
Suggestions Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"Keep the suggestions coming in the comments below."
"The subconscious can be effectively programmed with suggestions."
"If there's anything you'd like to see or have an idea for a fun video, leave a comment below and let me know."
"I'm super excited about a lot of the stuff we can do. I'm super excited to hear your type of suggestions too."
"What video game needs to be turned into a trilogy? Let us know in the comments."
"Because it's just a stalled car starling well I actually saw Jake Hughes who's obviously raced at F2 a little bit tweeted that they should have anti-stall."
"Well, if you come as suggestions and feedback down below."
"I'd like to see more ways for fans to express their fandom."
"In the realm of anime, every suggestion counts. Let me know who you want to see next!"
"Not causing traffic and overhauling our mass transit system, any other tips you've got let me know in the description below."
"Share your thoughts! What other watches should be considered?"
"Who we should have to the cog for a future video... tell us in the comments below."
"Let's explore some creative prompts for Mid-Journey 5."
"Let us know if there's other videos we can react to like this."
"If you guys have any like bean suggestions make sure you let me know."
"I think it's important to call out that Woody's suggestions are probably wouldn't take too much time to implement which is one of the reasons why they're very strong."
"If you guys have any more video essays that you want to hear from me I am always down to take suggestions."
"Let me know in the comments below what other modifications are just upgrades to this truck we should do."
"There's so many different ways they could do it instead of just not adding it."
"Maybe we do this again, comment down below some suggestion challenges."
"What we're doing is buying people's engagement into the suggestion system. We want you to engage your mind."
"Let us know in the comments, and if you have suggestions on another epic matchup for our Who Would Win series drop us a line or leave us a comment!"
"Little tweety birds and whooshy wind sounds... would probably help out with the sound."
"A next Animal Crossing should have a fully explorable archipelago... more areas that you could kind of explore."
"If you guys have any suggestions for other games similar to this, comment below."
"Why don't they have a round where some big robot guys pop out... something like that even adds a little bit of dynamics to it."
"Keep the suggestions coming for upcoming videos."
"Let's focus yeah let's get Focus any suggestions could have played wolf peak"
"Remember to leave your suggestions down in the comments as your input is essential."
"I have some suggestions for things that you can do to make living here in your time on Earth a whole lot more expansive, a whole lot more loving, and a whole lot more compassionate."
"So if there are more brands that you want to see me do this with, leave them in the comments."
"But hey, my friends, that's all 50... which one of the 50 do you wish that Mojang would add?"
"All right, well, uh, leave some suggestions for future Multiplayer Mondays and we'll see you guys in the next video. Bye."
"Feel free to comment below with your ideas or suggestions of what you want to see next."
"You know what? If you ever want to do like other call-ins for other topics, you know we're all here."
"I feel like I want to have a long career and I know that that can't always be in front of the camera... I want to tell stories... I want to have a long career."
"Shovel Knight would fit perfectly in Smash Bros."
"I got sent some really interesting suggestions."
"For sure guys if you have ideas leave them down below in the comments."
"Thank you for being here for taking the time to watch and if you have other suggestions in the future for videos like this feel free to share them below."
"I got three suggestions to improve this experience: number one, put a washer on the back camera; number two, heat the buttons for getting into the car; number three, heat the headlights."
"...or if you have any other ideas that maybe I haven't shared before."
"Should we trap it, should we catch can cook it? We're giving you all sorts of ideas."
"Suggestions not statements, not demands."
"So each person will like differently what type how do they like but I just give some of the suggestions and I hope you will try one of these here."
"Thank you guys for suggesting this. Leave suggestions for other movies like this in the comments."
"Drop a comment, let us know where we should film the next casting concrete."
"If there is a watch in the collection that you would like to see highlighted in a future video just let me know in the comments down below."
"Hit me up with your suggestions if you got more songs that I should listen to."
"Send me an email [email protected] and let me know what tv shows movies whatever I should do next."
"We have another 10 that are in process right now, but this is going to continue for the next few years and we hope to get through hundreds of compounds eventually, so we are looking for suggestions."
"Once again, leave your ideas for what we should make next down below."
