
Repairability Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Right to repair is the idea that you should be able to fix what you own."
"Microsoft is taking concrete steps to facilitate independent repair of its devices."
"I think committing to replaceable components and designing it from the ground up to be more easily repairable is great, A+."
"Apple really need to lift their game they're not even off the floor they need to at least lift them off the floor out of the gutter to make products more repairable."
"The sheer number of parts and ease of repair that the more regular Mack trucks and Caterpillars offered as convoy vehicles made them far more usable and suitable for long-distance overland expeditions."
"Apple mentioned the iPhone 15 Pro was designed with repairability in mind."
"God does not say it's unrepairable, He says it is repairable, hallelujah!"
"There is not a single modern flagship smartphone that has been designed with repairability in mind not one."
"I envision that repairability is actually gonna be a real advantage going forward."
"It's a gun that will last you forever and if it ever did break it's so easy to fix it'll make your head spin."
"Maybe this is beyond repair the Republican party."
"House bill 1124: right to repair would allow consumers to exercise the full rights of ownership over the products they purchase, including the right to repair those products."
"Do you want your property rights back or not? Do you want to be able to fix what you own or do you want these companies to control you?"
"Knowing that it can be quickly and easily repaired is a big deal." - Linus
"The right to repair movement is an effort to give consumers the freedom to repair their own electronic devices or have them repaired by independent repair shops."
"Right to repair being that a manufacturer should not go out of their way to keep people who purchase a product from being able to fix that product."
"It's just really nice. I really am hoping that this is something that's fixable."
"The whole point of right to repair is, you don't want to lose money by having to replace a whole thing instead of just a part."
"Apparently you can repair it because it's made of iron."
"Every single company is moving in this direction where things are more difficult to repair."
"Just like you bought your thing, you own it. Own it. You should be able to get it fixed however you want."
"You bought it, you should be able to fix it."
"Blade traps are among the best traps to use... ideally you want them in a place where they can be repaired."
"It's pretty cool when a company cares about repairability, shows they care about the customer."
"This is probably gonna wind up being a gold mine for repair."
"You should be able to fix what you own and that company should not go out of their way to sabotage your ability to fix your own things."
"Repairing these products yourself is usually within the realm of possibility."
"It's a smartphone that's been designed from the ground up to be disassembled, repaired and even upgraded."
"We sourced all the parts and components that people needed to repair their proprietary things in America."
"We're proud to be a right to repair company and we're proud to kind of have a vehicle that has the toughness and durability to stand up but also if it is broken the modularity to be able to fix it quicker."
"I value a laptop that makes schematics available, being honest when there's a design flaw, making something that's easy to open and repair."
"Luxury is something you can always repair."
"Apple has gotten significantly worse with repairability Port selection."
"Anything stitched with cotton thread, if the thread wore out, it didn't damage the leather. You could restitch the jacket."
"It's a solid contender for those who value upgradeability, repairability, and sustainability in their tech."
"All the laptops are openable, repairable, and upgradable, so if you need a new PC, get yourself a Tuxedo computer."
"The Framework Laptop 16 is certainly unique, offering levels of customization and repairability that I’ve never seen from any other laptop."
"It's a chevy. You can fix it with a hammer."
"If the frame is completely rusted out, for me, it's not worth fixing it anymore or it's not even worth doing like a frame swap."
"So this goes a long way for repairability and it's also ballast as we talked on the capacity of the machine before a full fuel tank adds additional weight way behind the back of the machine that can help plant the rear end and give you a little bit more capacity out front."
"As I see Tech get better it becomes more and more integrated more and more tightly packed and harder and harder to repair."
"I believe that you should make a product, if it's expensive like that, it should be able to be fixed, right? You know, right? You spend five grand on a TV, don't throw it away."
"The display is decent once again a little easier to repair like I said as well."
"...it's pretty easy to root for a company that's using open source software providing user repairable hardware and offering it all at an attractive price."
"The best tools are the ones that are the easiest to repair."
"It's time to give every American a right to repair so everyone can fix their own products that they pay for."
"there's nothing here that we can't fix."
"You cannot ruin your car. It can always be fixed."
"One of the nice aspects of it being able to come apart is the fact that if any of the parts break you can remake them easily."
"99% of the mistakes that happen are fixable and repairable."
