
Alibi Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I remember unequivocally, without any doubt, with as clear a mind as I could have at any time, that I never manufactured any alibi in any way, shape, or form because I did not and would not hurt my wife and my child."
"I was not in a car when I went to Starbucks."
"There's enough doubt that we can wonder whether he was there at all during the time the killing took place."
"You see, when I found the body, I heard the time. There was a voice saying the time, it was probably coming from the television."
"The F.B.I. suspected Jimmy Hoffa’s estranged adopted son 'Chuckie' O’Brien as one of the men in the car that carried Jimmy Hoffa to his execution. He had a fish story of an alibi."
"Steven deliberately giving himself enough time to leave the house, kill Natalie, and then to return home before it ended."
"He luckily had an alibi he was passed out drunk in the hospital an alibi that he had forgotten because he was drunk."
"You can't clear the guy just for that so I feel like they probably would have definitely like gotten his Alibi too like made sure he was working that day or something like that."
"I've given you count by count by count, piece by piece information of where I've been every single round for the exact purpose of this. It's not me, dude."
"A happy marriage, a solid alibi. In the face of murder."
"Amanda was not there she had nothing to do with it."
"She's not in my apartment, she left my apartment on Saturday at the time that I said she left my apartment on Saturday."
"But despite Andy's criminal past and history of violence, the police couldn't place him anywhere near the cabin at or around the time of Josh's disappearance."
"I'm innocent. There was a burglary at my business, and I was there cleaning up the mess."
"This is the story of Stephen McCullagh, the YouTuber who allegedly used his platform to craft the perfect alibi."
"Your honor, my client cannot be the imposter. He was in electrical the entire time."
"You never have an alibi when you need one. That's a universal law of nature."
"After disposing of the incriminating items, police theorized that Ivan had gone back to his sister's place, made sure that she heard him in the shower as part of his Alibi, and then had gone over to his cousin Darcy's house."
"Was it that somehow or other the cinema alibi had been cleverly faked?"
"I suppose if I'm actually arrested you'll let me tell them where I really was on Tuesday night."
"It took you 5 minutes and 22 seconds to drive from Bundy to Rockingham. Yes, that's plenty of time."
"Stinky Pete is a brilliantly executed twist villain, hiding behind the alibi of his collector's box."
"Basically the goal was to confirm John's whereabouts on the morning of the murder."
"I told them that my car went into a ditch and that I spent that night at a kind stranger's house."
"My innocence was further proven by the fact that I and my car were seen on CCTV when I left work and when I arrived at home soon after."
"All ambulance officers kept timesheets. These would have proven Bert's whereabouts and supported his alibi, but crucial records and log books on the critical days had vanished."
"We have absolutely no evidence that puts you anywhere near his car at the time that he was at the beach party."
"I didn't do anything, Julius did it," Chris's story to police matched the one provided by Liddell King."
"...the footage proved Laurence Horne could not have been the killer and he was on the other side of the country during the slayings."
"Investigators dubbed the video recording 'the alibi tape'."
"For the jury to believe your alibi, they would have to conclude that no fewer than seven people committed perjury."
"Roger was eliminated as a suspect due to an airtight alibi."
"I shed a tear and he makes one change so his dad gets caught on security camera and proves he was at the store and didn't kill his wife."
"...the defendant's phone at the exact time period necessary to commit this murder is Off the Grid in fact all of his devices are off the grid from 7 30 to 11 19."
"The only way you could have managed not to clock in on the day of the murder is if you stayed at the studio overnight."
"Yes, he was definitely at the pub at the time Gita was killed."
"'I did not go near Alice! I was with friends, good friends. We were drinking at the Seven Stars and then at the Red Dog Dick. He was with me, and uh, old Cie and George and Platt. It is the truth that I am telling you!'"
"At least you have a solid alibi," I said cheerfully.
"Writing the book gives you an alibi, yes it does, doesn't it?"
"He told me, essentially, what he had told the police--that he was at home, that he wasn't there, and that he didn't do it."
"OJ had a strong alibi. He had only a 25-minute window to commit the crime, which is practically impossible."
"Chad told detectives that that day after he picked up the check he went and had a meeting with his boss."
"Joe did have a pretty rock-solid alibi for the night of the 19th and that alibi was according to him, he had spent the night at a family friend's house."
"I know you didn't shoot anybody that day. I know you weren't driving the car that day."
"They have done a tremendous amount of work of not only tying him to each of these victims and each of these murders but also eliminating the possibility that he one might be able to present an alibi or two that some other suspect may have been involved in all of this."
"This was obviously bogus. I hadn't even left the office since making sure his room key worked."
"He was seen at work an eight-minute drive away."
"She tells you that she woke up, got ready for work, and where was Nathaniel? He wasn't there."
"I can tell you with the most absolute confidence that no possible connection will ever be traced between the gentleman upon whose front teeth I have barked my knuckles and the retiring mathematical coach who is, I dare say, working out problems upon a blackboard ten miles away."
"If you like having loud sex in public and defecating on people's doorsteps, you'll always find an alibi in Bournemouth."
"A solid alibi can often overcome much circumstantial evidence, but forensic evidence is another matter."
"How can I be a suspect in the murder of George Morrison when he's sitting right there, alive and well?"
"The alibi may be odd, but it's solid."
"Sometimes the most insignificant little bit of paper can prove that you were somewhere else."
"That's my story, officer, and I'm sticking to it."
"...she relied on true crime documentaries in her attempt to create a false narrative and stage an alibi."
"If all the victims die only during office hours while I'm constantly under surveillance, then it will appear increasingly unlikely that I am the culprit."
"The combination of the time of death with Mr. Segura's activities that evening by themselves conclusively rebut any idea that he could have been involved in the commission of the offences."
"It's very clear that Lacy was alive the morning that Scott left for the marina."
"Allen said he was at his dorm on the night of October 9th and even showed them a Facebook post as proof."
"An alibi... takes you away from the scene of the crime; it makes it impossible for you to have committed the crime."
"It reminds me of that expression, 'I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.' This seems to be a non-alibi alibi."
"He's very dialed in to what he was doing, and I found his very detailed alibi to be incredibly believable."