
Career Reflection Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"I feel like the seven years I was out of the ring, I didn't feel was wasted. I feel almost that the 10 years that I spent in WWE was wasted because I feel it is management, owner, booker, whoever's job is to get the most out of all the talent."
"It's been a wonderful rocket to work on over these years, and I'm going to miss it."
"I've been lucky enough to live and work through 50 years of change in immunology."
"I think that would be my only regret: My whole bodybuilding career feels like a blur because I didn't enjoy it."
"I don't think it was ever something that was serious in my mind because I've literally never done anything else."
"It truly never dawned on me ever that I wasn't making content that fulfilled me."
"Thanks for all the years of sticking by me. It was a great run. I gave everything I had."
"It tends to result in people waking up 10 years down the road and saying, 'Is this what I'm going to do for the rest of my life?'"
"Suddenly I wasn't a 38 year old man that's been doing this for almost two decades."
"It's incredibly sad but it's kind of incredible to look at their career."
"If we end up finishing on the power to believe then fine, that's not a bad record to go on and we've got just a wealth of incredible records to listen to."
"Does he regret his YouTube career? Absolutely not. I think he feels he won. He was world champ. He was undefeated."
"I've had an absolutely wonderful career for sure."
"Who'd have thought we'd say that at the start."
"If he's offered me a job, I want to go back there. But he didn't offer me a job." - Bruce Prichard
"I have more appreciation for that now being out of it than I did when it was happening. I had a great time, I have no regrets. I worked with fabulous people and generous people."
"Landline has been a huge part of my life for a very long time."
"Welcome to the circus, my final thoughts in the beauty world."
"Brady won 77 percent of his career starts with New England." - Reflecting on Tom Brady's incredible win percentage with the New England Patriots.
"If I could start again, there is one thing and one thing only I would focus on more than anything, and that would be working out who my target audience is as fast as I could."
"Starting comedy now opposed to when I started in 98, I don't know if I would take a drastic change of anything that I did."
"Best day ever looking back on retail, there is none."
"When's the last time you charge money to talk and think?"
"Our news is at least as bad as the news you're getting already and it has been an absolute pleasure providing you the news for the last four years."
"It's absolutely imperative that we review the current strategic circumstances, which I rate the worst I've ever seen in my career."
"I served 23 year Public Safety career... Reform and rebuilding, yes. Defunding, no."
"The only reason you're probably a performer isn't that amazing."
"Start considering what you really want to do with your finite time on this planet. Hint: it's probably not becoming the most efficient employee ever."
"It's a sad day for Formula One because he's been a great driver, a great spokesperson, he's been a great racer."
"Everybody's got to work, and I've busted my ass for a Whole Decade serving in restaurants and bars, and my body is tired."
"Listen, I've done things back when I was working down on the floor, Stanley, back when I was working down in the county. I've been on the force for 27 years."
"Reflecting on that, I'm grateful for the privilege of the position I have been in."
"Even to this day, how many of us get a chance to do what we like to do? Most of us, 90 percent of... I'm not gonna say 90 percent, 80 percent of people, 75 percent of people that go to work don't like their jobs."
"I had no idea what this career could bring me... I'm just feeling very, very grateful for where I am so far."
"So much for your big words, you were just a [__] kid raging about losing an online game after all the success of your career."
"Ray Evernham's 'Trophies and Scars' is a very honest take on his own career."
"Maybe working for money is overrated and bending 9 to 5? What was I thinking?"
"I've been doing this for 33 years and I haven't seen anything like this."
"If I hadn't met McCall at Collins Cup and then I had went and did the same season I have had but without meeting him and learning what I know now, I would say that I would probably be thinking about retiring right now."
"He blew up and was like the most famous comedian of that year yeah and then just disappeared and just kind of observed everything for 10 years he's just like all right here's what I think after just kind of brewing on everything."
"I couldn't feel luckier to be doing what I'm doing... that I'm not curing cancer... I'm just trying to make a difference creatively."
"Is this actually my job? Like, is this what I do?"
"I'm at a point now where I just got out of a pretty tough relationship with WWE. I love my time there but apparently they didn't love my time there."
"This right here is my childhood. And this right here is, I guess, my job."
"Well thanks very much for listening to my uh kind of spiel about my iconic characters that I've played if I missed any of the movies we're gonna talk about it maybe in the future okay hasta la vista baby."
"I don't regret anything I've done in boxing."
"I wouldn't look back on a body of work that I'm proud of and that had an impact and that made people's lives better."
