
Racial Discourse Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"You always call it a minority problem, and it's true that black or non-white people are a minority in any European capital, but we are not a minority in the world. You are the minority."
"This is the least racist majority white country in the world."
"Black men defend degeneracy and then want to separate themselves from it."
"If she's a witch, throw her in the water - that's what we're doing on race now, it's really pathetic."
"I think that it's capitulating to White fragility and white identity politics."
"White people are people of color. Stop trying to marginalize their voices. Stop trying to silence white voices. White voices matter, white lives matter."
"White privilege is not saying your life hasn't been hard; all white privilege is saying is your skin color is not the contributing factor to the difficulty of your life."
"You can't sit here and cry about...how black people are treated in America, whole time you're ignoring the fact that you can be whatever you want to be."
"Being white meant you had to apologize for being white."
"We who bled blood, who shed blood, who experienced the worst treatment are called the true racists."
"The absent or deadbeat black father myth is really more like a lie."
"Do you think maybe this world that we live in is a white supremacist world?"
"People of color are not here just to be your marketing Lynch pin so that you can throw us in the into Twitter discourses and get black people and brown people to support this work."
"They're still trying to figure out how to justify, right now they're just relying on 'I'm white and I say so.'"
"So no there's no such thing as white pride in part because there is no white culture."
"The white race is the cancer of human history."
"Black people are the most disappointing, most perpetrators, most betrayal humanity on this planet. But guess what? We are also the most people."
"Stop this crap, stop all the stupid race baiting."
"You want to live in a country where cops are not hunting down black people for no reason? Go outside, birds are chirping."
"You cannot literally be an Asian man in the United States of America speaking English and act like Asia has not been almost universally dominated by Western Colonial superpowers."
"Cultural warriors are labeling any discussion of race, racism, or discrimination as CRT to try to make it toxic."
"The people who shout the absurd accusation 'you're a racist against white people' are really just attempting to shut down the conversation."
"The idea is when you frame the debate from a social discourse as one of starting from white privilege... you have people saying how dare you complain... so shut up and sit down."
"The left sells you these things as if it's black people against white. What about all the white people who fought and died for black people's rights?"
"It's such a reductive, juvenile way of thinking to make it all about one race good, one race bad."
"Blackness is the most operative word. White is still white."
"The White lives matter thing offended me more, even though he told you your life matters."
"White supremacy is the order of the day in America."
"Trump's constant assault on people of color and his use of the word invasion to describe the flow of immigrants is intentional and constant."
"White people aren't inherently racist... we shouldn't call people racist."
"White supremacy dominates all areas of activity. There's no such thing as a race-baiter in their respect because you're not invoking racism where racism doesn't exist."
"Over-talking about the power of white people is a form of white supremacy."
"We are the only people that isn't allowed to have a past, a present, and a future. We are the only people that are told 'get over it.'"
"I don't think white people should be having the conversation about who should and shouldn't say the n-word."
"Using your monopoly money does not prove that white privilege doesn't exist."
"This is why I don't fall for the allyship, the performative allyship of a lot of white people who go around speaking the talking points."
"The only white skin privilege I benefit from is that I was never told I had an oppressor." - Panelist
"I think we'd be better off if we all work together you know I think that this Negro competition thing is like it's a little played out and I think people are tired of it."
"Black people are the supreme beings on the planet."
"So in other words, if there are a lot of books by white people, those are white ideas, they're taking up too much space in the library, that's white supremacy too."
"Library collections continue to promote and proliferate whiteness with their very existence."
"White supremacy is not violence and simply existing is not white supremacy."
"You're a hater. Malone exactly. But also, when you disagree with black people, they be like, 'No, you're Uncle Tom or sellout.'" - Charles Barkley
"They're deflecting away from these white supremacist suspect males running around here doing what they do."
"This constant repackaging of black trauma for the sake of educating non-black people or creating an entertaining show based off racial violence for ratings is tiring."
"I love working with this group of people and I'm really glad that in this new year we sort of get a chance to stretch our wings and fly a little bit and do what we want to do and how we want to do it."
"Cool for society to tell us that your skin color has any correlation with your work."
"The absence of black fathers poses a bigger threat."
"An entrepreneur paying taxes, you better pay attention to politics because one regulation could affect your business."
"When somebody calls you a racist this is far worse than somebody who casually drops the n-word."
"If you don't see color, you're a racist. Do you know how much nonsense that is?"
"Your number one enemy is the same as mine, and that's white supremacy."
