
Classroom Management Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"I have such a good group, you guys. Like, they're chatty, but it's the first day, so I totally understand that, and I can totally deal with that."
"Are you using your phone in my class? Then why are you looking down at your lap and smiling?"
"Circulating around the room will allow the teacher to monitor students continuously."
"He looks like the problematic kid that sits at the back of the class always causing A disruption."
"A third grade classroom is not a free marketplace of ideas."
"Classroom control and learning efficiency are products of good teaching."
"Creating the right atmosphere in the classroom is crucial for facilitating language learning."
"The joy I get from all of my prep work is shutting down BS like this."
"We need to support our classrooms in navigating racial tension."
"Managing student behavior is crucial for a productive learning environment."
"It's like a substitute teacher at this point."
"Scott was respectful, smart, and polite. I would take a class full of Scott Petersons."
"Don't worry about getting everything for your classroom the first year you teach."
"We're not giving them to them so now you have an Engaged room of 12 students and they're learning about something."
"Class check-ins: gauge students' feelings and address them to strengthen the classroom community."
"It's hard enough to get a classroom on your side, but it's incredibly hard to get the classroom on your side as a teacher."
"I want to make sure that I set my students up for success and for not misbehaving before that misbehavior happens."
"Every teacher should develop and effectively teach a classroom management plan."
"Every teacher at school is responsible for classroom management."
"A bulletin board bin is going to save you tons of time because you're not hunting around your room for all those different items."
"I'm actually excited to pass out these little desk pets because I think it's really going to inspire my students to be on their best behavior."
"What do you think makes a class run smoothly?"
"The teacher class this is it for the morning classes and tells them they will have practical classes in the afternoon; but the teacher did not mention the location where there will be so he needs to ask someone for this information."
"I keep some of these sentence strips... so that when I have students doing an activity in small group I can pull those out."
"Now I've made that our reward to be able to sit up for students."
"So every day when they come into the classroom there's going to be a bucket of emoji erasers on the counter close to where they're going to hang their backpacks and they get to pick one out and just set it on their name tag for the morning, like for our morning bins."
"Hopefully this dive into classroom management will help you do just that and open up more time to do innovative work."
"Whenever you're going to be conducting your classes if your students are not tall enough or if they can't get the correct depth while they're on the table what should you do moving forward? Move them to the floor."
"Tell me about your classroom management...they're mostly asking about your routines...how are you handling your classroom in terms of time..."
"Create classroom jobs. By giving students jobs, you are giving them a responsibility."
"Building some sort of classroom culture is ideal."
"I think one of the biggest things for classroom management is having consistent language."
"Having some sort of reset activity is huge for my classroom management."
"Having kids in small groups is gonna help with your classroom management."
"I really am passionate about this topic, I think there are so many ways to keep a classroom calm and managed and engaged and I think there's a way to succeed at all of it."
"...you need to be able to establish control of your classroom so that you can give it away."
"He's not giving me a hard time, he's having a hard time."
"Withitness describes teachers that had a hypersensitive awareness of what was going on in their classrooms."
"I am someone who always implements effective behavioral management processes in the classroom."
"I would set boundaries in the classroom involving three things: respect, response, and the right approach to learning."
"I'm going to give you this simple practical plan for classroom management success in seven days or less."
"I hope that you realized all the potential Class Dojo has for your classroom."
"A really great teacher just knows what's going on in that classroom."
"Effective classroom management goes beyond rules and reminders."
"The behavioral contract is designed to get everyone on the same page."
"Become the king. The secret to classroom management is this: you have to become the king of your kingdom."
"Effective classroom management is one of the most important but crucially most neglected parts of teacher training."
"The earlier we can assess the situation leading to disruptive behavior, the more options we have in addressing the behavior."
"This is our classroom, we make the rules, we make the expectations together so that we can follow them together and hold each other accountable."
"It's basically a one-stop shop for you as a teacher and a must-have for your classroom."
"I think it's gonna save me a lot of time from having to write the date in the morning."
"This information will help build classes but it's also going to help you as a teacher know where your students are coming."
"Teachers are always telling kids stop talking in class, but those same teachers are sitting next to their teacher besties at PDs."
"The responsibility of creating a positive classroom environment challenges us as the educator to use our skills."
"Is it understood that there will be no more fighting in my classes?" Slughorn looked down at Remus severely.
"You have to have good behavior management skills, seriously, if you can't, then you can't hold the class."
"Those first couple of weeks should be spent building a relationship with your students and working on procedures."
"There are ways that you can teach smarter, not harder, when it comes to getting your kids to self-regulate their voice levels."
"This is a great feature to really keep everything organized with your class and your students in this one place."
"When I need your attention, I'm going to say 'class', and I would like you to respond with 'yes'."
"We should not be happy with behavior in schools until it is the norm for a pupil to put their hand up before speaking in class."
"Once you're done with this, how do you get this to the students? If you've got Google Classroom, that's probably the easiest way to do it."
"I recommend really thinking about how you want to label your classroom library books before you start doing it."
"If learners feel that they have been a part of the policy making process then they're more likely going to adhere to these rules."
"I absolutely love classroom economy; it's huge for classroom management, and it's fun."
"They get to make the choice and they get to have so much say in what's happening in their classroom because it is essentially their classroom."
"They work as equal partners in the instruction, in their interactions with students, and in their approach to classroom management."
"In three days, you can take a classroom that's really struggling and you can see a big improvement."
"My classroom economy is one of my favorite parts of my classroom."
"The good news is that we do know what works; we have sufficient research and evidence for managing classrooms and student behaviors."
"I am such a big believer in classroom jobs; I love them."
"You can be a great teacher but if you have no classroom management, it doesn't make a difference."
"It's done wonders for my class, it frees me up more than you could possibly believe."