
Videos Quotes

There are 673 quotes

"We want to give the unsung heroes behind a few videos that no one has seen a chance to finally shine."
"Thank you so much for watching, and remember, there is a secret Easter egg hunt embedded throughout all these videos."
"These videos are great for pointing out opportunities, they're great for giving you some starters on strategies... but you need to go out and do your own due diligence."
"We'll have all kinds of videos more than I even need."
"I love deep diving back into the glitch in The Matrix videos... I really hope you guys enjoyed them as well."
"I make these videos for people to watch and enjoy."
"That's good. That's good. Um, Adam Curry says these Soul Spawn streams are my favorite videos on the channel."
"I love videos like this that are kind of more like open-ended discussions about things."
"I will see you very shortly in the next video."
"To all of you guys who do watch our videos, the people who do like videos and even the people who don't, hey, shout out to all of you guys, you guys are all awesome, you already know."
"Videos are extremely powerful these days... It's a easier way for many people to consume information or to be entertained."
"I don't see anything wrong with them making money on videos."
"Videos should resume to normal schedule starting tomorrow."
"We've all seen those videos like you're scrolling through Facebook late at night or like the Instagram is like good you're like watching this hair being."
"Happy New Year! Tell your friends about these videos."
"It was so fun when I first started watching reselling videos."
"A lot of kitchen renovation videos in our future."
"I love your videos. I look forward to seeing your Disney videos when it opens."
"I'm really pleased that the videos I made created some sort of ripple effect."
"Videos to me, they're super special. They hold like a crazy place in my heart."
"The effort you put in your videos has always impressed me."
"I'm glad that my videos are a huge help for you."
"Love your vids, just found your content."
"Nobody is born cool, except of course, people who put jump scare timestamps on horror videos."
"I have made you laugh a number of times when you make these videos and I don't want to lose my streak."
"I love creating these videos and I hope to do that more and more and more and create more and more interesting videos and challenge myself and how to express myself and yeah, this is what I do and I love it."
"Our videos are made possible thanks to your generous donations on Patreon."
"These videos are really fun for me just because I love to compile and share my thoughts."
"This is the future, this is exactly what I talk about in my videos."
"I have made over 300 videos now and people only see the best ones."
"Thank you so much for watching, we appreciate all your love and support on our recent videos."
"If you missed any of those stories or if you like longer videos for you to put on in the background while you're doing something else or trying to fall asleep, this is the video for you."
"The video that The Riddler put out there exposed a lot of things."
"It is pretty infamous because of all the videos in the early 2010s that used it."
"I love you all and I'll see you in my other videos."
"It's a long video but if you're into guitars like me, this is super interesting."
"I think one of my favorite things about Sidemen videos is getting to learn the camera crew and I love when they break the fourth wall and they banter back and forth. It's really fun."
"Based on the reactions I get, the videos I make, homeowners associations are one of those groups that people are very interested in hearing about."
"I want to thank you guys for coming and reacting to these videos."
"He does these YouTube videos where he talks to camera and it's not like, hey guys, today, here's my morning routine and my hair care products."
"You can find all the links to all that stuff in the description of this video and every other video."
"I feel incredibly blessed if this is a job for me. I get to get up every single day and make videos and have people be real nice to me like that's awesome right?"
"Don't forget to check out some of our recent hidden adventure videos."
"With this, I can edit my gameplay, my camera, and all of my audio easily to make the best videos possible."
"I really like getting messages from people who are like I make videos because I like your videos like that's really lovely."
"If there's any video on the internet that showcases Edward and Gordon's rivalry the best, it's this."
"It is spooky season, the perfect time to watch all the paranormal videos."
"Please tune in again next time for more hopefully unique and interesting videos."
"I'm gonna be posting three videos this freaking week."
"I love that they are you know educating along with our music as well rather than just um you know making cool gimmicky videos."
"Make sure you hit the subscribe button because we've got 308 videos coming."
