
Cosmic Phenomena Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Black holes themselves, they're going to radiate away their mass...and disappear into the universe."
"This is a spacecraft that for the first time will help astronomers discover hidden details of some of the hottest, densest, and most extreme cosmic sources."
"A black hole is a place where gravity has had its ultimate victory."
"Einstein's theory works beautifully both in the solar system and in more exotic things like the expanding universe and black holes."
"They're also very fast, as their name indicates. LFBOTs go off like a cosmic camera flash. They reach peak brightness and then dim very rapidly - usually in the space of hours or days."
"Supernova are not just fascinating Cosmic phenomena they play a crucial role in shaping the universe"
"The sun is reliably protected from high-energy cosmic particles rushing from the center of the galaxy."
"The cosmic force transcends the neural boundaries of space and time."
"It might be that it just takes a while for things to get going, and that the galaxies will indicate life, star systems near us will indicate life, if we wait long enough."
"Black holes... the most widespread assumption is that black holes attract and swallow up all matter in their vicinity... what happens when objects enter a black hole is still widely speculated..."
"PSR J1719-1438: A neutron star with a diamond companion."
"Every other element on the periodic table and every single thing you see around you today was formed in the heart of exploding stars."
"Black holes temporarily become the most powerful engines in the universe."
"The phenomenon can be explained using a more exotic extraterrestrial civilization hypothesis. Missing stars can, in fact, be taken over by highly advanced intelligent civilizations."
"With each observation through these telescopes, we've witnessed the birth and death of stars, marveled at the intricate dance of galaxies, and unraveled the mysteries of black holes."
"Every atom in our bodies was once inside a star that exploded."
"The shuttering of neutron star shells releases loads of heavier elements which were fused by the star that came before it."
"Black holes: bottomless pits like the jewels of Hell."
"Neutrinos are Cosmic ghosts interacting with matter so irregularly that trillions of them are streaming through your body this very moment."
"It's not so much density as it is a dynamic contraction and expansion of space."
"M82 has got what's called young super clusters in it."
"We'll be able to see the results of the shock waves that really hit the leftover materials."
"Black holes are arguably the most fascinating cosmic phenomena most people are aware of."
"Dark matter is the craziest phenomenon in the universe."
"The death of black holes leaves behind a vast cosmic void, echoing the end of our universe."
"One of the reasons that the Tarantula Nebula is so interesting to astronomers is that the nebula is similar in state to the massive star-forming regions present during the universe's cosmic noon."
"Alien lighthouses could be sweeping the galaxy."
"There's hardly anything more bizarre in space than black holes."
"The universe itself could flourish in a wild way."
"One exciting theory suggests that diamonds may be raining inside Uranus and Neptune."
"Our solar system is located almost exactly in the center of a huge bubble one thousand light years in size."
"Stars and their accompanying planets begin as cold clouds of unassembled gas in space."
"Explaining how a black hole could grow so massive is one thing… but so quickly, is another question entirely. It truly bends the mind."
"The Miri instrument on the James Webb opens up an entire new way for us to investigate the reionization period of the universe."
"The scientists were now able to see huge amounts of winds coming from the supermassive black hole heating up a lot of gas surrounding the region around the black hole."
"The black hole in the middle was emitting so much light that it was overshadowing the entire galaxy around it completely."
"A black hole near Earth gives birth to the legendary Pokemon known as The Crossing."
"One of the most mysterious, and rarest, phenomena we detect coming from space are known as ultra-high energy cosmic rays."
"Space roar: strange radio signals drowning out other sounds in the universe."
"The Quran mentioned the expansion of the universe even before the invention of the telescope."
"The local void in space contains nearly no galaxies, revealing the prevalence of cosmic emptiness."
"Stars are like eternal light bulbs keeping their glow for billions of years."
"This light was released the moment the Universe had cooled down a little, and has been traveling for almost 13.8 billion years to reach us."
"Astronomers call such worlds planemos - planets without a star."
"The universe itself would be uniformly filled with an energy field."
"NASA space telescopes have discovered a giant cosmic eye."
"Traveling where something is perturbing our entire solar system."
"That is the big rip scenario, It happens when the cosmic event horizon is smaller than the smallest possible structure."
"The universe wasn't kind enough to grant us with a cosmos full of huge, juicy fat moons to detect."
"Giant black holes lurk in the dust lanes and swirling gas clouds at the centers of nearly every large galaxy."
"This massive beast is devouring anything that gets too close—stars, planets, gas, dust, the works."
"Dark energy growing over time might sunder space itself."
"Supernovae: outshine entire galaxies, spill more energy than our sun."
"Astronomers think that in the few 1000 years that the light has taken to get to us that the Pillars of Creation have actually collapsed."
"Discovery of a blackout... 1.6 billion solar masses... when the universe was just 670 million years old."
"Are the angels blocking the wind massive planetary bodies?"
"One day in the future, our own Milky Way could form its own merger with the nearby Andromeda galaxy and create a new Death Star galaxy."
"Neutron stars are among the strangest and most exotic stars in the universe."