"I wouldn't say you were racist unless you actually did something racist."
"It's just a word. It's how black people greet each other. It's how Hispanic people be. It's like everyone uses this word except... oh my god, a white guy said it."
"Calling a black person a white supremacist simply because you don't like their policies is worse than calling them an Uncle Tom."
"It would be a lot better in America if we stopped trying to encourage black Americans to be racist against white Americans."
"I am not a hater. I've made it clear that I am not pro-white, I am not anti-black."
"Why would I want to watch your movie about a journalist when the only reason you tell me I should watch it is to prove I'm not racist?"
"America has never been a racist country. Just idiotic."
"If this country were really systemically racist as thoroughly racist as the New York Times tells us... there's not enough racism to go around."
"White supremacy is not some all-powerful force, it is fragile."
"White folks actually that are more blunt about what they feel and what they think I respect more. I don't like the closet racists."
"Why does the black man and the white woman have to matter with their salaries? What does that have to do with it? It doesn't. That's the point."
"It's mainly dark-skinned black women that are colorists."
"If this were a white supremacist thing, the media would be covering it."
"We're not really being honest in this country about what it means to be black."
"Please don't say that I shouldn't talk about things because I'm not African American."
"The concept of white privilege is stoking divisions and marginalizing the most disadvantaged in society."
"White privilege, far from helping to combat racism, is actually stoking divisions."
"But for it to become so synonymous with the most shocking and upsetting thing for you to say, for that to also be the word you should dehumanize Black folks is actually quite an indictment of the phrase."
"The denial that people have where they say, 'It's not racist,' you're really doing a bit of mental gymnastics here, you've gotta really try to fight to find that way where him saying the N-word isn't racist."
"Whiteness as a parasitic disease for which we must find a permanent cure."
"This is the most useful thing anybody's ever said about race in America and you're not going to talk me out of that."
"I think the profession of law enforcement is probably the least racist profession in America."
"I cannot feel guilty that I didn't do, but I can understand the reasons why you think that I should. Yeah, I'm white but I never put your neck in no noose and I never burnt a cross or hid my face with a hood."
"The vilification of white people is out of control."
"The narrative is, 'Oh, this guy's a [] hating on his black brothers.' Like that [] old and played out."
"Every Asian, every American Indian benefited from slavery, and they owe Black Folk."
"We can't trust any of the establishment's racial narratives."
"The demand for racism exceeds its supply, that's not true, of course, racism abounds and nobody wants it."
"No black woman should talk about anybody that is not a black woman period."
"It's so amazingly racist I don't even know where to begin."
"White frat guy humor is burping and farts. That's white supremacy."
"Black men especially on the internet say saying that we love black women when we actually mean as we love like when we're attracted to that we desire or that reciprocate our desire."
"Double Consciousness: A peculiar sensation, this sense of always looking at oneself Through The Eyes of others."
"What's true is true, the truth can't be racist."
"Culture kills, not color. I will never apologize for hating the culture that celebrates, tolerates, and proliferates a mindset that teaches black people to see themselves as victims dependent on white guilt and criminals."
"We're in a pretty confusing state. I feel that America may be the least racist country I've ever been in."
"Stop trying to rationalize why it's okay for a white person to say it."
"It is amazing how many right-wingers try to discredit Black Lives Matter by spouting racist BS."
"Black Unity, black family, black love, hate speech, anti-Semitic. None of y'all see this?" - Captain
"Racism does not exist in America? Obviously, of course it does exist."
"I see racism all the time, and it's coming from the Democrats. Critical race theory is racist."
"Violence against us has been historical and extends beyond the discourses of hate."
"Black lives matter as a discourse of resistance that puts into question the way that race continues to be reproduced."
"I'm in a position as I often am, someone living here in Olympia frequently speaking to whiteness, which is exhausting but I'd do it."
"The only systemic racism left in America is in liberal media, it's in the liberal entertainment industry, it's in academia."
"Daniel Kaluuya said, 'Why do we have to talk about this' when asked about race."
"You don't have to care what white people think."
"I want y'all to understand that they did it. I want you to be very clear. They've got the Klan in the White House right now."
"Racism needs to be talked about, it needs to be dealt with."
"Let racism die the death it deserves and let's keep living the life."
"The problem in the black community is white supremacy, not fatherlessness."
"White people won't say it. The absence of them speaking about one of the most important parts of the story, it's unbelievable."
"It was probably my very first example of a TV show that was produced by a black person that spoke about tough subjects like racism in a comedic way."