
Culinary Achievement Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"I pride myself that I deem I'm in the top three of best dinners."
"This is probably one of the best things I've ever made. It's really good."
"Our fire-based cooking techniques, in-house aged meats, cross-restaurant collaboration, and beautiful art deco interior earned Gwen its first Michelin star in 2023."
"It's outstanding, I can't believe you did it."
"Wow, that's fantastic. This is what you call living right here. It doesn't get any better than that, a real feeling of accomplishment from an animal that we harvested and cooked ourselves."
"By far the flakiest biscuits I have ever made."
"This is one of the best salads I've ever made in my entire life."
"Westminster, London: The first female British chef to win three Michelin stars, Claire Smith, sold out three months of bookings in 20 minutes when her restaurant said it would reopen from lockdown."
"I think we got it right, it's one of the best dosas I've ever had too."
"Nailed the cooking here. The color is perfect."
"Ultimately I am very excited and proud of my final product it is flaky buttery sweet and tart all at the same time."
"This is really propelling Lee to MasterChef level."
"Day number one in the books, rainbow trout is done and in the books."
"I feel like a proud mom, I just gave birth to a cake."
"This meal is the best meal I have ever created on any of the challenges."
"Everybody's gonna be so impressed with your damn baking skills."
"We conquered that chicken and that bone broth. It didn't weigh on me. It didn't have to wait until another day."
"Needs a little pepper though. Oh, that is one of the best things I've made in a long time."
"Wow, good job sir. 12 burgers. So it's like 2-3 minutes? He done made 12 burgers and they ain't just regular burgers. He got all the sauce, he got the egg, he got the meat, he got them packaged too. Leave a like if you would eat those burgers."
"If everything was done properly, this is easily a five-star meal."
"You all just did an amazing job in the restaurant takeover, you did better than a lot of our adult home cooks."
"Once you get a nice velvety coating on the back of a spoon, your hollandaise sauce is done."
"That was JNG restaurant. Thank you so much, guys, for making it possible for me to have my own restaurant."
"I feel like a proud mom looking at this dish right now."
"I think this was one of the easiest and prettiest desserts I have ever made."
"This is seriously the best schnitzel that I have ever made."
"We have just made the ultimate spit roast."
"I murdered it. I can't lie, it was so delicious."
"A very accomplished souffle, really light, really sweet, big raspberry flavor, it's great, the golden good."
"I'm the first lady Master Chef Canada. Yes, it's me, Mary."
"The final product came out good... that's chef's kiss."
"This recipe really does taste like the real thing. The sauce hits every flavor that I remember."
"I've just made 24 of these lovely samosas."
"These are probably the best two pizzas that I've ever produced."
"I published 15 books, earned 12 Michelin stars, and no one knows more about food than I do."
"I can see why he's got a Bib Gourmand and two rosettes."
"I've got one of my best smoke rings ever doing this."
"Beat one of them and create your own culinary legend."
"You did an incredible job. It is almost impossible to find a really good vegan lasagna for $14 in LA."
"Dinner was so freaking good, definitely wrote it down as one of my favorite recipes to make again."
"Congratulations to the four chefs moving on."
"You did your thing, you put your foot, hands, eyes, everything into this meal."
"Congratulations, you have officially made the Colombian chorizo."
"I may have created the best banh mi in Ho Chi Minh City right here."
"I did, I have to say, this is one of the best meals I've ever made in my life."
"The battle to celebrate my 2000th dish has been nothing but extraordinary."
"I accomplished my goal of turning an unknown into a Master Chef."
"I'm kind of shocked right now. I think this is one of the best pizzas we've ever made on this channel."
"Congratulations, seriously. Thank you, thank you, Chef."
"You can pat yourself on the back because that means you just made this wonderful bread."
"It's always good when you make perfect looking muffins."
"One of the best meals I've ever made."
"Nothing is more satisfying when you make a delicious meal and you go, 'I made that,' and it was really good, especially when everybody goes for seconds and thirds."
"We've started with 18 people, and we are down to the top seven. We are that close to being a part of this elite black jacket club."
"The kind of wonders no home kitchen can achieve."
"I don't know what you guys think but this is the best curry I've ever made in my whole life."
"I am no chef, but I made a delicious chicken teriyaki, and it looked exactly like it does on the pictures."
"Winning this ultimate culinary award typically takes big budgets and a significant number of staff."
"It was a lot of work, but it was worth it."
"It's 100% perfect as they can be."
"The final five have completed tonight's dinner service in just under 3 hours, it is the best performance yet in Hell's Kitchen."
"This was one of the best seafood boils that I've made."
"I hope I've done Valencia's dish justice."
"No wonder Steak Enthusiast Magazine calls it a tasty triumph of culinary engineering."
"The risk turned into reward. That is MasterChef-worthy."
"This is the first street food with a Michelin Star."
"Be proud of what you do, man. Be proud that when you make this and you eat it, you know that you're one step closer to your goal."
"It's the best I've made so far; your mom will be really happy, no mistake."
"It's millions and millions of restaurants, so to be number 16 for restaurant its size in this country was an amazing thing."
"That was arguably one of the best meals I've ever made."
"We made an incredible seafood pilau, just look at that."
"They are very inventive and the team there is very proud of what they've been able to accomplish in that kitchen."