
Character Interpretation Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"I really liked how they updated Moon Knight's costume... it really makes you look at him and think Egyptian."
"The choice to make Madam Webb not an elderly geezer who is completely dependent on life support, blind, and paralyzed is a bold one."
"She just looks so evil; like she's the mastermind."
"He's the closest you know interpretation of the comics version of the Joker that truly actually felt realistic and tangible."
"Man of Steel was more like a Goku movie, not a Superman movie."
"Ledger's performance as the Joker was unlike any other Joker up to that point."
"Reacher's size in the books is a metaphor for an unstoppable force, which Cruise portrays in his own way. With another actor you might get 100% of the height but only 90% of Reacher. With Tom, you'll get 100% of Reacher with 90% of the height."
"What's so fun about cosplay is you can create your own look you can create kind of your own version of a character."
"I personally don't know how I feel about that, 'cause I like the idea that pink diamond is shattered."
"Nolan's Batman is like a Frank Miller version, he's a Dark Knight Returns Batman."
"Mustafa Shakir is Jet Black. It's straight up uncanny how close his interpretation of the character is to Beau Billingsly's."
"I think the smart play is to have Bill Murray in this, not playing Peter Venkman."
"The Wonder Woman of Patty Jenkins and the Wonder Woman of the Snyderverse are two completely different Wonder Women."
"The Batman is an underrated, hopeful version of The Dark Knight."
"Mark Hamill literally did and still does the Lord's work when voicing the Joker... he literally redefined the character."
"Understanding what Davey Jones' line is meant to represent gives us a glimpse into the guiding light that the writers followed when creating his narrative."
"I thought he, the iteration of Reed Richards they gave us was really good. I thought it resonated with me, I liked it a lot."
"A version of Spider-Man that draws from the Holland version and sounds like Rita's showman would probably do gang busters."
"This Velma is just unscarable. She's so curious and wowed by the world around her that she just finds everything so interesting and fascinating."
"Kae Serinuma is the best female Hamlet in anime."
"There's a real sadness to that weirdly conflicted with the joy of like, is that [ __ ] Luke Skywalker?"
"She's feeling what Sansa doesn't say Arya is filling it in and she's filling it in with all her life experience."
"I've got so much faith in James Gunn, his grasp on these characters, I think the Christmas special honestly was a lovely little reminder."
"Link in full plate armor wielding a great sword is just as canon as Link naked holding a broom."
"Bagley's interpretation of Venom and Carnage seems to be the default take on the characters."
"Zac Efron's performance as Bundy was absolutely brilliant."
"For every [__] that think Hermione should be black, we are now gonna have the muggleborn who gets called mudblood repeatedly be black."
"I know not everyone loves what they did with Wanda's character, but either way, again, Elizabeth Olsen brought it. Full camp."
"You gotta give everybody a chance to take their own take on the character."
"I'm just saying her name is Sailor Moon had to do with what she was showing off, not the planet."
"And I'm not saying that Jack has Borderline Personality Disorder just because the game happens to be called Borderlands."
"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"
"The Founding Fathers too often appear to us across the sea of time as rigid, stern, and unemotional men, prone to piety in thought and deed."
"What makes Alice in Wonderland such a powerful book is the very fact of Carroll's repressed attraction to Alice."
"I find a lot of people um and this has just been my experience yours may be different who will bag on man of steel say well that's not how superman acts that's not how superman acts."
"If you don't think Sonic doesn't appeal to furries you never played Sonic 06."
"Luffy is the monkey for Momotaro. He also resembles or has inherited the will of a potential deity protector of Wano."
"If sullivar is your favorite character however, you probably come off as being very abrasive or very mean but deep down you're actually very kind."
"I'm just going to hold you off until he gets back. Of course, most people are going to read this as Yamato saying, 'I'm just going to hold you off until Luffy gets back,' and that may in fact be what Yamato meant."
"I like the idea that Grindelwald might not be gay and he just used flirtation against Dumbledore."
"I honestly really like this series and their take on the Spider-Man mythos."
"If Yamato really was Odin reincarnated, that would be kind of hot."
"Oliver's looking pretty good here... I don't think that's a bad version of Oliver honestly."
"Almost every other adaptation of Dracula has preferred to make the character suave, seductive, romantic."
"What Ben Affleck captured, the essence of Batman, I believe better than any other actor ever has."
"She's not the mad Queen, she's the sad Queen."
