly the way you choose this."
"Warren Buffett is the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. If you've never heard the name, you should probably get off Instagram and google him instead."
"Stick with dual channel memory for optimal performance - single module configurations see up to 20% reduction in performance."
"So it's kind of unfortunately, there's not just like one global best framework, it kind of depends on what you're actually trying to do, what applications you anticipate but these are kind of my general advice on those things."
"If your parents have ever emailed you and said, 'Oh I want to buy this, what do I do?' and you've sunk 18 hours into reading Amazon reviews and blog posts, that's what we do for a living. You're in good company."
"Don't use pirated software—it's a pain and can cause problems."
"I recommend buying huge SD cards and formatting them only when you have to."
"I recommend SSD it is your choice if you want to pursue a specific option but I recommend at least going with a solid-state drive."
"I've laid out this video in a way that I feel like is the best synced order for understanding which laptop you should buy."
"If certain functions on your screen is grayed out...that's probably it."
"Steady shot helps stabilize your footage a little bit."
"Don't use the essentials version and the foundation version because they are in fact handicapped."
"If you're a student, you only want to look at two things when purchasing a tablet: having a great app store and having great software."
"Even if Pokimane doesn't take my recommendations, as long as somebody else stumbles across this video and they take away any type of recommendation and they use that to improve their setup then I feel like it's successful and I've done my job."
"Choose the right emulator... can make a big difference."
"I really don't see a reason anymore to buy a G-sync display if there's a FreeSync equivalent."
"Bluestacks on PC is your best friend for playing Seven Deadly Sins."
"If you're thinking about DDR5, please be informed about what that means and what differences that's going to make to you and your frame rates."
"If you care at all about RT performance just get yourself a GeForce GPU."
"Just by what that motherboard will accept if you do that it's it's easy-peasy again buy good quality parts."
"We're going to be utilizing the intelligent standby list cleanup program, which I recommend in practically every single one of my videos and will continue to do so because it's a fantastic easy to use two-in-one optimization tool."
"Unless you have a very high-end PC, you're better off just playing the console version if you have one of those."
"If this is your first iPad and you don't want to spend crazy amounts of money, around 800 750 bucks, this is actually a great first time iPad."
"It is absolutely possible to just dip your toe in and get a pretty interesting experience - in some ways affordable older projectors can be more useful than you might expect and also offer surprising benefits."
"When pressed on the subject of what should people do if they don’t have good enough Internet to connect every 24 hours, Don gave some sage advice to gamers; 'Buy an Xbox 360 instead'!"
"The problem we have is telling you to buy the 2700 X because we think it will be faster for gaming in the future."
"You may wish to enable encryption based on the criticality of that data."
"I strongly recommend selecting manual configuration when setting up your NAS."
"Just get one [Wacom tablet] as opposed to using the mouse, it'll make your Photoshop work so much better."
"You absolutely must be using a VPN without a VPN you are pretty much flying naked."
"A VPN is basically a condom for the internet at this point, you should always be using one."
"If you aren't aware of what NordVPN is, first of all, you do not watch enough of my videos."
"I think those benefits offset the sort of, I guess, clarity differences from optimizing for the lower refresh rate configuration."
"As long as your computer still works, you can restore your computer way back all the way to the factory default."
"Warn me not to do that because you screw with the ad blockers, warn me to open that in Brave instead. Can you do that for me? Can you give me that reminder?"
"If you think you're going to be downloading a lot of games, then get yourself a bigger memory card."
"No matter what, you should try to get hard drives that are suitable for the use case that you have."
"People telling you to buy physical to protect your games are the equivalent of your grandpa telling you to get a summer job to pay off college."
"Anyone telling you to just wait for Phoenix, you're going to be waiting until after cheaper, more powerful budget graphics cards come out anyways."
"The software platform is as important if not more important than the hardware."
"Using a USB power pack or a wall charger should charge a lot faster than a computer but either way is a fine way to charge your camera."
"It's only worry-free if you have a good backup solution."
"And then also for your ringer I would try to set that below 50 if possible..."
"Look, if you're still on spinning hard drives, just get an SSD. If your computer is going super slow and you control, shift, escape and look at your performance and your disk says 100, your disk is your bottleneck."
"Why not get a cheaper system that's about three hundred dollars and pick up this system that will play all the games on there and still play them very very well."
"The 3950 X saves you a lot of money and it's probably the better choice for a lot of people."
"If you're holding off on a new smartphone... you may want to consider holding off till August 7."
"Thanks for watching, and as always, I hope you keep an eye out for more Tech Rules!"
"Throw a lot of geometry at the GPU in big batches rather than trying to sort of send piecemeal little bits of graphics there."
"VPNs alone are not enough. IP address is not the only way that people track you anymore." - Nathan
"I highly recommend you go out of your way to just add the extra notch in your utility belt that is the internet exploration."
"If you're on any kind of budget then the main point I want to make is that you don't need to upgrade your iPhone just for camera because one esteem doesn't make that much difference."
"I really really want to stress on this point: I believe in things like password managers."
"I'm not usually a guy that endorses pre-built, but really, you're only paying $200 more for a professional to build your system."
"When you have a choice, use .NET. Use the latest version of .NET because the .NET Framework, yes, it's still supported, it does not get new features."
"Take a screenshot of your keybinding profile and save it somewhere safe."
"Should you install iOS 16.1 RC? If you're a developer or beta tester, you could try it out, but be prepared for potential bugs."
"Chargers via USB-C port are a must for student laptops – forget your charger at home? Easily find someone to lend you one."
