
Historical Evidence Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"The Pontius Pilate Stone provides confirmation that Pontius Pilate held the position of prefect in Judea."
"Denying the existence of Jesus...merely proves you can't do history. No amount of evidence will convince you."
"Biblical archaeology helps us see the past God's word tells us about."
"It's just amazing, I think, the amount of historical, archaeological attestation to Jesus and the writings about him in the Gospels."
"A good case can be made historically for Jesus' resurrection."
"We have archaeological evidence of the builders of Nan Madol, including physical evidence, and the DNA of those people does seem to match the modern-day people of the region."
"The archaeological evidence not only supports the biblical account of the Exodus but points to a Ramesside date."
"The vast majority of scholars have come to accept as convincing the evidence in support of those three facts: the tomb was discovered empty, various individuals and groups of people witnessed appearances of Jesus alive, and the original disciples suddenly and sincerely came to believe that God had raised Jesus from the dead."
"All the evidence points to this mountain as Mount Sinai, where the words now etched in the human imagination were first heard."
"Those Egyptians worshipped many gods. On this stele, it is written that the storm and the darkness happened when God, in the singular, manifested his power."
"The fact that not everybody killed, and we know that historically from the Battalion, shows it is possible for people to say no."
"We believe they are surviving fragments of evidence left by a far more capable, far more advanced, and thus far older civilization."
"What I've shown you today, all of these FBI transcripts and evidence from the sixties is rock solid proof of one thing."
"The Roberta letter is a significant piece of evidence that is still discussed to this day."
"The vastness of her building and statuary projects has left us important evidence about her as a ruler and about how she wanted to be perceived."
"So if you find mammoth tusks for example what you're really distinctly male isn't not belonging to an elephant would you accept that that is proof that a mammoth existed?"
"Like just because Jesus claimed to be the son of God, it doesn't mean there hasn't been plenty of other agnostic proof that he did in fact exist."
"Civil resistance works, history has shown us that it works."
"The practices of child sacrifice among Canaanites are mentioned in various biblical texts and corroborated by historical evidence, including Roman witnesses' accounts of Carthaginian sacrifices."
"The pollen grains found on the Shroud of Turin match Jerusalem."
"Archaeologically we do actually have quite a bit for the tower Babel."
"Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls confirms the pronunciation as Yahweh."
"The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the best established events of history."
"Thus we do have evidence that correlates with the biblical account long ago a great flood reshaped the entire region and cut off humans from the Gulf of a sis known later to the Hebrews as the land of Eden."
"It's just the evidence is so poor we don't have it presently."
"The only proof we have to date is from a painting by Botticelli."
"It's now been 73 years since the alleged crash of a UFO Roswell, and there's even some evidence to support that engineering programs may have even been going on longer than Roswell in secret bunkers throughout Germany."
"The evidence for the resurrection was better than the evidence against it."
"Jesus's name was inscribed on an ossuary found in the tomb."
"I received a very welcomed email from geologist Colin Reader who could provide the hard evidence to say the runoff erosion on the Sphinx enclosure could only have happened before the fourth dynasty pyramids were built."
"Read your gospels, they will tell you that if you follow the spirit instead of the flesh, the world will not be as kind to you."
"To find this symbol displayed on an ossuary here in the necropolis of Dominus Flevit directly connects it to what is believed to be some of the earliest evidence of Christianity."
"Christian martyrs: New evidence suggests the legends of chrysanthus and Daria may have actually been real people."
"Given the preponderance of evidence here those who deny the existence of Jesus are like the deniers of climate change."
"Even if someone has very poor evidence of his existence, we can still conclude that he probably existed."
"This stone tablet proves that the idea of a suffering messiah even the messiah who would die was already there in Judaism."
"There is more than enough sufficient evidence to confirm Israel's exodus from Egypt and conquest in Canaan."
"The Gulf of Tonkin, COINTELPRO, all proven historical facts."
"There is a larger amount of good solid evidence even 2000 years later that Jesus really did rise from the dead."
"Faith is a belief in who God is and what he's done, not because we think he's done it, but because he's proven himself through history, through answered prayer, through promises."
"The difference between those mythological gods and Christ was that there's a historical representation of his existence as well."
"They just wrote over top of them which helps us because we can see what they've changed."
"These are probably the most damaging because it's obvious that there is censorship."
"I believe the Bible is inspired because there's good historical evidence that Jesus rose from the dead."
"We have eyewitness first-hand accounts of people who saw Jesus alive."
"A history of brutality, etched into the walls."
"They found evidence that shows sophisticated civilizations lived there well over a hundred thousand years ago."
"The best evidence to believe there is a God? Look at the nation of Israel."
"Evidence of Semitic travelers from the Levant has also been found all along the seashores of the Mediterranean and beyond."
