
Nightly Routine Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Recent research articles suggest that incorporating apple cider vinegar into your nightly routine can work wonders for your digestive system."
"I kiss them every night. Kiss yours, I kiss mine. I say goodnight."
"It's good to de-stress and have that moment and have your own routine at night."
"Time to get my teeth brushed and off to bed."
"Thanks for hanging out. We'll be back tomorrow at 8 p.m. Goodnight, everybody!"
"Thank you all for listening, and I hope you get a good night's sleep."
"I never go to bed without washing off my makeup."
"Every night before I go to bed I pray and I thank God for everything he's blessed me with."
"Think about that when you go to bed tonight."
"It's so soft and velvety and I actually look forward to getting into bed with this every night."
"Every night without fail, our son requests a dance party to your songs."
"I always have to have water by the bed... I drink like most of my water intake before bed."
"Assume the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction before sleep."
"Every night as long as they're up there seeing stars."
"There's literally no better feeling than cleaning your face and putting skincare on in the evening."
"Throughout the night, perhaps you can sip your water."
"Before I go to sleep, I express gratitude. I write things for which I'm grateful."
"We got a honey lavender tea that we just picked up and I made one last night before bed because I was like I need a little cup of tea before I go to sleep and it was uh very yummy."
"Every night before I go to bed I say a couple of words for her."
"And virtually every night they did this."
"Every night I'm forced to walk a dozen steps only to turn and face it."
"I want to pray every night before bed."
"Literally every night I'm blown away, I can never go back, I'm so obsessed."
"Every single night they have a scoop of ice cream like that's not a bad deal."
"Good night everyone, until tomorrow."
"I'm about to brush my teeth apply serum moisturize and hit the sack."
"Every night you'd be seeing a wonderful view of the sun."
"Before I go to bed, I listen to this song whenever it pops up in my mind."
"Every night I got into what is called the natural meditation."
"Before I go to bed at night, I say a prayer and then I review my day looking for what went well."
"It's incredible, we come out here every night, the kids love it."
"Thank you so much for watching today and until tomorrow, have a good night, bye."
"Before I go to bed each night... I ask myself three questions."
"We have tea every single night before going to bed, and it's like this familiar comfort that's really nice to have."
"Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives."
"We do small check-ins every night before bed and every morning we ask each other, 'How can I love you today?'"
"Have a great night, we'll see you all tomorrow. Goodbye."
"Listen to it every night; helps clear my mind of the daily grind."
"So have a great night, I will see you all tomorrow."
"I'm gonna go wash my face and brush my hair and call it a night, I love you so much thanks for hanging out with me."
"Well, everyone have a great night, and we'll see you all tomorrow. Goodbye."
"I always need to end my night with something sweet."
"Thank you so much for watching, we'll see you tomorrow at five. Good night!"
"She loves her big bear, she runs in here and cuddles with him every single night before bed."
"Every night our brain detoxes itself; it's a power cleanse for the brain."
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, is what I would say to myself every night."
"So thank you for coming on the stay with us, and as always, we'll see you tomorrow. Good night."
"Goodnight guys, we gonna see you tomorrow."
"Good night guys, I will see you all tomorrow night at 6 p.m."
"I'm going to pray before I go to sleep tonight because I know that I feel so much better when I do."
"I keep you in my prayers each night."
"Each night, just before you go to bed, take two minutes and construct the goal for the next morning."
"Every night before I go to sleep, I speak to the man that rules above."
"I've been spending every single night here, just enjoying a good Netflix show."
"See you tomorrow night, until then take care, won't you."
"Every night, do when you're right, you're the type of woman deserving a good thing."
"Don't forget to say your prayers; I love you guys so much. Good night."
"You forgive people before you go to sleep."
"It just feels good to go to sleep every night and be like, 'You did it, you did your best'."
"Sharing it with my dad every night was pretty special too."
"Do these things before sleep every night and set yourself up for success."
"Because I get to make somebody's night every single night."
"It's something at the end of the day that sort of slows me down and makes me realize it's time for bed."
"Have a good night, see you tomorrow."
"I want to give myself a little bit of time each night to just kind of decompress."
"We'll see you all tomorrow at 5 p.m. Good night, guys."
"Have a good night, thanks for watching, see you tomorrow."
"I always keep a phone charger here so I can plug my phone in at night."
"I use this every night before I go to bed, I just lotion my arms and my hands and all that, and it wakes up so soft; it's my favorite."
"Daily night chill streams are the best, not going to lie."
"That's how I fall asleep every night, like a baby."
"I will see you all tomorrow, good night everybody."
"I always have a tea at night and I swear it just like tells my body that it's time to go to bed like my body just knows."
"I've been using these almost every night when I'm at home because I've really been struggling to like fall asleep at the moment."
"I like to go through this at the end of the night and highlight the things that I completed, so that I feel accomplished from today."
"Every single night, Tim and I just sit in bed together and have our little read, and it's really sweet."
"Every night in the early A.M., she would hear classical music playing quietly."
"Take care every night everyone, and we will catch you again next time."
"The ritual of wash your face every night is a really important one."
"Good night, you guys, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Your life is created every night when you're falling asleep."
"I'm just going to see you guys tomorrow, so I'm going bye. Good night, everyone."
"It's so, so good, this is the stuff that like I would use this at night every single night and I would wake up in the morning, my skin looked freaking amazing."
"The last thing I do every single night for about 50 plus years is I fall asleep saying my prayers."
"It's such a nice way to finish the night, and I sleep much better."
"Some hamsters can run up to five miles on an exercise wheel every night."
"That's what motivates me every single night."
"This every night just makes me feel so happy and content."
"Good night, we'll see you all tomorrow morning."
"We've also been going through this devotion every night, most nights, and it has been so good."
"Every single night before I go to bed without fail, I will put on some lip balm."
"Brush your teeth each night right before bed."
"Good night, I will see you tomorrow for the next one."
"It feels so good on the lips, I have to have it every single night."
"Every night before bed, I do a bit of a to-do list."
"I love this Argan Oil, I put it on every night; it's not like a greasy kind of oil, it just dries perfectly into my skin."
"One thing I really love doing is reading every night."