
Animated Series Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"Arcane is about family, brothers, sisters, children, friends, each standing in opposition to each other and simultaneously depending on each other for their emotional needs and survival."
"This animated series is so important because it evolved the X-Men into being a story that was about a metaphor for racism and homophobia."
"These are the cartoons I find myself rewatching, even to this day."
"Jessica DiCicco provides the voices for both Lucy Loud and Lynn Loud."
"Laura Jill Miller plays 17 other roles on the show as well."
"Seeing someone like Squidward... Sincerely discovering the thrill, and peace he finds in helping others... Is easily among his most glorious moments of all time."
"Everybody loves Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's pretty much the perfect cartoon."
"I would be so down for an animated TV series."
"Amphibia is amazing. It's one of the best Disney shows I've ever seen."
"X-Men 97: Picking up plot lines from the original X-Men animated series, potentially connecting to the MCU."
"Jora is so good at that I think she helps Korra like reconnect with Raava and continue the entire Avatar cycle."
"Exo Squad maintains its legacy as a compelling original animated series that didn't shy away from dealing with mature subject matter and the realities of war."
"The ultimate solution comes down to Fry and Leela's trust in one another."
"When the entire crew de-ages in a spa accident, Leela actually decides that she wants to remain a teenager and live an actual childhood with her parents."
"The progressive messaging is everywhere Katara arguing with Saka being a misogynist the Kiyoshi warriors."
"Adventure Time, get ready for the good stuff."
"Aang's journey to master all four elements before Sozen's comet arrives makes for quite the character arc."
"Family Guy's comedy is an equal opportunity offender."
"X-men the animated series is legendary, widely considered one of, if not the best superhero cartoons ever made."
"It regenerated a level of appreciation of classic Simpsons."
"White Diamond said, 'I'll help heal the gems if you beat me in a game.'"
"Harley Quinn actually originated from the animated series."
"Scooby-Doo is one of the cornerstone dogs of our childhood."
"Former professional boxer Mike Tyson had a long-running animated series on Adult Swim called Mike Tyson Mysteries."
"Venom, however, stands out as easily Spidey's most iconic villain... his appearances in the animated series went a long way to solidify him as a Spider-Man staple."
"Thank you guys for watching Channel Frederator's 107 facts that you should know about Ben 10."
"So what happens when they’re given the reins to the animated series Batman: The Brave and the Bold? Well, they turn in a pretty darned solid game that looks the part, is true to the show’s lighter spirit, and is a lot of fun to play."
"I've probably been asked to make a video about the Avatar The Last Airbender animated show at least 500 times."
"Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is the send-off feature film for the beloved animated series Batman Beyond."
"Motor City was truly a special cartoon, it had action, it had cars, and it had heart wrapped in a beautiful art style."
"I found Ben 10 Alien Force to be a really enjoyable show."
"Structuring your animated series like an actual animated series would feel so refreshing these days."
"Everyone teaming up to fight Amity's mom was great."
"Gravity Falls and Rick and Morty may air on completely different networks, but fans can't help but notice the connections between them."
"Arcane is outperforming some of Netflix's biggest hitters."
"The Powerpuff Girls, badass enough to save the day."
"Marlin Hill does the voice of Obama throughout the Boondocks series."
"Aang choosing Katara over the Avatar state is a mistake."
"Aang openly crying is one of the best parts of the show."
"It was not merely an incident of false blame, it was a turning point in Ahsoka Tano's life."
"Anakin's pursuit of the truth underscored the importance of individual conviction over blind adherence to Dogma."
"Ahsoka's departure symbolized a personal journey of self-discovery and a search for a new purpose."
"Her decision served as a poignant commentary on the profound cracks forming within the Jedi Order."
"Her departure was one of the series of events that laid the foundation for Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader."
"Her journey after leaving the order solidified her significance in the Star Wars saga."
"Ahsoka Tano's departure from the Jedi order was not a mere narrative twist but a pivotal moment."
"The classic series really built the foundation of what could have been one of the most successful animated franchises of all time."
"Jade Chan's the protagonist nice and foil for his character was voiced by Stacy Chan Jackie Chan's real-life nice."
"Rick and Morty is letting everybody know exactly what it is."
"Adventure Time is an animated action adventure series with some serious philosophical under and at times overtones."