"The world's oldest mammal: The bowhead whale, with one particular whale carrying a harpoon fragment dating back 130 years."
"No religion has the kinds of historical validation that Christianity has."
"The crucifixion is so well attested that it's become a criteria for reconstructing Jesus in historical Jesus studies."
"The death of Jesus is kind of a really big deal in the case for the resurrection."
"Much of the evidence that you will see in this video has been ignored by modern-day science."
"Coming up with a convincing reason for why it happened isn't necessary to observing that it happened, right? Like the literary evidence right of the flood story or any of it is like, um, like it's there in the text for us."
"The evidence for power tools is really undeniable thanks to these marks."
"These burials might represent the first solid archaeological evidence that there was a church here before Edward the Confessors."
"Kauffman has no doubt about what he's found: 'We have proof for war.'"
"The water system offers the strongest proof yet that hissarlik could indeed be the Troy of legend."
"Of course people could read, evidenced by the popularity of written works like medieval cookbooks."
"The alignments discovered in regards to ancient sites provide compelling evidence for this intelligent and extremely Advanced ancient civilization."
"Entire classes of species were wiped off the face of the Earth, and we know this because we are able to find hints of their existence: fossils."
"The burial provides the first solid evidence of the Greek language being used alongside Latin."
"The amount of corroborating evidence that confirms not only Jesus's existence but his miracles is overwhelming."
"The Bible is authenticated through the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which mirror its content."
"The crucifixion of Jesus is the most well-established fact of ancient antiquity."
"All the evidence of these events reveals that God's word is true and trustworthy."
"If you want to destroy Christianity tonight and go home, then discredit the resurrection of Christ from the dead."
"Against all mathematical odds Jesus fulfilled dozens of prophecies that were written centuries before he was born."
"There is overwhelming evidence for the location of Noah's Ark."
"The properties of the image... hooked me... the evidence was so overwhelming."
"I believe the Shroud is authentic... they should also consider the Shroud as being authentic."
"The evidence for Jesus's existence is overwhelming."
"So these things seem to I mean especially the fact that the conquest started in 632 that seems to be borne out by the historical evidence."
"The Tolinja Valley site reveals evidence of sustained wounds over years, indicating extensive warfare."
"The fact that these narratives are in their own Hadith tradition is an indication that these things or something very similar to them really did happen."
"Now let's look at all of the evidence here at this Mount Sinai, which is known again as Jabal Makla."
"Seeing these fossils being found in this area it's just it's hard to deny the existence even if this is an Atlantis"
"Evidence suggests this type of climate change has happened before."
"This ancient Hebrew inscription is really one of the most important pieces of evidence we have for the rise of Judah as a kingdom."
"Usually when bodies are found buried in a bog, it's a sign that someone made some very poor decisions indeed."
"If Jesus rose from the dead, it would explain all of those things, right? It would explain obviously his death by crucifixion, it would explain the disciples going from discouraged to suddenly having confidence in Christ."
"To me it is the evidence for the empty tomb that just gets underappreciated."
"The antiquity of the Americas can be proven legitimately through genetics, archaeology, and language."
"We are blessed to literally see in front of us here the discovery that affirm the truth of the Bible coming to light before our eyes."
"Crucifixion is a word laden with meaning and symbolism... archaeologists found the first ever evidence of this cruel punishment in a quaint historic village in Cambridgeshire."
"If you think Jesus didn't exist when we have all this material about him..."
"Truer words have rarely been spoken, history has demonstrated this truth repeatedly."
"This is the first and to date only physical record of Pilate's existence..."
"The best test of historicity is to have multiple independent and early testimony."
"Charcoal means burning and burning is a sign a very good sign of where people were actually living."
"The empty tomb story is extremely credible... lacks any signs of legendary embellishment."
"The evidence is suggesting that it is true that something indeed happened."
"Identifying the guns from which the balls were fired left little doubt in historians' minds."
"The dimensions of the Ark match figures given in ancient texts."
"Unbelievable but true: the pieces of wood date back more than 500 years before the reign of Khufu."
"Are you going to mold the evidence to make it work because we need to privilege Joseph Smith?"
"So we do have multiple attestation on the idea that Mary Magdalene and other women are at the tomb. And we also have Paul's testimony, which is earliest."
"Our faith is not blind. It's anchored in facts of history."
"If we had the evidence for Pontius Pilate or Herod Antipas, I'd be up here arguing for historicity instead."
"First Corinthians 15 reports appearances within five years of the death and resurrection of Jesus."
"And when we do, I think we'll realize that the same being that walked out of the tomb 1988 years ago is the same being whose divine nature created the universe out of nothing."
"We know the events of Easter are historically factual because of the eyewitness accounts and the transformations that people had. They were willing to die for what they said they saw."
