
Governmental Control Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Science has become a subsidiary of profiteering; government has become essentially interested in control."
"They want power. It will never be enough for them. Make no mistake, they want any opposition to them to be illegal."
"This new money will be sovereign in nature...most people think that digital money is crypto and private, but what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency."
"He's going to have control of both houses and in some senses, he's going to have almost dictatorial power."
"Isn't it interesting that those that want to cancel the referendum and break their word now claim to be on the side of democracy?"
"Civil disobedience can really get out of hand if it gets large enough that the government and its military might is just not big enough to actually contain."
"They're a bit scared and that's why they're clamping down."
"What is going to actually collapse the democracy in the United States is a broad governmental level attempt to shut down speech that is considered unpalatable."
"The USDA is trying to strip that away... they're willing to lock up an Amish farmer... and bankrupt them in the process."
"Encryption means that they can't arrest you, they can't blackmail you, people can't do any of the things governments might do to make sure that public information is what they wanted."
"The tyranny that's in place today believes that the heart, soul, and mind of man belongs to government."
"The risk of allowing the president to continue to use the services during this period are too much."
"Xi Jinping wants private enterprises to do what the CCP says."
"The closest it will get is a blockchain-based highly controlled token from existing Banks or a nation's government...it will be nothing other than a slight augmentation on how the current Financial system operates nothing more."
"It's control as you saw in Canada with Bitcoin if Trudeau can turn that off for a bunch of truckers or turn off their checking accounts imagine how much easier that's going to be with Central Bank digital currencies."
"What she's saying is essentially that her argument is that we need the Central Bank digital currency to ensure that no other government or no other private company is going to interfere with their ability to control their own currency."
"This isn't just me and you, it's not just like some libertarian kooks are telling you, oh this Central Bank digital currency thing is all about control, this is the European Central Bank telling you yes it's all about control."
"Governments will enforce rules in a way that they simply cannot do with cash."
"Their goal is to have institutional control in every sector and layer of government."
"The government is going to seize a woman's body and say, 'You are not allowed to do what you want.'"
"Restrictive laws whether they're good or bad will never be as bad as a mandate they can't because a restriction on action is far less tyranny in your life than the compulsion to do something against your will."
"How do we lock down the public force them to wear masks force them to social distance isolate them Etc."
"Even though citizens were stripped of their ability to use gold, that ain't gonna be so easy for governments to do with bitcoin."
"Biopolitics deals with the population with the population as a political problem as a problem that is at once scientific and political as a biological problem and as power's problem."
"It's very dangerous to give government this much power."
"If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and is a duck, and the duck ain't the one that's causing the problem, then why are you going after it?"
"Tyranny creates tyranny code... We saw what happened in Australia, we saw what happened in Canada where tyranny reigned."
"They don't have the right to tell you what you can do, what you can put into your body in every other facet they can bar you for."
"It has effectively seized all the mechanisms of power to render the citizen impotent."
"If you come here and overwhelm our system, you will not be rewarded by being released into our country. Period."
"How much power do you want to give your governments in controlling what can and cannot be said?"
"If we get this Freedom wrong and we allow government to begin to claim something is disinformation because it's undesirable from their perspective, bad things follow."
"Our founders wanted that power and control they didn't want the king to have that power and control they wanted the people to."
"We're going to completely change the world as we know it... governments will own you."
"It's about shutting it down. The people we elect to run the government should once again be the ones who actually run the government."
"A government will weaponize power like that if it leads them to the further accumulation of power."
"When the government exercises so much control over a private entity, it becomes a state actor."
"Depending on how far they spread, it will have to see and the concerning element of it is this, this sounds ironically very similar to what the Chinese Communist Party has with its social credit system."
"In 2011, the Communist Party started a ban on one of China’s most cherished flowers, the jasmine flower."
"They want the absolute power of an overwhelming majority."
"Higher entities have been controlling and manipulating the governments of mankind."
"This is a regulation that takes the power of the federal government and tells Americans in schools what they can and can't think, what they can and can't say."
"There's no greater form of totalitarianism than that."
"They want to interfere down to the minutest detail into every aspect of our lives... so they want to control."
"The idea that the White House is so interested in trying to control what people think is very un-American and very dangerous."
"When you're reliant on the government, you then become a slave to the government."
"It's important to slow down the government anytime that they're trying to just impose mandates."
"Texas and Florida ban vaccine passports, affirming individual rights over government requirements."
"Terrorism is what government uses to control people in everyday life."
"All governments need is the right excuse to execute their plans."
"We're not supposed to be controlled by our government."
"Oh my gosh if you want to look at a real story the hundred and twenty six leaks of national security importance in the first hundred and twenty five days..."
"But the government's going to decide who wins and who loses."
"The state taking over, dismissing private capital. Is it the mafia principle?"
"Any company that is based in China, the government can just go in and take. Okay, this company is ours now."
"The CCP may shut down the stock market. They have the theoretical basis to support that."
"We could either centralize under a big tyrannical government or we could decentralize under a total freedom-minded society."
"They've convinced you into supporting big government, they've convinced you into supporting high taxes that's handing your money to the federal government who's trillions of dollars in debt."
"...it was a massive battle against the state saying no we want to take these, this stuff and we want to give it to the people but then the state took control you know and then it's like okay none of that."