"What will you do? Play video games? Go to the pool? Watch Jarun videos? Wink."
"Let us know what you want to see."
"Let us know what other rallying videos y'all want us to check out at the Motorsport that is not the other type."
"We're super interested to hear your feedback, so leave your suggestions in the comment section."
"Also, if you have any ideas for what you think would be a good topic for another video, please let me know. Thanks and have a good day!"
"If you like videos where we kind of focus on one piece of test equipment or something like that or you have any ideas to that effect let me know down in the comments section."
"Any suggestions, leave them below. Put up polls on Patreon as well. It's a good fun time."
"Some people suggested that I sprayed it on a sponge or sprayed it on a towel, some people suggested that I sprayed it on a tampon, lots of comments, some of them helpful, some of them were just rude, some of them were just haterade."
"Are there any other movies you would like us to tweak?"
"People never come oh a suggestion box. There's nothing about the suggestion box. No one suggests something because they're happy."
"If people have any ideas of what directors cuts they want to see we'd love to hear them, any of these, any of your own."
"Comment down below if you have any other apps you want to suggest in the comment section."
"If you want to see a dedicated video on any of these items here that I have not covered yet be sure to let me know."
"Let me know in the comments below some cool or unique scene ideas for this window that I haven't already thought of."
"Those are the things on my ideas list for OpenSense. If you've got anything else you want to see, let me know in the comments below."
"Let me know below what sort of cool little things that you want to see materials or tools or stuff for the van or stuff like that."
"If you noticed anything else that you think is a necessity for electronics, please leave your suggestion in the comment section below and share it with the other viewers."
"This has been Drawing. Leave your suggestion, decree your suggestion, proclaim it from the highest balcony, and maybe we'll get to yours eventually as well."
"Anyway, as always, guys, comment below video ideas for us to do. There's gonna be so many holiday videos."
"Speaking of more of these, if there's another movie that you want me to watch, leave it in the comments. I read all of them and it's where I go to get my next movie."
"Isn't it wiser to make suggestions and let the other person think out the conclusion?"
"I've got some rules I want to pitch to you."
"Tell me what future videos you might want to see."
"If you guys want more in-depth videos on the sound booth or the editing suite and some of that stuff, let us know, we'd be happy to make those."
"if you guys have any other ideas on frog hunting like what to use like we've done gigs we've done few pews we've done slingshots we've done now blow guns comment down below what else you would like us to see dispatch some frogs with"
"So I really hope that this gives you an idea of what else you can do."
"Let me know in the comments down below what you want to see, and I'll try to get that for you."
"It's gonna suck I'm gonna need more suggestions to occupy my time if I should wait."
"Thaddeus, so I feel like with Theodore being so popular in the movie that stuff ideas could fit into so many of your tick boxes."
"If I could have five minutes with President Obama... I really think I might just bend his ear on how cool it would be if we could have a tax deduction for any money spent on enhancing our fitness."
"I think we can make an equally stunning bowl for so much less."
"Comment down below what animation toys or whatever you want to see next on this channel."
"If there's anything that I missed that you think is just a game changer for taking for a baby, leave us a comment down below so we can check it out."
"I still haven't fully decided on a name for this thing yet. I'm thinking of Julia or Jules but if you guys have any better suggestions definitely let me know down in the comments because this thing is still nameless. Please and thank you."
"If you have anything that you would suggest, we can't wait to see you."
"There'll be links to all of the gear that we were talking about down below and any other suggestions that the guys have and thanks again Mike I appreciate it thank you bye-bye thanks so long farewell our videos adios."
"Here's a couple ideas if neither the ornament or the candy suit your gift recipient."
"You could replace all those four, I don't know what SOTA choices are, but I like the GL2000 suggestion."
"Which park should we do next? Any other fun ideas? Let us know all of that down below."
"What would such policies be? Because I'm often criticized for not suggesting."
"That is gonna be it for us trying Halloween costumes, if you guys want us to do more videos like this or us trying something, comment down below your suggestions and your ideas."
"All of that stuff. Comment down below whatever restaurants you want us to do."
"Let us know what other bands you'd like us to tackle."
"Remember to add your favorite ingredients. It would be good with banana peppers, it would be good with olives, it would be good with a boiled egg chopped up."
