
Negligence Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Mr. Baldwin chose to play Russian Roulette when he fired a gun without checking it."
"The report is a devastating account of investigative and prosecutorial negligence, misconduct, and abuse of the FISA Court process."
"How do you sleep for two-plus days and not notice the dead bodies in your backyard, let alone your back porch?"
"It is 86 degrees outside, you left your dog in the car."
"Guns don't walk to the set themselves with bullets on them."
"He proved how little he cared about sexual assault and harassment, both in his workplace and in his friend group."
"Where did it all go wrong? Personally, I'd say this level of negligence goes straight to the top."
"Dream is still 100 responsible for what happened. At best, he was negligent, stubborn, deceptive, and belligerent."
"I think even though there will be a contributory negligence argument, I don't think it will win the day."
"Negligence can create situations, it's like if you're negligent with your trash, weeds will grow."
"They were convicted of misdemeanor neglect charges and each of them were sentenced to five years of supervised probation."
"It's the most shocking dereliction of duty in American history."
"The frustrating part of this story is that the NHS could have safeguarded themselves against the attack with a simple computer update."
"In what world is it okay to leave somebody lying in their own feces and bodily fluids bleeding and bruised like in in what way is that caretaking in any way shape or form right?"
"Unfortunately, as evidenced by Six Flags' negligence, those lives weren't worth the cost of a fire alarm."
"Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road and below freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any federal or local authorities. This was a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt."
"This is a bomb ready to go off, this is somebody spilling gasoline all over the house while smoking."
"He promoted no wearing face mask, or chronovirus, he did absolutely nothing about, he did nothing, nothing."
"This is gross negligence. It's not just negligence, it's gross extreme negligence."
"If you posit that there was a conspiracy then it's possible that they said, 'Let's just leave him there for a while.'"
"The police initially stated that crime and third-party negligence could not be ruled out."
"An Unthinkable Saga: Karen's refusing to dial the digits for the fire department while innocent souls are trapped in an elevator."
"When you go toe-to-toe with mother nature, sometimes it can end really, really badly."
"There's negligence here, major criminal negligence in my opinion."
"We've ignored things for decades and now we have this massive growth."
"Ignoring this problem is sure gonna affect people."
"He knew and they did nothing. That is unacceptable."
"The industry itself just ignored a lot of these signs."
"This doesn't look like one mistake, it looks like gross negligence."
"The murder of Laken Riley was maybe the single most preventable crime... all the feds had to do was enforce the law."
"This should be criminally investigated and they should actually be looking at you know what the consequences should be if something like this is is pure negligence."
"Constantinople fell due to one gate left open."
"In what world is that reasonable? That to me is either negligent, irresponsible, and it should have never happened."
"Twitter failed to take action allowing the content to be viewed over 167,000 times."
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?"
"They didn't care, they refused me medical treatment, they wouldn't even open the door, they want to let you die."
"There is no free lunch you can't be negligent to the extent that central bankers and politicians are today and not have any type of fallout or consequences."
"Yeah right because we don't criminalize negligence."
"Nobody will talk about that because, you know, it's all right when football matters more than anything when they're promoting just a derby but when we're in the when we're being subjected to this mental torture no one's there."
"Baldwin acted with willful disregard of the safety of others."
"The basic nature of these vulnerabilities amounts to complete disregard of fundamental security principles."
"Nobody thought that was a problem even though they knew the law was 980 for this ship."
"Cooper died because Ross left him in the vehicle."
"Ignoring people who are committing actual crimes is not a good way to stop crime."
"It's incomprehensible to me... take him off suicide watch... not have the guards look in on him."
"I left this candle on all night, that's not safe you're not supposed to do [__] like that."
"The fact that they let this guy die is just so [__] up."
"He borrowed them from her and he set the whole thing up, then he neglected to come clean."
"You can't even really call this an accident, someone was cutting corners."
"I feel like the way the Oxford High School dealt with the situation was also very negligent."
"Staying away from Mass is a failure to do a work of Mercy."
"Looks like these [__] didn't even try to conceal it, but this is lazy."
"It's really ridiculous because honestly when you're feeding a child nothing but cat litter and beating them you have to know eventually you're going to kill them. You have to be an idiot to not think that."
"The horrifying story of Christopher Dunch, the mad surgeon who left medical instruments in his patients."
"There needs to be an investigation as to what really happened, and if there was negligence, they have to look for justice."
