
CPR Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"It's really important for all of us really to get educated about basic life support and CPR."
"As soon as you deliver that shock, immediately go into another round of high quality CPR."
"The standard face used on CPR dummies since the 1960s known as Resusci Anne is nicknamed the most kissed face in the world."
"Good CPR and early defibrillation are what saves lives."
"RosC, return of spontaneous circulation after CPR."
"CPR breathing barriers are used to protect the rescuer when giving rescue breaths."
"This man literally revived a newborn puppy by performing life-saving CPR."
"For a great workout, learn CPR. You can save a life and get some exercise in."
"The first priority is always going to be CPR. Um, the secondary would be getting them warmed up, okay?"
"I've been involved in some saves where you know doing CPR and stuff like that and bringing somebody back you brought somebody back to life yeah what does that feeling you can't you can't beat it."
"The proper compression rate is 100 to 120 compressions per minute according to the American Heart Association."
"This is one thing I can do to save a life."
"Could always use some mouth to mouth."
"Full after 30 compressions, stop compressions and open the airway by tilting the head and lifting the chin."
"Place one pad on the center front of the chest and one pad on the center back."
"All trained rescuers should provide chest compressions for victims of cardiac arrest."
"Continue CPR by giving 30 compressions and two breaths until EMS arrives."
"Early CPR and defibrillation increase the chance of survival."
"If the person is unresponsive and not breathing, call 911 and begin CPR. Give 30 compressions and 2 breaths."
"If you can teach the basics do a quick review seeing safety adult compressions integrating with breath or the stimulated breaths do the same for child do the same for infant talk about the aed teach choking."
"Rapid response... teach you individual CPR but also how to work as a team."
"You can do hands-only CPR to help save a life."
"Your basic life support instructor... the Good Samaritan law should protect you."
"CPR is like Pringles once you pop you don't stop."
"Even if I get something slightly wrong when I'm doing CPR, that will be better than not having a clue what to do."
"Take a CPR course, take a first aid course, you can definitely save a life."
"Filming with ambulance call handlers, you need to push the chest hard and fast at least twice per second."
"This person found an unfortunate squirrel in their pool and immediately began squirrel CPR."
"Jesse, Jake, and other lifeguards performed CPR for 15 minutes before Emergency Services arrived."
"High-quality CPR components include pushing hard, pushing fast, allowing complete chest recoil, and minimizing interruptions."
"CPR must be administered on a person in Cardiac Arrest to keep the blood flowing to the heart and brain."
"Since they're already planning to kill her and bring her back with CPR anyway, it couldn't hurt to try this idea first."
"By the time they got there, he was unconscious. Emergency responders administered CPR to the victim while awaiting Hospital transport."
"Chest compressions must be between 100 and 120 per minute. Compression depth should be at least two inches in adults."
"What do we do immediately after we push that shock button? We begin CPR again."
"Start CPR before you deliver rescue breaths."
"Do you know CPR? Because you're taking my breath away."
"The CPR eliminates that problem and can save you a lot of time and money."
"Knowing CPR, first aid, or fire safety training can be priceless. It's terrifying to imagine losing someone because nobody knew what to do."
"Whether or not it is worth the risks of CPR now this may sound provocative but there are a lot of misconceptions about what CPR can and cannot do and today we're going to talk about it."
"If ventricular fibrillation or pulseless v-tach is present, you want to continue chest compressions without interruptions and get ready to shock the patient."
"CPR and defibrillation are actually the most important part of this."
"I get this weird feeling to look up mid-compression, and I see the little girl that I'm performing CPR on standing there three feet away from me."
"CPR is an emergency procedure performed on people experiencing Cardiac Arrest."
"For patients with ongoing CPR and an advanced airway in place, use a simplified ventilation rate of one breath every six seconds without pausing for chest compressions."
"Totally did save his life, I'm convinced, because of her. He doesn't have any brain damage because unfortunately, yeah, because he was able to get some oxygen after the CPR was performed."
"Someone's doing CPR right now?" "Yes, yes, okay."
"I would encourage anybody go out do a course in CPR it's a fantastic skill to have and you don't know when you're gonna need it."
"We need to teach them how to use CPR."
"Dead is dead. So please, try to save them and do the chest compressions."
"With great CPR comes great responsibility."
"Bystander CPR is very important and that comes down to public involvement and training and availability of AEDs."
"It's important to start CPR in any unresponsive person with absent or abnormal breathing."
"Immediate intervention is crucial involving cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR and defibrillation to restore normal heart rhythm."
"I'm really big on people should know how to do CPR and save a life."
"CPR establishes circulation and artificial ventilation in a patient who is not breathing and has no pulse."
"CPR alone is only effective to circulate the blood. It's not going to convert the heart out of a rhythm that needs to be shocked in order for the heart to take over and start to do that on its own."
"Once the AED delivers its shock you need to get right back into CPR."
"All you need to learn CPR is a cushion and your smartphone."
"CPR does save lives; we just want more people to learn."
"If someone's heart stops, meaning they have no pulse, or they're not breathing and they're unconscious, please do CPR after calling for help so that you could extend their chance of survival."
"Knowing CPR and what to do with anaphylaxis is really important for a sizable proportion of the population."
"Everyone should learn CPR; we could all be heroes."
"So first of all, we check if the person is breathing, and if they stop breathing, we have to start CPR."
"Everybody should learn CPR, know how to do it, and bring back the person that they love."
"I acted as his heart, pumping his chest."
"It's very important to know a little bit of CPR and first aid."
"Are they breathing? Do they have a pulse? If they're not responsive and they have no pulse and they're not breathing, begin CPR."
"CPR is the human equivalent of hitting a machine until it starts working again."
"I've never had my first kiss, and I didn't think it'd be during CPR."
"It's actually really rare to be able to save somebody's life from doing CPR."
"Hands-only CPR is so important... it can save a life."
"The purpose of my lesson plan is to demonstrate and how to teach CPR."
"Learners will demonstrate how to perform CPR."
"Before starting CPR, check if the patient is unresponsive."
"Everyone should know where to place the hands for CPR."
"I've actually had tortoises and turtles that I thought have drowned... I did turtle CPR."
"The first step for CPR is checking for unresponsiveness."