
Effort Recognition Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"If somebody is trying their hardest, we should praise them, we should reinforce them, and we should include them."
"I mean, they were trying their best; that's got to be worth something."
"Sunny pulls a little harder sunny wins a legitimate win here it goes again see so what Jeff is actually doing there you go."
"Pulling out your wallet is one thing, but to sit down and just grind all of these to get this many physical fruits is actually truly impressive."
"Effort is seen, and if someone successful sees your effort, they'll help you out."
"It's kind of the big boy crypto rap. This guy works harder than anybody I know."
"This is the best they could do, and they did it."
"10% was luck. And 90% was me strategizing, researching, looking at all of the pros and cons."
"The truth is that producing electronic music takes just as much effort and talent as any other genre."
"The last time we got that far was here, you know because it's earned."
"It's a mammoth effort they put forth here. It's a fantastic book."
"If you put your all into something, you're gonna feel like [__] you put Blood, Sweat, and Tears in this, you're gonna want some inclusion."
"We all tried our best, that's all you gotta do."
"A good finish is just as good as a good start."
"What makes someone truly deserving or meritorious whether a reward or of punishment is their striving their effort."
"Everything's gonna be a-okay looks like you guys are putting in the effort putting in the work and everything is just buying this eight of disks that's a really good card for efforts and finding solutions and putting a lot of work in."
"I applaud your effort, Stanley, but you need to understand."
"Everyone sees the work that you put in, but it's what you don't see that's going to determine how far you go."
"This isn't a must-play but an easy recommend. It's an Arkham prelude that while not coming close to its successors, deserves respect for the effort and the ideas presented."
"It really really showed, it made a big difference."
"Boy oh boy did they really bring their A-game."
"We of course accepted and assured him that he had done all that he could have."
"If you're willing to do that, you're already better than 80% of the people who are in your situation."
"The least that we want to do is to tell each other that at least we gave it our best."
"Most guys have to go above and beyond just to get a girl's attention."
"Even the best make it look easy, but you have no idea the effort it takes."
"Thank you to Simone for putting such a ridiculous amount of time and work into this search."
"Looking at the replays she now understood just how much work jiho put in."
"It's cool that you went through the effort to clean all this out."
"I think you're a great addition to the team and you're trying your best."
"Thank you all so much for the exhausting efforts and amazing insightful guests... I'm not bananas for thinking believing and finding info the way I do about this case."
"And it's clear that a lot of effort has gone into this I would agree with this this definitely feels like more than a lazy cash grab it does feel like they put some thought and consideration into all of this."
"Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite gets an 8 out of 10, it's a B because they put a lot of effort into the gameplay."
"Still extremely impressed, very much impressed every single time I see a mod that has this much effort put in."
"If this person's honestly trying, Leo, I don't see why not."
"You've put a lot of blood sweat and tears into that and I respected it."
"All of this work is really going to pay off."
"My legacy is just that I was a good breeze and I made an effort to serve as good."
"It's such a shame because the later levels almost seemed like there was some effort put into them but it's just the development of the game that caused them to just end up making this horrible mess that's so beautifully miserable to play through."
"We hope you love it Carl, an extraordinary amount of effort was put into making this literally the best over-the-top gaming system to ever exist."
"You don't know, you can assume like, okay, you know what, it's effort-based, yeah, you know what I'm saying, you can't just sit down like, you know what, like in five years, like I'm gonna be a millionaire, okay, how? Like, what's the plan?"
"Well done, yes, he just covers so much ground."
"Acknowledge the effort, acknowledge what he's doing, and just work with him towards making it even better in the future."
"You can feel the effort put into Fallout 1’s development."
"I will at least give it credit for trying something different."
"Everybody sees the results... they didn't see where it started."
"But on Wednesday, that was a fantastic effort. I tip my hat to you."
"There will definitely be a blessing in this for sure all right the universe sees how much you put into this person how much you put into the situation how much you gave."
"We want to respect the effort of commitment that a lot of you have put into the narrative that we create."
"We did everything we could. I'm not upset about it, but that's a bummer."
"The dawn breaker – that's how the efforts part of this man wins."
"I had at the very least proven I was resolved in completing this challenge."
"People value what they earn if something comes too easily no matter how valuable it is people do not respect it."
"Nice try, jackass. Next time, give it your A game."
"The Lord of sargo City commends Mrs. Windsor for her efforts."
"Watching it again, I was impressed with how many elements did hold up in terms of technology, size, scale, and performances. You legit feel the effort with every frame. It, in no way, feels like a lazy movie."
"Look at all the work this guy is putting in for this video, and you're trying to tell me it doesn't deserve a like? Man, leave a like on the video!"
"You can't expect me to change overnight, but I need you to acknowledge that I'm trying my best."
"At the end of the day if we do something and we do it right that's a success."
"Of course you want to level up and be next to something you put in all this effort and you get greeted by like some guy with thin thighs and a face tattoo."
