
Critical Decision Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"We're approaching an inflection point where we have to choose growth or life on the planet."
"Our girls are two weeks from Nationals. Why Abby would ever consider adding a new girl to the team right now is beyond me."
"It's time for me to tell you all about the horrible awful I've done Miss hilly that'd be about the only thing to keep us safe."
"Tucker dons the metas old armor and epsilon seen this as the only option sacrifices his own life to power boost Tucker's armor."
"If you're the Cleveland Cavaliers you are in desperate need of a boom-or-bust pick here."
"She was forced to kill him or she would have been killed."
"We're facing a critical time now for us to be making decisions about how we're going to be fueling this world in the future."
"This anomaly is often called the devil's deal."
"You have an opportunity now to change course, and there is no positive negative outcome that could be worse than not taking that stand right now."
"Christian Eriksen on Facetime via a hospital bed suggested they play on."
"Let's get rid of the only outfield player we've got who's won a premier league title."
"You aren't breaking this guy out unless you have a really good reason, and the reason would be the most, the only reason on the table right now is love."
"Why did you shoot him?" "Because he was gonna come in here and kill us all."
"I narrowed it down to Victory Lap, Redemption, and Daytona."
"Sacrificing the few isn't any different than killing a hostage, Liam. This is it, burden."
"Don't accidentally off Solaire! That's the needle we're trying to thread."
"Whoever decided to call the slant play in the Super Bowl against the New England Patriots... could probably be titled as the worst play call in NFL history."
"Americans will always do the right thing when they've exhausted all other options."
"The next move you make is going to be very, very important for the rest of your career."
"If you fight this dragon, you literally have to insta kill someone or your whole team will die."
"This is probably the crucial turn, whoever gets this turn right probably wins the game."
"I think it was the right move. I think I criticized Chelsea board for not doing this earlier. It made no sense the whole time."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"If he doesn't pull that trigger, you and I are not having this discussion right now."
"Do you want to make a comeback this round or never have his fatal blow again?"
"When presented with a deadly force incident, we have to sometimes make that difficult decision and use deadly force."
"Putting that name to the painting today will be crucial."
"If she was about to pull the trigger and kill my kid, do I think it would be right to shoot her? Um, yeah."
"Just when it appears as though all hope is lost, the captain of the 13th division Reveals His plan to take the place of the Soul King."
"I knew if he ever got back in the cockpit, we were history."
"Just one wrong play can really cost you. I needed an extra two turns of light screen."
"Transition was literally a matter of life or death. If they didn't transition, they weren't going to continue living the life they were."
"I think we're at a crossroads with both of them now, right?"
"Paul has the ultimate choice here, it's like the Reverend Mother also says in the trailer."
"What if your friend called you from Vegas... they're two seconds away from getting married... what would you say to her?"
"This is the finale... this is definitely the guy to get."
"Late in the game, oh yeah, they should probably have given up."
"This decision will determine if you win or lose this game."
"If I had waited any longer I would 100,000% either be dead or severely disabled."
"We have no other option. Do you understand? We have to take this guy out."
"Dropping Preston would be the biggest mistake they could ever make."
"If you still don't get it by now, it's time for you to sell everything you've got."
"You're going to throw the pitch that wins the game or lose the game that night, and, you know, you just live with that."
"Honestly right now, the only answer I see is that Bob Iger has got to call a meeting of the board."
"They have to plan here, surely. They've got time to dip down the vents, but no, it's two and partners in crime Zip X and Blame do close that gap and close that round."
"We are at the fork in the road, at the precipice. This doesn't have to happen in our nation." - Amanda Grace
"You can't just gamble everything on Roman again, that's what led us here in the first place."
"The president then requests Raiden to kill him to prevent the nuclear launch."
"The only way to save them and everyone else is if I will kill myself, amen."
"I genuinely believe if Arsenal don't sign anybody today, that could be the difference between top four and not getting top four."
"William Birkin was faced with a decision that would lead to the end of thousands of people in an effort to save his own life."
"You are making a choice between democracy and authoritarianism."
"The fate of all 465 people on board depends on what happens in the next 10 seconds."
"One wrong move could result in cataclysmic damage to the Multiverse."
"Captain Sully makes the biggest call of his life."
"We're at the crossroads my friends, our future, our destiny, our very existence is up to you."
"I had to convince her that it was the only option."
"Smith Dorian's calculated gamble to turn and fight at Locato marks one of the most crucial British decisions made in the first four months of the First World War."
"Every single shot counts. Do you hesitate to give him the ball, knowing that in all likelihood he'll get fouled and have to go to the free-throw line?"
"Who can stand up and do the right thing at the tough moment? That defines what Mike Pence did."
"You had to know. I'm going to make a huge decision on what club you're going to use."
"The crew have had to make life or death decisions."
"Your father-in-law is still here himself and relatively healthy. If you prevent your wife from enjoying this time with him, you might as well get your divorce papers in order because you will kill your marriage."
"He's got the decision of his life right now in front of him"
"That critical change of plans would save his life."
"The main decision to be made in A&E is whether the patient needs to go straight to theater."
"What I love most about what Garrett Riley just did there is he trusted Kade Kumnick in a moment in the game where a bad play, a turnover, can completely change the tide and change the momentum."
"I was faced with a horrible decision: wait and endanger the lives of our whole party or press on."
"Knowing that you were choosing between life and death."
"18 million dollars will change your life forever or it'll send you away for the rest of your life."
"We need to thank all our lucky stars that Vasily, being the lone no vote, saved us all on that day."
"On his actions might depend the fate of the entire group."
"The product that you choose to sell may be the make-it-or-break-it for your business."
"This film is all about that life and death decision when you have to decide to stay or go."
"It's a moment in the timeline where one decision can be made that takes the story down a series of different paths of unintended unexpected consequences."
"A single tiny fractional decision like which tire to put on during a pit change could be the difference between someone finishing in first and someone finishing in second."
"Ford was a cat in its ninth life, and this next hire would be the most important one it had ever made."
"Remember guys, whenever you get a question that's asking you about priority, you have to choose the patient whose life is in danger the most."
"The person you trusted the most, you just killed because that's who you're gonna pair up with in these kind of situations."
"It's the most important pick this franchise has ever made, arguably."
"This is the money piece right here, this is the front piece, the money piece, this is the one that could make or break the whole haircut."
"One wrong decision could cost him his life, but fortunately, everything went according to his plan."
"We have a choice, you could save the woman or the baby."
"If you have a game to win for your life, I'm taking Mahomes."