"I can still make whatever videos I want with your help."
"We have so many exciting videos coming up."
"These videos always make me feel so so productive."
"...highlighting forgotten stories and Oddities is what I live for making videos that I think deserve to exist I enjoy taking risks so in that sense I guess I've got a little bit in common with J lock myself."
"That's what I always try to do in these videos, is get you into a frame of mind, a way of seeing things, and perhaps a different way of looking at the world."
"I feel like these videos that we're making at the moment really are going to be ones that we watch back for the rest of our lives"
"Never again. Go work on a car, make videos with your friends. It's not that hard. It just kind of sucks sometimes, but most times, very fun."
"...quality over quantity especially when it comes to long-form videos is always more important."
"I felt like I could watch any Larry Bird video from beginning to end because it's Larry Bird."
"Those videos inspire you to go do exactly what you saw."
"Makeover videos are honestly my favorite videos to make."
"Well, first, we have to go to the post office, but then I have a couple really fun videos planned."
"Your videos and all the information you gave were like getting the cheat codes of a level you thought was impossible to pass."
"I just love watching these videos."
"I mean I kind of like making short form videos."
"I wish your videos were around when I was younger."
"I was making videos on the BRZ right when it came out when there were no videos on the BRZ so like I was at the forefront."
"Top comment was for Mckenzie. I think we should keep the pretty and cute counter going like a tradition. I just love these videos."
"It's not fun to be in, so I haven't been doing my picking orders videos."
"Stay tuned for more awesome laser engraving 911 videos. See you next time."
"Lots of other videos I have have making these projects, a more detailed one on the chessboards, lots of other ideas and more content coming of course."
"James Summerton Apparently one of the biggest people that he was covering who has 300,000 subscribers and uh yeah he makes uh videos uh about gay people which is awesome."
"Your videos on the alien and predator lore are very entertaining."
"The videos that we win on always do twice as good as the videos that we lose on."
"I will say we've already made several videos about this truck and I'll put those video links in the description down below."
"I make the videos for the people that are actually out here trying to learn."
"From the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you enough for watching my videos."
"We are planning more videos on the history of Europe, so make sure you are subscribed and have pressed the bell button to see the next video in the series."
"Start making custom videos for the person you're entertaining."
"Most of this video is just James reading a book into the camera."
"Most of the time I can usually let a hunt video rip and it's pretty self-explanatory what's going down."
"Just check out the description of every video in this channel."
"I just get so into it. I actually forget to talk. That's the problem with... That's why I don't really post baking videos."
"We definitely have more videos in the future about the O1, the national interest waiver, the research, all these aspects to cover all the aspects that IMGs need to learn."
"Over the years I made it a mission of mine to seek out as many rare and unusual video and audio formats as I can to make videos about to demonstrate them to you."
"To make sure that you get to see our latest videos as they come out definitely follow us on Facebook subscribe to us on YouTube that's going to be the best way to keep up to date with everything."
"These videos are my way of giving back."
"Subscribe for more videos and stay tuned for future content!"
"A seamless process? You're watching a Gio video, what do you expect?"
"I'm really enjoying these videos I think these videos are really good at giving me like a big wide spectrum of anime openings as well."
"I like some of my videos to be a little bit educational."
"I genuinely am so grateful for everyone that watches my videos like it's so lovely."
"Honestly when we started this food Vlog we weren't sure if anybody would even watch these videos."
"So that's where I plan to take it, just fun videos like I used to do, just leaning away from the mega-educational ones."
"I do respect you a lot. I am a big fan of your videos. Okay. And I'm not gonna do anything horrible to you here today. Okay? I know you've seen the show. Yeah. There's anybody who shaved some kid, like, someone's head, like, half of their hair off."
"Out of all the videos we filmed together, which one has been your favorite?"
"Stay tuned for more videos on the way."
"Watching videos about food, you can't go wrong, right?"
"Videos help in the retention and understanding of new information."
