
LinkedIn Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"LinkedIn is one of the strangest social media platforms in existence where else can you find people bragging about working unpaid overtime and writing appreciation posts to the company that just laid them off."
"Filling out your online presence... recruiters and hiring managers do look at your LinkedIn."
"LinkedIn still somehow managed to carve out its own island of users by combining the two holy grails of adulthood: the office and meaninglessness."
"LinkedIn is rewarding me and giving me higher visibility."
"The reason why LinkedIn is such a great tool for us recruiters is that we can narrow down exactly what we're looking for and find the perfect match."
"I think everyone needs to start getting on LinkedIn and creating content."
"Think of LinkedIn as the world's largest networking event."
"LinkedIn is incredibly valuable for lead generation."
"For over 600 million professionals, that's LinkedIn."
"It's easy to see the value of boosting your own content and creating targeted promotions to reach a specific audience of LinkedIn members."
"LinkedIn is a place where you can showcase what you're good at, your specialties."
"Older job seekers on LinkedIn get fewer job offers but a younger profile photo helps."
"The truest statement of all time... I changed my skills on LinkedIn."
"Optimizing your LinkedIn, making sure that your account and your stuff is set up properly so that way when they go and look at you... you stand out."
"If you have a LinkedIn URL, it's a big bonus to have it on your resume."
"In 2023, if you need a job, you turn to LinkedIn; if you're a B2B marketer, you need to be on LinkedIn; if you're a B2B sales guy, you need to be on LinkedIn too because that's really where your decision makers are."
"LinkedIn is the only platform that never stopped growing."
"LinkedIn is still at 87% trustworthiness, which means that 87% of people that look at LinkedIn to find valuable information about suppliers, about their industry, about trends, value the information as trustworthy."
"LinkedIn has become so much more interesting over the last three years to be on."
"Sixty percent of all LinkedIn members don't publish content, they don't engage with your content, but they do consume your content."
"Honestly, people judge you by the photo that you have on your LinkedIn or lack thereof."
"This LinkedIn bot is trained on all of what is working is viral currently in LinkedIn."
"Spruce up your LinkedIn profile. Share your wins and insights to attract employers."
"LinkedIn is also showing 170k plus rows related to the cloud that are currently open now also the average Cloud engineer salary is $132,000 now you may be sitting there asking yourself hm I want to make $132,000 how do I get into the cloud."
"LinkedIn is a very powerful, popular business-to-business platform. It has 260 million active users monthly."
"The ultimate LinkedIn profile Playbook is a resource recently released by HubSpot that runs through the A to Z on how you can create the perfect LinkedIn profile."
"Your LinkedIn profile is more important than your website because people want to know who you are, what you've done, what other people say about you, what's your expertise in a particular subject."
"Driving traffic to your LinkedIn profile will generate more leads for you, all things being considered, than driving traffic to your website. That I can guarantee you."
"LinkedIn is one of the biggest platforms professional recruiters use to find their candidates."
"LinkedIn works in degrees of connection. So the more connections that I have in my personal network, it actually opens me up to connect with more and more people on the platform depending on my goal."
"LinkedIn constantly updates this and they're always showing you people that you might want to connect. This is another great place to build and grow your network because here you have a mutual point of connection."
"I hope that you found this video useful on how to build your LinkedIn connections and finally get past 500 connections on LinkedIn."
"LinkedIn is the business version of TikTok."
"Having a LinkedIn where you can keep track of the people you've worked with is so valuable."
"You can make a lot of money on LinkedIn, but don't do it for these reasons, and I'll show you how."
"Building strong online credibility on LinkedIn is going to help you tremendously in your job search."
"LinkedIn is another way to network online. This is very, very, very valuable during this coronavirus stuff."
"Consistency helps too because for you to do that, you know, every single day, that's very difficult to do. You gotta constantly motivate yourself to go on LinkedIn, make sure you write a post, and you have to do this consistently, right?"
"LinkedIn is where I am most noisy."
"I don't want to see the people who have a profile but they're not actually using LinkedIn. And currently posted on LinkedIn is the way like if I select that and I know those people have posted something in the last month, anything, I know they're actually active on LinkedIn."
"I don't want you to be almost wasting your time contacting 11,000 people if they're not active on LinkedIn. You really only want to play and connect with people and start building relationships with them if they're actually active on LinkedIn."
"I'm a big fan, I keep stressing Boolean operators because that Boolean that scans the entire profile, it just scans the entire profile."
"Keep your LinkedIn updated. Anything you do, anything close to product that you're working on, even if it's incomplete, add it."
"The purpose behind Sales Navigator is that it helps you scan through thousands, let's be real, millions of profiles to help you find your target audience on LinkedIn."
