
Proactive Thinking Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"We need to move from reactivity to proactivity."
"What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it, but don't complain."
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
"It's not inevitable, but it's something we should be ready for because it's already happening."
"A world in which we set about trying to figure out the future would be a better world."
"If we can interrupt the thought before it becomes the deed, then harm... can be if not undone, at least interrupted and diminished."
"Opportunities don't happen, you create them with your mind."
"The longer that you simply tolerate what you have and what you think rather than taking a step to actively create your thoughts the further you're going to be pushed away from achieving all of your desires."
"Let's hit where they're going, not where they've come from."
"How can I become a problem solver? I'm not a victim. How can I help someone? How can I love this person better? How can I solve problems before they happen?"
"Slowing down to think ahead is going to give you the best chance of survival."
"If you focus that time and attention on finding a good deal...that is gonna motivate you to take whatever the next steps are for you in your situation."
"Consider how you can create more unity instead of division."
"It's in your best interest to identify what exactly is wrong or what could be better with these products."
"The question is not, 'Here I am in this problematic situation, how do I deal with that?' The question is, 'How do I have never gotten into that in the first place?'"
"My advice for you right now is to take whatever it is you want to do and put it on the calendar but then be aware of what's going on."
"Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away."
"Don't wait until end August to buy it; start thinking about what's the next narrative."
"Constructive thinking compels us to work and strive."
"Escape to where you think the puck is going to go not to where the puck is."
"What if... and then I'm gonna go do these things."
"Don't be reactive. Definitely just look at... thinking, here's what I'm going to do, plan it out in advance."
"Kendall realized that her kids aren't going to open the basement door and has an idea."
"Recognition of the game is a huge part of the battle."
"Being able to know this ahead of time and take advantage of these opportunities is key."
"Do the work now so it can be better for you later."
"I'm all about finding better solutions for big problems."
"Successful people will plan for what's going to happen not the moment that they're in."
"Don't come to me with 20 problems, come to me with 20 problems and some solutions."
"If they're not interested, find a way to get them interested."
"I always wanted to be like, 'Okay, what can we do about this to make it better? How can we do this differently?'"
"Be proactive in the hands you choose preflop."
"Instead of picking herself apart, she would start brainstorming ways that she could be of service."
"It's time to ask not what can be done but what must be done."
"You must be your own central bank right now. You've got to think like a central bank, you've got to think like a hedge fund."
"Just focus on what you can do... what can you do to change the situation."
"Be prepared not scared is the mantra to go by."
"It's all about awareness. If you see the messed up stuff that could happen, then maybe you might go, 'No, let's not do that.'"
"Don't just think about what you're trying to do before you retire. Think about what you can do right now for your unborn grandchildren."
"You can always change things and I also want to throw this out there a lot of people like why aren't we on this sooner and I think that's a fair question."
"The fastest game in banana ball history, an hour and 34 minutes to get nine innings in."
"I love that, but now we need to start thinking about rotations, we need to start thinking about it now."
"Tesla is already looking ahead of what are the blockers going to be and removing them and kicking them away like Waffle House chair girl before they even become a thing."
"Don't wait for perfection before starting your YouTube channel."
"Write it down on paper on purpose before the month begins."
"It's interesting this this dialogue about trying to get ahead of things because like AI has introduced that conversation heavily right."
"We have to start a process where we care and what we think we can make a difference."
"You've got to constantly be monitoring what the pieces can take."
"We should learn from this whole situation in order to avoid repeating those mistakes in the future."
"The best way to do it is first get off the track."
"We need to start thinking about our relationship to water in everything we do before we get down to the last drop."
"It's helping others. I think that's interesting because a lot of folks when they use 'justice for Gabby'... you're thinking ahead."
"Recognize fear, live with it, and if possible, use it to your advantage."
"Why assume that you can manage it until it happens?"
"Everybody's looking for an easy answer in this. The answer of all these shootings most likely convicts all of us in some way or another. Let's go for the right answer, not the easy one."
"So if I were in this situation I would have been developing a plan for the worst case scenario."