"Thank you guys for watching my videos. I love the freaking heck out of you."
"Watching your videos makes me feel like I'm with friends."
"I want Mother's Basement videos to be something that you guys both look forward to and want to go back to and something a little bit more timeless than just a reaction to whatever's going on in anime right now."
"Sometimes we're not even laughing while we're shooting videos, but we're laughing when we're done about other [__]."
"So far, I've really enjoyed all the feedback that people have had on the other videos."
"Creating incredible videos has never been easier."
"Watching these videos made me start appreciating the little things in life a little bit more each time I watch one."
"It's almost become a more or less a video about bears."
"If you're going to be doing analytics on your videos, one of the most important things to test is how do you decide which thumbnails or which videos to test next?"
"Personally I love doing these videos. I think they are so fun because I love seeing what ads are convincing and which ones aren't."
"Your videos have certainly helped me through the pandemic."
"We'd like to thank everyone who supports us to make these videos possible."
"When I was compiling this list, I wasn't sure whether to include these Britain's Got Talent videos because they're kind of singing, so they're sort of music videos, but I guess not really."
"Mr. Beast said it was impossible to get this channel to 1 million subscribers without any videos."
"this is foras helping the rider Community one video at a time"
"My grossest habit is that I'm obsessed with chiropractor videos and pimple popping videos."
"...I am planning on making more Hyperion videos in the near future so I won't say too much more Beyond just if you want to read along with me or at least be read by the time I'm putting out that content there is no better time to read Hyperion than right now."
"When you were out doing standup, you were trying to get a TV show and them little open mic nights you getting 15, 30 people to see you a night you start doing videos you reach thousands in minutes."
"If you're interested or you know somebody that is, please send them a link to these videos."
"So guys there you go there is our introduction to the BRZ project car lots of videos to come in the future on this car thank you guys so much for watching hope you enjoyed the video I will see you all in the next one."
"I did love your videos I really loved it by the way and eventually she said yes"
"I could tell by the quality of the comments that I was getting on the videos."
"So we have five videos that just went live in the last five days. Come on over and hang out with us. It's my secret page, but it's for like the top fans."
"YouTube: finding top-rated videos."
"I know that I don't do a lot of spell videos, and like I said, there is a reason for that."
"So, we actually thought of, 'What are ways we could make the wedding planning easier, by creating good videos?'"
"Stop writing that book, like beg, but also these videos get a good monetary value for me, so I guess keep writing them if you want and then I'll just keep doing videos on them."
"We love making these videos, we love cruising."
"It seems you guys enjoy these videos."
"Papa loved our videos. He loved our adventures, especially if he had been somewhere, and he has been to Hawaii."
"The graphics for these travel videos have been absolutely ridiculous."
"Do you ever watch my videos and think it's like Dora the Explorer?"
"Fantastic, there's definitely going to be more videos on this."
"I'll probably be using that for any videos I record."
"You guys are the whole reason that I get to keep making these videos, so thank you so much for that."
"Subscribe to the channel to see more videos like this."
"Thanks guys, we'll see you very soon with more videos."
"If you watch my videos and you benefit out of them, please always come back and let me know."
"Every single video I watch of hers, it's like what she can do that I'm not impressed."
"If you have any other questions, leave them down below because I love making OnlyFans videos for you."
"Some repair videos are all about showcasing a particular repair, some are more about The Life and Times of a repair shop and the kind of decisions that we're making."
"The videos are a huge part of the DNA of the brand."
"The reason I'm doing the giveaway is just to say thank you to everybody for watching the videos."
"If you enjoy these videos that I work on every week or get something from them, the best way you can help me to keep delivering these is by joining me in the archive on Patreon."
"Thank you so much for all the videos and for keeping our spirits up."
"The membership will be used to see the full videos and behind the scenes action so keep an eye out for that in the future."
"If scenery videos and stuff are something you'd like to see more from us, it's certainly something we love doing but we don't necessarily have the setup to film them and do them Justice at the moment."
