
Ancient Knowledge Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"I'm ready to remember ancient mysteries and secrets from deep within."
"We believe that the knowledge and technology possessed by this society could have profound implications for the future of humanity."
"The truth is already out there: exploring Antarctica reveals ancient, prehistoric maps suggesting lost ancient knowledge."
"They had some advanced knowledge, and that's why, as ancient aliens teaches us, that ancient astronaut theorists believe extraterrestrials built the pyramids."
"The Sphinx guards the Hall of Records, the storage of all humankind's knowledge."
"The ancient Indian texts very accurately described the effects of an atomic explosion."
"This is a journey of empowerment by learning how to work with subtle energy patterns known to ancient traditions."
"He's also into the idea that these ancient folks understood the procession of the equinoxes."
"Maybe they were a lot more advanced than we think today. They had an understanding of architecture, medicine, the cosmos, and even the process of aerodynamics that's simply impossible for their time period."
"Hancock suggests that this precision hints at a deeper, possibly inherited knowledge of astronomy."
"It's possible that the shining ones knew when these catastrophic events were going to happen."
"The pyramids were designed to be energy amplifiers."
"What the ancients did were to build structures which utilized the electromagnetic and harmonic effect which work in unison with each other, and us."
"I think they absolutely have knowledge and abilities far beyond any of us ordinary folk have because they've just been so I mean this is stuff they've carried for thousands and thousands of years."
"It's my sincere wish that this mission moves forward and a better understanding of our ancient past can be brought into focus like never before."
"The Book of Enoch unfurls astronomical and meteorological phenomena that defy conventional wisdom, leaving us with a tapestry of enigma that transcends both ancient scriptures and modern scientific knowledge."
"The pyramids specifically those at Giza are incredible achievements which couldn't be possible without an advanced understanding of geometry astronomy physics and mathematics."
"This isn't just a religion; this is an ancient set of instructions sent by some entity or signal."
"There are others who think the Sumerians were onto something."
"Graham Hancock's ideas about the loss and transmission of ancient knowledge are quite captivating."
"When the stone tablets start backing up information that modern science is just now finding out, I have to think that they're probably as close to the truth as we're possibly going to get."
"The Maya used their knowledge of astronomy and mathematics to predict eclipses to a ridiculous accuracy."
"The complexity within these alignments is undeniable astonishing and undoubtedly evidence of the past existence of superior ancient knowledge."
"You are an ancient Egyptian with arcane knowledge."
"Ancient cultures knew about the human experience."
"Nikola Tesla said he learned the secret of wireless electricity from the ancient Egyptians."
"Not only did the people of mesoamerica clearly figure out how to create or derive liquid mercury from Mercury or they also knew of deep underground water systems and lakes that could be accessed through caves."
"One of the descendants of the Solutreans... inherited the Denisovan wisdom and knowledge."
"Legend has it inside that library was stored all essential knowledge of alchemy astronomy mathematics magic and medicine."
"It's the oldest map of the stars in the world!"
"I think all of this ancient technology that we're sitting on in these ancient philosophies are all geared towards helping us go that direction."
"The knowledge of ancient India... one of the most comprehensive and complex education systems in the world."
"They must have known something; they must have had access to a higher wisdom and intelligence."
"They carry a memory of past lives potentially, they carry ancient knowledge."
"Equally astonishing, the spatial arrangement of Tiahuanaco's main structures relative to each other and to the stars above indicates advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics."
"Did ancient civilizations possess knowledge that was more advanced than what we possess today? Truth."
"The Great Pyramid was and still is a superstructure enclosing sacred science and mathematics."
"Each one of us has the potential to access the ancient knowledge that allows the true alchemist to perform the miracles of transmutation."
"Ancient civilizations had advanced architectural, astronomical, and mathematical knowledge."
"The purpose of the ancient Egyptian temples was to assist in the transformation of humans into shining beings of light."
"Either it was a coincidence that all these different people solved the same mathematical equations and astronomical theories thousands of years ago, or they got help from an undetermined outside source."
"These ideologies and archetypes are all going back to the original teachings of Thoth from the Emerald Tablets."
"The ancients put a huge emphasis on celestial cycles."
"Many of you will recognize this as the shape of the star of david' but its true name is the star tetrahedron which Maps perfectly over the fruit of life."
"This is proof that the Egyptians not only understood the Flower of Life, but they lived it."
"We have only a fraction of the knowledge that we used to have pre-flood, pre-12,000 years ago when these cultures knew incredible details of the cosmos and our planet and our role."
"The ancients knew vast amounts that we don't know right now, vast amounts."
"It's really interesting that Sumerian cosmology fits modern science."