"But for someone being negligent there's no way a live round ends up in that gun on a movie set killing one wounding another and causing the trauma to those on set including this gaffer."
"What happened to you is not new. What happened to you is a hazard that has been known by this company for a long time."
"Someone died. There was clearly negligence somewhere."
"Is it still considered an accident if you drive away while your six-year-old's hanging onto your car for dear life? To me, no. Definitely, definitely not an accident."
"His own neglect and stupidity cost the life of his daughter and the life of a man who just happened to be in that place at that time."
"This is what happens when everyone chooses to ignore their responsibility."
"This is a huge problem and one that we've just swept under the rug for way too long."
"The fact that they have never paid attention to those plans is proof positive that they don't actually care about working-class people."
"It is clearly negligent that she didn't know the difference between her taser and a firearm."
"She fell asleep behind the wheel, blew a red light, and t-boned a car, killing a small child."
"And I think we can also all agree that the losses that are by far the most frustrating, are the ones that are caused by someone else's negligence."
"This has been a big pet peeve problem of mine for years with little attention paid to it." - Rory
"Unfortunately after doing this for 18 years, I see how people neglect their bodies. I see how people take terrible care of themselves."
"Misfire specifically means the gun didn't go off so that's incredible negligence by the media saying that."
"The headset is one of the parts of the bike that tends to go kind of forgotten about, because it's very much out of sight, out of mind."
"This is what happens when stupidity goes unchecked."
"The law of negligence is about what is reasonable and what is not."
"The master principle of American tort law is negligence."
"Private investigators are trying their hardest, and it's going to be a very difficult journey to try to undo all of the negligence and wrongdoings that the police kind of set the stage with when they began the investigation."
"Life is hard enough for my client who is disabled, but what makes it even harder is dealing with negligent business owners like the defendant here."
"My client was holding on for dear life to grab the bar for support, but it was improperly attached, causing him to fall on the floor and injure his head."
"Somebody wasn't watching what they were supposed to be doing."
"Someone put fentanyl in that baby's sippy cup."
"Problems that could have been easily prevented turned deadly for all 121 people on board."
"We ignored all this evidence about the debris field from the 313."
"It was found out that maintenance of the aircraft and the logging of aircraft equipment was not done correctly and in some cases just not done at all."
"Trump thought that by simply acting as if the problem wasn't there, it would go away."
"Contributory negligence occurs when the non-breaching party's negligence contributes to the harm from the breach."
"...that was crazy that the police missed it in the first place..."
"I didn't even check the list, bro."
"What happens when you ride your plates hard and put them away wet? We're about to find out."
"A sleep at the wheel, hanging off the back."
"We're just gonna forget like we even saw that. See Duff's just turning a blind eye to it."
"Some cases slip through the cracks and go unol."
"The negligence of female safety in Greece is actually awful."
"she was dosed and the defendant left her to die alone"
"He was already hobbling and sapped of all energy. If I had seen my own child in that group, I would have pulled him out and taken him home with me. The teacher could have gone back with me. Instead, he drove those children to their deaths."
"I wasn't thinking about the possibility of getting suspended or anything trivial really."
"If incompetence or neglect causes a natural disaster, it's no different than if you planted a bomb."
"Negligence and unreliability are inherent in laziness."
"Being an idiot is not a crime. Being criminally negligent is."
"They're shooting themselves in the foot by not caring for the IP."
"The plaintiffs almost caused her death by leaving a door open, which exposes dangerous stairs."
"Especially because fixing the broken pipe on this rig was so easy, it’s almost sinful how long it took them to actually get around to it."
"The tort system worked fantastically. If somebody harmed you, if they were negligent, then they had to compensate you for the harm."
"Despite the alarming number involved, the National Park Service continues to ignore the problem and will go so far as to cover up anything that will cause panic or have a financial impact on park revenue."
"That set was stolen about a year ago and even if it wasn't, you left it here without any contact for over two years."
"Young people like you not taking care of their homes is the whole reason I got on this board."
"Years later, my parents told me while I stayed at home they took the school to court and sued them for negligence and emotional trauma and they won by a landslide."
"I think the number one reason people fail at seed starting is just because they're negligent. It's easy to be negligent because you are taking on the care of a living thing that you're not used to caring for."
"Every one of these problems would have been easy to address if the people in charge had cared."
"He said the thing. I think we should call a fire truck. Ah, fuck 'em. Let 'em cook."
"They never do a check ahead of time of where Calvin actually is."