"It's the single fastest way to earn income on LinkedIn, even if you're starting from scratch."
"The best tip that I can give you to impact your LinkedIn content strategy is instead of thinking of LinkedIn as a professional place to put content, replace the word professional with leadership."
"LinkedIn is doing tremendous now..."
"Linkedin's a great tool. Make sure you use professional pictures on LinkedIn. We don't want to see at the party. Don't want pictures of your dog. This is your job, you know what you want people at your job to see."
"LinkedIn is the golden ticket for building a personal brand."
"If you're using LinkedIn to get more clients, you want to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is customer-centric and focused on delivering value to the customer."
"...this is what I would recommend you doing: your LinkedIn branding and your portfolio need to be on point."
"Your LinkedIn profile should have more information than your CV."
"Make sure you collect this group of people in your LinkedIn that you've worked with, keep track of what they're doing, be accessible to them."
"Having a LinkedIn is almost like having a website, like that's your front-facing place for that people outside of your organization are going to learn about you, learn about your work."
"Having a strong LinkedIn profile will get you a lot of opportunities."
"Crafting a strong portfolio and LinkedIn profile amplifies your job search."
"Start with building a strong LinkedIn profile, it's your digital resume."
"Yeah, if you want to connect, feel free to just connect with me on LinkedIn."
"By the end of this, not only are you going to have a profitable LinkedIn advertising campaign up and running, but you're going to know exactly who should be and shouldn't be running LinkedIn ads."
"LinkedIn Sales Navigator is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you generate tons of leads, book meetings, and millions of dollars in closed business if you know what you're doing."
"Activity on LinkedIn is crucial for engagement. But here's a secret: all of this is automated."
"...and I will also show you how to use LinkedIn Boolean search, which is an advanced technique to build super qualified lead lists."
"LinkedIn can be a valuable tool in your job search."
"Give them permission and this is just a clear call to action. DM me now with the word LinkedIn audit."
"Everybody on LinkedIn is there for a reason. So don't be so awestruck by their [ __ ] resumes."
"LinkedIn's InMail feature has a 300 times higher response rate than emails with the exact same content."
"LinkedIn is the best B2B platform."
"There are nine billion impressions of content per week on LinkedIn."
"You can start getting a newsletter going out to your connections on LinkedIn without even having an email list, which is amazing."
"We're moving to this watershed moment where we're going to get to Peak content on LinkedIn, and you want to be up there and doing stuff before we get there."
"The about section is not a resume. It's for people to get to know you and for you to tell them what you can do for them."
"Make it about them, make it some sort of interest. You don't have to be a fanboy or a fangirl about it, but you want to personalize that connection as much as you possibly can."
"...LinkedIn ads are probably one of if not the best platforms for you to run ads on."
"...if your average order value is above... three thousand lifetime average order value... you will have a good time on LinkedIn."
"LinkedIn keeps that connection going, which I think is just so powerful."
"So right now I'm writing my biggest thing is doing ghostwriting for LinkedIn creators and business professionals of all sorts."
"Your linkedin profile or your linkedin messages will be absolutely filled with recruiters trying to offer you a variety of newly qualified roles."
"So make sure that your LinkedIn profile is nice and tasty for the people that you're reaching out to and interesting to them."
"Use this as a framework and an idea of what to optimize on your profile but don't do the exact same thing. It's just not gonna work."
"LinkedIn is definitely emerging as one of the top B2B channels for just anyone doing B2B sales."
"I'm gonna literally dive in and walk you through a step-by-step of how to set up the perfect LinkedIn sales navigator campaign."
"...now you know how to set up a hyper-targeted LinkedIn sales navigator campaign..."
"Hope this video helped you understand how LinkedIn account-based marketing can help you boost your sales pipeline."
"The search bar is a gold mine on LinkedIn, so don't be afraid to use it."
"For very little effort, you can get a lot out of LinkedIn."
"LinkedIn is a great place for professional networking."
"Leverage the power of LinkedIn, which I think is a very good way to reach specific people in specific companies."
"I've grown up to seven figures organically, predominantly through LinkedIn."
"LinkedIn is your friend for sure."
"If you don't have a job yet and you're trying to look for a job when you first land in Australia, make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date."
"Build that resume and then also alongside it build your LinkedIn profile."
"I'm one of the people who likes a little bit of personality in a LinkedIn profile or in a resume."
"I would love just to stay in touch, so I'm adding you here on LinkedIn."
"I promise to never add someone on LinkedIn ever again without also sending a message."
"One of the main ways that we do that is through LinkedIn messaging and outbound campaigns."
"LinkedIn Sales Navigator... I promise you that if you put all of this in place and you implement and then collect feedback and adjust, this will make you way more than $79 a month."
"Think of LinkedIn as a time capsule for yourself."