"Avatar The Last Airbender, to me, is one of my favorite animated shows of all time."
"Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my favorite shows of all time, and it's not just me."
"Ba Sing Se is, of course, the biggest part of world-building that we see in the season and possibly in the entire series."
"The city is alive, and no one knows it except Terry McGinnis."
"Neo-Gotham is alive and no one knows it except Terry McGinnis."
"The animated series will continue to address the important themes of identity and empowerment."
"The world has been kind of without Korra I feel like all this time."
"But that bit of news about the Spider-Man animated thing, yeah that makes me go 'oh isn't that interesting.'"
"Neo is the best girl in the show easily, hands-down. Neo is the best girl, so a Winter Maiden Neo would be awesome."
"I love that we're getting this clumsy Amity. That is adorable."
"There's no other series out there that can take a world and a premise that's so inherently Goofy and weird and turn it into one of the most rich mature thought-provoking pieces of artistic expression there is."
"Invader Zim challenged the platform, knowing its value and its message."
"Teenage robot was a fun cartoon. It's a shame it didn't last longer."
"With a future diary, this is basically Battle Royale animation."
"There really isn't a bad character in this, all the characters, I've, I mean, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Serenus, Nifty, Alis, there really isn't a bad character in this."
"Cherry bomb's back yay, I love seeing you Cherry."
"I highly suggest rewatching the Battle Frontier arc—it's definitely worth revisiting this vital part of Ash's Pokémon master journey."
"My inner demons react to Rick and Morty. Okay, this is kind of an awesome video."
"Steven Universe's measured pace allows its characters to become more complex and interesting than most of the counterparts on prestige dramas."
"I mean I grew up on looney tunes and all of that kind of stuff in the brain pinky and the brain yes I grew up on that stuff."
"Futurama provided a reflection of modern times through a futuristic lens."
"Because Kenny's lines are usually inconsequential, Matt Stone takes the opportunity to improvise with the character."
"The Loyalty of the brother to the Avatar is unbelievable."
"By focusing on the perspective of Jinx and Vi who are part of the under city while also focusing on Jace and Victor as part of the top side, you get to experience how the politics of both sides intermingle."
"He loves Katara, so that's what he's going to choose. Love."
"The real emotional kicker occurs when the kids finally leave Gravity Falls in an incredibly touching montage."
"Animated may be gone, but it is far from forgotten."
"Static Shock starts its run with the Big Bang."
"At its core Teen Titans was a show about friends."
"Rick and Morty deals with existential conflict and mental health, resonating with the generation."
"Are you ready for your childhood to be ruined because here Stitch the anime?"
"Huntress wizard is shown to be a laid-back and sarcastic person and a potential love interest for Finn."
"You're a mad genius! Oh hey, it's good to see you. I am the Avatar. A glimmer of hope for a friendship sparks in Aang's mind, but Zuko eventually attacks him. Aang narrowly escapes."
"Zuko and iro on their journey to start anew in Ba Sing Se encounter Jet and the Freedom Fighters, forming an unexpected connection."
"The order of the White Lotus fights to liberate Ba Sing Se from the Fire Nation's control."
"The new adventures of he-man cartoon was created to support the new toy line produced by Mattel simply called he-man."
"Everything Grace does is to protect herself or the image she's created as leader of the Apex."
"Simon rejects that meaning in favor of ignoring the signs and ends up dead."
"Arcane: a new really cool animated Netflix original series from the creators of League of Legends."
"Beast Wars wasn't afraid to tell bigger stories and make monumental changes."
"SpongeBob SquarePants... This unlikely combo has made SpongeBob a favorite among children parents and even college students."
"From the new art style that people watching Nickelodeon were not used to, to also being a serialized dramatic cartoon show, it broke grounds when it launched."
"Steven universe might be the greatest animated show of all time."
"Love, Death & Robots is literally Black Mirror animated. How could you not love that?"
"Blue diamond manages to recognize Ruby and Sapphire as the gems who disrupted her court thousands of years ago." - Oscar Clocks
"Will a return to batman the animated series allow us to feel as if these characters have grown as if their prior adventures have any bearing on their new ones?"
"BoJack Horseman is an animated show that takes place in this kind of absurdist version of Hollywood where half the characters are humans and half of them are animated animals..."
"In the world of Rick and Morty there are endless possibilities, endless universes in which to adventure, endless hilariously named aliens to meet..."