"So, many great games to play. Thank you for all your suggestions in the comments."
"If you have any suggestions, by the way, about how to mount this tank or links to any other tanks that might fit under that seat, then please leave them down in the comments below."
"Let us know in the comments if you know anything better to do."
"Let us know what your top 10 plus one might be. What are we missing out of our list?"
"Let us know what you think about these fragrances. If you like them and if you have any other suggestions."
"Make sure to let us know your favorite down in the comments or if you've got another suggestion for this list, I'd love to hear it."
"Hey y'all let us know what other death battles y'all want to see us at you next man so we can do it."
"If you want to see more vs battles like this, make sure to hit the like button, subscribe, and comment what matchups you'd like to see down below."
"Obviously we've given you some comments uh prompts but if you have any other suggested videos let us know in the comment section down below."
"Whatever ideas you guys have just leave them in a comment down below we'll try to do as many as we possibly can."
"Let me know any cases that you would like to see me cover in future videos."
"I am continuing to have a total blast listening to all your suggestions about what we should name the neck."
"What do you guys want to see Trey and I go do this summer?"
"Let me know what you would like to see reviewed next."
"If you guys had any really good ideas about something that you think my kids would be into please leave a comment in the comment box below."
"The only suggestion that people usually have is that all of your crosses go the same way."
"So, what do you guys want to do next? Build a sandcastle, go to Disney World, go windsurfing, maybe some alligator wrestling?"
"Let me know also what other shows you want me to react to now that we've wrapped up this series."
"But I hope some of these product ideas are helpful to you."
"We're constantly taking suggestions on what you guys want to see next."
"...let me know down in the comments what you guys think between those two options or if you have another option that you want me to check out definitely let me know down in the comments."
"If you have any suggestions put them down in the comment section down below. I'll try to get back with you."
"Let me give you a couple quick suggestions on where you can do that."
"I don't have advice but I do have suggestions and I do have my own experiences so that we don't have to feel alone."
"More ideas that aren't empire videos, you guys have some pretty good ones."
"If you think we've missed a duffel bag that should take a place in our top five picks, please let us know in the comments below."
"Let me know if you have suggestions for future videos."
"This was really the second most suggested was bye-bye."
"Who are some people that y'all think would sound good with the chosen record?"
"Let me know down below in the comments what are some things that I should build."
"I just don't like when people suggest things for selfish reasons, look at it that's all."
"Marvel Unlimited could improve on that, they could have a feature that's kind of like hidden gems."
"So, thank you guys so much for watching. You know the deal. Hit the comments down below. Let me know what you guys think we should work on next, what we should add to this boat, and your questions, comments, and concerns about the 200 here."
"Many Lego sets today wouldn't exist without community suggestions from regular people."
"Can it help suggest improvements to the code"
"Thank you so much for watching, I'd love to get your feedback and if you enjoyed this type of video, so leave a comment down below and if you have any suggestions for other things that you'd like to see me build out, leave those comments down below, I'll add them to my list."
"If anyone's got any nice little sneaky topics they lend so much that sneaky topics of improvement they'd like to mention on bomb fishing definitely whack them in the comments."
"He should play a vampire next time."
"You guys always have such great suggestions that I never even think."
"If there are other topics you would like to see me cover in this series on how I study my Bible, definitely leave that down below in a comment."
"If you have suggestions or recommendations, please put them down."
"Let's bring back ultimate Beastmaster season four."
"Let me know in the comments down below if you've got other video game Digimon or digital life forms that you would like to be seen given anime partners."
"Let us know what you guys think of it and what you would like to see us do with it."
"Thanks for all the suggestions everyone and feel free to leave more in the comments."
"Give us a load of suggestions for future videos, comments, criticisms, anything like that."
"Comment below what you want us to talk about next."
"Maybe I'll do a different plan, please leave your suggestions in the comments and I'll see you tomorrow."
"Prosperity has a way of bringing its own suggestions."
"If you guys have a better way of doing it, post it down there in the comments."
"This is exactly what I think Hasbro needs to do if they're going to keep releasing two packs. They need to be this kind of setup."
