
Audience Feedback Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Just listen to your audience, your audience, your viewers, your community will tell you."
"It's all entertainment, guys. But we listen to the feedback."
"Give me some feedback on what you want to see, what you didn't necessarily need to see, and so we can make these videos as useful and informative and, more importantly, help you make smart buying decisions."
"When something is wrong with a piece of content I put out, nothing makes me feel okay until I have something that people like."
"This is the people's channel where the people complain about me being late when I'm barely late."
"There's something about the feedback from a live audience that is very special."
"I feel Marvel's very usually responsive to like the audience reaction and you know even if they make money they're trying to like make something audiences like."
"Surprisingly, this track was met with a lot of positive feedback."
"That's how movie studios listen to us, that's how they hear us."
"Your success as a creator on YouTube will almost inevitably depend on how you respond to dislikes."
"People look at my content and they're like, 'I miss the old Markiplier,' and I'm like, 'What about it do you miss?'"
"I miss the old Markiplier and I'm like, 'What about it do you miss?'"
"If you liked it, let us know in the comments."
"For studios and directors to make great films, they have to hear our constructive criticism that comes from love."
"Let us know what you thought. Are you interested in seeing it? I want to see a sequel as well."
"That lets us know you're having a good time."
"I do listen to the feedback. If you like the fact that going back to the old format, extending the time, adding some additional videos each month, then consider supporting the channel."
"The fans have spoken, they want another one."
"It's always great to see your feedback and opinions."
"The question is for you guys, what do you think about these results for the Batman?"
"It changed my life, it was probably one of the best pieces of audience feedback I'd ever received."
"Without fail, I know my audience will let me know if I have made a decision which is not the right decision."
"Unanimously or mostly unanimously, it was like people want to see longer videos."
"This is an experiment, so if you would let me know in the comments if this type of video is helpful to you, if you find it entertaining or fun to watch and you get some good insights, I would love to know in the comments."
"Just Mercy... got an A+ from the audiences from CinemaScore."
"Y'all gotta let us know how you feel about this live situation."
"We've always determined our success by the comments."
"If you give me a thumbs down, give me a thumbs down for the content, not for any kind of political choice you have."
"I would love to hear from you in that comment section down below what you think of these, what you think of the news."
"I got so much positive feedback from you guys that I'm feeling confident now."
"Dislikes do nothing apparently now, no one can see dislikes."
"Let me know what you guys thought about this video and yeah, that's that. Enjoy the music."
"Hope you all like this watch along. Comment down below, give us your thoughts."
"Whoever says Roger doesn't listen to his audience, believe me, I do. I listen, I know you guys want it, so here we are."
"Let me know what you guys have thought about today's story."
"It seems that it doesn't matter what content that I put up right now, there's without fail many multiple comments, 'Yeah, that's all very nice dude, but where's the TV?'"
"I want you guys to let me know in the comment section below which one of these is your favorite."
"Let's refresh the poll and see where we landed. 63% of people love it, 25% liked it, 10% it was just okay, and only 1% it was not good."
"Because I see them as very valuable qualitative insight into what people think about my content."
"One of the top comments on the last video literally said this: 'I feel like you guys need to have a mode near the end where you kind of tie up all the loose series.'"
"If you do appreciate these videos, let us know in the comments below and we'll probably continue doing them in 2023."
"All options are on the table. Do let me know in the comments what you think about these things."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed the video. If you did, let me know with a like, but only if you enjoy the content."
"After releasing the video it was one of the biggest sentiments in the comments so I looked into it and from afar its visually very impressive."
"If you enjoy this sort of relaxed discussion style video... let me know in the comment section down below."
"The most satisfying thing about comedy is instant feedback."
"The audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes is astounding."
"Your feedback is very important to things like this where I'm trying something completely different."
"There's no better way to understand exactly what your audience wants than to literally just ask them."
"The number of positive comments... was just phenomenal... I just can't thank everyone enough."
"Speaking for the narrative team, we hear our audience loud and clear that the structure of our story may have become predictable even if the story quality is still high." - John the toe
"How did you guys feel about the gameplay edit? They're not too bad, it's good for a YouTube video."
"Leave your comments and thoughts down below once this video posts onto YouTube and let me know what you think."
"Every message that you get it's like another energy boost."
"Maybe if the majority of your audience don't like something, you should just stop doing it."
"Sometimes criticism from the audience is genuine and can be spotted easily."
"Tyt goes in depth into stories I would otherwise never hear about. Thanks so much for all that you and your team provide." - Katie Mig
"Let me know if you like this content in general."
"You can chime in and let us know, I'd love to hear your feedback."
