
Personal Hope Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"For his sake, I hope that he gets to see his children. I hope they get to see their father."
"Things are gonna be alright, she gives me hope. That's my go-to happy place."
"I really hope he gets the Player of the Year award."
"I pray and hope that they have not harmed her and they bring her back to us safe and sound."
"I hope you get everything you want this year genuinely and truly."
"If I'm strong enough, I live long enough to see my kids doing something more successful." - Michael K Williams
"I really hope people read your book, The Cancer Code."
"There's at least been hope for him to return from it for his own sake."
"For all the romance books I've read and all the Happy Endings I've enjoyed, I can't imagine my own. I'd like to hope I'll have one but hope can be dangerous."
"The only thing I'm still crossing my fingers for is Banjo and Kazooie."
"Food Wars gave me a little bit of hope in a time when I definitely needed it the most."
"I hope that this year is going to be your year."
"I feel like there's a wish coming in for you."
"Watching humans walk on another planet in my lifetime? That's crazy!"
"I think the one thing that I can say with Narcissa is I hope they get the help they need."
"Hopefully, he can do it tonight in Sparta Prague, but also hopefully he can do it tonight in Sparta Prague."
"When it's our time to go, I hope I get half of the love that he has."
"Hope this new chapter in your life brings you comfort and wealth. I believe you 100."
"There may be no hope for this nation, but there is hope for you in Christ Jesus."
"An important wish is going to come through, finally, finally, finally!"
"I genuinely hope Kanye gets away from the Kardashians for his own sake."
"By Christmas this year, standing on that, waiting for Christmas miracles."
"Thank you so much, my beautiful Virgo. I hope this situation works out for you. Love and light."
"I had a lot of hope hearing those success stories. Well, if it's happened to those people, why couldn't it happen to me?"
"I hope she gets to come home, you know, and I hope she gets to be with our church family again."
"Lord bring me a relationship that will open my heart. And that's it. Period."
"I root for everyone's success. I'd love to see this kid succeed for the next 80 years and beyond."
"She believes that her story is the only hope she has."
"I would like to see this company successful."
"I hope it comes out good for you I really really do."
"I'm still positive I would find the right man for me someday."
"What is wrong with people? Parents, stop using your kids as pawns."
"I think if I ever saw her again, like, we would be talking."
"But I hope that wherever she is and whatever she's doing she's happy and thriving in her environment."
"Every baby after JJ is basically a rainbow baby."
"This brand new beginning is what they want with you scorpio."
"If Rodgers wins another Super Bowl I will be more than happy for him."
"I want this to last like til the day I die, you know? I want this to last forever."
"I just want it to work out. I want it to be okay."
"If the world were reborn, do you think I would see them both again?"
"I have no idea who that is, I hope he's a good-looking dude."
"I sincerely hope no other young girl had to meet you either."
"It is my greatest hope to see Logan improve. I do not think he operates out of malice and I wish for nothing more than to be able to share the enjoyment and creation of videos from what was my favorite youtuber."
"I really hope I have a good makeup day because you can have a good makeup day and a good outfit day, that's a good picture day."
"It's a great fair, and one of my hopes is that I'll be able to get out to see it this year."
"I hear wedding bells, I thought silently."
"Now I hope that what I have to say has some value, and I mean lasting value."
"I think 22 is going to be a good year, you know. I just have this feeling there might be a lot in store."
"This is what I hoped it would be like being an actor."