"It's hard to be upset when the effort was there."
"You won't really notice how all of your efforts... work until you can see it."
"Appreciate; heaven and angels appreciate your efforts."
"That is the biggest behemoth of a video that I have ever made."
"It is the work that counts, not the applause that follows."
"It's an amazing thing, so thank you Tom for all your hard work."
"As long as you've done your best then it's not a problem."
"It's always soul-destroying because we put all of this effort into creating great content for you guys."
"You deserve this. It is your time. This basically says all the effort you put in, you will get out."
"I see it. I watch your hustle. I see your charisma."
"People should not be rewarded for doing the least effort. They shouldn't be rewarded for theft."
"She deserves to make some money off the album that she put blood sweat and tears into."
"I see you working to create change, and I'm proud of what you are accomplishing."
"She worked so hard, didn't she? That was amazing!"
"A lot of people discount how much work interviewing is."
"I did all that I could with what was at my disposal."
"The Lord will cause unimaginable things to come from your righteous labors."
"Players who put in the most time were truly rewarded."
"Even if this whole project fails, we still get points for creative flavorings."
"It's better to create those big goals and fall short knowing that you put in the big lofty aggressive effort."
"I won't be talking much about how the rework works and all that stuff. I'll be more so talking about how it interacts with AP in this video."
"Don't sell yourself short. Instead, establish and own the work and the thoughtfulness and the energy that you put into something."
"A lot of my effort and a lot of my time... isn't really being rewarded on the same level."
"It's hard, it looks amazing, thank you so much for rushing that through."
"At least you tried... at least you did something to make the world a better place."
"Not the best of traps, but I love the effort!"
"That wasn't no effort, thank you for stepping in, you were pretty badass."
"Behind every glory are tears and blood, sleepless nights and sacrifices."
"You're really being rewarded for just everything you put into this connection."
"Kids who were told that they tried really hard ended up doing better."
"It's easy to say that you changed, but the fact that she went off and actually did the work, she deserves respect."
"You're worth the wait, they're willing to put the effort in."
"He did, you did really well as well, you put in a lot of effort."
"He does put the effort into that one, doesn't he? There's nobody who works as hard to have as much impact."
"I'm tired," he says. "I have been trying so very hard to do the right thing but for all his efforts he had only fulfilled the prophecy of this cycle he and the dr. Monty had forged the endless loop."
"It's easier to point fingers sometimes than to do the work."
"Everything earned, man. Like, and I'm glad we get to tell the story."
"It's that thing of, it's so hard to make a good movie, and you don't work any less hard on the movies that aren't good."
"Hard work paying off, so maybe you've done a lot of work and your hard work is paying off."
"You really get rewarded for putting in the extra effort."
"AEW is not immune to criticism. They're not perfect. They're trying. They are an alternative to what we get on Monday and Friday."
"Honestly, we were really impressed with your effort and we were even more impressed by your lack of any kind of skills in the kitchen."
"Just don't expect any thanks for your hard work."
"You don't have to be the best, you do your best."
"You guys working on something you guys know it doesn't come overnight."
"About to see the fruits of your labor, about to bear the fruits of your labor."
"This took so long you guys have absolutely no idea."
"January 2020 could be the time to receive rewards from all your efforts."
"You really gave it the best shot you could give to be as true to how you now perceived what happened as possible."
"If it’s bad, just pretend that I tried to get that part changed."
"Being able to show who you are to the world is one of the small gifts of this new technological age."
"If you do your best, nobody should expect you to do anymore."
"Sidemen are smashing it right now. The most recent one was your video. It was a lot of effort."
"If you're even trying this I applaud. It's a win."
"All of your hard work will pay off, my dear Capricorn."
"As long as you're trying and you try your best, that's all you can do."
"I'm really proud to be here. I did my best effort out there with the circumstances, and I left everything on the floor. So, I'm proud of that."
"Your dedication will see your efforts pay off."
"You deserve all the success dude, you've put in so much effort and it's actually paying off."
"You're going to be reaping the rewards, the fruits of your labor. All the good things that you put out are coming back towards you."
"Our goal is to guarantee you'll get the best rewards in the game as long as you put in the time and effort."
"People think this shit's easy for you, which is cool in a sense, this is easy. I'm good at what I do."
"It doesn't matter whether or not we have a problem, it matters whether or not we are trying to do something about it."
"For those who have been working on themselves, you will receive your reward."
"Just be easy on me, I'm just human. I did my best."
"I'm not digging anyone out for work great today. I believe you all push yourself 100%, and that's all we'll ever ask."
"Frankly speaking, good on them because they're pushing really hard."
"We're doing our best, hopefully it's the right way."
"Your hard work will be rewarded soon. Keep at it."
"Someone new is coming into your world, someone who will make an effort."
"He's a high quality player who makes goals, works hard, and is an absolute credit to himself."