"They polish your LinkedIn profile to suit the standard market."
"LinkedIn is such a powerful platform that if you're not on there, you're missing out a lot."
"LinkedIn is all about genuine connections and networking with people in your industry and potential clients."
"Improve your profile... you will get more help from LinkedIn also."
"In LinkedIn, we can be in touch with them and we can get the job requirement, job opportunity also."
"LinkedIn is a classic example of how society has implanted a particular behavior in modern life."
"Make sure you activate that option in LinkedIn that you are looking for a new job."
"Having a good LinkedIn profile is important because oftentimes the interviewers will even look at your LinkedIn profile as well."
"LinkedIn is the world's largest professional social network and it is no surprise that it is used every day by most, if not all, recruiters."
"You have to get online. I would recommend using LinkedIn for sure, just to be a thought leader."
"Think of LinkedIn as your personal sales page."
"LinkedIn profiles with professional headshots actually get 14 times more views."
"Make sure that your LinkedIn profile matches your resume."
"Having a really great LinkedIn profile is how you're gonna get to opportunities without actually having to apply online."
"LinkedIn is great and why people use LinkedIn a lot. It's a lot easier for the brain to digest."
"Get rid of business cards; instead, if you meet someone you feel like you guys click, connect with them on LinkedIn."
"LinkedIn displays a badge on your LinkedIn profile demonstrating your knowledge of the application."
"If you have not looked at LinkedIn for job leads, I would definitely go there."
"This weekend startups is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs. A business is only as strong as its people, and every hire matters."
"Create a LinkedIn account, yes you need to network with people."
"Don't be afraid to send professional messages to people on LinkedIn."
"I'm going to be sharing stage by stage how you can create your LinkedIn profile. It's very important."
"LinkedIn has the best set of B2B targeting across all the major platforms."
"Employers who look at your resume and then search you on LinkedIn will quickly recognize your personal brand."
"Networking is super valuable... LinkedIn especially, you can message anyone or get your message in front of them."
"LinkedIn Excel assessment test is an excellent way to improve your LinkedIn profile."
"Once you completed, recruiters and employers will see your results, and you will have higher chances to get hired."
"Completing the correct LinkedIn test that matches your career profile can land you a new job faster."
"Completing LinkedIn profile will demonstrate your professional skills."
"Now today, I'm going to teach you my top tips for using LinkedIn and how to effectively optimize your profile for the highest chances of success."
"LinkedIn has a feature that most people don't know about."
"LinkedIn creates economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce."
"When I see people come from Twitter to LinkedIn, what I see them do really well is they take those threads, they move them into a LinkedIn post, they've got 3,000 characters to play with, and generally it's a type of content that people really like."
"LinkedIn puts the people and the jobs in the same place and that's important to what we're going to do."
"It's really incredible what the team at LinkedIn has done."
"LinkedIn is so popular and kind of a goto place for the recruiter to see what people are available and what the profiles look like."
"Good LinkedIn profile really helps a lot."
"Whenever you are looking for job, make sure LinkedIn is the first thing that you should go ahead and try to update and make it as perfect as you can."
"Welcome back to the LinkedIn clone."
"LinkedIn is the key; that's where recruiters are going to look for you."
"Choose video with a website conversions campaign that runs across LinkedIn and the LinkedIn Audience Network."
"Hopefully this has been helpful as a getting started guide for LinkedIn ads."
"You've heard that improving your LinkedIn profile can actually lead to jobs and opportunities coming to you."
"I use LinkedIn a lot to look for potential clients."
"Pino pretty much powers almost 50 plus site facing applications on LinkedIn."
"It was a really wonderful journey for me at LinkedIn, and I loved every bit of it."
"If you don't have a LinkedIn account, I strongly suggest you create one; it's very important for your professional image and network ability."
"Keeping your LinkedIn profile updated because sometimes recruiters will DM you on LinkedIn about positions if they think your profile is good."
"LinkedIn is a powerful tool for you to get a job in any country of your choice."
"LinkedIn is a very powerful tool and it's a social media network that is more oriented around business."
"LinkedIn is actually a much better way to get a higher quality job than Indeed."
"You are about to discover a simple LinkedIn loophole that people just like you are using every day to make as much as $7,000 a month or more."
"LinkedIn has marketing tools to help you target your customers with precision."
"I like the LinkedIn platform because I get to meet like-minded people like myself."
"Tell a story. It's the kind of posts format I do mostly on LinkedIn."
"I knew that LinkedIn was huge, but I didn't know it had 690 million members worldwide."
"LinkedIn ads is specifically built for business to business marketers to get to those 10 million C-level Executives or the 180 million senior level Executives."
"When people are on LinkedIn, they want to do business."