
Plot Development Quotes

There are 488 quotes

"Character choice is actually a brilliant device from a writer's perspective... it not only moves the plot forwards but crucially... is the hands-down best way of giving your audience insight into who your character truly is deep inside."
"The show shifted focus from Evil Morty to Rick Prime as the new big villain."
"This saga is long and winding, with plenty of mysteries and fascinating reveals."
"With an enormous range of motives, relationships, and goals, your cast of villains can set up the structure of a game’s plot, while being flexible enough to twist and turn as your story pace needs it."
"You almost feel like there's no plot, meanwhile, the plot is unfolding and you just don't even know it."
"The Primarch have returned to the setting, the Silent King has come back after realizing the Tyranids are going to eat everyone, Eldrad is halfway through a build-your-own God kit, and rumor has it the Emperor has cramp in his left leg after sitting in the same chair for 10,000 years."
"Plot should come from character. The plot of Titans revolves around Rachel Roth."
"Sooner or later a huge plot twist is going to come and you and your evildoers will be thrown back in jail."
"Villains drive the plot forward, adding complexity and making for a more dynamic story."
"This is the difference between emphasizing your characters to the point where plot holes like this happen or having a decent movie."
"This is where the game reaches its conclusion."
"Every development in the story just makes it that much more interesting."
"Eventually, when he arrives, and with the arrival of all the Battle Pass Marvel characters in the Fortnite universe, it was only a matter of time before they could all see the fast approach of Galactus..."
"It's not just them, future Bulma comes to the past as well."
"They always surprise you with a turning in the narrative."
"The story subtly grows larger in scale until we realize just how big this whole satanic cult thing really is."
"You may want to make the most of it because plot points and dialogue from an as yet unplayable BFA dungeon suggests that this bustling port town might be about to get hit pretty hard..."
"Plot holes will always exist; good writers just make it that you don't give a [ __ ] about them."
"One big twist is followed by a whole series of smaller twists."
"Plot twists don't have to be limited to in-game storylines."
"Yamato's character arc is a very significant loose plot thread."
"The missing Big Mom pirates are a loose plot thread that does need to be addressed."
"Ryuken decides that Uryu should be the one to fire the arrow."
"A plot twist is a story element that redirects the plot from its former trajectory."
"The real cause of Oblivion gates opening everywhere is the player bringing the Emperor's heir Martin to the Blades' hideout, not because of any logical connection between the events."
"A climax is earned when the rising action builds to a certain point in a well structured story."
"It's so satisfying... when certain characters begin to intersect or storylines begin to kind of make their way back to certain places."
"The plot development flowed seamlessly from arc to arc."
"A good twist impacts characters and the plot."
"There's a lot of character development, there's a lot of characterization, there's a lot of setup for the plot going forward."
"What a shocking turn of events... a plot twist that I couldn't have come up with even in my wildest dreams."
"Neo Ark comes out of nowhere and doesn't really go anywhere."
"My favorite thing in the world is when something that gets played off as a joke in the first act becomes an incredibly important plot point by the third act."
"Who the true villain actually is... what makes the matter of Mr. Waternoose being a villain so surprising..."
"Not only did the movie do such an amazing job at building up her twist by constantly questioning Mima's sanity but it also paid off afterwards by presenting Rumi as a complete psychopath."
"Is a classic plot twist, one where a previously upstanding and exceptional officer turns out to be a malicious psychopath."
"It comes out of absolutely nowhere and tweaks the 'It was all a dream' concept just enough to be original."
"Plot twists can take us by surprise while changing everything we ever thought of the characters or the entire story."
"A mid series shakeup can re-contextualize the plot and dramatically shift the narrative’s direction to keep a story fresh."
"The best reveals in a story are either incredibly surprising while also making complete sense."
"I just wanted something more, something a bit more plot related beyond Thor needs yet another movie to find himself."
"The game doesn't back pedal on anything, it drives the plot forward by using everything that's happened so far."
"What if it's Daenerys mid-season they get King's Landing like she is on the Iron Throne and then Jon Snow was like okay congratulations but also we need to worry about what's happening beyond the wall now so then they gear up for that."