"They made the lock, they knew it was insecure, and they chose to do nothing about it."
"...they had been pulled into the pipe is only made more horrific once you know the fate of these trapped men, the ones who were severely injured never had a chance to begin with because the company in charge of their safety literally abandoned them."
"Basically, oil changes that you didn't take care of on time."
"Unfortunately for the girls at U.S. radium and radium dial, they didn't learn about the report and it changed nothing about the conditions in the studio."
"Authorities believe Chic assumed the grenade wouldn't detonate as long as he didn't throw it."
"...the examiners and the supervisors of the bank quite frankly were not doing what they should have been."
"Detectives were like just almost outright ignoring them."
"The lives of many men and women have been ruined in one sense or another by WWE's negligence."
"That was our fault, the shelter logic. When we came here, we just, like, totally didn't really put anything down on it."
"Next case on the docket: the plaintiff says that his car was damaged when the careless defendant towed it and damaged the engine."
"It's not normal to leave a car somewhere for a year over 300 bucks."
"But with the professionals, it was almost like the practice is criminal but we are criminal too because you're not doing anything about it."
"I contacted your insurance company. Not only did they never investigate this claim, they never told you that it was the plaintiff's fault for this accident."
"If you go to sleep watching YouTube videos and leave a crock pot on, and the fire department concludes that it's your defective crock pot that caused the fire, what did the landlord do wrong?"
"So sadly, in some neglectful cases, there were even explosions in the factories that killed up to 130 people."
"Law enforcement on these reservations is horrific. Bureau of Indian Affairs can't even find their own reports."
"...the Nationals failed to ensure the contract leaving them responsible for the full amount."
"You pick up the rug a little and you see if there's mold underneath, you have a mold testing kit, there's all kinds of stuff that could have been done that you didn't do. Right? Shame on you, not on him."
"Not the [__]. The nurse was wildly irresponsible for sending a child with a low blood glucose level anywhere, never mind on the bus. I'd have reacted exactly the same way. She put your baby's life at risk, and that is the worst distress someone can cause a parent."
"The Secret Service of then wasn't paying very close attention."
"That's what she gets, she kind of has not really been paying attention this whole time, even when there was video proof."
"The third story: Lady in charge of sending my referral for a very important test didn't send it."
"Recklessness occurs in circumstances where the defendant didn't mean to cause the harmful elements of the actus reus, but where that harm was probable, and sometimes even just possible, as an outcome of their actions."
"Negligence occurs when a person has a duty of care towards another person and where they fail to take those steps which a reasonable person would take in order to satisfy that duty."
"I'm burnt if you can see my chest and my neck I am so pink so okay so maybe that's why I was so pink she justified it she justified herself she went out she didn't use sunscreen no protection."
"All of us here are collectively culpable for failing thousands of victims. The use of contaminated blood was a criminal coverup on an industrial scale."
"They had a room full of mail and packages from the states that they never delivered."
"I have been blown away by how many women especially young women skip this step."
"Who the [ __ ] leaves a gun on the kitchen counter?"
"Wacom is by no means blameless here based on all of the other issues I've already discussed. Adobe's own negligence seems to be massively more to blame for this situation than people are acknowledging."
"People will literally hit your car and go about their day like nothing happens."
"It's kind of wild. It's like if you're renting a house and you do a small home inspection and you find that the house is literally going to collapse overnight, and you're like, 'Dude, the landlord didn't do it.' Like, he's not looking for us. No, he didn't give a shit."
"...you could actually have a loaded firearm and have a negligent discharge like it's happened in airports."
"The Russian navy was discovered to have never inspected the Kursk's crew's qualifications to handle and fire HTP torpedoes, and the crew in fact had no experience or training with this type of torpedo."
"Information was being stored on an unprotected server."
"It's like leaving your TV or monitor on even when you're not home. It'll be on for 24 hours a day seven days a week and eventually at some point, it's going to stop working."
"It’s also uncovered during the investigation from several engineers who testify that they expressed concerns specifically about the O-rings and their seals to their supervisors for at least two years prior to the loss of the Challenger."
"I wasn't really paying attention so I didn't really learn everything there was to know."
"These red flags were ignored and not even noticed by pretty much anybody involved in this whole field known as riprology, until about 12 years ago, pretty much until I started discussing this matter."
"Gross negligence means that the conduct of the employees of John's Hopkins All Children's Hospital involved in the false imprisonments was so reckless or wanting in care that it constituted a conscious disregard or indifference to the life safety or rights of Maya Kowalski."
