
Uncontrollable Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"This is a true depiction of the infinite rage of the Incredible Hulk. There's no calming him down."
"You can't stop it. You just can't stop it. Like, it... It takes over you. It's just..."
"What could be scarier than a destructive force beyond your control that you bring upon yourself?"
"You may experience surges of inspiration where you could not hold yourself back, even if you tried."
"Love something like when you're in love with someone you can't stop that how you feel."
"The war machine is completely out of control."
"The fire is out of control, there's no way to stop it."
"The grief appears in waves, and I can't control when or why I start crying."
"The aircraft goes into an uncontrollable spiral."
"With one engine at full forward power and the other in full reverse, the plane rolled into an uncontrollable dive."
"When Love is Real it's forever. It's not something that you can control."
"I felt an uncontrollable smile grow across my face."
"Last night had not been what I'd expected. I thought I would go to my mate and talk to her, perhaps even get to know her. Instead, my shifter had recognized its mate and the dragon had ripped through me so fast I had no control over him."
"The prairie fire was out of control."
"Love doesn't have limits. If you love someone and that love is activated, there's no controlling it."
"The Hulk is totally out of control and tries to protect the woman even from the rain."
"I was convulsed with a paroxysm of the most unaccountable ungovernable Terror."
"I couldn't help but burst out laughing and I couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard I tried to suppress it."
"From a spark to an inferno under the right conditions fires can explode beyond our control in a matter of seconds."
"I love drips. They are those things that you can't control and they just kind of have a mind of their own."
"It's going to be like a prairie fire. You know there is fire here, but the wind carries it, jumps here and there, and it springs up all over, and there's no way you can control it."
"Sorry if you're gonna hear the wind, guys, but we can't do nothing about that."
"Luck is like the lightning. You don't control the lightning, the lightning just hits who it's going to hit."
"It got worse and worse. Being unable to stop laughing for an entire four-week period."
"...in my eyes Luffy is less for man and should more technically be considered some kind of natural disaster because he is completely uncontrollable..."
"Pharma panics as water begins to flow uncontrollably from his hands."
"I felt like it was like a monster inside of me, ravenous and out of control."
"No one can control who their child loves. It's true."
"You think you can control it, you think you can put up a barricade, you think you can get the Doppler weather head start on it, but when love rolls over you, it's, that's the beauty of love, you can't stop it."
"People can't control matters of the heart."
"The shadows cannot be controlled, only unleashed."
"There are two things in life you don't control: life and death."
"We live in difficult times brought about by some forces of our own making but certainly also by forces that are beyond our control."
"I don't want to fall in love like this, but I can't help to fall for you repeatedly."
"I fell in love with him and you can't help who you fall in love with."
"This is like an awakening of emotion, and it's beyond your control."
"Out of my control: the actions of others, the past, the outcome of my effort, the future, the opinions of others, what happens around me, how others take care of themselves, and what other people think of me."
"I just can't control my heart, especially when it's playing the same tunes as my brain."
"Recognizing that there is an element that we cannot control and being okay with it anyway."
"It's gonna be like an uncontrollable on their part."
"Sometimes you can't control who you love."
"I've got a fire that I can't control because your love is a flame running through my heart."
"Nobody can control their feelings towards someone else."
"Pandora's Box is wide open, and it's hard to close."
"Whoa, said Thomas, but Thomas couldn't stop."
"Love does not always make logical sense; it is a power that none can wield and none can control."
"I was instantly afraid, like a primal fear that you cannot control."
"The British Health Minister said the new strain was out of control."
"That was just pure emotions and there's no controlling that."
"To be fair, you can't control a crush."
"Unfortunately, we can't control the matters of the heart."
"You can control a lot of things, but you can't control who loves you."
"You're laughing uncontrollably like the Joker, where you're just like, and yet like you're not laughing because you're having fun."
"You're dying not to laugh, but you can't help it."
"Naturally, I love to eat, but when I'm pregnant, the hunger is something that I cannot control."
"Some people have hardships that they can't control."
"I was dying laughing, like really loud, hysterically, like I could not stop laughing."
"It's fun to laugh and laugh. Oh, I don't think I can stop."
"Godzilla was an allegory for nuclear war, you don't reason with or capture a nuke, the nuke does what it wants."
"No one can control his heart before love."
"They risk their lives doing something that's completely out of their control."
"You cannot help who you fall in love with."