"People leave plot suggestions... quite often they're right because they know the tropes."
"If this video does better, it makes me know that you guys want longer videos, so I'll work on them."
"I'm not gonna do a bunch of b-roll, beautiful music montages. Let's see what you guys think about it."
"The more likes we get, the more likely I am to make this kind of content in the future."
"What do you think are the worst tropes in professional wrestling? Let me know in the comments section below."
"My audience was deeply upset and asked us to never have them on again."
"Part of being on YouTube is that you get comments that are extremely positive that you really don't deserve... thank you so much for making it."
"That's the easiest way to tell me that you guys are enjoying these videos."
"Let me know what you think of this format, if you don't like it maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement whereby works for you and me." - "Let me know what you think of this format."
"Let us know if you like them this long or you like them shorter in the future."
"Wow, you guys nailed that. I'm giving that one an eight out of 10."
"That is it for all of the questions. I really hope you guys enjoyed this style of video a big switch up from what I normally do but hopefully you enjoyed it."
"Hey, you guys like this stuff? Once you want to see more videos like it, like the video and subscribe, and we'll do more. Comment down below what else you want to see."
"You can ask around if you know someone who you think falls within your desired audience. Ask them how they interact with social media, ask them what their pain points are, ask them about their likes and their dislikes."
"I think that's gonna be it for today's little Vlog video I don't know what to call it if you guys want to see more videos like this let me know."
"So, if you enjoyed it, remember to leave a like, let me know if you like this type of stuff. I'm always happy to try some new things in here, mix it up a little bit and such."
"And you can also listen to the fans and actually judge the match and how would it's got to be ad-libbed because people could tell if it's contrived and preconceived you know."
"What do you guys think we should name this thing? Please leave that in the comments below."
"I have no idea whether y'all like each other or not, but it was good content, so yeah, good job."
"Your videos suck, I'm sorry to say, but nobody with like a fully functioning frontal cortex is actually enjoying your content."
"Did you like the production that we put on? A little play that we did."
"Should I do more vlogs and read more weird books? Definitely let me know your thoughts."
"comment below anything else you guys wants to do we'll try it out see you guys soon peace"
"Honestly conversing with you guys in the first video really helped inform this video and really kind of swayed me"
"Hey guys welcome back so today uh I'm going to be recreating this makeup look that I wore in a recent video and a lot of you were really mad at me for not filming it."
"If a lot of people type one in, that means I'm gonna obviously I'm gonna start doing more of these type of videos."
"Let us know what videos you want to see in the near future. We really appreciate all of the love and support."
"I really love to know what you guys think of this."
"I'm always scared they're like not entertaining enough so I keep pushing them off, but let me know if you guys enjoyed that."
"I'd love to know what your thoughts are down in the comment section below. Let me know all of your thoughts, man, on everything."
"If something people like, then cool, man. Let's keep rocking. And if something people don't like, then that's fine too."
"You got to listen to what the audience wants."
"If you like this style, I would suggest liking this video so I'll know if y'all actually want to see other power ranking video ideas I have."
"I love it, I hope you guys enjoyed this video."
"They're not listening to their audiences."
"I'd love to hear from you guys though in the comments below and let us know what you thought about this adventure."
"Digital Rancher here is one of my biggest pieces of YouTube advice I can give you. If you hear from lots of people that they want you to do more of what you already like doing, do that."
"That's our list. Let us know what you guys think. We missed, or if you didn't hear something that you wanted us to talk about, let us know in the comments below."
"Let us know in the comments below if you guys like this stuff because we're gonna be doing a lot more of it if you like it."
"I hope you're liking the shorts, hope you're liking the more of the content."
"From what I can tell by looking at the comments, that's exactly what you guys want to see."
"Let me know if y'all want me to make a video actually dunking the doll in the Rit Dye."
"I'm working hard to make more videos that will help you. So, if you'll tell me in the comments, give me ideas about what kind of videos you want me to make, I'll do my best to make them."
"If you guys want Patricia to come back in another video or maybe we make a show on Patricia separately, let us know in the comments."
"If you guys enjoy watching these I will keep making them so let me know in the comments or hit me up in the Facebook channels."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. I know it was kind of all over the place, but please let me know if you guys want more of these vlogs."
"I really caught something here, you know, something really happened, and what I did was I read the comments and I noticed that just comment after comment, I must have got probably 50 comments saying okay Sky do 12 Stout Street next."
"I genuinely get really really happy when you guys love the content that I put out there."
"Let me know down below what is your favorite from this block which one did you love."
"If you guys want me to go into more detail about these types of things, then let me know."