"After all of this, Dina can barely stand on her feet and needs Ellie to drag her into the theater. Was she infected by those spores from earlier? Nope, she is dealing with very early signs of pregnancy."
"Motive is the seed from which your other story elements grow."
"If you have a problem with the third act, the real problem is in the first act."
"It's such a good ending sting because it feels inevitable that the issue of another glove would arise."
"There's also going to be major deaths in volume two."
"Nothing will beat Gus Fring's death, even when we see the plan coming."
"The story in Final Fantasy 14 is so well told that when twists happen, they make perfect sense because of the foundation laid in the level 1 through 50 experience."
"Brilliant continuation of the story, gut-wrenching heartbreak."
"Yuji's Origins were hinted at all the way back in the Shibuya Arc."
"An escalation does not have to be a twist, but it usually fills the same role as a twist."
"There are still a lot of mysteries and unresolved plot threads in Wano."
"The early death of a major character can be a movie's defining iconic twist; done badly and it just seems a waste of talent and leaves the audience feeling cheated."
"Marineford is my favorite One Piece arc of all time because on top of every chapter being a 10 out 10 banger, you had arguably the biggest plot twist in One Piece so far."
"A narrative can take all kinds of crazy twists and turns."
"Evil Morty's plan is to destroy that curve, kill all the Ricks and Mortys in the Citadel, and escape to a new reality."
"This is the kind of plot twists that you need in the middle of the game."
"Harry's connection to Voldemort is actually a cool plot point that has been developed well over the series."
"Big hints, future plot threads, and returning characters."
"The policeman subplot... gave the show a whole new dimension."
"This new Echoes of Oblivion storyline wraps up many of the previous plot lines and has over 48 character cameos."
"I believe Shang-Chi's inclusion of the Dweller in Darkness has set the dominoes up for the biggest reveal that the MCU has left."
"Every good plotline starts with a single idea and this one is certainly worth investigating: Could Thanos be the one who brings Venom and his deranged super villain spawn, Carnage, to the MCU's Earth?"
"Joel getting stabbed made more sense than landing on a spike like the game."
"Later that day, Richtofen returns to Der Riese and awakens Dempsey, Takio, and Nikolai with no recollection of who they are or who Richtofen is; they agree to help him."
"But fuck it, I've got plot armor and here we learn in a twist this was shifter's plan all along."
"Here's what this movie needed: a third villain."
"I like that plot point I would keep watching it."
"Oh, I think we found your Russians, and I think you found your subplot."
"Plot armor is just everywhere... We need it to tell the stories we want to read."
"I think there's gonna be some big huge reveal as far as how this stuff shapes into play."
"Great, that's really cool. That's a really cool plot move."
"Here we learn more about the plot, how Yukari's dad died working for the Kirijo group."
"It's not thrown at you out of the blue. It's built up slowly and carefully."
"I think we're going to see this whole entire plot line with whatever the entity is."
"The story is getting a new ending... and all we know is that Ibushi and Narwa are coming together."
"What ruins Star Trek it wasn't the TNG films it was the Dominion war a large unfolding plotline about a full-scale war was neat but like my great granddaughter crystal it showed us all the goods too soon and left nothing to the imagination."
"They're gonna be using Big Mom to bust out Luffy from the prison."
"These are things that are so fascinating to me, you know, like the plot thickens. It does."
"The ending itself... blows open the whole Show's world into an exciting New Direction."
"Bella: 'So then the main conflict of the movie actually starts.'"
"Season one feels like they didn't really know what kind of show they were making in regards to the direction of the plot and the characters."
"White offers Spinel a solution to his problems that I believe is also foreshadowing."
"Craven now knows the weakness of the Symbiote. Craven now knows oh I just need loud sound and I got you my boy you're not a threat to me anymore"
"So excited for 'Over That Pick of My Foot' Season Three announcement. When Josh lost his foot at the end of last season, I've been dying for more since."
"The discovery of the fourth Road Poneglyph is likely to be a major event in the series."