"There's a lot to do, which is why getting ahead of the train and planning ahead is a real key thing to do."
"It's not your job to sit there and about the problems presented to you; it's your job to sit there and figure out how you're going to work inside of those problem sets."
"You got to think about this stuff beforehand and then just layer it up and structure it as you go."
"Focus on solutions, not just talking about the problems."
"In a world of talkers, be a thinker and a doer."
"Science needs to think forward, not just react."
"I think it's really a mindset. You have to decide we're going to try to do things differently."
"What's the difference between concern and worry? Very important, concern focuses on challenges and moves you to action."
"Don't get caught two steps behind, don't lose out when you could be preparing for an opportunity down the line that can help you win out big."
"There is a spark of intuition, initiation, action, creativity."
"Struggle implies chaos, but if you strategize, you plan."
"Pausing and reflecting is actually a step, it is an action."
"A great soldier acts when he's told; a great one is two steps ahead."
"Skate to where the puck's going to go, not where it is."
"Don't wonder if something is meant for you, instead think of how it can be done."
"Ignorance is bliss. But is it best? Inaction is the worst decision."
"It's crazy how your mind goes like solution, solution, solution versus just complaining."
"It's just something that you have to have a strategy in place for."
"This is a really great day to kind of plan for the future."
"It seems self-evident that we should take actions most likely to make the future good."
"Do not treat it like it's just 'oh it will never happen.'"
"Let's just figure out a strategy before we get close to them."
"Stop talking about the bridge, planning to go across the bridge, thinking and watching videos about the bridge, and just start taking action."
"It's all about turning a tough situation into an opportunity."
"Don't wait for the market to tell you you're screwed. Don't wait for it to hit the stop. You already know it's dangerous."
"It's always good to think a little bit ahead and pre-plan."
"Nothing to fear, don't worry I've already thought ahead."
"The interesting question is what can we do right now to maximize the chances this goes well."
"You don't get out of [problems] by dwelling on it, you get out of it by focusing on the solutions."
"It's important to look ahead and know whether or not we need to do something different."
"Instead of 'I can't afford it,' ask 'How can I afford it?'"
"Start to think through these types of situations and be better prepared, better people in our community."
"We have got to be proactive in our thinking."
"Every single thing you do, you should have a plan."
"Think about problems you can solve. Don't think about things you can't change."
"The future can be overwhelming, but preparing for it in the present is the key."
"But it's not just about being proactive; it's about evaluating the situation and asking myself, is it worth it?"
"It's not about why anymore, it's about why not."
"The antidote to nostalgia is action in the present."
"Whatever idea you're thinking about, just do it today."
"Foresight, knowledge, in action will help you across the course of the game."
"You want to make that move before it's too late, not after, otherwise it's too late."
"If you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life."
"We see a challenge like that or a change like that and go, 'Well, what can we make for this?'"
"When you are experiencing a time where everything's falling apart, it's not the time to be suppressing it. It's the time for you now to be asking yourself, alright, this has happened so now what?"
"It's very very important to be ahead of the curve."
"It's who you surround yourself with. You show me your friends, I'll tell you who you are." - It's who you surround yourself with.
"If you don't like the hand you're dealt, change the deck."
"Important to make the right decisions early."
"Just as a result of having a plan for what you're going to do."
"Always stay ten steps ahead, you know what I'm saying?"
"Ask yourself, is the thing I'm doing, the thing I'm worried about doing, is it a good thing? Then go do it."
"It's always good to be prepared not scared have a plan think about it talk about it realize what's going on make your decision wisely choose wisely and be the change you want to see."
"It's way better to anticipate and prepare than it is to react."
"When you can't change the direction of the wind, adjust your sail."
"It's a question of when so you have the opportunity to be ready."
"Now is the time to think about what you are going to be doing in the near future."
"Develop a risk strategy around the premise that a farm is going to fail and once you start thinking about that you'll start to develop better practices of yourself."
"If you want HEX to be better, go make it better."
"The future is abundant for those who think ahead."
"If you see a crisis, you can't let that good crisis go to waste because it gives you an opportunity."