"I really loved being a journalist, I loved having journalistic independence, I loved being at The Intercept, you know, I started being a writer because of my own individual personal beliefs."
"Oh man, it was just... You ever work a job and been working it long enough to start hating it?"
"On many of these songs, De La get to look back on their lives in careers, and the results are often quite moving."
"Was that my only shot of winning a Formula One race in my career?"
"Even though prices are high... it's unlike anything I've seen in my career."
"One thing I'll take from it is just incredible gratitude."
"Having 28 service industry jobs over the course of 7 years is pretty impressive when you think about it."
"The first 10 plus years as a heart surgeon I was increasingly unhealthy... I was morbidly obese... and I realized that I was destined for my own operating."
"I've been doing YouTube for like can you believe I feel like I've been saying five years for like maybe two years now so maybe it's longer than five years"
"When you say it like that, it sounds like what we do for a living is ridiculous. Does it all come down to gifts and fame in parentheses YouTube views with super chat donations of money?"
"I tried to rethink what I want from tattooing and the holes that I saw along the way."
"I worked at both of these companies. I think of myself as a former technologist more generally, someone who happened to work on social media."
"I wish I got an earlier jump start on social media."
"Life is good, dog. I've had a chance to just really sit back in my career and just really relax with my family."
"My life is great. I understand that. I'm so happy that the 30 years of hard work and just hanging in there it's kind of feel like things are happening but other shit's happening that I'm taking personally and it hurts me."
"Don't be silly, you love acting, it's your favorite thing in the world."
"I may have left my job but if I had stayed I would have been amazing and here's why."
"Most times we go through our career not realizing we truly helped anybody out." - Officer Colvin
"When I was in my 20s and 30s I was getting all these ideas and they all worked...now I'm getting loads and loads of ideas and they all fail."
"If you stopped singing, does that mean you're not a singer anymore?"
"I was working as an accountant 80 hour weeks inside of my cubicle."
"I never really considered myself a salesy person. I know technically I worked in Warhammer TV and that is a marketing product where you sell stuff, but I still, for me, I was painting stuff."
"I want to sit at the end of my career and say I did what I could to be the best I could be."
"This could not have ended any other way. It is exactly this, this is what I am talking about. This is what I am so grateful to have been part of for 35 years."
"Everything I've done thus far in my career I never would have imagined."
"Assassin's Creed represents my whole video game career."
"I felt for Eddie and you know I also felt DC, maybe even more importantly to me, Eddie Alvarez felt like the kind of guy in that moment who was coming to terms with what he does for a living and maybe didn't really love it that much anymore."
"Dude, this is a mind blower! As a guy who's been in construction his whole career, but has done nothing but wood framing, this house behind me, the fact that it was printed is crazy."
"That's the game and I'm grateful to be here."
"Being a YouTuber is embarrassing, like, it's just embarrassing."
"Actually, it feels great to be part of the Mortal Kombat legacy."
"I feel really lucky that I got to examine that stuff in work."
"I quickly realized though that corporate life is a lot slower paced than what it looks like on TV shows..."
"...because he like a lot of other people that I've known in this business over the last 10 years or so has embarrassed me for saying that."
"I've quit many things in life. YouTube has been one of the most successful things I've ever done."
"One of the oddest things, the other day I woke up and I started thinking about all of the jobs that I had."
"The last 32 years have been amazing. I was born, I learned how to kickflip, I got sponsored, and finally I'm washed up."
"Cheers to Tucker Carlson, it was a hell of a run. You're going to be more powerful and more forceful and a greater cause of good than ever before. Cheers to Tucker Carlson on an amazing run!"
"I was working to just feed the Machine and I'm actually doing the things that were like viewing my soul."
"Leap of faith, back when everyone respected me."
"I really love the idea of looking back at a body of work and being super proud of it."
"He also felt that there was more to life than just kicking footballs."
"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to revisit a very, very wonderful time in my career."
"It's been an incredible privilege to serve this great football club for the past 16 years through highs and lows." - Richard Arnold
"Thanks for all the love, thanks for all the positive feedback. I've never... and I've done 20/20, I've done 60 minutes, I've done Howard, I've done every single media thing you can think of."
"What did I love most about my last job? When you write it down, you're going to come away with a job description for what you want to do with your life."
"I'm just really grateful for it and I don't think I'll get... I feel much more grateful for this than like... when I was at vox and I felt like it wasn't really about me."
"It's all interconnected... my whole philosophical career could be seen as a series of footnotes on the Kalam cosmological argument."
"It's crazy that it took me this long... 11 years into me being on YouTube and Twitch... Why is it taking me this long?"