"Those desiring substantial evidence of the unfoldment of the great plan should follow the suggestion inscribed upon the monument to Christopher Wren in st. Paul's Cathedral."
"Atheism will kill without any limit if it gets into power anywhere. This has been proved from one end of the world to another."
"We have direct field evidence from the ice in Antarctica, drilling through the core, going back four hundred and twenty frickin thousand years."
"The empty tomb is actually a historical thing."
"Thank God for archaeologists because the stones are literally crying out."
"There's a lot of circumstantial evidence that they have been here for thousands of years." - Ron James
"There was already enough circumstantial evidence to vindicate Plato's claim that he had not invented the Atlantis story."
"Justin Martyr... he says in there that the emperor can check the records of Pontius Pilate while he was governor to see that these miracles were performed by Jesus..."
"You don't do what they did if Jesus was a myth to them."
"Every little nick and every little mark on these bunkers tells a little bit of a story."
"Is there enough conclusive evidence to prove that a man-made Prophet Muhammad existed around 680? What does Allah mean?"
"Evidence of an enormous flood in the Yellow River region of China some 5,000 years ago."
"The trail of footprints extended for over a hundred feet, indicating a calm and determined passage through the soft clay."
"It's difficult to explain the explosive growth of Christianity in the first hundred years or so of Christ's life if he didn't exist."
"This Huebner runestone could prove that the Vikings came to what is now the United States."
"The Messiah was clearly born in the year of 5 BCE and likely born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles with the overwhelming agreement of multiple converging points of evidence."
"There's very little physical evidence because some of the finest is destroyed but there are vast amounts of masonry that just appear all over the estate in different places."
"Welcome back. Does the historical evidence support the physical resurrection of Jesus?"
"I remember reading this when I was still a teenager. They wound up concluding that the historical evidence for the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead was stronger than the evidence that Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo."
"I think the evidence that we actually have Jesus's tomb preserved today is actually extremely strong."
"You can actually make a reasonable historical case that these must have been the case... otherwise, Christians never would have believed in a resurrection to begin with."
"... there really is no reason I think to doubt that... Jesus' earliest followers were talking about something that happened to a dead body."
"In fact, the resurrection of Jesus was confirmed by so many reliable witnesses that even Josephus wrote about it 50 to 60 years later."
"Even Josephus acknowledged that Jesus rose from the grave."
"What about modern data? Simon Greenleaf concluded that based upon the evidence, the resurrection is as established as any event in history."
"There is evidence of the Hebrew language in digs at that time."
"One of your arguments against the Resurrection is that there's little to no eyewitness testimony for the resurrection of the Resurrection itself."
"If anybody doubts the birth of the Messiah, there is a proven record. The census Augustus Caesar put forth, there is an actual physical record to say, 'Yes, there was someone called Jesus of Nazareth born.'"
"It's a historical fact that Jesus rose from the dead and that's where your faith rests in."
"For years, scholars dismissed the existence of the heroic King David. But a chunk of basalt uncovered in 1993 in northern Israel offers strong evidence of his existence."
"It cannot be substantiated in the light of historical evidence."
"Bartman just to give you an example allows 15 independent sources for the crucifixion of Jesus within 100 years."
"Nobody has the early eyewitness data that we have for Jesus."
"When people object to the Bible, often times they're not objecting on the basis of historical evidence."
"The only reason left for denying that Jesus performed literal miracles is the presupposition of anti-supernaturalism, which is not a historical consideration but rather a philosophical position, which is independent of the evidence."
"The strongest evidence that the letter is real, other than the fact that the text clearly states that it is from Anne to her husband on the 6th of May 1536, is the supposed connection to Thomas Cromwell."
"The New Testament has more ancient attestation and a wider attestation than any other book of antiquity."
"The Bible is the one book that has a massive amount of historical evidence."
"The more we dig, the more certain we become of the accuracy of these two thousand year old Testaments."
"Archaeology is proving today, right behind us in the city of David, that that person existed in the same way and everything comes from that."
"In an age of religious pluralism and relativism, the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus constitutes... a solid rock on which Christians can take their stand on God's decisive self-revelation in Jesus."
"I mean appealing to the Future as evidence is not so strong but I would appeal to you know like the past 2000 years of progress."
"How did The Godly Jewish believer know 50 years before Christ that Isaiah and 2 Chronicles were scripture?"
"If a supernova had occurred 2,000 years ago, it's easy to see why people would have taken it as an omen of great events happening here on earth."
"So this is real historical evidence to say at that time there was an astronomical event that was important that people wrote down."
"It's the only one of which we have a written record."
"Could Jesus really have risen from the dead? I think the historical evidence makes this hypothesis the best explanation of the data."
