
Living Costs Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Millennials really dealt the short end of the stick because between 1970 and now, wages have gone up by around 70%, which is good news. But do you know what has gone up by more than 70% since 1970? Your rent costs, your housing prices, your college costs, and your standard of living."
"You get paid well and the cost of living is really low; no wonder they're happy."
"Affordable is nice but actually being paid to live someplace can be even better."
"It's kind of amazing that people pay so much to live here now, you know? Because again, the quality of life goes down and the cost goes up. It's kind of the model of modern capitalism right there."
"This is not a hot economy when 43% of households can't afford to pay for housing, food, childcare, healthcare, transportation, and a cellphone without going into debt."
"Everyday citizens from all over the world are dealing with increased food, gas, and energy bills."
"If you want to save some money move out of London."
"The cost of living in the United States has skyrocketed over the past few decades, putting a strain on the wallets of many Americans."
"75 percent of middle-class Americans say their earnings are falling behind the cost of living."
"As housing, education, childcare, and food prices continue to climb, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet."
"Once you affect them in the pockets, these are people that didn't have really tough lives. Now they're being affected by the cost of energy to the point where they have a problem with what's going on."
"Paying rent can offer flexibility, allowing you to avoid large upfront costs and ongoing maintenance expenses associated with home ownership."
"What about the prices where you live? Are they going up?"
"The purpose of a job is supposed to pay for you to be able to afford to live and that's just not the case anymore."
"$1,000 a month is even enough money for most people to pay for their rent."
"Florida is literally becoming the next California in terms of the cost of living."
"I would highly suggest to anybody that's looking to move to Florida today in 2024 is to look at the prices not only of the homes but just look at... the cost of living."
"This list is just focusing on the cost of living in different places."
"It's more expensive to live in poverty dollar for dollar than it is to live in wealth."
"The cost of living should be rising in Russia."
"Four hundred dollars a month just for water."
"The cost of living for people on moderate wages will be significantly reduced."
"Things start to get a little crazy... almost $5,000 a month for one bedroom."
"Major expenses are rising faster than wages."
"If you want to live for free, look into a term called house hacking."
"Gas is expensive, college is a scam, rent is outrageous."
"It's a shame. It's not going to get any cheaper to live in the Bay Area; it's just going to get worse and worse."
"The rent is just too damn high for most people in England and especially if you live in a big city."
"The United States is more expensive than people realize."
"Rent is about 65 of the cost as it was in la and of course gas is about 60 of the cost."
"Wages have been growing but they haven't been growing fast enough to keep up with the growing cost of living."
"You can live in the city and pay $5000 a month for a micro apartment or you can move 100 miles away and pay half of that."
"New York is not a cheap place to live in so even if you want to like eat out and stuff that's gonna cost you extra like just living cost in general are really, really high."
"When your living costs are literally zero dollars a month, it enables you to invest it into your dream."
"It's hard to live here, it's expensive."
"One last question for you is there anything at all that you think is not that great about living in bronzefield... the price of rentals and when you're looking to buy it is a very nice area so the price tag comes along with it."
"Your home: 'The cost of living does not equate to the standard of living.'"
"The cost of living in Mobile, especially when it comes to property tax, is crazy cheap."
"So truly the cost of living in Mobile, especially when it comes to property tax, is crazy cheap."
"The cost of living is completely out of control. It is no joke at this point."
"The cost of living is relatively low compared to its Western European neighbors like Italy and Austria."
"Living costs have risen up exponentially throughout the globe in the last 5 years or so, and Europe's no exception to this sudden surge of inflation."
"It's really feasible to live here on a typical social security check of fifteen hundred dollars."
"So if Kodakachi seems to be your place, you can easily live here for fifteen hundred dollars including medical and other costs."
"If you're self-employed, no state income tax, it's way cheaper to live here."
"We love our apartment, we love the area, wish it didn't cost an arm and a leg, but that's the joys of living in California."
"400 euros is accommodation per month, that is very affordable."
"The cost of living crisis is real."
"We're living through the most severe cost of living crisis in history."
"This is Financial Freedom because you won't have to pay rent or a mortgage anymore."
"So we've established that cost of living shouldn't be your only decision point."
"Know how much it costs you to live on a monthly basis and then pair that to your income."
"A New Yorker would need to make at least $38.80 an hour or more than four times the minimum wage to afford the city's median asking rent of $2,690."
"Life is getting very expensive and a lot of things with our income is the fact that it's not keeping up with cost of living."
"Cost of living is the number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, tenth issue."
"International students were coming here and being absolutely shocked by the cost of housing, the cost of food, cost of transportation."
"A more affordable government will mean a more affordable cost of living for Canadians."
"The good thing about Poland is that the living costs there are really, really low in comparison to other countries."
"Hourly earnings in New York are around $42, far lower than the $67 an hour you'll need to live comfortably."
"Inflation has made the cost of living rise faster than wages."
"I think the point is that we're all sick of spending all of our money on food and rent, and never having anything for a personal luxury."
"The cost of living in London is guaranteed to be higher than living elsewhere."
"The most affordable states... need between $109,000 and $117,000."
"The on-campus cost of living is $6,150 Canadian dollars per academic year."
"If you live in a place where you can't afford, move. It's really that simple."
"Tampa's cost of living is actually 1% lower than the national average."
"The cost of living is too high, so these issues are all related."
"The cost of living has gone up, but our wages haven't increased."
"One of the biggest complaints for most people that rent: the increase in their income hasn't met what the increase it is to actually live right now in the United States."
"People in New York City are very open with how much they pay for rent because it is so expensive."