"What we end up with folks is a knowledge that at some point in the past there were geodetic sites connected through some type of world energy grid harnessing ancient knowledge harnessing ancient energy."
"This really is I think an interesting way for us to look at the planet X model and understanding that there's a cyclical knowledge of time."
"This knowledge is here at the earth at this time and had been here accurate very even thousands of years before that."
"Ancient builders had the knowledge of the healing power of sound long before modern scientists."
"The Hall of Records allegedly has proof of Atlantis, documents discussing the magical techniques of ancient Egyptian priests, and other secret knowledge collected from around the globe."
"Imhotep likely knew what he was looking at; he was probably just as gobsmacked by the engineering, the sheer difficulty, beauty, and symmetry of the hearthstone vessels as we are today."
"Astrology and all these Celestial Sciences were authored by Thoth."
"In other words, science validates what the ancient Egyptians knew."
"The Flower of Life and the mystical piscis symbolize creation and the golden ratio, showcasing ancient Egyptians' understanding of geometry and consciousness."
"Various ancient civilizations have described and depicted Advanced machines in the sky."
"Ancient civilizations of humanity were far smarter than any can imagine."
"The Egyptians had calculated Pi to the second decimal well before Pythagoras and the Greeks."
"You have so much ancient wisdom built up within you."
"Greek history is far more interesting when you take into account what the Greeks themselves said about the origin of their civilization and knowledge."
"Just because we live a small fraction of time doesn't mean that we can't further comprehend what all these ancient cultures seem to be aware of this lost cycle of time that affects our rise and fall of civilization here on Earth."
"The pyramids are literally forming a terrestrial map of the sky."
"For us to look back with contempt is outrageous." - Reflection on ancient knowledge and myths
"The most important Indian knowledge system was the rishis, their research culture."
"There is no doubt that the ancient scientists and sages had incredible and mysterious knowledge."
"We can sit down and learn a lot from the ancient world."
"See, ancient people are way smarter than we give them credit for."
"The legends that we have is the information that we need to restore some of the ancient knowledge."
"The modern world doesn't create pre-scientists the way we did in ancient times."
"We realize that whoever built this was aware of the solar cycle."
"You guys have access to some type of ancient knowledge and information, possibly inherited from your ancestors who might be Star seeds."
"The Anunnaki knew thousands of years ago what scientists are now discovering."
"Quebecly Tepe's astronomical alignments suggest advanced knowledge without modern tools."
"So what does this all mean? Well, for one thing, it shows us that ancient people had a complex understanding of the world around them."
"With all the knowledge the Ancients had of the stars and of the sky, did they perhaps choose this site specifically because of this?"
"What a fascinating concept that they knew about the constellations 30 plus thousand years ago."
"Both of you possess ancient wisdom and intuitive abilities."
"If there was one repository for secret knowledge in the ancient world it would be the Great Library of Alexandria."
"Thoth was said to have revealed to the ancient Egyptians all knowledge on astronomy, architecture, geometry, medicine, and religion."
"Old ancient souls walk among us, prepared to share wisdom on empathy, healing, and harmony with all life."
"Hope anyway the knowledge and understanding about angels is old... the concept of angels is very old."
"Imagine if the secret to tackling big problems lies within us, drawing from lessons of ancient times."
"Prophecies of the pharaohs hidden in plain sight."
"...shows that when the author says the waters are above the rocky, as the final resulting action of their separation, he means this literally..."
"Ancient Jews weren't stupid; they knew about evaporation."
"They meticulously recorded their observations of the night sky, mapping out constellations, planets, and even individual Stars."
"Secret writing today or invisible ink, these techniques were known from antiquity."
"Newton was convinced that the writings of ancient philosophers Scholars and biblical figures concealed sacred wisdom."
"Some products from ancient life offer us more than scientific knowledge."
"Yet down the later eons thin streams of ancient secrets trickled in."
"This filter leverages the knowledge of ancient people to enhance your survival."
"Even if we think about back to antediluvian times though, even the regular people had far more technologically advanced knowledge than what we do."
"Are we truly alone in the universe or did ancient civilizations hold knowledge that could revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos?"
"There's a strange line that's never drawn in antiquity between medicine, health, and sexuality. It's all about..."
"Where do the sages come from? They probably come from very ancient and often prehistoric times."
"I have a book out which is titled, Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune."
"The ishango bone shows that Africans knew of prime numbers back in 20,000 BC this means that the creators of the ishango bone knew about multiplication and division but they also knew that not all numbers are divisible and they clearly singled them out."
"Could elements of these remarkable Universal myths have been engineered long ages ago?"