"There is neither biblical nor historical evidence to suggest we are."
"If Jesus was just the carpenter from Nazareth, why do we have 42 independent sources that recognize his identity?"
"The fact that Luke doesn't mention the martyrdom of James, Peter, or Paul, nor the destruction of the temple, proves he was writing before those events."
"We are confident that we have cited solid evidence that the nuclear alert was connected to Nixon's and Kissinger's concerns about the war in Vietnam."
"With so much evidence supporting the historical foundation of the Christian faith, we pray that you will consider following Christ as the only way for salvation."
"The truth of Christianity is anchored on the historical Jesus, dying, being buried, leaving the tomb empty, and appearing to eyewitnesses who spread that message and were willing to die for it."
"All evidence from antiquity militates against associating Babel of Genesis 11 with the traditional site of Babylon."
"How do we know the authorship of the works of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Varro, and other similar writers but by the unbroken chain of evidence?"
"You've got real solid evidence that there was no train station until the building didn't begin until late '93."
"If you just take one detail from the text and something well understood or unique to a site that's found through archaeology, you can see the clear match between the Bible and the archaeology."
"We have a lot of evidence for early Christian persecution."
"The Christian can look outside the Bible for the fact of Christ's existence; Josephus establishes this fact, Pliny establishes this fact, certainly the Talmud establishes this fact."
"...we have over 19,000 quotes of the gospels... these are done in letters and lectionaries and different teachings; they're authoritative."
"We have plenty of evidence of these sores from as far back as the Upper Paleolithic."
"Ephesus City is proof and testimony of the greatness and prominence of ancient civilization."
"The pyramids... provide additional evidence to support the premise that Earth was visited by ancient astronauts."
"It's the first piece of evidence that Odin was worshiped as early as the 5th Century."
"The conundrum remains: the tangible evidence for Abraham, let alone the events in Genesis, is as elusive as a desert mirage."
"The Jesus I know in prayer and the sacraments, in the faces of those in need, is the Jesus I meet in the historical evidence."
"The historical evidence is that Jesus really lived, really died, and really rose from the dead."
"Can we find these evidences of what the pagans were doing? Yes."
"When the Tel Dan Stela was discovered, it sealed the deal once and for all: King David existed."
"I believe you will be fascinated and touched by the amount of evidence that exists for the truthfulness of Noah's Ark."
"The clear scientific case and evidence has been building for a hundred and sixty years."
"The remains of Sodom and Gomorrah stand as an in sample, which in the Greek is a visible example of the righteous judgment of God."
"The archaeological record has spoken."
"Does the historical evidence of the way Jesus lived, taught, died, and rose from the dead point to his credibility or not?"
"This enormous body of historical evidence proves without any shadow of a doubt that the dynastic Egyptians were in fact responsible for creating the Serapeum."
"The New Testament of the Bible is more thoroughly and powerfully attested by manuscript evidence than any other document of antiquity."
"It helps to show and to prove that Hellenistic astrology emerged in the second century BCE and not earlier."
"Archaeology... keeps revealing new information from the pages of the Bible to demonstrate the reliability and the accuracy of scripture."
"We have the scientific evidence of the truth of the seminal event of the Old Testament, the Sinai Covenant."
"God's word is always true, and history is an eyewitness to His word."
"The evidence we have of Jesus easily outweighs all other ancient figures in history."
"I was surprised to find the historical reliability of the gospels quite well supported."
"We not only know Caiaphas existed, we have his bones."
"...the Aegeans shown on the walls of various Egyptian tombs... corresponds to a real fact."
"The evidence is going to take you back in time, way back to late 1985 and early 1986."
"Tertullian and Justin Martyr... they both say to their opposition that they could go to the Roman archives and verify what was being said about Jesus in the archives."
"We have very good reason to think the New Testament documents are reliable."
"The sanctuaries provide strong evidence... that people numbering in the thousands... could have camped and worshipped here, at the base of this mountain."
"We can only offer the evidence and sources for consideration, we can only say that men noted strange objects in the skies and left their evidences of their observations as far back as 45,000 BC."
"The first known photograph of a UFO was taken by Jose Bonilla a Mexican astronomer... he suddenly saw an army of objects crossing its front."
"Given these historical realities, what best explains them? We think the resurrection of Christ best explains all these various facts of history."
"The Bible itself is a historical witness and attestation to their existence."
"The manuscript evidence is embarrassingly wealthy."
"We can demonstrate a very clear historical narrative about its preservation, evidenced by manuscripts, by oral transmission, by the people that engaged in this."
"Well tonight, is the sequel as it were, the sequel that includes video footage of things that prove the Israelites' journey that very few people have ever seen."
"We have documentary evidence, people that lived in the first century reporting about Jesus Christ's death and resurrection."