
Cautiousness Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I ain't going to be the third impostor today, I'm going to be... I'm not going to say anything unless I wholeheartedly believe it."
"If it appears to be too good to be true, it probably is."
"Give me the Chris, Chris is so paranoid about this and he's right."
"I can't confirm or deny that in a public setting."
"So this is bound to be a problem eventually."
"My encouragement is to be cautious but calmly prepare."
"It's being painted negatively as almost as if again this software is unsafe, yet so far a lot of the negative points are actually it being extremely cautious."
"You gotta be pickier than ever... don't chase the hype, chase the value."
"You may feel like you need to be smart with this person."
"McClellan talked the talk, but could he walk the walk? No, like Lincoln's other generals, McClellan was maddeningly cautious."
"There is a lot of potential here for significant damage."
"You're carefully thinking about what you're gonna do before you go ahead and do it."
"There's no way you'd fall into any of the obvious traps, right? You're not some dicker Jane off the street after all."
"We hope for the best but prepare for the worst, always."
"You just be smart, you just be careful, and you don't get twisted with the wrong people."
"The shenanigan risk is going to be unusually high."
"I try to act very responsibly... because I am terrified of the damage I will do to other people."
"I kept my eyes on the path but I was very aware of that thing watching me the whole way until we got to a bend in the path that led away from those trees."
"You usually make a backup plan for a backup plan."
"That's a life lesson: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
"He's going slow at first because he just saved the crane."
"Last time isn't gonna happen again. So I feel like you need to kind of like also, you know, be, you know, take your time but also get moving."
"Innocent until proven guilty. I am bearish until proven bullish."
"Yes, this is a big package of measures that we're announcing but it will only work as a fourth step if people are cautious."
"I didn't go and burn down the internet with the cameras and this because if I would have said it nobody would have believed me."
"I appreciate the ownership. I'm not a person who doesn't forgive. I just am incredibly cautious in doing so."
"I think something's about to happen. I can feel it. You're about to do something. Start closing all the curtains."
"I want to make sure it's clear, I wanna make sure it's good, and so I'm very cautious before I like hop onto stuff."
"Brandon, get the hell away from them. They cowards."
"Douchebags like this are why when I'm teaching somebody about guns at the range for the first time I prefer them to actually be a little bit afraid of the gun."
"He had something within him that told him to be careful."
"More thinking about the consequences, less just, 'Oh I'm gonna throw caution in the wind.'"
"Love deeply and passionately, but take their time falling for someone."
"Be greedy when Bit Boy is bearish and be fearful when Bit Boy is bullish."
"Evaluate your options closely and wisely before making any decisions."
"Make sure you that you're protecting yourself at all times because these women are friggin crazy."
"Be tentative with how you're open to people, take time."
"You shouldn't be afraid to reevaluate things on your wish list... never be afraid to do that."
"Men are testing women nowadays, men never used to. Men are learning to test women, to see what she's really like, look out for the red flags. That's why men nowadays are being more careful."
"There's so much danger, so many pitfalls, so many things could go wrong, and he does it and he does it so well."
"I want to say I'm a seven because they're good with him, but I still don't ever trust nobody fully."
"Be very careful who you give your time and energy to."
"I think we really definitely picked like, about there's definitely a couple close calls where we're like, we don't wanna gotta go."
"I just kind of hold my breath a little bit, make sure he's okay."
"I'm just gonna swing it around gently... gently... gently."
"You know your worth, taking your sweet time, not jumping in too quickly."
"You gotta analyze every situation that you in."
"You're gonna take the pause to actually think about it before you go ahead and jump into it."
"The smallest, most innocent child is always the one to be watchful of."
"If you're so damn curious, you go down there. If you're so damn tough, I'm just a cashier. If I'm told not to go down into the freaky murder basement, I ain't going down there."
"It might not be the worst idea in the world."
"This is not a risk that I'm willing to take."
"Ever since that day, I've become an even more cautious person."
"Be very cautious and stay very level-headed as you approach that subject."
"I'm leaning a little more towards getting the vaccination."
"He became a lot more apprehensive after experiencing that."
"Approach things cautiously optimistic instead of just falling into the hype."
"Acting prudently has saved lives and we will always continue to be cautious."
"Let's just save the game here, I reckon something's gonna happen."
"Protect your energy, protect your vibes because this person could be coming back and you're like whoa, like I didn't want to feel that again."
"I'm optimistic, cautiously optimistic that we've reached a tipping point."
"Remember to keep your wits about you and to stay safe out there."
"Yo I think we should at least see what the heck is behind this door be quiet okay."
"Democrats are often too reticent generally about things that could be perceived by anyone as increasing our political power."
"Hey, look, advanced crafting is a thing! Yeah, it's getting dark out, and considering I know this to be an adventure-based mod pack, I'm a little bit afraid of being out late at night."
"They view you as composed, enjoying your singlehood – worried about taking a leap of faith into a new start."
"I think it is better to be paranoid than reckless."
"Everything in here is literally just in case, but I feel better having all of these things."
"I did my best to not damage it... well, like I didn't damage it on purpose."
"...the first time we go somewhere I'll kind of undershoot it a little bit just so if... it's a bust, then we don't end up with a ton of leftovers."
"Guys, I literally saw the bushes moving, let's see if he's out here."
"I don't let myself get excited about things until they're genuinely like there's no way of it going wrong."
"It's not spectacular, but it is cagey canny."
"The proof will come when Grievous is gone. Great care we must take."
"It's always the first sip that scares me if it's hot or if it's cool down."
"For me, I'm just going to try to play it pretty smart and safe, always be looking at birdie."
"I'm cautiously optimistic that everything's gonna turn out okay."
"So I'm cautiously optimistic that that could be useful."
"If I can get it out here without busting it, that'll be awesome."
"...dipping a toe in rather than going all-in to the market."
"I tend to play things safe," I said.
"I deserve happiness and I may have found it, but I'm taking it slow."
"I'd rather be paranoid than unprepared."
"I'm actually risk-averse. People think that I'm out here making these moves, no, no, I'm highly risk-averse."
"I'm just going to try and play the same way I did yesterday, careful, you know, see what happens, and then get lucky."
"I'm very deliberate with my footsteps."
"We don't jump into things; we actually would rather be around those good people that have the right intentions."
"With caution steps, we are now well..."
"Don't react too quickly, wait and see, let yourself get all the answers."
"He moved cautiously, retaking strong points that were destroyed by Saladin and painstakingly restoring them."
"I always try to err on the side of carving a little bit less than I think I might want so that I can adjust after I proof and see what it looks like printed."
"I'm a lot more careful now and aware."
"There is a sense of awakening as a slow cautious optimism begins to take hold."
"Just try it, but try it little so try in little increments."
"You can never be a thousand percent sure on anything."
"Pretty good job at this four-way stop, going slowly through there, being cautious."