"Plans are important... If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
"Actions speak louder than words. Remember that. Number one and number two, make good decisions before you make bad decisions."
"You have to have a philosophy that is going to manifest automatically for you in general in the way that you want."
"Find a problem in your day, find an inconvenience, and find out how can I fix that."
"So, this should alter your thinking; you're gonna have to figure out what will work and just do it."
"Being prepared is not just living in the now but taking a look at what may occur in the future."
"Verifying news is more practical than just standing still and doing nothing."
"What are you doing today to benefit your future self?"
"It is far easier to cremate, burn up, and destroy negative thoughts at the moment they enter the mind rather than try and dislodge them when they have taken possession of your mind."
"Get the ball rolling and think outside the box."
"Intuitive insight is a huge catalyst in protecting yourself."
"It's just looking at your situation... and saying okay what can I control what's what can I do now that'll put me in the best position when I'm out of this."
"Just the process of thinking about what you can do to get out of it is starting the process of moving forwards."
"Do something that benefits you in every single minute."
"Instead of saying 'I don't know,' start saying 'But how can I learn?'"
"Everything at least you thought about something you got to come prepared."
"First of all congratulations for doing what some other people don't frequently do which is to actually evaluate your beliefs and put things to the test."
"It pays to be vigilant for the future because you gotta think about things down the line not just right now."
"Staying ahead of the vehicle is crucial, making sure you are thinking ahead of the next step, the next phase."
"An average plan is better than no plan."
"Instead of worrying about what is the cause of the situation I'm in, can I change the situation so that the future I won't have this problem? That's the only thing I can do."
"You always got to be looking out into the future to create a better present mind."
"The risk isn't that you start thinking about this too soon. The risk is you start thinking about it too late."
"So what am I doing ladies and gentlemen? I am planning ahead of time. I'm not worried about exiting when we get there, I'm telling the market what I want it to do and then I'm going to do it when it happens."
"I always want to be thinking about what else we could do to make the world better."
"Being prepared for a situation is so much better than facing it as a surprise."
"How much time do you get to think, to be proactive, to apply what you've been trained to do in your workplace?"
"If you can begin to answer those questions and define those before you reach the crisis moment, you're likely going to set yourself up to be able to navigate going through that stage of life well."
"If you focus on single loop learning, you are very reactive... treating the symptoms, whereas if you go to double loop learning, you have a very holistic, proactive approach going to the root causes of the problem."
"Thinking in a proactive way is much better than a reactive engineer or server administrator."
"If you just have a mindset of safety, then every potential job, it's one of the things you go through in your mind."
"I absolutely, 100% believe that you always want to ask why, and you always want to do what Stephen Covey famously said, begin with the end in mind."
"These proactive solutions done deliberately with purpose will solve all of these challenges."
"It's not about the tool; it's about what threats we can think of, what threats can we identify about our systems, about our products."
"Never ask about what's going to happen, but rather ask what factors do I need to know to make the things that I want to happen, happen."
"Foresight beats hindsight by a damn sight."
"Hopefully that gives you an idea of the principle that I call 'I need to know the answer before you ask the question'."
"Be careful out there, watch where you're going, take steps to protect yourself, be thinking ahead."
"I think we've got to think proactively now, we've got to sort this out."
"Whenever you get a thought in the mind or a question in the mind, just ask yourself, 'What can I do about it?'"
"Ask again and again yourself, 'What can I do about it?'"
"We gotta stop asking the 'why me' question and we got to start asking with a smile on our face and some adventure in our heart, 'What am I gonna do now?'"
"Everybody can point at a problem. Where are the solutions?"
"Raising sexually faithful kids is to basically be a foundation course for parents to help them think proactively."
"If you begin with the end in mind, your decision making is going to be totally different."
"Instead of just sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves, we could try and find the case and work out who the real culprit is."
"If you don't wake up every morning and ask yourself how can I disrupt my own industry, someone else will do it for you."
"It's really spending time thinking about the actions you need to take now to have the future that you really want."
"I'm always thinking ahead of what my future self will thank me for."