"Enemies once thought vanquished may yet have a role to play, because no one’s ever really gone..."
"I really appreciate that it's setting things up to have the plot conflicts and the character conflicts all be tied up so tightly."
"The game's plot pulled from an obscure area of the source material."
"The whole thing is here, even the Lannisters are a part of it."
"It's interesting to think about how everything will fall into place by the end of the story."
"It's so smartly written, basically it gets to a point where the girl still hits the button."
"There's a good twist I thought that was well Justified."
"I'll pay Melinda Zuko a visit to see what I could find out."
"Ellie killing Abby was the original plan for the ending."
"Characters not behaving in manner that is internally consistent but in the manner that is necessary in order to move the plot forward - that is bad writing."
"UEFA confirmed: Felipe sent off for violent conduct. But the plot thickens."
"None of the zain enos would have worked if they hadn't based that movie on zero hour which was an actual disaster film and an actual with an actual real heartfelt plot."
"The Redemption Arc was beautiful and that was definitely a top 10 anime plot twist."
"This is just gonna straight up be an X-Men movie now because there's not really anywhere else for the story to go."
"There's nothing more unsatisfying to me than when characters are having like this huge battle with another villain or whatever and then someone comes in straight away and just like kills them."
"Suhyun calls Juho who is hospitalized and asks for a favor, Suhyun informs Juho that on Christmas Eve December 24th there will be a massive outbreak of monsters in Anyong city."
"The plot feels like a natural continuation of the story."
"The story of Boku no Hero has never been so intense."
"Ned Stark's death is kind of the conclusion of the introduction."
"There's so much interesting drama to explore with Thrawn's return and the Imperial Remnant."
"Bakugo's own DNA is inside One for All, leading to speculation about his role in the final fight."
"This chapter brings a whole new meaning to cyberpole coming to take down Vega Punk he's not being taken out because he knows too much it's because he's getting too advanced ancient Kingdom levels."
"Anos intends to help them by bringing Misha and Sasha back to the past."
"He shows the king how demons and humans are both in the city."
"There is still a lot of unanswered questions regarding many characters."
"Big Mom and Beast Pirates in the Grand Fleet"
"Everything has been leading to all these moments for each of the story arcs."
"Plot twist after plot twist after plot twist."
"There's just enough of Conor's left to carry Spider-Man off and deliver him to Dr. Warren."
"I have no idea how this plot is going to unfold."
"Smooth sailing AUs are boring. If you take away the tension, you need to put something else in so there is plot not just people wandering around on a boat in the open ocean fishing all day and talking about the nice weather."
"I felt like the fact that he plans everything was necessary for setting up certain plot points and wheels and everything because without him being able to plan all this awful, then the book wouldn't have been as crazy."
"So excited for the actual the plot that they're building now to actually turn into the end of the season it should be quite exciting."
"I'm really amazed by the twists and turns of the story."
"Season two ending with Abby discovering Owen is dead would be great."
"He has a really interesting plot thread that runs throughout Payday 2."
"She instead informs Batman that she’s heard Strange is working with Joker on something for Batman, which may be what he’s looking for."
"House of Hades was just chef's kiss it was superb writing superb plot superb character development."
"It's awesome plot from jero to get revenge he brought salad into this specifically because of that therefore."
"Surprising plot twist is not so surprising after all."
"Unexpected twists and turns keep readers hooked."
"Saving her means taking on the entire world."
"They turned the whole search for Aegon into something really interesting, with twists and turns."
"At some point earlier that night, Charlie would have snuck into Jenny's house and set up that camera."
"A surprisingly eccentric and brilliantly written plot."
"Memorable twists and turns in the narrative."
"Expect superb cinematography and a great plot."
"Kelly knows right away that she's going to get revenge on Captain Stone."
"Every little thing should progress the story."
"The combat felt much more fluid and it helped that I didn't have to worry if I hadn't finished off an enemy."
"The plot twists and the general direction of the story was much more interesting this time around."
"The key to a good twist is making it make sense."
"Resurrection and role of Zanza: a mind-blowing revelation."
