
Purposeful Action Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Living intentionally is what allows you to live a life of design."
"God is ceaselessly, energetically, purposefully working on our behalf."
"Act with purpose. You only have so much time and energy."
"Every act that comes from purpose is supported by nature and has the potential to change things in ways you could have never dreamed them."
"Winning Miss World Philippines wasn't a dream of mine when I was younger, but was born purely out of purpose and passion."
"I don't need to be out here peddling books. I came to deliver a message."
"Whatever you do today, make sure that you make it count."
"What power we unleash when we cooperate with the purposes of God, that's the point."
"We have no clue what the hell we're doing, but we know exactly why we're doing it."
"Each move that Sanjay does has a unique purpose, and he's trying to get a victory. He doesn't waste motion. He doesn't just do this for show."
"You're not playing games with what you hold dear. You move by design, committing to yourself."
"The quicker you can move forward on your soul mission, the more you will accelerate."
"You can do things to be great, not do things just to do things."
"You shouldn't be doing things to get somewhere."
"You're fighting with purpose, you're fighting with a reason."
"Everything I do is for a reason, with purpose."
"They don't do anything without a very specific plan and a very specific strategy."
"If you don't know what direction to go in, any direction is useful as long as you're doing it with purpose."
"Just have faith that your actions you're taking through your heart, they're leading you somewhere good."
"Gonzo for its own sake is okay, but gonzo because it makes sense is even better."
"Every action is deliberate and with purpose."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing because you changed someone else."
"The Empress is true empowerment. She represents doing something for a good reason, not just because."
"Be intentional. Whatever you do in life, do it because you mean it."
"Action without dramatic purpose is just visual noise."
"I think everything Bran's doing is for a reason. He's not going to do anything that isn't for a greater purpose."
"Greatness consists not in the holding of some future office but really consists in doing great deeds with little means and the accomplishment of vast purposes."
"This is not that random; this is someone purposely there to take out Brandon Boudreaux."
"Each step of the way, every step has its purpose."
"Make it count, make sure you're doing something that's important."
"I won't waste your time... whatever is going to do the most good is what I'm here to do."
"Let's be intentional in everything that we do."
"You never set aside your need and also obligation to understand why you were doing what you're doing."
"We ain't in this fight just to be fighting... we got to win."
"This is complete overkill, but that's kind of what we're here for."
"Everything goes according to God's will... his word goes out and does not return void."
"Everything happens for a reason, and I had my eyesight set on two big turbos."
"None of it's an accident, you know there is a purpose behind all of it."
"If we're going to do something, it's going to be done right and we're going to help people."
"We planned this for that specific reason. We wanted to do it just like this."
"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
"If you'll do what I put you there to do, I will give you what you need for where I'm taking you."
"Remember that whatever it is that you're going to do, you should do it to the glory of God."
"Every decision that Vatican makes is with purpose, there is a purpose."
"Even the most meticulously prepared defense and attack will result in nothing more than the loss of ammunition and soldiers if it is not backed by strong purpose, will, and faith."
"You need to get to a point within yourself where you have a very, very powerful why about why it is you're doing something."
"You could be coming as a lifesaver for other people."
"When you walk, there is a destination in mind, the will of God."
"Always have a purpose for what you're doing."
"Success wouldn't happen by chance, it would happen by design."
"The tactical work is how, when, and why you do things. Everything should have a purpose."
"Every action has a purpose, you know what I'm saying? When every action has a purpose, then you get a result. You know, hopefully a desired result, if you know what you're doing."
"When you're setting up a match, ask yourself: What's the point? If you can't answer that question, don't make the match."
"In the Queen's Gambit, every move should have a purpose, a plan, and a goal."
"Hard work isn't mindless repetition, it's doing it with purpose."
"You're not automatically saved. There needs to be a purposeful act."
"Do your work, fulfill your purpose. Every joyful action makes the world a better place."
"ACT involves being fully present and engaged, then choosing to act purposefully based on your values."
"They pass it away from the defense. It's not the bailout pass but a pass with a purpose."
"We don't do anything willy-nilly. It's all for a purpose."