"He's got like 10 videos in the vault."
"...if you want more of these videos, that's a good way to support."
"it's always nice especially for the videos as well to actually try to prove what the fault is"
"Watching the masters of stone videos when I was a kid."
"I guess we're going to find out, but if you guys are new, my name is lla, I'm slightly weird but you get to know me as these videos go on."
"What better way to get back into doing videos than to review something I truly love?"
"The strangest part was how each video ended getting weirder, a bizarre tribute to Jim Davis."
"I hope all of those family videos are going to pay for the therapy they're going to have to go through."
"Pexels and Unsplash are great resources for royalty-free images and videos."
"We also got a playlist there for all of our death battles, so plenty in the descriptions video for you to check out."
"Your videos make me happy and are entertaining, your yawn usually I'm the one you want it."
"I really like your videos, keep up the good work."
"Think of what you're sharing in your videos as value pops."
"I loved her videos because she was like an extreme minimalist, and I just, I loved her personality. I loved the changes she had made to her house and like her style of minimalism."
"We're embracing it and trying to kind of steer more towards celebrity videos that have some educational elements of course built into it."
"Tap the notification bell as well so you'll be alerted every time we post new videos."
"Every single video they put out is a gem."
"Our single objective is making entertaining videos for the people watching them."
"We do have more than 1,700 videos as a daily YouTube channel."
"The whole goal of all these videos, but more importantly that's the goal of what Joe and I have built here."
"I'm never really mad about spending money on props because I love investing the money into my videos."
"I just want to make videos and content that leave a positive impact on the world."
"These are the most satisfying videos on planet Earth."
"We've gotta make sure our videos are engaging."
"Thanks to our patrons for making all of our videos possible and thanks to you for watching."
"Getting back into the groove of being productive and making videos has been so refreshing, and I'm so excited to show you all the many more adventures to come."
"Speaking of videos, together with Shadia, if y'all don't know it, Shania and I have officially launched our vlog channel."
"Now, ali's newer videos have a nice bright white setting, making it much more friendly and welcoming."
"We have 600 700 abandoned videos on the internet."
"Your support helps us create videos twice a week."
"I try to make my videos sound fun and entertaining even if you don't care about that stuff."
"Please comment down below and let me know because I am happy to make videos about whatever you need."
"There's a level of maturity with that, but then these videos... I don't know."
"I always appreciate you guys taking time out of your day and watching my videos."
"It's bizarre to me that so many of you haven't seen these videos that are so oftentimes referenced."
"I absolutely I don't know yeah I'm like hey I want to do more creative videos for you guys so coming soon I'm redoing the whole space so I just should work Rita but yeah."
"I have really been liking making these types of videos."
"With this you will be able to come out with great videos and build that YouTube Empire that we talked about."
"If you're new to this channel, I have a ton of videos that you need to check out."
"...his music videos as well were like short films."
"Please let me know if you want me to do any more fashiony kind of videos like this."
"I post all kinds of videos about home decor Home Makeovers DIYs we keep it real around here we lose pretty impractical Decor we try to do everything ourselves and I take you guys along for the journey with me."
"I've been watching a lot of videos like this one and they're super helpful."
"We do have a shed load of people watching our videos who aren't subscribed."
"I just wanted you guys to know my motivation as I'm gonna continue making these videos and continue working my butt off."
"I want to do these videos more often, not just like once a year."
"I've watched so many of these videos not just mukbangs... they're so entertaining."
"I haven't really had time to do the videos that I love and you guys love the most, which is going into stores and trying on different sizes."
"I'm incapable of doing short videos, I tend to over explain everything."
"That's satisfying, like those satisfying videos where I don't know like the ASMR, the crunching."
"By watching these videos you may be better able to anticipate and prepare for some of the rare side effects that can happen."
"I'm impressed that your daughter has the knowledge and the confidence to participate in your videos."
"That's not what I got, and if you really look at my videos, that's what you can tell."