"Reflect on your career, how can you reposition yourself for success?"
"This economy is booming as in a way that I've not seen throughout my entire career."
"Before his run with the WWE championship, Kofi’s long-time finisher could be seen as a pretty decent metaphor for his career."
"You want to go again, you'd be [ __ ] lucky to get asked to be Batman once in this lifetime." - Kevin Smith
"Isn't this an opportunity to go back to your roots, the Nicki Minaj that we fell in love with?"
"His decision not to shoot this shot was a microcosm of his entire career in Philadelphia."
"You're sacrificing the whole reason you became a creator in the first place."
"At the end of the day, you'll look back at your body of work and say, 'I'm very happy with this.'"
"Otherwise I think it could be time for Klopp to go, I think like his Dortmund days are coming back, he's run his course."
"Every role I took back then validated that I was living in a dream I had."
"One thing that speaks volumes: the journey these two have had."
"The rap life is not for me. Let me stop all this [ __ ]."
"My whole career has been moments that I didn't realize until afterwards were like special which I think is exactly how you want them to be."
"...it took me going back into the classroom to learn that I had put the basics of art behind me, that the fundamentals and principles of art had become unimportant in my corporate life."
"If Darin ham does get fired this is the quote I'm going to look back on and be like yep that was it though was General quism that appeared to be address to teammates."
"Honestly, throughout my career, it's always like, 'Is this the right place for me to be? Do I really want to be here?' You know?"
"But there came a time I was 27 or 28, living in Boston, running a large, pretty good chunk of the operation out there, had a fancy boyfriend, had a fancy salary, had a fancy apartment, and I was miserable."
"...that's what Bill and I are at with Bill well Bill and I bill we say it to each other all the time this is our last Rodeo that's what yeah."
"You told me a few weeks ago there were times in my rookie season where I questioned this move. Why did I leave Australia? Why did I come? But I knew I wanted to race against the best in the world. Has it all paid off right now?"
"That is true, absolutely true, the fourth of July I got my first job in Godspell, and it's been quite a career."
"When I look back and I look at people's careers and when they popped, I go, '32? What the [ __ ]? How did you know how to take a meeting with adults?'"
"I wonder what that Fella's going to tell his grandchildren he did for a living."
"The number one metric I use for that is, in the second half of my career, I don't want to repeat some of the mistakes I made in the first half of the career."
"I've been in an awful lot of places I'd rather not go back to in the course of my long and excitable career."
"The only regret I have is I wish I could have played longer."
"looking back on his entire career in Formula 1 it's safe to say that the words what if are the best way to describe montoya's short stint in F1"
"Your career is really just a mirror of you as a person."
"It's so innocent and so special, and to have like a career to look back on now."
"It's been a fun journey. Oh my gosh, yeah. I would never have dreamed that we would be able to go all the places we've been and make all this music for these many years. It's been amazing."
"Teaching is hard, and I knew it would be hard, but there's a certain level of difficult that it shouldn't be."
"I absolutely love being a nurse practitioner, but there are some days where I wish I was still an RN."
"You didn't go to medical school just to serve as a medical scribe and an order writing machine."
"I've been thinking a lot about how full circle my career is and my life has been a lot recently."
"It's been great. I mean, I've been doing this for 50 years now, so things in, they're crazy looking."
"You see the writing on the wall and you had an incredible career."
"I've enjoyed the last four years," he said, "but the best time I ever had was when I was on the Supreme Court."
"Super mario Logan was my main income and I had done it for 10 years."
"You really got to sit with yourself and ask yourself, do you want your passion to become something you have to do for money."
"I don't really reflect on my career... I think I did a good job. I think I could have done a better job."
"I look back on my career, and I think, like, is there any film that I would not have done? There's lots of films that I would not want to watch, but I'm happy about all of them that I did."
"Before I thank the McMahons for putting me in this real business, might take a second to think."
"I don't know if I've ever regretted becoming a YouTuber so much as I have missed aspects of quote-unquote normal life."
"You should always reflect on where you are going and what you want to do with your career."
"I'm proud of what I've done, and I've done more than I ever imagined I could have when I first turned professional."
"Those are the moments that I like, really, cherish and... when it's all over and said and done with that's what I'll probably miss the most."
"When it's all said and done, you're never going to appreciate anything you do in this business until you're done."
"By 28 years of age, five years in, a couple of contracts in, and a lot of chest-out talking under your belt, I feel like enough is truly, truly enough."
"When I finally kind of come to look back on my career, those are moments that are pretty incredible."