"Try to maximize on your memory right away while keeping in your budget but I think 16 gigabytes should be a bare minimum."
"If spending well over one thousand dollars on an RTX 37 to your eight to nine hundred dollars and RTX 3060 is out of the question, then a make do option like a secondhand GTX 1060 six gigabyte is a reasonable alternative."
"If this WPS is something you don’t use, then definitely just disable it."
"The best laptop is the one that you can afford and runs design space." - Practical advice on choosing a laptop for specific software needs.
"One of my little pieces of advice that I give all of my clients... You really need to be with IMAP."
"So at this point, if you plan on buying a camera today, it should be able to at least shoot in 4K."
"The best backup solution is to have your data in more than one location."
"Let me be 100% clear: If you currently own a 2 or 4 core CPU and you're looking to make a new purchase today, get the 8 core if you can afford it."
"I think the iPad Air is the sweet spot between price and value."
"The idea of this video is to help educate you and help you make a better decision on purchasing the right Ultrabook for your workflow."
"The 7700K I believe is now no longer worth buying."
"I would at least turn it on and consider maybe getting the next tier up as it's about a dollar a month for the next level up of iCloud storage."
"Sometimes less is more, sometimes you don't need a discreet GPU for quality gaming."
"Mirrorless cameras make that much easier...recommending mirrorless cameras to first-time buyers in almost every circumstance."
"Speaking of which, here's a really good tip right now: your PS5 out of the box comes with roughly 667 gigabytes of SSD storage."
"Your upgrade path, man, just that would be like two years at least, get two years out of that."
"Build your own computers. You're still going to be saving a lot of money."
"Always hold off for an upgrade until the last minute."
"If you sleep with your phone underneath a pillow, especially when you charge it, it does not allow your phone's battery to effectively release the Heat, this will increase the chances of it spontaneously combusting or exploding."
"16 gig is going to give you more longevity and flexibility than 8 gig of ram over the years."
"I feel like the next decade or so it's gonna be about tackling really the crux of intelligence."
"I definitely recommend if you're going to be using a pointer on your iPad to use a magic trackpad."
"For most of us, this doesn't really matter. Buy yourself a decent kit of DDR4 3200 and frankly you're gonna be just fine."
"Grid can do things that flexbox can't...start using it in very simple ways...easier to use and learn."
"So, if you're thinking about getting a brand new Mac, don't get a MacBook Air because it only comes with a dual-core processor and no touch bar. Get this MacBook instead."
"If you care about performance whatsoever if you're gonna be upgrading anything go for the MacBook Pro it is worth it it's a better value overall."
"The best GPU for high FPS 4K gaming is solidified, but consider waiting to see what new launches bring."
"Friends don't let friends shoot time lapses in a 1080p, that's just a waste of good time."
"Immutable: If it's not your keys, it is not your crypto."
"I think anyone with Zen 2 or later, you don't need to upgrade unless there's a specific task you need Alder Lake for."
"If you want an audio upgrade go with the s9 plus just do it you're gonna be happy."
"Definitely recommend going for customized components."
"You don't need 64 gigs. Stick with 32 gigs. I have the 32 gig one myself."
"A great way to get excellent sound quality out of both an OEM stock radio system as well as an aftermarket radio system."
"Backing up in general is a good idea. Keeping a good state of all your data and services can help out when things go wrong."
"Using the internet without expressvpn is like passing a note in class and having the teacher read it aloud to everybody."
"So, we say, 'Hey, you know why don't you use the stream token as opposed to the periscope part?' It's better for A, B, and C, and D, and these are the reasons."
"It's also a great way of backing up your system drive to a clone or an image so if you have one of the inevitable failures that happen in computing you can recover that failure fairly painlessly."
"Make sure you are on AC... 120 Hertz is a good place to start."
"Use your GPU. If you've got the option, make sure you're using that."
"I absolutely love this camera, and it's my first recommendation to people when they say, 'What should I get? I am on a budget; what should I do?'"
"If you don't already have an UNO board, I would recommend just upgrading to one of the 32-bit boards."
"Make sure the laptop you're buying is upgradable."
"You can scale up and add more storage as you go, which is really really good stuff."
"If you're a college student, if you're a light user, if you are just trying to get a computer that does the job, then this will probably be a decent computer for the next two maybe even three years."
"Remember kids, always backup your files."
"Don't build your own crypto systems and no one should build their own authentication."
"The absolute best tip I can give you is to ditch the router that the cable company gave you and get a mesh Wi-Fi system."
"I think it's very important for everyone's online security that they use a password manager."
"I really recommend getting at least 16 gigabytes of RAM."
"You should always start with a relational database and only switch to NoSQL when you have a really good reason to."
"If you are a home user and you really are just setting up a NAS for the first time, and you just need a way to get your files on your computer, honestly, if you have Windows, Mac, or Linux, the protocol I would recommend is SMB."
"It's the easiest way to protect your privacy and security on the internet."
"Before this, Homebridge was something I recommended people avoid and stay away from, but now it's something I'll definitely recommend."
"I just want you guys to all start off on DDR5 RAM if you're going to be spending this much on a PC for content creation and editing."
"If you're even remotely considering upgrading to AM5, I will save you a ton of time, money, and a whole lot of headache."
"Do not install your operating system on a hard disk drive at this point in time, especially with how cheap SSDs are."
"It's always encouraged for you to connect to your Wi-Fi network because Wi-Fi tends to be faster than the connection through your provider."
"Restarting your device... is definitely recommended to keep it at top speed and top performance."
"I recommend doing a Time Machine backup of your files and immediately installing the update across all of your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and macOS devices."