
Women's Strength Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The fact that these women... endure the ridicule that they do and they just keep going, try it."
"When life comes like a storm from every angle, she rises above it all, the backbone of every home."
"It's been the most amazing experience I could ever possibly imagine. How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension."
"Going through the last six months with Bec has been extremely eye-opening to just how incredible women are."
"The power of the black woman, power the mother, the power of our community."
"Those who say women are the weaker sex simply haven't met Donna Moore."
"Another one of the strongest women on the planet is Olga Liashchuk."
"The joy of a human life is immeasurable, and women are strong, women are capable, we can figure it out."
"A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water."
"The vulnerabilities of women are what make us so strong."
"Women have been doing the work. We have balanced and juggled different balls all the time. But, we will, what we do know is how to get things done."
"The strength and resilience of the women... I thought that was quite beautiful."
"Intimidating women, strong women, women that know what to do, have their lives in a straight line, oh my god that is it, that's all what I want."
"Every woman under the sound of my voice is strong enough to do what she wants to do."
"Other than that, I love you guys so much. So grateful for all of you."
"Women are really heroic, they have so much more to deal with."
"I find women heroic, I think women are really heroic."
"Women have that kind of sheer strength that nobody knows."
"Women are so tough. So, I haven't had many days of relief and I'm tired now. I've been tired. I'm tired."
"women are strong are strong that's why old to me."
"Women are badass. We're freaking awesome. There's nothing we can't do."
"All your girls are baddies... It's very empowering."
"For all the queens out there, when somebody tells you to bow out gracefully, what the [ __ ] do you need to bow out gracefully for?"
"I think people haven't even seen the potential of what this group can be, and I think we're strong women."
"A woman's power is not given to her by anything external, you know, it's within us."
"Shout out to all the big boss ass [ __ ] out there."
"Women that give birth, god bless. I can't imagine, that's an experience."
"Own your power. Us women are so powerful."
"We are the women who lighten the darkness. We have come to lighten the darkness. It is lightened. We have overcome the destroyers."
"Women are the soil that grows the trees, the foundation of the strength behind the man, you know what I'm saying?"
"Never underestimate the power of women."
"We see women at their most vulnerable but also at their most strongest."
"Giving up is a luxury that we women cannot permit ourselves."
"The lengths we go to... a woman with a hunch is a dangerous thing."
"The beautiful species that is called women, they're not playing any games either."
"Men tell stories. Women get on with it. For us, it was a shadow war. There were no parades for us when it was over, no medals or mentions in history books. We did what we had to do during the war and when it was over, we picked up the pieces and started our lives over."
"The Bible is telling the women that they are powerful, they are strong."
"When you research it in biography, you know it actually happened, and these women were strong, and I respect them."
"I loved the way she was talking about these women and the resilience and being strong women during this time period."
"Great women have a lot of capacity."
"I have huge admiration for all women anyway, but when you're in a department like this and you see the whole process of what they go through, I think the level of respect for me is always at the highest."
"Women got it hard, y'all go through so much. To me, women are stronger than men."
"We want to be the forefront company for women's strength."
"It shows the capability that women possess."
"It's obviously such a beautiful thing that women go through with their bodies, and it takes a whole lot of strength as well."
"I wish to persuade women to endeavor to acquire strength, both of mind and body."
"Ladies, we all know that multitasking is our forte."
"Gentle Mother, strength of women, help our daughters through this fray. Soothe the wrath and tame the fury, teach us all a kinder way."
"The vibrancy of a culture is determined by the strength of the women of the culture."
"I'm the woman that will stay and fight until the end."
"That's what we show, that women are just as good and even better than what people think we are."
"To tap into what is our strength as women was incredibly liberating."
"Match energy, ladies, that's your power."
"That's a lot of heart, man, and that is what the ladies bring."
"Hope one day teach a martial arts program for women to help them reclaim their power."
"She really represents the women and the families of her war-torn country."
"Women have a magnificent superpower, and it's also a gift to have associations with women who actually add that value in your life."