
Constitutionalism Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Common good constitutionalism promises to expand and fulfill in new circumstances and with a new emphasis the Constitution's commitments to promoting the general welfare and human dignity."
"We can afford a president from ideologically from Mike Pence to Bernie Sanders, as long as they respect the Constitution, the rule of law, and the checks and balances."
"It's about preserving our republic, our Constitution, and national security."
"I want to preserve American constitutionalism."
"America is among the best hope for humanity, you know, to put forward. We have the foundation document, the Constitution for God's sake. That is the most beautiful thing that we could ever imagine."
"At the end of the day, the first three words of the Constitution are ultimately the stop gap that protects us from declining into a more authoritarian form of government."
"I believe he is a threat to my country and to the American Constitution."
"Amy Coney Barrett will take the constitutional high road for decades to come."
"I just want the Constitution to be upheld. That's really what it is."
"We need to bring back what it is to have a true constitutional republic."
"This lawsuit is a defining moment in this country and this judge knows it. He's a constitutionalist, he's a rare judge, he has great courage."
"I remain optimistic, I think that we actually can see a restoration of self-governance and of constitutional ideas."
"We need to uphold the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States."
"As long as the Constitution is there, we need to abide by that."
"I think the underlying premise for every American to uphold the constitution is a good thing."
"The filibuster is more important because it's a great defense of our constitutional system."
"A day of tragedy became a Triumph of freedom, and I'll always believe that by God's grace I did my duty that day under the Constitution of the United States of America and our institutions held." - Mike Pence
"We lost our way. How do we get back to a constitution, a government small enough to fit inside that Constitution?"
"The Supreme Court needs to be hemmed back into its constitutional role. Its constitutional role is not to implement stuff that I like or stuff that you like." - "The Supreme Court needs to be hemmed back into its constitutional role."
"We need to reconstitutionalize this government."
"If you're a supportive Bitcoin, it puts you in the same category as the framers of the Constitution."
"I just want to live in a constitutional United States of America."
"We want to see us return to a constitutional republic."
"We believe in the Constitution and the rule of law."
"So I reject hypocrisy wherever it shows up I'm Tethered to the Constitution as a strict originalist and that's where I land."
"I believe the American people should decide abortion policy. I believe that's what our constitution designs."
"My biggest fear is a third term which will be a cool on the Constitution because the Constitution is very rigid."
"At the end of the road, I think if we continue with this approach to the Constitution, I think it's a destruction of democracy."
"The Americans and English constitutional traditions diverged at the time of the revolution."
"We're a very conservative state. I'm a conservative Republican. But we are also a state that reveres the Constitution, and understands and reveres the important role of the oath that we all take."
"Slavery was our nation's original sin, our Constitution protected it, embodying it and various compromises that gave disproportionate power to slave states."
"What we are doing with the 22nd amendment is that we are telling charismatic extraordinarily able individuals doing practically any country in the world might roll for their entire natural lifetimes."
"What you want is that guy or that woman who takes the oath of office to the Constitution."
"The Revolutions of the 17th century... made the separation of powers even more dramatically Vindicated and an indelible part of the British constitution."
"Originalism honors the written Constitution. It's about conserving the Constitution."
"I think it is violating ITAR, and so I can't do that immediately. Like, the constitutionalist rises in me. I'm like, 'to provide military or LE training and deny it to the civilian smacks of some like King George, right? No step on snake kind of stuff.'"
"For me, it's like a constitutional No-No to say we can train the cops and we can train the military guys but not us civilian peasants."
"It raises the possibility that if we consider how we can advance what is best in the 14th amendment, we might find ways to advance what is best in both conservative and progressive constitutionalism."
"Gustav VI Adolf approved the new Swedish Constitution, officially making the monarch purely symbolic."
"When one's interpreting a text one needs to always think about ensuring that constitutionalism does not close down politics."
"That's why I fight for this country, that's why I fight for the Constitution."
"The founders' key, the divine and natural connection between the Declaration and the Constitution, and what we risk by losing it."
"We the People is the idea that the people are in charge or popular sovereignty."
"Constitution must be formulated clearly as a basis for the political structure of society."
"Britain prided itself as an example of how to do Liberalism right: reform, not revolution; constitutional monarchy, not republicanism."
"I don't believe in religion as such; I believe in constitutionalism and secular humanism."
"Let's just look at these things from a constitutional common sense perspective and bring solutions to the issues that we see."
"The Constitution means what it says... the words of the Constitution have an original public meaning."
"The Constitution itself is a kind of reflection of the natural law."
"The supreme symbol of the American people is not our queen, or our tongue, or our army, or some cultural achievement, or our land. What we all talk about, what binds us all together, we all take our oaths to, is the Constitution."
"What's distinctive and novel is the attempt at the founding which is to design a constitutional order based on Enlightenment ideas."
"Constitutionalism is saying royal power should be contained."
"If we return to a constitutional system, I think everybody would be a lot happier."
"If you're an American, you don't want somebody in power who doesn't believe in the Constitution."
"If the power is not granted by the Constitution, it's reserved to the people or the states."
"The separation of governmental power is essential to our Constitution."
"The Constitution, the Bill of Rights... makes a lot of sense and you know, refer to that."