"The day I close my eyes, I should know when I came to know whatever I came to know, I did the right thing. I mean, I didn't do anything wrong on purpose."
"Kim did it all for a selfless purpose."
"But everything has a reason if I do this there's a reason for it."
"May you be obedient in doing what God has called you to do."
"She went up there with a purpose."
"Every day you don't drink is energy and action put towards your purpose; it's a win."
"Cognition is dynamic and it has to act on purpose."
"We can neither think nor act to good purpose until the habit of self-restraint has become automatic."
"Every agent acts for an end, otherwise one thing would not follow more than another from the action of the agent unless it were by chance."
"We came here to make a statement, and I think we certainly did that."
"Driven by his sense of purpose, reaches out and grabs hold of the crystal."
"Now may the God of peace equip you with everything good that you may do his will."
"Seeking you is something that is done intentionally. It doesn't happen by accident."
"If you're going to be here, do something."
"Having a purpose to every possession, that is having an intent to what we're trying to do on this possession."
"I'm not trying to compete, there's no rush because when I do it I do it to make it matter."
"Everything that is done for the sole purpose of pleasing me shines before me in such a way as to draw my Divine gazes."
"Leaders create possibility, but the possibility they create is not random, arbitrary, or capricious."
"We came here with a purpose and want to make sure that we help this family."
"Do everything with sincerity, for the sake of Allah."
"Sailing can be a force for good, powered by nature and driven by purpose."
"We move with a purpose, and the purpose is getting the job done."
"It's not without reason or purpose."
"He does not jettison meaning and purpose in his actions simply because he knows that the island has a plan for him."
"Mindfulness teaches that when you trust yourself and act with awareness and purpose, you become more self-reliant."
"If you're going to Empire, I want you to go for the right reasons."
"There's never anything that's just done just to do it or just for show; there's always a reason behind it."
"Do whatever it is you're doing with purpose, make sure you remember why you're doing it, and be proud of yourself because that feels amazing."
"Everything I do here has a purpose, and there's something I get immediate feedback on."
"We move with intention, we move with integrity."
"Remember, do what you can, when you can, with balance and purpose."
"Warner doesn't like to kill for no reason; he kills with a purpose."
"If you don't know why you're doing something, you shouldn't do it."
"To live purposefully is to be concerned with what am I trying to achieve and how am I trying to achieve it."
"Understand why you're doing it. Have a good reason behind it."
"Acting with intention is the one that matters, but you have to decide what your intention is for each of these things."
"Being aware of why you're doing things is what's important."
"That's the reason you're singing, that's the reason you're here."
"Don't just do something because you can. Do it if it only makes sense to do so."
"Move with a purpose, a fast purpose man, and go out there and get it for your familia."
"Success in many ways comes when you are intentional."
"Stride means to walk with long decisive steps in a specific direction."
"I got to rise up to my kingdom assignment. I got to rise up and fight the good fight."
"We are all in that same race, man, that race to that bag, but do it smooth with a purpose."
"It's important that you know what you're doing, understand what you're bringing here."
"The calling is an invitation from God to do your purpose."
"You need to be running towards something, not away from it."
"Trundling is bumbling with a purpose."
"I really am genuinely doing this for a specific purpose because everything looks so fresh at this time of year."
"Everything that you do should have purpose; you shouldn't just be doing things willy-nilly."
"As long as it's serving some benefit or some purpose to you, then yeah, go for it."
"I hope that you move smooth with a purpose, get everything that you want coming."
"Marching is all very well," she said to her son, "but where and to what purpose? What do you mean to do?"
"I believe you can do anything on purpose, with a purpose."
"You need to be doing something that actually matters, that actually makes a difference."
"I went from working to wealthy. I am a strong woman of faith and I do what I am called to do."
"You guys move with purpose and intuition, so you know that God has a plan for you."
"I've been really thinking about the word intentional or intentionally doing something."
"Somebody's got a plan here; they're coming to talk to you."
"Everything I do now is for a purpose, everything I do now there's a reason for it."
"Everything he does has a meaning and everything he does has a purpose and an end goal."