"Out there in the universe is a planet that is 10 times the size of Jupiter, completes one circle around its star in less than 24 hours, and shortly spirals onto the surface of its searingly hot sun."
"The cloud of stellar dust that condensed into our solar system and eventually this little rocky planet, that was like taking a bucket of that ocean and making a whole world from it."
"The most powerful kind of energy outflow in the entire universe."
"Outer space mystery: a strange object emitting a beam of radio waves every three hours."
"Outer space mystery: astronomers puzzled by a mysterious object disappearing and reappearing in the sky."
"How in the universe did two black holes 30 times heavier than the sun end up orbiting around each other?"
"How much of the history of evolution of life has been something cosmic spontaneous divine field?"
"If you take the Earth, for example, and you take a vice and you squeeze the Earth... the Earth would become a black hole. This big."
"Black holes: gravitational monsters that devour everything around them."
"What comes out is a black hole but a white hole which varies teeny."
"They're called The Embers of Genesis nutrient-rich Cosmic dust from an ancient Supernova with the power to terraform entire ecosystems."
"These zombie Stars will remain a mystery, but they look super cool, right?"
"Maybe black holes don't suck and destroy, maybe they suck and create."
"The universe is constantly sparking with electric activity."
"The tool was powerful enough to reveal a breathtaking pair of merging galaxies about 270 million light-years away from our planet."
"The prospect of untangling this web of cosmic intrigue propels us into a realm of fantastic speculation and theories behind the Doomsday Machine."
"The study of cosmic rays, including recent discoveries such as Amatarasu, gives us a glimpse of the most powerful forces in the universe."
"Pulsars: remnants of exploded stars that serve as Cosmic clocks with unprecedented precision."
"With an estimated energy of about 320 EXA electron volts, it was the most energetic cosmic ray observed in history."
"Earth may be in just the right place in the solar system, but we're also close enough to the sun to be a target of its fury."
"My research suggests that exposure to a high energy Cosmic storm might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life. The same Elemental profile will pass Earth's orbit, give kids a chance to live longer, stronger, healthier, please."
"FRBs are so powerful that sometimes they can be brighter than entire galaxies."
"Since their discovery in 2007, cosmic radio bursts or 'blitzars' have been a source of fascination to scientists around the world."
"It is unknown what causes these radio bursts, and experts have guessed that it might occur due to collapsing neutron stars or flares."
"This is the direct observational proof of Penrose process being a real thing, a real phenomenon, a process that we might be able to discover again if we find another one of these binary-driven hypernova like the one we just saw."
"Stars wouldn't be here. Galaxies wouldn't be here if that were the case."
"We witnessed the cosmos as having gone through a jerk."
"Nothing has the energy required to escape a black hole, making them windows into a mysterious realm beyond our understanding or reach."
"With luck, we might be able to witness glimpses of these tragic Titans in the brief moment between their formation and destruction."
"A black hole is like the cosmic vacuum cleaner of the universe."
"The explosion of Jupiter is so strong it evaporates smaller planets like Mars and Earth."
"...the underlying physical mechanism could be generally the same but unlike the filament in the Milky Way galaxy are only visible because first of all they're much larger but they also seem to be much much older."
"The energy released by a supernova is equal to the combined energy released by the sun during its 10 billion year lifespan."
"These bursts flash for a micro instant but emit more energy than the sun does in 10,000 years."
"Gamma bursts shine brighter than a diamond, they are a million trillion times brighter than the sun."
"Concepts like hypothetical stars, brown dwarfs, and black holes capture our imagination."
"The universe is alive with sound, and there is a thing called 'space roar.'"
"Galactic Novas are clockwork stars capable of granting wishes."
"Fermi bubbles... are two humongous interconnected bubbles of gas, dust, and cosmic radiation... making these bubbles perhaps the single largest structure in the galaxy."
"The CMB Cold Spot is an enormous area of the cosmic microwave background radiation that is unusually cold."
"This planet has a ring around it... it's the bones of the pergil who came here to die."
"Like a great wind, the radiant energy of starlight drives these clouds of dust and gas throughout the galaxy."
"Cosmic rays are hitting our planet all the time."
"This bubble and the creation of this bubble might be directly responsible for pretty much most of the star formation in all of the nearby young star-forming regions."
"Quasars and blazars... both have these strange jets shooting out in both directions."
"There are such things as neutron stars, pulsars, black holes, dark matter, and supernova explosions."
"We sometimes call this the cosmic baryon cycle, a bit like an ecosystem where gas is falling in, making stars, and then cycling back out and back in again."
"Why do galaxies spin and have angular momentum? If you spin something in space, it will keep spinning forever."
"There are phenomena in our universe that can't be understood without understanding quantum gravity."
"One star can't do it, but two stars, well, that's what we think has got going on."
"The origin of Sputnik Planitia is a story of cosmic forces."
"The energy of these things is just unimaginable."
"A black hole has formed in the core of the collapsing star."
"Astronomy's filled with stuff like that, and it makes it great to go into work. I love it."
"Shine bright like a super massive black hole."