
Household Tips Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"A fridge runs more efficiently, the more full it is... Quick tip for you."
"Reduce the amount of electricity that your home is using, that's where I always tell people to start."
"The advanced swap is to start thinking about conserving water in your household."
"Salt isn't just used for cooking, it can get rid of tough smells."
"Boiling water with a little bit of vinegar in it keeps your drains smelling good and keeps them running clean."
"Don't be afraid to use the fridge soda can storage containers in your cabinets as well."
"Let's say you don't have a lot grip mat... lay the mat facedown and peel the mat up."
"Opt for powdered laundry detergent over expensive pods."
"The reason it needs to air dry it is because that continues to allow the bleach solution to have contact with that surface and do its job..."
"Use a normal freaking towel. You don't need ten sheets of paper towels."
"This hack is going to be life-changing because it is so amazing, easy, and the best hack to clean glass and mirrors."
"Utilize your freezer... to reduce food waste."
"They all of them are [] Hypocrites is there any of them who just get [] filthy rich and go I'm staying in my apartment in Venice Beach California McConnell but Ed Begley Jun Ed Begley junior walks the walk."
"If it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down it down baby yeah and flush with a friend right."
"Close the refrigerator while you're looking at stuff it helps save energy and keep the glass from being fall you."
"It seems counterintuitive but it really does work awesome."
"Freeze bread and other items that you will use in order to extend its shelf life."
"Clean out your dryer lint traps every single time you use your dryer."
"Don't break it, okay? And then when you're done using the steamer make sure that you pour it out and that you leave it open. Leave this little door open when you store it."
"Dish towels will change your cleaning life in the kitchen."
"Silica gel in bags helps absorb excess moisture. Don't throw it away, it's handy for wet shoes!"
"It will actually help the grapes stay better for longer so that's just a quick tip that I wanted to share with you guys."
"Cleaning the interior window is quite simple for me, it's really important because I always get like a greasy arm print on there because I'm always wearing cream on my arm so it's really gross."
"Keep track of what's in your fridge and pantry to prevent food waste."
"I have lists everywhere, I have a list of questions, I have lists all around the house."
"Close the seat because all of the germs go up into the air."
"Always be tidying... clean up messes as they happen... doing this daily will save you time and a headache." - Elizabeth from Georgia, age 79.
"Make your own cleaning products... window cleaner better than anything in the store... one cup water, vinegar, rubbing alcohol, lemon oil, and Glycerine." - Judith from Florida, age 88.
"Baking soda is your best friend... sprinkle on carpets before vacuuming to deodorize." - Margaret from DCH, age 85.
"Olive oil can be used for more than just cooking... polish stainless steel appliances and wooden furniture." - Mary from Arizona, age 78.
"It's those little crevices and places that need attention. That's what gives the overall finish shine."
"Most pillows... you can wash and dry in the washing machine."
"Honestly, I have just found so many uses for Command Strips and like the more I use them, the more uses I find for them."
"Laundry hacks that I think everyone needs to know."
"You can loop your hats using these shower rings onto a hanger... it's super functional."
"...there's a quick and easy way to fix it you make a paste of two parts baking soda one part hydrogen peroxide apply that to your discolored grout..."
"Equal parts water and white vinegar... I am left with a beautiful streak-free shine."
"You can use vinegar to mop your tile, linoleum, and vinyl floors."
"Baking soda plus a sponge equals a DIY magic eraser."
"Grab a piece of tin foil... crumple it up into a ball, add a little bit of dish soap and water to your pot or pan, and start scrubbing."
"Treat your fridge like a temporary facility, not a long-term storage facility."
"Put dry tea bags inside your shoes and keep them in a dry place for a while. The tea bags will absorb bad smells and make your shoes dry."
"Try using toothpaste to remove small scratches on furniture. Rub a pea-sized amount on the scratch in a circular motion until the scratch buffs out."
"...having a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your bathroom to deal with that stain is such a quick and easy fix..."
"...hydrogen peroxide is also a great toilet bowl stain remover that's exciting news..."
"I know there's products out there that take off labels but this is typically something you have around your house so if you're in a pinch try it."
"Use pill bottles to store q-tips."
"One more thing that you may have overlooked a treasure in your house for sewing with, this is dryer lint."
"If you have a room that smells particularly nasty, use baking soda instead of rice. It does the trick so well."
"Using aluminum foil can help with keeping things tidy."
