
National Concern Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The bottom line is the American people are hurting and they're hurting badly."
"I see data now that should give us all pause; it should make us frankly, many of us weep who love this country."
"I really do pray for this nation. I think right now the best thing we can do is just put it in God's hands."
"This is one of the biggest stories in the history of this nation."
"Forget about as a Jew, as an American, it is deeply disturbing."
"It's heartbreaking for our country to have a president of the United States with this list of charges against him."
"This should scare every person in this country."
"It's all overtly political, and this country is being ripped to shreds."
"It's a disturbing time for the United States of America."
"We have a border crisis in our country. It's a crisis that South Texas is on the front lines of and pays the price, but it impacts the entire country."
"If this is true then our country is in a lot of trouble."
"Republicans hate Democrats more than they care about the country."
"As controversial as he is, Trump coming back is very interesting and we'll see where it goes because at the very least what you can say is he cares about America and he wants it to succeed."
"We need something better. The country cannot indulge this level of stupidity and malice for very much longer before it puts us into not just temporary decline but a permanent and precipitous decline."
"We've come to the hour that [George Washington] feared most, and it's dangerous for the future prosperity and security of the country."
"Brain drain is a very serious problem, it's bad for America, it's bad for other countries, and you should be mad about it."
"This kind of scheme to nullify the constitution of the United States is one that all Americans should fear."
"Ultimately I do care about the country and I do care about the communities."
"I trembled for my country when I remember that God is just."
"I'm tired of watching this country seep through our fingertips."
"Gas prices hit five dollar national average after rapid rise."
"We're in trouble we gotta pray for this country there's gotta be some way to avert this."
"I'm going to do it because these people are trying to destroy our country. I love our country."
"This is a deeply deeply troubling and disturbing and shakes up the entire core of the nation."
"There is something strange afoot in our country."
"This is a very sad day for America... This is the persecution of a political opponent... We can't let this happen in America." - President Trump
"This is not a left issue, this is not a right issue, this is an American issue."
"This leadership is taking us in a bad direction. We are going to end up in a situation where the United States essentially implodes."
"Donald Trump was a multi-billionaire... and he decided to run for president because he hated to see what was going on in this country."
"If we don't win in 2024, we have not got a country anymore."
"Americans by overwhelming margins see the nation's democracy as imperiled."
"Australia, if Australians please listen to me, if you are not protesting this at least in the online sense and making yourself heard, your country is effectively it might as well dry up and die."
"Where is our country? Where is anyone in our country on a federal level that gives a crap about our country?"
"Our country is going to hell and we have to stop it."
"Substance abuse is growing at an alarming pace all across the country."
"I think America is already itching to be like okay we need to go back to work or we're not gonna have a country to go back to."
"Conservatives care about the everyday Canadian, seeing the bill as an existential threat."
"The livelihood of the American people depends on it because it absolutely does."
"Can we take as a country? How many more teenagers and six- and seven-year-olds can we allow to die? Don't let that happen anymore on your watch."
"I'm not scared to go to jail, I'm trying to save my country."
"This isn't a United issue, this isn't a Liverpool issue, this is a national issue, this is a football in England issue."
"He's betrayed our country, and I don't say that lightly."
"You're doing a tremendous amount of damage to the country."
"Pray as if the survival of our culture and this great nation depended on your prayers."
"If we don't get a hold of it sooner than later, we will lose our country."
"I have so much respect that his sincerity to save America is so true, so powerful."
"I've never been more fearful of the state of this country than I am right now."
"This is not a matter of America first, it's a matter of caring about America at all."
"What they are planning is something that we have never experienced in the history of this country."
"Liberty is in danger of being eliminated in the United States."
"The country's in way worse shape than people think."
"Under this administration, authoritarianism has taken root in our country."
"My story is just that we thought that we were gonna save America."
"South Korea has a birth rate problem so severe that it may put the country itself on the road to its own extinction."
"It's not just about safety anymore, it's a matter of national concern."
"We're taking control over America. This [__] cannot be president again at any cost."
"Across the country it seems like the pothole problem is getting worse."
"We are literally seeing a coup in the United States right in front of our eyes."
"This is very troubling and this is a threat to the very viability and existence of our great Republic."
"This is an assault on America, it's how the Marxists are trying to destroy us from within."
"We can't just let the country burn itself to the ground because of fears over this virus."
"This is a sad day for America, it's concerning, it's disturbing...the exposure of our weakness."
"The dangerous extremism is growing in this country right now."
"With the entire country looking for answers."
"There's a person who cares about this country and isn't afraid."
"I'm not emotionally invested in either side; I care about America."
"The nation of the United States of America is in deep trouble."
"It captured the national imagination, because it seemed to embody everybody's fears as a worst-case scenario in medical ethics."
"This is bigger than the state of Ohio, this is a national issue."
"Their reputation right now, as far as England is concerned, is in the gutter."
"Look what they did to our country."
"The nation cared deeply about what would happen to those boys."
"The founding fathers thought the political parties would kill this country, and I think they're probably right."
"It is time to get stirred and it is time to find our tears for a lost and a dying nation."
"The nation will find this a difficult moment indeed."
"The president launched his campaign on the idea that the former president posed a unique threat to the soul of our country."
"Our number one priority is the health of the people of our country."
"America is worried about one thing above all right now, and that is our health."
"My heart cries for this nation because... it has had to endure consequences of decisions of a government that is visionless."
"We're actually the country is facing a brain drain."
"This has become a bipartisan issue in for Americans."
"People in Britain feel that Britain is in decline, they really worry that nobody's putting forward a plan for the future."