"Shoes like this can be repaired and kept up, unlike modern trendy ones."
"These tractors are designed to be completely farmer repair."
"Life is such that there's going to be dings and you want something that if you need to you can go in and actually make a repair without having to start all over."
"It's for right to repair type stuff... six bolts and you can pull the entire transmission and motor out and work on it right there in the shop."
"It's just a man-made device that does something pretty cool, and if it's made by man, then it can be fixed by man."
"This is all serviceable, so all the parts here are replaceable."
"It's nice to see components that are user serviceable like this."
"Heat transfer vinyl can almost always be fixed, you can slice straight through a letter and still apply it to your shirt or whatever, and because it melts together, you'll never even know."
"You can buy it once and then if you ever have an issue with it, you can take it apart, fix it, rebuild it, you don't have to buy it again."
"One of the things that made me choose the Steam Deck over other competing handhelds is the access to replacement parts and Valve's commitment to easy repairability."
"Great parts, simple topology, easy to repair, built like a tank."
"The nice thing about working with shellac finishes is they are repairable."
"Right to repair is important... look up right to repair in your state and see what's happening."
"Make it easier and cheaper to repair items you own by limiting manufacturers from barring self-repairs or third-party repairs of their products."
"I really love to see companies that actually care about the repairability and the future longevity of their product."
"The FTC has acknowledged that when the manufacturers give excuses for why people shouldn't fix their own stuff, that these are all garbage."
"I think anything in life is repairable."
"The whole focus on this is repairability, which is really, really good."
"Just because something is broken doesn't mean it can't be fixed."
"There's really nothing you can't fix on these old cars."
"This is going to be actually a very user serviceable part, which is awesome."
"The team over at Framework has managed to not just create a laptop that is easily repairable and upgradeable but it's also a thin, gorgeous, performant laptop."
"Things being easier to repair, things not just being dead-end devices that have no upgrade path whatsoever."
"Everything is on a human scale; we can actually fix this by hand."
"I love the design of the analog stick so far, and this is actually turning out to be quite a repairable little device."
"Overall, I don't see any major repairability issues with the Series X."
"It's reliable, it's easily repairable at any garage, and that's the key thing."
"Most tools are non-repairable, but the Europeans are fond of the repairable style tools."
"It's reliable, stoppages are rare and any faults that do occur can probably be fixed with a hammer."
"Nothing is unfixable, and the main structure's good."
"You don't make things to last a lifetime; you make things that you can repair so you can use them for a lifetime."
"Salvage electric vehicles are one of the easiest things to fix and get running again safely."
"EPO Foam is a little bit more dense, a little more durable, a little bit easier to repair with a wider variety of glues."
"Good news about that is its durability out in the elements but also its repairability."
"We love longevity, we love things built where they're easily repaired."
"I've seen a lot worse and it's all fixable."
"If you care about a card being easy to repair, fuses make certain types of GPU failures much easier to fix."
"This valve stack is particularly good. It's a more premium valve stack... good quality stuff and parts for these things are able to be broken down and repaired a lot easier."
"There are very few things that can't be fixed."
"If something on the robot breaks, there's a good chance you can fix it rather than having to replace the entire thing at a much higher cost."
"If you're lucky enough to be in this business long enough, you're going to get pieces that come back that need to be fixed."
"Right to repair is all well and good, being able to service it yourself, but if you can't get parts for things... it's pretty significant."
"All of these parts are actually replaceable, so if you somehow manage to lose a cuff bolt, rip a strap, break a buckle, everything is screwed in there can be just taken off."
"The most important thing for me is it can be repaired."
"Riding electric scooters can be fun, easy to find a parking space, relatively easy to fix."
"The good news we have so far is that the boat is absolutely repairable."
"It's a much more complex design, but it also uses all metal parts that can be easily repaired."
"I actually prefer the earlier rocker lenses because of how they're designed and how they can be repaired easily."
"It's a very repairable lens, uses high-quality parts for the most part, the only real challenge is getting everything to lock back into the correct positions."
"Old stuff, you can take it apart, clean it, and put it back together, and it will work. What a concept."
"Apple products are just so ubiquitous that so many of these repair shops literally live or die based on how repairable Apple devices are."
"There's very few mistakes in this entire world that you can't fix."
"It's built to be repaired and loved and can run for a decade plus."