"If you can think of any more My Hero stand ideas, I'm all ears."
"And if there's any other recipes you'd like me to try please leave me a comment down below."
"...ditch the neck collar piece, make the head sculpt a little bit smaller, and potentially focus on articulation."
"Wow, maybe this one could also come in a different type of like maybe the rainbow guys put in the comments let me know if you come across any of these that are different than what we came across"
"Let me know in the comment section down below what you think I should make."
"Definitely let me know what you'd like to see."
"Everyone's job for today, if you can, after this stream finishes, if you guys can say in the comments what blue archive stream you would like to see next, whether it's OST reactions, event PV reactions, playthroughs, I'll let you guys handle the logistics for that."
"Drop some comments down below guys, where do you want to see us go next?"
"If you have any suggestions on what you'd like to see next, let me know in the comments below. But for now, I'll see you on the next video."
"I personally think Chevy needs to come out with an SS model replace the black accents with some actual arrow and plop in that 3.6 liter over 300 horse V6."
"If you have any video game suggestions for future videos, please leave them in the comments."
"I'm definitely open to suggestions for what you guys want to see."
"Let me know if there are any type of routine videos you guys would like to see."
"Let me know what else I should do a dupe comparison on down below as well."
"...if we each encourage each other with great ideas on what we can be doing in our downtime what we can be doing to entertain ourselves other than looking at screens I think we'll just be so much better off."
"Let me know if it's something that you'd love for us to do again next year. That would be fun, wouldn't it?"
"If you guys like the video hit the thumbs up just let me know what you think if you have any other ideas definitely throw them down below."
"...please comment if you've got any suggestions or anything you'd like us to do in the future."
"So, it really is free market research it's like having the suggestion box you know near the door of your business if people want to give you ideas suggestions."
"I think it would be nice if we could include more things like foreplay and communication into the scenes."
"It's definitely saved me a ton of time by providing better, more relevant suggestions that help me cut down on the amount of keystrokes I need to use while I'm coding."
"Recommendations, suggestions for the future, be kind."
"If you have any other recommendations for what to do in the city, please make sure to leave them in the comments below."
"We are open to any suggestions, lads."
"...if there's any that you feel like I've missed out or that you think are really good and you want to recommend to other people put them in the comments."
"These are not the black and white answers to things, these are just some suggestions."
"Let me know who you guys would like to see speak at the rally in DC this June."
"If you have any video ideas, please let me know; I'd love to hear them."
"Do you have ideas for other topics to tackle? Let me know in the comments. Thanks, and until next time, stay safe."
"Give me your ideas, you tell me what suggestion you have."
"Give the appropriate suggestions for errors."
"Everybody sent in suggestions for videos and 99.9% were absolutely perfect."
"Thanks for watching and thanks again for all the great suggestions."
"Let me know what you guys would want to see inside this pond, fishwise."
"I'm always happy to acquiesce to your suggestions if I can."
"Good education is very informed by hypnotic practice and suggestions."
"If you need any suggestions, just shoot me a message."
"We want to hear from you, what would you like to see from us?"
"What other flows are you looking to build? Let me know in the comments down below."
"So if you've got any ideas for me vlogs put them in the comments."
"If you have any video suggestions, let me know in the comment section below."
"Let me know in the comments below what you think or what kind of video you want to see next."
"If you have suggestions for things that you actually want to see me cover, you could always maybe leave those in the comments."
"Let me know in the comments what you guys think about this one, if you have any ideas or suggestions leave them down there below."
"Let me know what other characters or themes I could do from the descriptions because these are basically character design sessions like the good old days."
"These are excellent suggestions, thanks brother."
"When you learn to non-critically accept suggestions, you become more powerful."
"Use positive versus negative when you're making suggestions."
"If you have any suggestions of things that you would like me to make then do let me know, I love to hear from you."
"Let me know what other shows you might want to see in the future."
"If you've got any other recommendations for cities and big towns, places where there's lots of hustle and bustle that we've not mentioned, just drop them in the comments."
"If you have any suggestions for NestJS or anything related to WebSocket, definitely let me know down below in the comments."
"If you have any crazy spots you want to put me on to, let me know."