"Thanks so much for watching everyone and please tell me what your thoughts are on the series as a whole."
"Let me know if you'd like to see more of these types of videos A Day in the Life what we are up to."
"Like I said, I'm going to keep them shorter so I can do more. I think most people want me to do more shows, so I'll do them shorter and then I can do more. Do them more often, all right? Lots of love to you."
"...hearing directly from you guys is just really awesome... and it's great to... hear these videos that I'm doing are things that you guys actually want to see... and that's definitely a driving force behind these... is making ones that you guys actually want to see."
"Anything you want to see more, anything that's really interesting, you let us know."
"I literally would have posted a fashion video two videos ago and someone will be like oh hi only watch the fashion videos not off all these vlogs I'm like eh we posted a fashion video right to you videos ago I can't do the same video every single time"
"I think that really shows through the content with your guys' responses to what I'm making."
"Let me know in the comments if you have a really engaging stream."
"Please let me know down in the comments if you guys like the vlogs where I talk."
"It's definitely the longest video I've EVER done on this channel ... I know a lot of you have been asking for me to do longer videos and I think this one definitely deserves it."
"Every time I've tried a new one I have seen comments from you guys on my video being like just you should get the native they have so many good scents."
"78 percent said yes guys 22 percent said no."
"And aside from that, do you also like watching me draw closer to real time, do you like it more sped up?"
"I've done it once on the channel and people absolutely loved it."
"I make these videos for y'all speaking of which if you have any requests for future tutorials I'd love to hear what you'd like to be working on."
"Viewers can be absolutely ruthless in their reviews regarding certain things."
"I hope you guys are enjoying the travel vlogs because we love to travel if you guys want to see us travel more let us know in the comments."
"Again, I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it, but anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this video on the Ego mower. Any questions or comments, feel free to leave them down below and I'll try to answer as many as I can because I know I wasn't the only one that was curious about this."
"If you would like a more unfiltered, less scripted, more casual conversational type of format on this channel, please let me know in the comments."
"I mean, obviously, I'm going to start out just real simple, yeah, and then see what it grows into because the audience always tells you what they want, they tell you what to do, all you have to do is listen."
"Did you enjoy this format? Was it funny, quirky, interesting, or just weird?"
"More than anything, I want to know what you guys think because I think these are some great ideas."
"If you're doing any kind of comedy writing, you have to get it in front of some kind of an audience. There's no other way to test it except getting in front of an audience."
"You guys are the reason I do this...and if it was like a majority of people are like nah I don't like the content...I wouldn't do it."
"So that's my finished sand speed diorama thanks so much for watching and please let me know what you think in the comment section below."
"For any of you who complained that it was too many commercials in the first top of the show, guess what? That was zero commercials, over 9 minutes, commercial free!"
"Community engagement is still very important, and companies need to listen to their audiences a little bit more carefully."
"What you want to hear at the end of the night is 'When are you coming back?'"
"Your comments are important to me; it gives me great feedback."
"A lot of people say they like the content."
"I appreciate and enjoy your content."
"Interiors are very important, I hear that comment all the time from people on my channel."
"It goes back to constructive criticism, right? You can sit there and tell me you don't like the Game Over Greggy show because this topic wasn't well thought out, that you didn't like how I delivered this point."
"We are just launching these channels and I'm really excited to hear your feedback about how we're doing with that content."
"Sonic the Hedgehog had the best opening weekend for a video game film in history because Jeff Fowler listened."
"I have been quite blown away by the amount of positive feedback from you guys of this series."
"We want to thank you sincerely for all your wonderful positive feedback on all our shows so far."
"We're really not sure what kind of feedback we're going to get... we got some amazing feedback from just about everybody."
"If you have found this content or this type of content interesting, please do let us know."
"It's always nice... I always like hearing people say that they get something out of the content."
"You got to listen to the audience; that's the market research you want."
"Respond and let me know which of these three you really want to dive into deeper."
"I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on social media."
"We want to make content that everybody enjoys. If everybody's not enjoying it, we want to listen to that feedback and make the appropriate changes."
"Thank you for giving us these films."
"You guys really liked the video and just said that you like longer vlogs and more realistic content."
"If people don't like it, we won't do it again; if you do like it, you know what to do: subscribe, like, more in the future."
"By the end of her first song, the strong audience reaction and enthusiastic applause she received were signs that she was on the right track."
"I love how you guys have complimented the house and said it's one of your favorites."
"I've been booed... the audience's opinion is the only opinion that matters."
"People do tell us exactly what they think about what we're saying and we get to see okay what do they find engaging."
"How dare a studio listen to the audience, you know, like what they do with test screenings before they release the films."