"The culmination of every tease and instance of foreshadowing: the return of Zanza."
"The setting is New York City, Brooklyn respectively, where the plot is supposed to have a lot of connections to the local hip-hop scene."
"Everything he does to make things better makes them worse."
"If you would have moved Hawkins out and minimized Drake as well as one other character that I'm gonna get to in a second."
"It's a nice subtle way of setting up that plot point."
"Nothing gets people more excited and captivated than watching plots twisting beyond expectation."
"And maybe like their need for this particular avatar guy..."
"But seeing dragon's serious face in 1058 did exactly what it needed to which was plant some serious doubt seeds"
"The urgency component coupled with the goal and stakes components builds a great plot."
"The breaking point is a plot device that goes by many different names."
"Plot twist at the end of this book was absolutely insane."
"Light then proceeds to create diversions that actually trick L."
"Conflict sets people in motion and drives your scenario forwards."
"This had to happen. This was honestly with Shanks pulling up best-case scenario."
"There's a richness to the world and how every element is expertly placed before the shocking payoffs."
"Ocelot steals the last Metal Gear RAY and escapes."
"All it would have taken was a few lines of exposition."
"The story brings all these loose plot threads together in ways I wasn't expecting."
"They are after Abby and they want to make her one of them."
"I believe your midpoint in your story should always be a victory followed by a failure."
"Oh no, are we gonna go with the storyline that Amisha just died?"
"All of them have big plot twists at the end."
"I do like how all this is building up to the final boss being after the Pokemon League rather than before it."
"I did really like how things that happened earlier on... came back into play later in the movie."
"Garland then set out to manipulate Gaia's soul cycle."
"It was a stunning twist to his series that the world fell in love with."
"I'm building what is essentially a crime foundation."
"I mean, kind of, thing in a way but let's see in that show he had sex with Karen."
"The fight was going to be over Bucky and truth."
"Surprising plot twist surprises absolutely nobody."
"We need to know what's happening with Armin."
"Thank god we did get one more, and it's in this chapter 366 where the really interesting stuff starts to happen."
"Vision's body was gone, but Hayward had it all along."
"The main character having magic and it running out and stopping working could be an awesome limitation to the magic."
"The full reality of the situation first hits home for Aang and the audience when he returns to the air temple."
"They're gonna end this season with the Upside Down finally breaking into our world."
"One of the worst storytelling sins you could commit is getting a character to act stupid or out of character to move the plot forward."
"It makes sense why they killed off Tara and Enid, it's because now Daryl can take over Hilltop."
"I was hoping you'd say that," Wilson said with a grin. "Who was the masked attacker? What clue gave him away?"
"Why is Subaru's action that pleases Roswaal?"
"Why would he waste all this time trying to steal one for all unless he knew that there was some way to actually steal the quirk?"
"This isn't just like a side plot that we can erase. This is main plot shit happening."
"I love Laszlo's journey and the plot twists in this book."
"Yuki versus Kenjaku has begun, and their mission to unseal Satoru Gojo relies on the outcome of this battle."
"The examples I've illustrated here demonstrate clearly how one show's writers dedicated time and effort into developing the character arcs and plot."
"You son of a [ __ ], you're the one who planned all this."
"Sabaody Archipelago... the ultimate roller coaster of plot twists."
"All without Stephen being constantly shoved into the plot."
"Even in a floating timeline, there's still so much story potential."
"This is going to go to a place that will lead us into Secret Wars."
"Life in this type of story is often cruel and unforgiving, plots rarely unfold without tragedy, disaster, or bloodshed."
"The sex should impact the plot... usually the sex should somewhat impact the plot."
"They took all the good work that exists, they shoved it into a blender and spit out a paper mache thin plot."
"Mistake number five is a soggy middle."
"...it introduces a multitude of plot threads and characters that it manages to balance flawlessly without ever feeling disconnected or convoluted."
"Once they introduced that element, this got really, really interesting."
"Every episode has a purpose, each one pushes both the plot and the characters forward."
"The story went from zero to 100 in the last few pages."
"Chicanery is a landmark for the series and a definitive turning point."