"Evil Morty's evil backstory... he truly was just another Morty who got tired of the status quo."
"Rick and Morty, a hundred years, the two bestest!"
"Adventure Time, we all know it, we all love it."
"By far, the Castlevania animated series is the best video game adaptation to ever be made, and I say that with confidence."
"Nickelodeon passed on Adventure Time multiple times."
"Finn and many other characters in Adventure Time actually age."
"The relationship between Marceline and Ice King came about."
"One of the things I love most about that TV show Adventure Time is how it handles planar travel."
"The bending in Legend of Korra isn't just punches and kicks; it's not lazy. This series has some of the best fighting in the entire franchise, and it's not people just punching and kicking."
"Sym-Bionic Titan made the most of the TV PG rating when it came to everything: the comedy, the action, the storytelling..."
"Dragon Prince is the true successor to Avatar."
"South Park is a rare example of an animated show that somehow managed to stay relevant and fresh 20 years after its original inception."
"A fight in RWBY is always a fight worth watching."
"Numbuh 4 definitely has his moments of genius, like in 'Operation: POOL' where he defeats the entirety of Negative Sector V."
"It wouldn't really be Gravity Falls without some kind of supernatural shenanigans going on."
"Amphibia may look simple on the surface but it goes way deeper than you'd ever expect."
"Celebrities in Ben 10 include J.K. Simmons, Mark Hamill, and Chris Pratt. That's some serious star power for a cartoon!"
"Bring out the Last Airbender right now, right now, right now!"
"I like cartoons Lads because it's like you know these things will never happen in real life."
"There aren't enough words to explain the imaginative brilliance of Rick and Morty."
"I think SpongeBob SquarePants is the best show ever created and I can't even say it's the best animated show or the best children's show I think it's the best show ever period."
"The legacy of Star Wars the Clone Wars lives on forever."
"Obsidian is a love letter to fans of Bonnibel and Marceline’s relationship."
"Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi is fun, it's jokes, it's super stylized, and if you're in the right mood, it can really make you smile."
"Uncle Iroh isn't just Zuko's uncle, he's also his mentor."
"Thanks, man. One more thing: we are pleased to announce that production of an online animated series set in the Hisui region has begun."
"A real cutscene about when Gabriel decided to become Hawk moth."
"Batman the Animated Series was the Big Bang of this revolution."
"Gargoyles was a mature animated series that didn't talk down to kids."
"I got so much freaking goblin ham! Forget it, Goku's eating good tonight, guys! He's eating good tonight!"
"Keepo season 2 cements this beautiful series as a crowning achievement of serialized animation."
"And honestly, I’d prefer Harmonix to Butterflix any day of the week."
"The Boondocks: Gives you a look into a culture you may not be familiar with."
"Teen Titans Go wanted it all and they got it."
"Gravity Falls is so rich in atmosphere and interesting storytelling that when you add on the intriguing underlying mysteries, it makes for a series that has everything you want and more."
"She forms a close friendship with Peridot which is nice considering they both relate to being defective."
"It makes it seem like Steven giving himself up to Homeworld only affected Connie when it literally affected everyone including the gems and his dad."
"Steven Universe is a show that I respect more than I actually like it."
"El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera centers around a young Mexican boy named Manny Rivera."
"It's also one of the few times you get to see Katara, like, at a full 10 on the anger scale."
"A giant portal opens up sucking up most of Bikini Bottom taking buildings and residents with it leaving the town covered in a substance called cosmic jelly."
"Only Scooby is still on our screens, entertaining kids of all ages."
"A pup named Scooby-Doo is a series people remember as being good."
"We've brought down more than our share of villains with nothing more than pluck, jerry-rigged traps, and a box of Scooby Snacks."
"The Ninja Turtles movie has become its own universe, borrowing elements from both its comic book and more playful animated series."
"The Animated Series purported itself to be the story of the true Ghostbusters, and the 1984 movie was just that, a movie adapting some of their real adventures."
"The Animated Series gave us another new villain, Harley Quinn."
"Rick Sanchez, the show's main protagonist, is a brilliant scientist who can travel through different dimensions and manipulate time itself."
"...Spider-Man freshman year, this animated series is set to swing onto our screens in November 2024."
"Gumball and Darwin chilling out in your living room."