"Nobody deserves a damn thing. Everything is going to be earned or you can take shortcuts."
"I mean if I didn't make birdie on the last hole, it would have been a kick in the teeth because I hit it unbelievable that week and just putted so bad."
"And I'm like bro like I know he took a lot of time and effort and I know everything that went down like they had to get a place for the video and everything like everything they had to do because obviously that's the process when you do a video."
"It's not because they're lazy, it's because it is hard."
"The house smells amazing and things clean he got out on those stairs did you see him cleaning the stairs."
"Yuka Sakazaki, the magical girl, has caught on with AEW fans worldwide thanks to her hard work, effort, and pheasant spirit."
"Even if the game's not great, someone created something and they tried."
"You're gonna be rewarded for your efforts in 2020."
"This is a good example of what hard work can actually do..."
"I think it's clear you put in work in the offseason."
"Extract value from knowing you left it all out in the field."
"Make sure you make them work for whatever it is that they want from you."
"Stay in that power with that empress energy because this is someone who definitely needs to come in and put that work in and they know it too."
"That's still more than most movies... would be willing to do."
"I just figured it out for you, I did all the work."
"I think there's so many things, they're really creative, they clearly put a lot of work into it."
"Your future is literally limitless because of all the effort you've put in and all of your focus."
"God tree has won, Shiaa Ching's efforts were not in vain."
"It feels like a culmination of a lot of learning and a lot of work."
"Mike Goldberg's attempts to boost the failed efforts of the champion were evident..."
"If it comes out good, it comes out good. If it doesn't, it's still going to taste good."
"All you can do is try your best. We've tried our absolute best."
"Fans will always respect someone who's clearly putting in the effort to at least learn you know why this stuff mattered to them so much."
"Not talented when he first started, he just grinded to be talented. He grinds, that's why I think he deserves it."
"It is a two-way street; if you are the only one putting in the effort, you need to take a step back."
"It's a good thing to see, you know it's a great thing to see. It's a great thing to witness because you're putting in all the damn work and you want to see it, you know."
"People don't become great at what they do by doing absolutely nothing."
"Always do your best - it's about trusting yourself and knowing you gave it your all."
"I'm trying my best. Please, just give me the credit that I deserve."
"Credit to him, man. He's worked hard, he's dug in."
"Goodness, really? Thank you so much for all your hard work."
"If you knew everything I just had to go through to get to this point, you'd want to give me a medal."
"Just because he didn't finish, didn't mean he didn't do it."
"Lots of heavy lifting or lots of blessings, right?"
"It's an amazing spread here Sagittarius, probably one that you've worked at very hard."
"Thank you so much for appreciating that we put in a massive amount of effort."
"They see that what you have didn't just drop into your lap. No, you manufactured the success you have now based on discipline, hard work, focus, learning from mistakes."
"Honestly it's not perfect but they're trying, they're doing everything they can."
"It's nice to see the work that goes into transition and presentation reflected in art."
"You make whatever you do look really easy, but no one knows the struggle that you went through to get here."
"You guys basically did the equivalent of it."
"When people really want to try their very best, you hear stories like this."
"At least they're trying and I can appreciate that."
"We left everything on the table, no better feeling."
"Really it's the effort that counts and the effort was there, okay it was there."
"It's good to see the team having success too, they put a lot of time and effort into it."
"Just do your best and be super cool when your best isn't good enough."
"And bless your heart, bless your soul, just bless your efforts for all of this."
"I kind of commended y'all because it was just like your effort."
"Never give up, never give up. At least they're trying."
"I feel like I definitely have achieved what I wanted; I feel a lot more refined and like I put more effort into how I look."
"It really makes you realize how much prep has been done to this place to make it possible."
"Cacao puts the most effort that I've ever seen in the background work."
"You can only do what you can, and you can't blame yourself."
"It was a good effort on your part. Good luck in the future."
"I appreciate your time, effort, and for bringing in the numbers. Good night, goodbye."
"I'm not telling you to buy me the world, just show me that you see the effort I put in."
"I love the live stream so we can actually see how much time and effort it takes to do it."
"I appreciate your faith, your effort. I appreciate all that."
"My motivation for writing this book is to articulate those experiences that people may not always want to recognize but describe them in a way that makes them worth the effort."
"Make this time worth it; be proud of yourself at the end of this workout, not for being perfect, but for pushing."
"I absolutely love it, thanks for coming all the way out here."
"Reward effort, not accuracy, with attention and praise."
"He really does give you credit for effort."
"If you don't mess it up, you're actually doing a pretty good job."
"Celebrate small wins. Make sure you take the time to reflect and applaud your efforts."
"He provided excellent effort and worked consistently throughout all of the neurocognitive testing."
"You just got to come to a point where you see a person trying."
"Best of luck guys, I know you can do this and you'll make your best effort moving forward."