
Daily Struggle Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Our life we live with this every day and we're not advocating and doing this for entertainment; we're doing it to get help and support."
"Depression feels like a war, right? Like where you're going into battle with it every day."
"You're not born with greatness. You fight for it, every single day."
"Life is going to test you every freaking day."
"You may have moments of failure, you may go to bed not feeling so well when night but you wake up in the morning and say okay how do I get this done."
"Anxiety is something that a lot of people have to deal with on a constant basis."
"Every day is Monday and the reality tonight is every day in Ukraine is increasingly filled with more destruction and death for Ukrainians still trying to get away from a war they did not ask for."
"I was crazy with anxiety, waking up every day checking my heartbeat."
"If you work at McDonald's most people know that that's not the place for them so they have a hard time waking up and going to work every morning right."
"I just have a roommate that can be really hard to get along with, called depression."
"I am sick every day, whether it be super sick or a little sick. I don't feel 100 every day."
"This disease has completely consumed my life; I can’t brush my hair or my teeth, eat, sleep, stand in the wind, or touch my face without feeling like I’m being electrocuted across my face."
"It becomes a haze from December through April is this haze of trying to make it through every day."
"Are you serious? Who's Mike from around the world? Well, I'm very serious."
"If you're a rape survivor you are the crime scene... the crime is perpetrated and re-perpetrated every day that you carry it with you."
"Why is waking up in the morning always so hard?"
"In order to become the greatest man you can be and i fall short of this principle every day trust me but i just know that if as a man you were to follow this one principle you would achieve anything that you wanted to achieve."
"Men that fight all day get no peace at night."
"Give yourself credit for getting through each and every day."
"Fight for freedom every day every week, let's go champ!"
"I am fighting every single day for transparency."
"It's 1:00 in the morning and I got to get up in five hours I know thank you I don't want to do that."
"I need salvation today from my addiction, I need whatever it's a daily deliverance."
"Broken sunglasses is the worst. Our reflex is to power through and run through the rain. I live in Florida 99.9% of the time I forget my umbrella and I even have it but I never will forget my sunglasses."
"Tearing down that whole culture... is what I actually fight for every day."
"For some people, with depression, getting out of bed in the morning is actually challenging because of this disgusting internal feeling you have of just not wanting to do anything."
"I have a fear of death, it shows up every morning."
"Freedom ain't free, fight for it every day like you mean it."
"Each day is a challenge, an act to convince not just the world but myself of my false identity."
"I just want to be happy. I just want to wake up in the morning not blow my brains out every day."
"These are natural born rights that you fight for every single day."
"Some days we need God's help just to keep putting on one foot and put one foot in front of the others."
"Cheers to you if you're cleaning right now cheers to you if you're going through it cheers to you if you are making it through the day."
"Every day, you're an actor, you're a survivor, winning an Oscar every day."
"Winnie gets bullied every single day."
"We're all just out here trying to do our best every day."
"Like every day I don't feel like getting up but I'm gonna do it, you know what I'm saying?"
"I'm not ready to start the day just because you woke me up brain."
"I feel like there's no designated way to cope with that [anxiety], you just go take it day by day."
"There is nothing more terrifying anxiety-inducing and sad than waking up every day"
"Life gets a hold of you and stuff like that sometimes, and you just can't figure out time to do everything you need to do in a day's time."
"We all wake up with a battle to fight; that's life."
"Everything takes effort, that some things are a gift, but with that, every day takes effort."
"Another day, another white-knuckle ride through this thing we call life."
"My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all."
"We literally combat nature on a daily basis; just all matter of scientific achievements is going against natural selection."
"Every day is a challenge, every day is tough."
"I'm just trying to make it day by day."
"I have to fight for justice and equity every single day and honestly no matter who you are."
"Every day is another manic breakdown."
"Win, lose, or draw, it's just another day growing up on my block."
"You have to keep fighting through it every day, you've got to fight through it every goddamn day."
"We're still in the war, and it's terrifying what's going on for them day to day."
"I'm so done with feeling like a zombie every day."
"Life is a lot for people. It is not easy to get up every day and deal with what we deal with."
"It's a fight every day, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally."
"Mental health is something that millions of people suffer with on a daily basis."
"You lose one day, you win the next, and that means that you'd better get back up on your feet if something bad happens."
"Are you one of the good guys or one of the bad guys? I try every day to be a good guy."
"...he had cried every day since his son's death."
"Every day I die and every day I live on that hope."
"We just have to make it to the next day; that's all we can worry about right now."
"Poverty is getting up every morning from a dirt- and illness-stained mattress."
"Every cell in my body says that I'm a fighter, somebody that just pushes to win every day."
"It's definitely something we have to fight for every day."
"Mental illness is a burden and a curse that affects you every day, not a quirk."
"Every single day that Molly woke up, she had to make a conscious decision to make sure that this eating disorder did not control her life."
"You are worth fighting for every day, even if that just means getting out of bed."
"Every day I fight to know that I'm smart enough and I'm strong enough."
"It is a daily battle that you are choosing to engage in for the sake of building a life that really creates meaning for you."
"It's something you have to fight for and claw your way through every single day."
"Just taking it day-by-day, going crazy just a little bit crazy day by day, but it's okay."
"You're going to have to wake up every day thinking what can I do to get out of this one."
"You're a fighter; you rise up every day and you deal with a smile on your face."
"I fight against my laziness every day. I fight myself every day."
"What do we think about ourselves when we look in the mirror? Like, I look in the mirror brushing my teeth but I see a man who's been beaten down by the grind of every day."
"Every day is not easy, but I would always like to share encouragement."
"You have to get up and say, 'I'm not going to use today.'"
"Every day it seems like I fight with something new; every day I try to sit down and manage how can I give you a better image of myself; that be my goal every day."
"It's a lifetime struggle to get your face clean."
"I'm very sorry, and it kills me every day."
"There's so much violent dehumanization that the black community has to go through on a daily basis."
"It's a fight every day but it's well worth it. But do it honest."