"Could it be that these cunning and Immortal stories, composed by Anonymous Geniuses, were the medium used to record such information and pass it on in the time before history began?"
"We're just reminded of this ancient knowledge that lives deep within all of us."
"Indeed, science is validating ancient wisdom."
"King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is nothing but ancient Egyptian knowledge woven into European mythology."
"I'm amazed by ancient astronomers... they knew exactly where certain constellations were and how to build massive structures that had cool connections to solstices."
"They had calendars from their perception that went back 41 octillion years in stone."
"They were able to develop a calendar that is almost as accurate as the one we use today."
"The advanced knowledge demonstrated by the chemites may be more a testament to their sophisticated understanding of mathematics, astronomy, and engineering rather than alien intervention."
"The pursuit of ancient knowledge, whether it is found in the legends of the Anunnaki or the historical records of the Hurrians and Hittites, reminds us of the enduring power of the human spirit to seek understanding and meaning in the world around us."
"Oh young and old, hear me, I beg you to God, do not consider the flame of the person that speaks to you; the wisdom I communicate with you is ancient, endless wisdom."
"They were proficient in mathematics, medicine, engineering, and agriculture."
"They were proficient in philosophy, astronomy, geometry, mathematics, and navigation."
"Legends of it may have inspired the construction of the great Library of Alexandria."
"The alignment is so precise that we can be sure that the people who made it were familiar with navigation."
"The ancient Assyrians had advanced astronomical knowledge for their time."
"There is a not so remote possibility that they knew things that we don't know, that they may have understood things that we don't understand."
"The ancient chemists had a unified field theory that they had been supporting and talking about thousands of years ago."
"Sacred Maya mural... predicting planetary cycles 7,000 years into the future."
"What if our ancient ancestors knew of a way to soften stone by mixing different plants together and applying the mixture to the surface of hard rock?"
"The truth is we have no idea what Sakwala Chakraya is or what it means, but there's almost certainly some encoded information here."
"It is very possible that the knowledge of our relationship to the stars existed much earlier and was transmitted to the people of Nazca."
"Encoded in the folklore mythologies of many cultures are the accurate observations of ancient sky watchers."
"The Greeks call them Wanderers because they just moved."
"They were able to predict comets and constellations for thousands of years, calendars are still accurate today."
"Epic is more than poetry, it is more than literature, it is the encyclopedia of the ancient world."
"Graham Hancock's interpretation of the Piri Reis map presents a fascinating narrative about the knowledge of ancient civilizations."
"Leo could have increased interest in learning ancient knowledge."
"This zodiac is an outstanding testimony to the astrological knowledge of the ancient Egyptians; it's magnificent."
"The obvious takeaway is that whoever built the Pyramid knew a way to store huge amounts of energy inside a stone triangle."
"Geometry was very important in the ancient world, and the tradition of Plato stressed geometry and the fact that geometry, as its name implies, modeled the universe."
"Somehow the Builders of this Temple knew exactly which parts of the structure they wanted to be illuminated during the solstices and the equinoxes."
"Someone with an advanced understanding of archaeoastronomy put those carvings there for a reason."
"It was clearly just an extraordinary culture... and knew how to do things in ways that we probably don't know how to do things."
"The ancient Egyptians knew how to calculate the diameter of the circle."
"The shamans were the very first neuroscientists."
"The Great Pyramid... if you divide the perimeter of the pyramid by its height, you get an approximation of Pi within 0.4% accuracy."
"They had maps and charts that were created by the Greek astronomer and geographer Ptolemy."
"The runes are the foundation, the blueprint, the building blocks of the universe."
"Wisdom from emerging science and research and ancient wisdom and truths and insights that we have forgotten."
"Revealing a sophisticated understanding of the cosmos that challenges our perceptions of ancient societies."
"This discovery significantly expanded our understanding of the capabilities of ancient engineers."
"These people understood the longevity of life."
"The base of the Great Pyramid... is the exact number of days in a solar year."
"You have a lot of ancient knowledge."
"The ancient Greeks calculated the circumference of the earth 500 BC."
"The pyramid sides corresponded to the directions of a compass and aligned with the constellations."
"I think the Ancients understood the world better than you."
"Let me tell you about the ancient texts that truly define the beliefs of our world."
"What if I told you the ancient Egyptians understood how to create portals between this world and the realm of the Dead?"
"The science of tourmaline crystals blends ancient wisdom with modern discovery."
"The idea of the library... we inherit more or less directly from the ancient Mediterranean and their eastern worlds."
"The Greeks had it right, they had one word, pharmakon, that meant both medicine and poison."
"The ancient civilizations seem to know something that isn't currently known, as these large stone structures seem to have a specific purpose: energy harnessing."