
Employment Issues Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"If you need a side hustle, that shows that your full-time job is not meeting your basic needs, and that's a huge red flag."
"The issue is more of a retention thing. So, if you're talking about creating a more diverse workforce but yet you're seeing people leave, then that's the issue."
"I'm sure that Apple has its reasons, but it's kind of an [expletive] move to fire Siri in the middle of a pandemic." - Narrator
"Russians are employing children between the ages of 14 and 17 to come in and work."
"Schools are making more and more contingent positions to save themselves money."
"Some kids aren't able to go back to school for a lack of bus drivers. They had almost 18 months of a break here that a lot of these districts who ended up not keeping their bus drivers on the payroll, they found other jobs elsewhere."
"A grudge that wouldn't quit. Revenge for being fired was the motive."
"Colonial Hills had employed a man who forged his credentials."
"Respondent has shown that she cannot or will not do so and so she must go."
"There's no shortage, there's no labor shortage, there's a shortage of living wage jobs."
"I was laid off... they came and my boss said, 'Oh look, we ran out of work, we just don't have any time for you.'"
"Medicare-for-all would help everybody because right now your insurance is tied to your employment."
"Capitalism has such an emphasis on employment, but does it guarantee everyone a job? Not at all."
"Unemployment prospects are still grim this year, he says 200 million people are in what he calls flexible employment."
"Women make 82 cents on the dollar for every man for every dollar that a man earns."
"Those are the three like literally biggest people for zombies all literally don't work at Activision or Treyarch or Sledgehammer or Infinity War."
"It's insane that someone makes an attempt on their own life and your first thought is, 'oh well, looks like we gotta fire them.'"
"We're taking away jobs from the people that need it the most."
"Without doubt, the non-payment of salaries is almost an impossible task to keep things going."
"Whenever someone loses their job, it's sad, you know what I mean? And I wouldn't wish that on anyone."
"When there are not enough people working, you do get price inflation."
"Historically the best part about the job, is if your employer refuses to pay, you can just switch sides and steal their shit anyway."
"There's a difference between being paid and being paid fairly, being compensated versus getting adequate compensation."
"You're paying money to do a job and then they take your money when you're done with the job."
"Only a labor shortage because they're not paying enough."
"Getting fired for not taking the vaccine sucks, but then you know, you can't spend too much time crying about it, on to the next one."
"It is absolutely reasonable for Ken to not be happy to hear that jobs discriminate against men."
"They suppress your ability to speak, they don't let you advocate for who you think should be voted for, they won't let you say it, they fire you from your jobs."
"The number one complaint is I want to get back to work why can't I get back to work I feel fine."
"He called it voluntary resignation but this was practically the same as getting fired."
"He's got both, but somehow they still deemed he was unqualified."
"Don't let yourself be fired on a technicality like that. You can stand up for yourself."
"If you think that is in any way, shape, or form similar to your boss at Walmart making you show up early or they're gonna fire you, you are delusional."
"We actually have such a shortage of Manpower woman power, people power that we don't have enough workers for the jobs that are open."
"Don't want to give me my last paycheck? Make that a double."
"Massive layoffs after the New Year... January, February is when we're going to see massive layoffs."
"Two things can be true at once, and the comparison was only being made to highlight the fact that she is underpaid."
"Every week we got a new large company telling us there is either a hiring freeze or they're outright laying off people."
"Though I have my schadenfreude about Zillow, it really sucks that 2,000 people had to lose their jobs because their company was reckless and greedy."
"You're done, no job, isn't even... even if you use like, 'Hey look, I have proof that it's not true,' and they're like, 'Nope, it's too stressful.' We'd rather just hire some guy off the street that we don't have to worry [about]."
"To say this was a toxic work environment would be an understatement."
"To be told a week ago that you are safe here we are giving you a contract because we see that you have a future in this company and then a week later you're told oh by the way everything we told you last week was bull s***."
"The tech industry in general had a really bad week with layoffs."
"Nearly a full quarter of Americans can't find a job that pays a living wage."
"If you ever complain about an employee, it's your fucking fault. You hired them."
"He's got a lot to hide, so I could see why he drafts it. But essentially, he wants to keep you from saying bad things about him even after you leave the employment of the campaign. But that's not going to be enforceable."
"The bottom line is, they are terrified at the idea that you could have full employment."
"You should not be ashamed that you didn't have enough. You should be angry that you live in a country where you could work full-time jobs and still not have enough."
"I'm not getting paid the kind of money I need to get paid."
"We Trust upon us the threatening or thereby ending their employment."
"You can have all the dignity you want you can pull yourself up by the biggest bootstraps you can find okay that does not mean nothing if you can't find a job that's paying a livable wage."
"You know, workers getting fired because of a contagious virus is a public health issue."
"I don't get how that even is possible. Jimmy, dude, why do you always have, you always get fired from everywhere?"
"Men are underachievers, overrepresented in dead-end jobs, and resentful. They've given up and retreated to their dens, playing video games."
"I've excuse me nanny lady I am not paying you to watch television I am paying you to take care of my child."
"College is dope, but 57% of black people with master's degrees don't have a [__] job."
"Karen lost her job... it seems like very odd timing if there was no correlation."
"I thought as an individual I should be treated with respect, that's nuts."
"But even if it's a good thing that they get paid double for those Saturdays, it's still not the expectation that was set by your employer." - Ryan
"Strippers do not get benefits, these are women who are, and I know they're male strippers but, predominantly women drive revenue at the strip club."
"The issue is no longer that there aren't enough jobs, but rather that there aren't enough educated workers."