"Negligence on the part of a doctor or hospital is doing something that a reasonably careful doctor or hospital would not do under like circumstances or failing to do something that a reasonably careful doctor or hospital would do under like circumstances."
"It's the right thing, but they've totally dropped the ball with him since then."
"Not looking is not science; it's malpractice."
"The claims here aren't standalone claims for negligence. This is simply something you can use if you can't prove medical negligence."
"This is involving a company that is completely negligent and despite the fact that this man was buried alive in 2012 there are still no charges nobody has been held responsible for this."
"Despite sending several emergency signals before the ship went down, the Navy had somehow lost track of the Indianapolis."
"Culpable negligence is a course of conduct showing a regular disregard of human life or of the safety of persons exposed to its dangerous effects."
"She has actually ruined most of the car."
"There is a big difference between ignorance and negligence."
"I'm bad, but I just wasn't even thinking about it."
"Fundamental disregard for ensuring that she was fulfilling her duty to the court"
"Both Jennifer and James Crumbly were grossly negligent when they failed to perform their legal duty as a parent."
"Negligence is the fruit of complacency."
"The garden can be destroyed because of negligence."
"And that, my friends, is neglect."
"...the official court report on the accident faults both the captain and The Cruise Company noting neither ordered an immediate evacuation."
"All they had to do was investigate the three seconds that really mattered, and because they didn't, we did."
"How have we let this slip so much? It's a shame, for [__] sake."
"The crimes have just been brushed aside for decades."
"...a total of 39 abuse and neglect reports were made and they were all ignored until it was far too late."
"Even with all of that background, this firearm was not secured."
"You will learn that involuntary manslaughter is rooted in negligence."
"Brenda Schaefer was victimized by two terrible criminals and the state who failed to properly investigate the case."
"Negligence: that's when a person has a duty of care but if it's been breached and causes damage or loss to another person."
"Important clues the police have ignored."
"...there were no guards in abundance at that time. But after they were burnt out several hundred thousand dollars was the damage done to the building."
"Why are you guys even bothering, you just let the thing get full. Exactly."
"It's crazy to me that none of the adults that were working on this project thought to follow child labor laws."
"She's taking it for granted and about to ruin it for everyone."
"...on the night he needed protecting, no one was there..."
"Lindstrom noticed that one of the drivers had in the rush failed to set the brake on his truck carrying a heavy machine gun and ammunition."
"I got ice cream sitting at room temperature, the guys come sitting in the kitchen just sitting in the kitchen overnight."
"For an entire week, I did not bother visiting the library."
"No one went out and met him. No one went outside and saw his car."
"If you're a dummy who forgets to put oil in your engine."
"You were diligent, not negligent, okay? So it reduced your price, you wore your seatbelt, but there was still a collision."
"it's shocking to me how these staff can be grossly negligent and have a horrible patient outcome and then call it excellent care"
"Once you put off the Lord, once you put other things in, it gets easier and easier to put him off until finally you can neglect him as the scripture said, days without number."
"They did not even dust for prints until the 17th."
"So I was not paying attention if there were duplications in our invoices, if the invoices were even paid accurately, I just didn't care."
"Culpable negligence is intentional conduct that the defendant may not have intended to be harmful but that an ordinary and reasonably prudent person would recognize as involving a strong probability of injury to others."
"That did Wipe Me Up. Jesus, I swear to you I picked it up by the edge there."
"They spent only $2 on the safety training for this H's crew member... $2 to buy a fake paper certificate."
"They must have done it right when we all left the building and they had the perfect opportunity too since we never locked the godamn door [ __ ] damn it."
"Someone grabbed that out there and didn't think about changing the foil."
"If they don't have anything in place, they're not going to do anything."
"Negligence is dangerous, people who join MLMs are not in any way, shape, or form qualified to be given the advice they're giving."
"Nobody bothered to help him. I passed two patrols of the Koha military police. Fugaku, care to explain why they didn't help him?"
"Now companies state that our data is the most valuable asset for them, but when there's a data breach nearly every week due to horrendous security, it's like they don't even care."
"Not all disasters are the fault of nature. In fact, some of the most devastating disasters are simply the fault of human error and negligence."
"It is inconceivable that police in 2001 were given names, addresses, and roles played, and nothing was done."
"For her to be a children's author and be oblivious to having her child outside in the cold and in a pamper just makes no sense."