"Lining your drip tray or your basket with aluminum foil can help with keeping things tidy."
"Magic Eraser does its magic once again."
"All you have to do is soak them in some vinegar... and then you put it here and there it is. It's kind of cool."
"Now the salt when it comes to scouring, that's going to help add more coarseness to it."
"Literally a couple of [fabric softener] into a bowl of water."
"Damp dusting... to not only unblock the sink but to stop any unwanted smells."
"...so it's good for you to rotate through even that supply of toilet paper and keep on hand some of these wizzy wipes that are kind of sealed and keep just a little bit longer on the shelf as well all right with no further ado let me know what you think..."
"Cleaning it up can be annoying though so here’s a simple little trick. I use a plastic straw that I cut on an angle, then kind of pinch the tip, and run it along the inside crease."
"White vinegar is made out of acidic acid, which is so powerful it can dissolve mineral deposits, dirt, grease, and grime."
"You can use any inserts to make a vacuum suction grip."
"The best way to open the pod is to use a wooden stick. If it hits the central area of the pod, it will split into two halves, then you can easily remove the seeds by hand."
"Reynolds Wrap can be used for Christmas decorations in dozens of ways."
"It's nice to have big trash bags so that you can dump like the little trashes into them or even to line your trash cans because you don't want traffic hands to get all nasty."
"I love the final touch that labels put on things but especially with these closed bins that are not see-through it's really handy to have a label when you have multiple people in the house or yourself and you get confused what's in which bin."
"Super easy grab your little bungee this sort of keeps the windows and that sort of stuff out of the way."
"To speed up your ironing routine, place sheets of tin foil under your ironing board. The tin foil will reflect the heat and the iron will get hotter and will do the job much faster."
"One tip that I have is for you to mix it with some water in a spray bottle this makes spraying down and sanitizing surfaces really easy."
"We keep our beans in our pantry with gamma seal lids too."
"All righty guys, that hood is finished, I got in here this morning I cleaned all our grubby fingerprints off of the stainless steel with this spray away cleaner, works great on fingerprints, that looks brand new."
"So just get some Dr. Bronner's coconut oil and start doing it. It ran out fast, and my mommy used coconut oil for everything, y'all. She used coconut oil for everything."
"I've only been married nine weeks but have already discovered soft scrub cleanser is just great for so many things."
"Honestly, the best thing that works is just a good old vacuum."
"Vinegar use it instead of fabric softener your clothes will be cleaner."
"...this is just mind-blowing to me that we can remove our oven doors and we could clean in the middle of the oven door..."
"Most of us have our hot water heaters set way too high."
"T-shirts should never be hung because of course, you know that t-shirts are typically cotton and they can sag at the shoulders when they're hung on any sort of hangers."
"This is how you put a fitted sheet on a bed too... you have to do that little lift up your knee and pull and push at the same time."
"Always have English muffins in the freezer; they do so well, don't they?"
"Why peg it when you can hang it, is what I say."
"Using shaving cream is the easy way to remove stains from chairs and rugs."
"Instead of just putting this in the compost, you can make little freezer bins in the freezer."
"Use distilled water, kids, and use it when you're filling up your clothes iron. Be smart, okay? Play it smart."
"Hanging your clothes to dry any way you can is going to save you a lot of money over time."
"Try putting a dry tea bag inside your shoes... the tea bags will absorb the humidity and the smell off the soles of your shoes."
"I love the combination here; I guess at my house, if you were microwaving something like lasagna or something red, I would probably turn this so that the rest is on the inside, so that it may not stain as easily."
"The reality is dishwashers just clean your stuff better when you don't pre-rinse."
"Did you know that you can dye fabric in your washing machine? Like, mind blown!"
"Bay leaves are kind of a pest repellent... your moths and your weevils, they don't like bay leaves."
"Thankful for hydrogen peroxide because it's gone, the stain is gone."
"Use a warm dry iron and just kind of go like this and you can see that all the creases quickly disappear."
"The greenest grass can be yours with a little know-how through common household products and a touch of elbow grease."
"Eggs have many uses, which make them a handy item to always have in your home."
"Supposedly baking soda is supposed to help with keeping your clothes white, smell good, all those great things."
"It helps me stay on top of it piling up."
"Eucalyptus... it's also great at getting rid of mites, you know, like on your bed for all your pillows and your sheets."
"If you're not putting eucalyptus oil in your laundry detergent, it is wonderful."