"There's a consensus pick, and it's Batman: The Animated Series."
"Moltar is a super villain from the 1966 Hannah Barbara animated series Space Ghost."
"Overall, Superman: The Animated Series is a really tight show. Consistently, the show supplies great writing, fun action, gorgeous music, well-developed characters, and a sincerity that just makes you want to keep watching."
"Batman the Animated Series was responsible for reimagining the backgrounds and motivations of many of Batman's Rogues gallery."
"Felix, set Kagami free, and this time you're giving us back the miraculous of the peacock."
"The concept of an animated series set in hell, all about this parody of a Disney princess trying to redeem Sinners was quite compelling."
"I didn't want to be too mean because I know a lot of people like Ruby Chibi, but I also wanted to be honest."
"If you like Ruby Chibi, congratulations. I'm glad you can like it."
"I'm sorry but there's absolutely zero way that Emperor Belos is smarter than the gang at the Owl House."
"These games kind of feel like a successor to the Animated Series."
"Extreme spoiler warning: this information will go beyond just a season one of the animated series and we'll talk about stuff from campaign one and campaign two alike."
"Invincible is perfect for animated. I wouldn't even do this as a live action show."
"The moment brings both Sprig and Luz to tears."
"The idea for 'The Animated Series' had its genesis in the character Alex, Rick and Evie's young son."
"...regardless I am just glad that we finally got some form of marvel zombies in animated fashion."
"Which animated series created by matt groening features the characters fry leela and bender yes jamie futura matilda is the correct answer well done futurama till then."
"This was the best and most influential Scooby-Doo piece of media there is."
"Bojack horseman is one of the few cartoons that truly has the power to change your perspective on life."
"You heard that right, Rick and Morty is the secret sequel to Gravity Falls."
"I'm pretty excited for Danny Phantom and Jake Long."
"Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai is coming out, so it's taken more than three decades, but we're finally getting a Gizmo origin story via an animated series prequel set in Shanghai."
"I would highly recommend SpongeBob."
"Rogue was not only a beloved member of the X-Men animated series cast, she was also one of the central characters."
"Made me cry as a kid, that and Pigeon Man."
"Why weren't there animated series toys? The shortest answer is because Walmart didn't want them."
"Arcane is not just the best animated show of all time, it's one of the best shows of all time."
"My favorite show still to this day is Scooby-Doo."
"Fighting the Fire Lord is gonna be the hardest thing we've ever done together, but I wouldn't want to do it any other way."
"We're excited for season five of Shira and the Princesses of Power. Can't wait!"
"Are we excited for the season finale of season 4 of Shira and the Princesses of Power? Absolutely!"
"If you're a kid in the '90s, you learned everything you needed to know about the X-Men from Fox's animated cartoon."
"Wherever they were, Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper, that's where home was."
"I have finally watched Avatar: The Last Airbender... and oh man, it really does live up to the hype."
"It was very nice to see Ford wanting to actually like hang out with Dipper and get to know him."
"Attention everyone, this is Captain Barnacles of the Octonauts. You must all leave here right away; the volcano is about to erupt."
"90's television was chock-full of episodic animated shows that told stories about family and friendship and learning the difference between right and wrong."
"Hey Arnold feels like a lasting reminder of the dignity in leading a simple but kind existence."
"Despite its slightly lackluster final season, DuckTales is a gold standard for animated reboots."
"He'd be the Batman from the opening of the Animated Series where he's dodging fists rather than engaging."
"I love Spider-Man the animated series, if you haven't guessed already."
"I'm ready to master the Avatar State; I'll do whatever it takes."
"This is pretty much the quintessential animated series version of Catwoman."
"BoJack is a really complex character, and the show captures the theme of nihilism in such an extraordinary way."
"I really love all six of the Shadow High characters and can't wait to see them on the show and learn more about them."
"Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart is my new favorite show that's still running."
"This is the final chapter of the malevolence arc."
"I enjoyed the way the world was a lot in Avatar: The Last Airbender."
"Ultimately, if you are a fan of this animated show, then yes, you need this set."
"I love this show, I love this OVA, this is so good."
"He is the king of Ash companions because he has been in the show longer than anyone except Pikachu."
"I think my favorite variation of Batman is the one from Batman the Animated Series. To me, that's like the ultimate Batman."
"Canada also gave us Total Drama, so we're cool."