"He captures the idea of Lex Luthor as a guy who thinks that he could be the pinnacle of humanity maybe not physically but intellectually. Yeah, totally. It's gonna be a nice foil to Henry Cavill." - Eric
"The god of life and death having this sort of spiteful moon."
"Nemo in Latin means nobody or nothing, so the name literally translates to finding nobody."
"She's like Gretel, fattening up the kids to eat them of some sort."
"It's Saint Jimmy, and depending on your interpretation of American Idiot, Saint Jimmy may be Jesus of Suburbia's soul 'cause this is just American Idiot all over again."
"Zack's broken gun-guzzling Batman... is the most raw, unfiltered, uncompromising perspective of a unique artist."
"Tom Nook was always envisioned as a good guy."
"I still have this imagery vivid imagery of him is McGonagall with that shirt riding up he pulled it up and I was like who put the hair on the hand the bike do you think his stomach could see the Sun at some point in his life."
"According to the artist, humanized Brain is an evil university professor."
"And that's not even to mention how the first movie completely went and did its own thing when it came to Miles' characterization and origin."
"I love what the movie is going for with a balance between classical G1 and futuristic designs."
"To be a Samantha is not to be sex-crazed, promiscuous, or even necessarily single; it's to be self-assured, emotionally evolving, and true to yourself."
"Grendel works better as a silent intangible manifestation within people rather than an entity with a concrete personality."
"After I actually read the character's part for the character suggested for me to play Cyrus, it became more of an obligation."
"Batman is not a friendly neighborhood crime fighter. He is a manifested nightmare, the embodiment of horror."
"Is he freeing the birds within knowing that they're the ones that are his actual friends? It's never directly explained, and that level of interpretation is why Gamma is still so remembered today by Sonic fans."
"I never saw Joker's laugh as this chronic condition that causes him pain... I'm actually baffled no one's ever done that before."
"I'm not married to any idea of Batman other than the fact that Batman represents something, he can be anything at all as long as he'd like to me."
"James is often headcanon as Desi, and he is shipped with either Lily or Regulus"
"I thought it was Oda just, you know, slapping a random woman on the reel meat that is the cheeky, and I should have known better because Shiki is never the meat."
"Butch Patrick's interpretation of Eddie as a normal kid who just happened to be a werewolf made him lovable."
"If you haven’t seen that one, definitely check it out--we basically prove that Dr. Doofenshmirtz is secretly the good guy, a sleeper agent for the OWCA."
"Could they actually not be totally anti Danny?"
"I really like what Jeff Johns did with Deathstroke. I really like the idea of Deathstroke being a pirate somehow. It just fits."
"Luffy is not actually supposed to be really like... Luffy is not actually supposed to be really like in the manga he trades one punch with Lucci."
"I think Charlotte Bronte wanted you to kind of analyze your feelings for Rochester, the way that Jane does."
"This version of Ratchet really became one of my favorite interpretations of the character."
"I really like what Hasbro have done with this guy and whilst it would have been fun to see something slightly larger akin to the presentation of the G1 toy I understand why they've gone this route and I think they've still managed to do the character justice."
"This version of Batman appeals to me quite a lot."
"I think they'll both be very memorable versions of the character at the end of the day, but for different reasons."
"I think it's the best interpretation of Deadpool that I've ever read."
"Must we always picture Noah drunk and naked and never building the ark?"
"I don't like the idea of Spider-Man using a gun, not because I don't think Spider-Man should use a gun, because that's terrifying."
"It makes the idea of Batman scary again."
"A character is just, to me, it's a move or a motivation. It can be played by a woman, a man, or a child, or an animal sometimes."
"At what point do people recognize, you know, this is a character, this is a role, this is a job that I'm doing."
"Performance so good that it completely shifts how you imagine Abraham Lincoln to be."
"I think the fun part about being a dancer is using your personality in your own unique experiences to put them into different characters and to make your own narrative and to make your own interpretation."
"This is how I imagined Luke Skywalker to be in the sequel trilogy, and he just looks awesome."
"I think that Bella was pretty much how I interpreted Bella from the books."
"It looks like he's just asking for a big old hug."
"Evil Captain America was the coolest Captain America had been in like 50 years."
"This is a very broody Batman; it's a different kind of Batman than we've seen on the screen."
"She's perfect, and the designer for Jasmine just understood the assignment."
"She's marrying sharp and soft, which again is marrying the little bit of fairy with the 'I'm the ruler'."
"Galactus has come to be seen as a sort of cosmic custodian."
"All right everyone, and we are done. Here is our Rainbow Dash. What do you think?"